Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 161 Tang Yuehua gives birth to a son, a boy and a girl!

Chapter 161 Tang Yuehua gives birth to a son, a boy and a girl!
Time passes slowly,
In the blink of an eye, three months later.

In the past three months, Gu Junlin basically did nothing.

I spent the whole day going back and forth between Lanba College and Tianshui College.

His focus now is on the students.

Run on both sides and do work for the students of the two colleges so that they can join their own forces after graduation.

And the results are excellent.

With the support of Gu Junlin and his teachers, many students successfully agreed to join His Majesty the Prince's camp after graduation.

And on the other side,
As the days passed, Tang Yuehua's belly became visibly bulging.

In addition to going to the college to do business every day, Gu Junlin stayed with Tang Yuehua almost all the time, not daring to leave even half a step away.

Pregnant women need company most, and he dare not take it lightly.

It is worth mentioning that after being with him for a long time, Tang Yuehua's relationship with him quickly heated up.

Even Liu Erlong was moved by Gu Junlin's thoughtfulness and now loves Gu Junlin very much.

Pregnant in October.

A baby's cry pierced the sky, breaking Yuexuan's tranquility.

When Gu Junlin heard the sound, he became anxious and wanted to rush into the room, but was stopped outside by a middle-aged woman.

"Your Majesty, please don't worry, we will take care of it."

"Oh oh oh!" Gu Junlin suppressed his inner worries, held his hands and paced outside the room.

Just when Gu Junlin was worried at the door, a crisp mechanical sound rang in his mind.

[It has been detected that the host has given birth to the first pair of twins. Since this is the first time, a god-level gift package will be awarded. Please check it yourself! 】

Hearing the system's notification tone, Gu Junlin was so excited that he couldn't add any more.

It is the dream of many men to have twins.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuehua gave birth to a pair of twins: a boy and a boy!

Without enough time to check the system rewards, Gu Junlin quickly rushed into the room.

Seeing Tang Yuehua lying on the bed sweating profusely and extremely weak, Gu Junlin felt heartbroken.

Gu Junlin stepped forward, held Tang Yuehua's hand tightly, gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, and spoke softly.

"Yuehua, thank you for your hard work."

Tang Yuehua held on to his tired body and spoke extremely weakly.

"Husband, show me the child."


Gu Junlin nodded, then took the child from the midwife and held it in front of Tang Yuehua.

"Yuehua is a twin, a son and a daughter!"

Tang Yuehua nodded, showed a beautiful smile, and then fell asleep.

Gu Junlin stretched out his right hand and injected a warm energy into Tang Yuehua's body, then turned to look at the midwife.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Your Majesty, you don't have to be polite, this is what you should do!" the midwives said casually, then bowed and said: "Your Majesty, we are going back first."

"Well, let's go."

Gu Junlin nodded, and then looked at the children in his arms.

"very nice."

Next, Gu Junlin carefully wiped the baby's body clean, took out a towel and wrapped it in it.

Then, while holding the child, he controlled his mind to enter the system interface.

This gift pack is much larger than any previous gift pack.

The patterns engraved on the gift bag are also quite exquisite, and it looks extremely precious.

Gu Junlin clicked to check, and the golden light suddenly dispersed, and the content of the reward inside was displayed.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for receiving a 6-year cultivation gift package! 】【Ding!Congratulations to the host for receiving a god-level bloodline evolution pill! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the god-level skill: Yin Yang Dragon and Phoenix Part [-]! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a nine-color tulip! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten divine crystals! 】


Gu Junlin couldn't help but take a breath after seeing the items in the gift package.

It is indeed a god-level gift package, with five pieces in total and five rewards!

And judging from the names, they are not ordinary things.

One can imagine how rich the rewards are this time.

After opening the gift bag, Gu Junlin couldn't wait to check the reward.

The first reward is a gift bag that can improve one's cultivation level by 6 years.

Without even thinking about it, Gu Junlin used it directly, "System, use the cultivation gift package."

【Correction in progress】

The moment the system notification sounded, a huge amount of energy crazily poured into Gu Junlin's body.

Before he could think about it, Gu Junlin quickly absorbed the energy.

With the absorption of energy, his cultivation base is also rapidly improving.

53 million years!
54 million years!

59 million years!
Half an hour later, Gu Junlin's cultivation reached 59 years!
There is only 1 years left to break through 60 years!

Clenching his fists, a powerful force emerged spontaneously.

Gu Junlin nodded in satisfaction, and then checked the second reward.

God-level bloodline evolution pill!

As the name suggests, this is a baby that can advance bloodlines.

Gu Junlin's bloodline is the ten-headed Sun Emperor Python that evolved from the ten-headed Sun Snakes of ancient beasts. The level of his bloodline is extremely high.

Gu Junlin couldn't believe how advanced his blood would be if he advanced further!
Gu Junlin also wanted to see how powerful bloodline evolution would be, so he couldn't wait to use the god-level bloodline evolution pill.

"System, use the god-level bloodline evolution pill!"

[Ding, the bloodline is advancing...]

The system responded instantly.

As the system sound fell, there were slight clicking sounds on Gu Junlin's body.

The voice was so low that even Tang Yuehua, who was lying next to Gu Junlin, didn't hear it.

And just after the sound, Gu Junlin's soul was pulled into a vast world of nothingness!

The illusory body of the ten great sun emperor pythons was now shrouded in the light of thick fog transformed from soul power.

Gu Junlin's qi and blood surged again, and the already strong blood seemed to show signs of further improvement.

With the rush of blood energy, the soul power of heaven and earth in the void world boiled again.

The ten great sun emperor pythons are transforming.

This is a real transformation.

Muscles are wriggling, bones are trembling, internal organs, tendons and blood are all undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The muscles, bones, and blood that were originally full of vitality within the bodies of the ten Sun Emperor Pythons suddenly began to tumble.

It was like pouring a scoop of cold water into a boiling oil pan.

Make everything that was originally exploded!
The first thing that changed was the energy and blood of the ten Sun Emperor Pythons, which were like a volcanic eruption, driving the heart to beat powerfully.

Accompanied by the rhythmic beating of the heart, the created fresh blood rushed towards the huge snake body, and the muscles, bones and blood vessels began to transform during this process.

hold head high!
At the same time, a high-pitched dragon roar came from the light.

(End of this chapter)

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