Chapter 159 Liu Erlong is pregnant!
Half a month later,

Moon Xuan,

top layer.

A big battle came to an end, and Gu Junlin was lying between Liu Erlong and Tang Yuehua with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Liu Erlong and Tang Yuehua looked exhausted, breathing heavily.

With the talent of being sure to hit with one hit, Gu Junlin's combat power is simply too powerful.

Liu Erlong has been guarding her body for decades and recently tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time. Logically speaking, her fighting ability is very strong.

But facing Gu Junlin, she still felt a little cramped.

Even with Tang Yuehua's help, she was no match for Gu Junlin.

"Husband, you are too fierce!"

Tang Yuehua leaned gently on Gu Junlin's chest, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Even Liu Erlong looked at Gu Junlin shyly.

In the past half month, Gu Junlin had given her too much happiness.

It’s packed to the brim every day, so happy!

Normal women will become very addicted after enjoying it for the first time.

Ordinary men simply cannot accept such horrific exploitation.

But Gu Junlin was different. After working day and night for half a month, Gu Junlin not only never complained about being tired.

Instead, he took the initiative to fill her up every day.

This gave her a good release of desire.

Women have a particularly magical organ, the stomach!

Normally, a man wants to win a woman's heart.

Very simple!
Either feed her stomach or push against her stomach.

And Gu Junlin successfully unlocked the latter.

So now Liu Erlong's perception of him has completely changed.

It could be said that her eyes were now filled with Gu Junlin and could no longer accommodate anything else.

"Your Majesty, come again?"

Liu Erlong blushed with embarrassment and asked Gu Junlin in a voice like a mosquito moan.

Gu Junlin laughed out loud and was about to satisfy her needs.

But he was interrupted by the system's beep.

[It is detected that the host has made the opposite sex pregnant for the first time, and a big gift bag will be rewarded, please check and collect it by yourself! 】

Huangtian paid off and finally got pregnant!

During this period of time, all Gu Junlin's essence has been given to Liu Erlong.

After persevering like this, Liu Erlong finally became pregnant with his child.

After hearing the system beep, Gu Junlin immediately gave up satisfying Liu Erlong, and instead sat up and entered the system interface.

The golden gift bag almost blinded him.

[The host please check the system gift package! 】

Gu Junlin didn't even think about it, just clicked to check, and the golden light suddenly dispersed, and the content of the reward inside was displayed.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining a gift pack of 3 years of cultivation! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the one-hit talent! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a Dragon Ball (female)! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining a divine crystal! 】

The rewards are as rich as ever.

With a murmur, Gu Junlin had a thought and communicated directly with the system.

"System, use the cultivation gift package."

【Correction in progress】

The system responded instantly.

The moment the system notification sounded, a huge and pure heaven and earth soul power gushed out from the surrounding void, and frantically poured into Gu Junlin's body.

Gu Junlin sat cross-legged, and quickly used his magical powers to devour the heavens and the earth, wantonly devouring the soul power of the heavens and the earth.

As the soul power of heaven and earth was absorbed by him, Gu Junlin's cultivation was also rapidly improving.

51 years! 52 years!
53 million years!
After 5 minutes, Gu Junlin's cultivation reached 53 years!
After clenching his fists, a feeling of strength emerged spontaneously, and Gu Junlin nodded in satisfaction.

Now all his women are pregnant, and in the next few months, they will give birth one after another.

And every time an heir is born, he will get a gift pack of soul power.

As many as four or five years, as little as two or three years.

In this way, his cultivation base will naturally increase gradually.

99 years are not far away!

I believe that when the time comes, coupled with the divine power in his body, even if the gods of the God Realm come down to earth, he will still have the power to fight!
Shaking his head, Gu Junlin withdrew his excitement and continued to check the second reward.

[One hit is guaranteed: Any woman who is the host will be fertilized during the time period suitable for pregnancy! 】

After seeing clearly the effect of one hit, Gu Junlin was completely excited.

During this time, as he had more and more women, he felt the difficulty of getting women pregnant.

Normally, it takes about half a month for a woman to prepare for pregnancy and become pregnant.

The prerequisite is that Gu Junlin has to work hard every day to have a good chance of getting pregnant.

Now he has more than a dozen women in total, and it takes half a month for each woman, and at least half a year, to get all of them pregnant.

This is still the current situation.

If there were more women after him, I'm afraid that by the time the last woman got pregnant, the first woman would have already given birth.

At this rate, after the last woman becomes pregnant, it won't be long before the first woman becomes pregnant again.

After such repeated cycles, Gu Junlin could already foresee that his only destiny would be to be a stallion from now on.

All day long he either makes a woman pregnant or is on the way to making her pregnant.

It's scary to think about!
But now, the system reward directly solved his biggest dilemma.

The gift of a sure hit is that as long as his woman is suitable for conception, he only needs to sow the seed once to conceive his heir.

This saves him a lot of time!

Suppressing his inner excitement, Gu Junlin used his mind to communicate with the system.

"System, fusion will hit with one hit!"

【Ding!Start merging talents - one hit will hit! 】

Suddenly, a burst of warm energy suddenly appeared and slowly merged into Gu Junlin's body.

[Transferring, the current progress is [-]%! 】

With the fusion of energy, Gu Junlin felt that his whole body was about to melt.

The warm energy poured into his body from his head until he reached his kidneys, and then slowly stopped.

During this process, Gu Junlin could clearly feel it.

His ability in that aspect is improving crazily.


[Transferring, the current fusion progress is 90.00% nine! 】

【Ding!The fusion is complete! 】

Half an hour passed, and the one-hit-hit talent was completely integrated.

Gu Junlin opened his eyes, and a strange light flashed in them.

Gu Junlin could easily feel that his little tadpole had grown stronger.

Can hatch powerful offspring!


Gu Junlin nodded with satisfaction, then calmed down and continued to check the next reward.

"Dragon Ball (female): Use it to gain the blood of the dragon!"

Looking at the introduction of the system, Gu Junlin nodded clearly.

"Sure enough, it is a treasure that the woman can use."

As mentioned last time, if you get someone of the opposite sex pregnant for the first time, the reward you get will definitely contain a treasure that can be used by the other party.

For example, Ah Yin’s Wood Spirit Bead, Nihuang’s Phoenix Blood Essence, or A Rou’s Jade Rabbit Heritage Bead.
These treasures all have one thing in common, that is, women can use them.

And now, the treasure obtained is the female Dragon Ball.

No need to think about it, Liu Erlong can definitely use it.

After all, her martial spirit is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, so this female Dragon Ball must belong to her.

(End of this chapter)

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