Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 158 Liu Erlong: I get annoyed when I see you, so get out of here!

Chapter 158 Liu Erlong: I get annoyed when I see you, so get out of here!
Five hours later.

Gu Junlin walked out of the room refreshed.

But when he saw the scene under the stairs clearly, he was suddenly confused.

I saw Yu Xiaogang sitting on the stairs with a depressed expression.

The guards on the side kept making sarcastic remarks.

'You're so shameless, you can give away your wife...'

'A man like you is really unlucky for eight lifetimes! '

'Fortunately, your wife was given away by you. Otherwise, if I continued to be with you, I don't know what kind of punishment I would suffer! '

Gu Junlin suddenly sweated like crazy. What the hell is this?

He hurriedly stepped forward and kicked Yu Xiaogang away.

"Why are you still here?"

Yu Xiaogang turned around and saw Gu Junlin walking out. He burst into tears after suffering for five hours.

"Damn it! What did you do to Erlong?"

Gu Junlin rarely cared about his rudeness and spoke with a smile.

"I didn't do anything to her, I just made her happy."

"I have to say that Liu Erlong is beautiful, has a good figure, and is very smooth."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank suddenly, then his feet softened and he collapsed on the ground.

For these five hours, he has been comforting himself that the voice is fake!
Even facing all kinds of cynicism from the guards, he chose to turn a blind eye.

The reason is to preserve the purity of Erlong in his heart.

But now, after getting Gu Junlin's confirmation, he completely gave up.

Erlong, how could she...

Erlong, how could she...

Normally she looks so pure and unattainable.

But now it looks like it's all fake!

After a long time, Yu Xiaogang completely accepted the result, stood up slowly, and then knelt down in front of Gu Junlin with a plop.

"Your Majesty, please help me remove the card from my body!"

"Release control?"

Gu Junlin smiled coldly and spoke indifferently.

"Don't even think about it!"

"You'd better be obedient and don't cause trouble, otherwise I will kill you!"

Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, a look of horror rising in his heart.

But under the crisis of life and death, he still suppressed his emotions a little. Yu Xiaogang showed a respectful attitude and spoke humbly.

"Your Majesty the Prince has a distinguished status. There is no need to make things difficult for people like me, right?"

Gu Junlin smiled contemptuously and said disdainfully: "I'm going to make things difficult for you. What's wrong? Do you have any objections?"

"One more thing, I let you lay your dead body here, do you believe it or not?"

For such a scumbag who could even betray his own cousin, Gu Junlin really didn't want to talk to him.

If it weren't for the fact that he just brought a beautiful woman for him, Gu Junlin might have killed him directly.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was immediately shocked and broke into cold sweat.

But when he thought that his life and death had been controlled, Yu Xiaogang said in a somewhat arrogant manner: "But Your Majesty, you promised me not to make things difficult for me!"

"How dare you talk nonsense! You really don't know how to live or die!"

When Gu Junlin saw that he was uninterested, he immediately became angry.

His tiger body was shaken, and a terrifying and extremely powerful aura emanated from him, suppressing it towards Yu Xiaogang.

Opposite him, Yu Xiaogang's face instantly turned pale, and a strong death crisis lingered in his heart.

"Your Majesty, please show mercy!"

Liu Erlong limped out of the room.

Seeing that Gu Junlin was about to kill him, Liu Erlong's expression changed slightly, and he quickly interceded for Yu Xiaogang.

Although what Yu Xiaogang did was very bad.

But he is her cousin Liu Erlong after all.Moreover, after spending so many years together in the world, it is impossible to say that we have no feelings at all!
So when she saw that Yu Xiaogang was about to die at the hands of Gu Junlin, she couldn't help but plead for him.

"Erlong, why did you come out?"

Seeing Liu Erlong walking out of the room, Gu Junlin hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

At this time, Liu Erlong had just gone through a bloody battle and was unable to walk.

Liu Erlong is already Gu Junlin's woman, so he naturally has to care about her.

"Come on, let me help you go in and rest for a while."

Liu Erlong slowly shook his head, "I hope His Majesty the Prince can spare him once."

"No problem, I will listen to everything you say!"

After agreeing, Gu Junlin turned his head and looked at Yu Xiaogang, "Get out of here!"

After saying that, he turned around and supported Liu Erlong, "Let's go, Erlong go in and rest."

Gu Junlin quickly agreed, and then gently supported Liu Erlong, preparing to help her into the room to rest.

Liu Erlong turned around and took a deep look at Yu Xiaogang.

Two crystal tears slipped quietly, and then she stopped looking at him, turned around and followed Gu Junlin into the room.

After seeing Liu Erlong's tears, Yu Xiaogang trembled slightly, and his heart was severely touched.

Moreover, the thought of Liu Erlong having to pant under Gu Junlin's crotch every day from now on.

Yu Xiaogang felt very uncomfortable, and his heart was like a knife.

He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, looked at Gu Junlin's back and said, "Senior, I am willing to ride for you!"

"Senior, please let Erlong go."

"You really don't know whether to live or die, don't you?"

After hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Gu Junlin's face turned completely cold.

A trace of strong murderous intent flashed through his eyes towards Yu Xiaogang!
"Yu Xiaogang!"

Liu Erlong hurriedly spoke out and angrily scolded Yu Xiaogang!
I made such a big sacrifice for him.

However, he couldn't distinguish the form and wanted to die.

In this way, wouldn't all her efforts be in vain?
Thinking of this, Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang with an indifferent expression and said in a somewhat unhappy tone.

"Didn't you hear what His Majesty the Prince said? Get out of here!"

"I feel sick when I see you now. Hurry up and disappear in front of me!"

"Second Dragon, you..."

Yu Xiaogang was about to say something, but was interrupted by a majestic voice.

"Who is causing trouble in my Yuexuan?"

Tang Yuehua came up from downstairs with a very unkind tone.

But when she saw that Gu Junlin was also present, her expression softened instantly.

He took two steps forward and asked Gu Junlin, "Husband, what's going on?"

Gu Junlin nodded and briefly recounted what happened just now.

After listening to Gu Junlin's narration, Tang Yuehua nodded.

Then he looked at the guard and said coldly: "What do you do for food? Get him out of here quickly!"

"Yes! Madam!"

The guard nodded and stepped forward to drive away Yu Xiaogang.

Tang Yuehua then turned around again, pulling Gu Junlin and Liu Erlong together towards the fifth floor.

Soon, the three of them passed through to the top floor and entered the room in the center of the second floor of the courtyard.

This is the room where Tang Yuehua usually takes a bath and relaxes.

The layout of the room is very simple, with a big round bed in the center.

On the right side of the round bed is a large pool made of unknown crystals.

At this moment, the pool has already been filled with hot water in advance and sprinkled with rose petals.

With the dim light, it looks very ambiguous.

"Sister, please take a rest for a while. I will serve your husband tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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