Chapter 160: Martial soul evolves, golden holy dragon!
"Erlong, I have a treasure for you."

Gu Junlin turned his head, looked at Liu Erlong beside him, and spoke softly.

"Your Majesty, what treasure?"

Liu Erlong couldn't help but look at Gu Junlin with overflowing love.

Gu Junlin smiled slightly, and then the light flashed, and an unusually luxurious bead appeared in his hand.

There is a shadow of a divine dragon in the bead, which looks quite magical.

"This thing is called Dragon Ball, and it can give you a great fortune."

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, before Liu Erlong could answer, Tang Yuehua on the side couldn't help but turned around and said to Liu Erlong.

"Sister Erlong, take it quickly. The treasure your husband gave you is more than a million dollars can buy!"

"So that's it!" Liu Erlong smiled and nodded, looked at Gu Jun and said sincerely, "Thank you, husband."

"It doesn't matter." Gu Junlin waved his hand, "Since you have chosen to be my woman, then I will not treat you badly!"

After that, Gu Junlin handed the beads to Liu Erlong, chuckled and said, "Take Erlong's pill here, we will watch it for you."


Liu Erlong took a deep breath, and then swallowed the inheritance bead directly.

The moment Liu Erlong swallowed the dragon ball, a high-pitched dragon roar sounded.

Then a colorful dragon light suddenly emerged, wrapping her in it, giving her a sense of mystery.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Junlin knew that Liu Erlong had begun to transform.

Gu Junlin carried Tang Yuehua to the side, leaving enough space for Liu Erlong.

Then he waited quietly.

in the room.

Liu Erlong turned into a colorful silkworm chrysalis and curled up on the stone bed.

A streak of colorful energy emerged from the void, continuously irrigating the silkworm chrysalis.

As time goes by, the silkworm chrysalis becomes crystal clear.

Slowly, it changed from colorful to transparent.

Inside the transparent silkworm chrysalis, Gu Junlin seemed to see the shadow of a beautiful woman, so beautiful.

Time continues to flow. Under the nourishment of colorful energy, the shadow inside the silkworm chrysalis becomes a complete human form visible to the naked eye. Liu Erlong appears again in the transparent silkworm chrysalis!

Gu Junlin carefully observed the changes in the silkworm chrysalis.

After a while, he found that the originally peaceful figure inside the silkworm chrysalis was wriggling and stretching violently.

The beautiful delicate body is looming in it, stretching its hands and feet, as if trying to break out of the shackles of the silkworm chrysalis.

After feeling this change, Gu Junlin knew that Liu Erlong was coming out.

The movements of the silkworm chrysalis became more and more intense, and the soul power of the world around the room surged towards the silkworm chrysalis involuntarily, being absorbed by the silkworm chrysalis like food!
After absorbing a large amount of soul power, the silkworm chrysalis became more restless.

Then a beam of seven-colored light gushed out from the silkworm chrysalis, and circles of seven-colored light spread towards the entire room.

"There must be no accident!"

Tang Yuehua stood quietly aside and prayed devoutly for Liu Erlong!
As the time passed by every minute and every second, as the seven-color light circle continued to spread, the seven-color light on the surface of the silkworm chrysalis also became more intense.

Suddenly, the extremely rich seven-color light stopped.

And as the light fell, a beautiful woman bathed in the colorful dragon light appeared in the room.

Liu Erlong was already extremely beautiful, but now under the colorful dragon light, he looked like a goddess bathing in the dragon light, unattainable.

At this time, Liu Erlong's talent has improved.

The muscles, bones, and blood vessels exude dragon light from the inside out.

At this moment, she could be regarded as having icy muscles and bones.

After the talent was improved, the colorful dragon light did not stop, but poured into Liu Erlong's delicate body again, evolving her bloodline and martial soul.

Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, evolution, Golden Holy Dragon!
At the same time as the martial spirit evolved, her cultivation base also increased crazily like a flood that opened the gate.

Level 82!

Level 83! Level 86!

In the blink of an eye, her soul power level increased by four levels, reaching level 86.

At the same time, the evolution of Wuhun has also been completed.

Liu Erlong opened her eyes, and a colorful dragon light flashed in her eyes.

Feeling the powerful power coming from his body, Liu Erlong couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Turning his head and looking at Gu Junlin who looked worried, Liu Erlong couldn't help but show deep love in his beautiful eyes.

"Your Majesty the Prince."

"Erlong, you succeeded?!"

Gu Junlin stretched out his right arm, hugged Liu Erlong into his arms, and asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, my martial spirit has evolved into a golden holy dragon!"

Liu Erlong leaned against Gu Junlin's chest intimately, opened his red lips and explained to Gu Junlin.

Gu Junlin was stunned for a moment, and then he said in disbelief: "Golden Holy Dragon?"

Liu Erlong nodded Zhen's head lightly, "Yes, the Golden Holy Dragon."


After receiving Liu Erlong's confirmation, Gu Junlin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In the original work, the Golden Holy Dragon can only be summoned when the Golden Iron Triangle martial souls are fused.

The power of the Golden Holy Dragon cannot be underestimated.

A combination of three soul Douluos, Soul Saints, and second-level great soul masters can defend the ninth-level titled Douluo.

This shows the terrifying power of the Golden Holy Dragon.

But now, Liu Erlong only needs himself to summon the golden holy dragon, a terrifying weapon.

One can imagine how powerful the Dragon Balls were in improving her!
"Your Majesty, thank you."

Liu Erlong leaned into Gu Junlin's arms and spoke softly.

Gu Junlin shook his head and said calmly, "You are my woman, this is what I should do."

"This treasure you gave me is very precious, isn't it?" Liu Erlong raised his head cautiously and asked.

"It's okay, but compared to you, Erlong, it's not worth mentioning." Gu Junlin said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Liu Erlong silently hugged Gu Junlin's arms tighter.

She could tell that Gu Junlin didn't lie to herself.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, how could such a treasure that could evolve a martial spirit not be precious?

How many strong people have paid what energy and price in order to improve the strength of 01:30 points?
The value of this kind of fairy medicine that can make people reborn from nirvana is immeasurable.

But Gu Junlin chose to take it for himself.

And he firmly told himself that such priceless treasures were nothing compared to him.

There is no doubt that this has touched the softest place in Liu Erlong's heart.

She hugged Gu Junlin's neck awkwardly, slowly raised her head, and pressed her lips on Gu Junlin's mouth clumsily.

"Your Majesty, thank you."

After playing, she crawled to Gu Junlin's feet and held the black dragon in her hands, with affection in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, I will serve you today."

Gu Junlin was shocked immediately, and felt his breathing became heavy.

Naturally, Gu Junlin was not used to her.

Soon, Tang Yuehua also joined the battle.

Under the dim light, the three of them made a ping-pong noise and scattered all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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