Chapter 169 Ning Fengzhi’s sister, Ning Ying!
In the following days, Gu Junlin returned to Tiandou City.

There is no way, his identity at this time is Prince Snow Star.

There is no way to stay outside for much longer.

Otherwise, if someone is aware of it, there will be some trouble.

On this day, Gu Junlin was doting on the concubines of the Prince's Mansion, and then walked to the back garden, preparing to teleport away from the Prince's Mansion.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted him.

"Brother Xuexing!"

"Brother Dugu? Why are you here?"

Gu Junlin followed the reputation and found that the person coming was Dugu Bo.

He had a close personal relationship with Prince Xuexing and would often come to the Prince's Mansion to see Gu Junlin.

Dugu Bo was followed by three people at this time.

The one in the middle has dark purple shoulder-length short hair, a pair of regular gold-rimmed glasses, and a violet suit with a green pectoral!

He looks like he is in his 40s, with an extremely elegant and calm temperament, handsome and elegant.

Gu Junlin once did a lot of homework in order to replace Prince Xuexing.

So he knew this person. This person was the sect leader of Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi!
On the right side of Ning Fengzhi is an old man in white clothes, with white hair like an immortal from this world.

There was a faint sword energy around him, his expression was very indifferent, and his eyes seemed to be unable to see anything around him.

The old man just stood there quietly without opening his mouth.

But it gives people a feeling that all things in the world are alone.

Sword Douluo Chenxin!
When Gu Junlin saw this old man, he immediately guessed that the sharp sword intent of the other man was really too dazzling.

On Ning Fengzhi's left hand side is a girl who looks to be only twelve or thirteen years old.

At this moment, the young girl watched the surrounding environment with a pair of clever eyes.

Gu Junlin had never seen this girl before, so he didn't know who she was.

Of course, excluding Ning Rongrong.

In the timeline at this time, Ning Rongrong was probably just born and would not be a teenager.

And just when Gu Junlin was thinking about it, Ning Fengzhi's voice rang out.

"Brother Xuexing, long time no see!"

Gu Junlin responded calmly, "Sect Master Ning, you are fine!"

"Fengzhi, this Prince Xuexing is weird!"

Suddenly, Sword Douluo Chen's unexpected voice appeared in Ning Fengzhi's ears.

When Ning Fengzhi heard this, he was slightly startled, but he did not lose his composure. He silently waved his hand to Chen Xin, indicating for him to continue.

"I feel that Prince Xuexing's soul power level is at least level [-], and I feel a vague pressure on him!"

Chen Xin lowered her voice and said solemnly.

Ning Feng shuddered violently, and looked at Chen Xin with inquiring eyes.

Chen Xin nodded solemnly, indicating that the matter was true.

After receiving Chen Xin's confirmation, Ning Fengzhi turned his attention to Gu Junlin.

Among them, there is a little more surprise.

This Prince Snow Star is incredible!


"Sect Master Ning, what do you want from me?"

Ignoring Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin's confusion, Gu Junlin asked directly.

Ning Fengzhi retracted his thoughts and said with a smile: "It's nothing serious, I just want to have a little chat with Brother Xuexing."

Then he changed his voice and continued: "But now, I have something to ask Brother Xuexing for help!"

"Oh?" Gu Junlin glanced at Ning Fengzhi and asked with some confusion: "Sect Master Ning said it's okay. As long as I can help, I will not refuse!"


Dugu Bo nodded, then took the girl next to him two steps forward and said, "This is my sister, her name is Ning Ying."

"I want to ask Brother Xuexing to accept my sister Ning Ying as your disciple, so that she can learn something from you, Brother Xuexing!"

"Huh?" "Huh?"


After Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, three confused voices sounded.

They are Gu Junlin, Ning Ying and Chen Xin.

The first is Gu Junlin. The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has two super Douluo, plus you, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect.

Want Ning Ying to become my teacher?
Could it be that this is making a fuss.

If you don’t teach your own sister, why should you teach it to me?

Secondly, the one who was confused was Ning Ying.

Didn't we already discuss it before and let me study at Tiandou Academy?

But now, if I am asked to become a disciple of Prince Xuexing, how can I go to Tiandou Academy?
Finally, there is the dusty mind.

Why did the sect leader suddenly make this decision?
"Ahem, that's what I thought. Brother Xuexing, you have extraordinary abilities. It's easy to lead a disciple!"

"Besides, Ying'er is my treasure after all, and I can't bear to let her go to Tiandou Academy alone."

"Let her study at Brother Xuexing's place. This way she will be close. It will be much more convenient for her two uncles and I to see her."

Ignoring the three people's shock, Ning Fengzhi explained his reasons.

In fact, there was another main reason that he didn't mention, and that was because of Gu Junlin.

I just learned from Sword Dou Luo Chenxin that Gu Junlin is a peerless strong man.

And with a breath, even the earthly heart will be willing to be defeated.

This shows how incredible Gu Junlin is.

He had never seen such a powerful person.

Even Tang Hao, the Haotian Douluo back then, was much inferior to Gu Junlin.

Not even qualified for comparison!

Although I don't know if it is because of Gu Junlin's talent or because there is someone behind him.

So she simply asked Ning Ying to become Gu Junlin's teacher. If it was because there was someone behind Gu Junlin, then the person behind him might also be able to teach Ning Ying.

But if it is Gu Junlin's own talent, then Ning Ying's growth and progress will not be weak if she comes into contact with other geniuses.

After all, geniuses are surrounded by geniuses!

The third reason is that he also wants to get in touch with strong people like Gu Junlin.

This is not harmful to the development of Qibao Glazed Sect!



Ning Ying first expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Second brother, didn't you agree to go to Tiandou Academy? I don't want to be a disciple!"

As she spoke, Ning Ying hugged Ning Fengzhi's arm and shook her.

She will use her tried-and-tested coquettish skills to make her second brother change his mind!
"Ning'er, Ying'er, you said you've never been to Tiandou Academy, why do you want to go so much?"

Ning Fengzhi rubbed her sister's head and asked softly.

"I don't care, I'm going. If you don't let me go, I'll... I'll pull out Uncle Jian's beard!"

Sword Douluo: "???"

Ning Ying had a little temper.

"Okay, then second brother will ask you two questions."

"What is your purpose of going to Tiandou Academy?"

"Why do you have to go to Tiandou Academy?"

Ning Fengzhi obviously didn't like his sister's coquettishness this time, so he asked seriously with a straight face.

"I went to Tiandou Academy because I want to become stronger and protect my second brother, eldest sister, and Uncle Sword and Uncle Bone!"

"As for why I have to go to Tiandou Academy, it's because I want to leave home. Otherwise, you will always treat me like a child and I won't grow up!"

Ning Ying pouted and said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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