Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 170 If you want to become stronger, you have to practice like this!

Chapter 170 If you want to become stronger, you have to practice like this!
"Hahaha, good!"

"When our Ning Ying grows up, she will think about protecting her second brother!"

"But second brother will analyze it for you."

"First of all, don't you want to become stronger?"

"You can also accomplish this by becoming an apprentice to Prince Snow Star."

"Prince Snow Star is powerful enough to make you stronger!"

"Second point, doesn't Ning Ying want to stay away from home and not be under our jurisdiction?"

"This is simple. After you become a disciple of Prince Snow Star, my second brother promises you that we will only come to see you twice a year. Is that okay?"

Speaking of this, Ning Fengzhi felt a little headache.

What's the point? You can only see your sister twice a year.

Very frustrating!

But in order for my sister to grow up, I endured it!

"Ah..." Ning Ying hesitated after hearing Ning Fengzhi's assurance.

It seems that there is no difference between going to Tiandou Academy and becoming a disciple of Prince Xuexing, right?

"Okay, then I will be His Majesty the Prince's disciple!"

"and many more!"

Just as the two were discussing, Gu Junlin's voice rang out.

"Sect Master Ning, Miss Ning Ying, have you forgotten something?"

These two people were so speechless. As the rightful owner, they decided the matter before they even spoke.

After hearing Gu Junlin's words, the two of them reacted.

I almost forgot about the real owner.

Ning Fengzhi hurriedly said: "Brother Xuexing, I'm sorry, I was rude."

After saying that, Ning Fengzhi continued to add: "Brother Xuexing, don't worry, as long as Xiaoying becomes your student, then our Seven Treasure Glazed Sect will definitely be bound to you forever, Brother Xuexing!"

"I will definitely not refuse if there is a need in the future!"


After hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Gu Junlin was tempted.

The purpose of his coming to the Tiandou Empire was to control the Tiandou Empire.

But now, Ning Fengzhi's words allowed him to see the future!
You know, the Qibao Glazed Sect is the strongest force in the Tiandou Empire.

As long as you control them, you can say you control the high-level combat power of the Tiandou Empire.

In the future, it will be of great help to Wuhun Palace in unifying the world!
Thinking of this, Gu Junlin no longer objected, but looked at Ning Ying and said, "Ning Ying, are you willing to accept me as your teacher?"

Ning Ying looked at Gu Junlin and said as loudly as a mosquito, "I do!"

Ning Fengzhi on the side saw that the matter had settled and couldn't help but sigh and said to Ning Ying.

"Ning Ying, if you are no longer with your second brother, remember to listen to the teacher and practice hard!"

A brother is always worried about his sister, and Ning Fengzhi is no exception.

He was also very reluctant to part with his brother and sister soon.

"Second brother!"

"Uncle Sword!"

Thinking that she would only be able to see Ning Fengzhi and the others in the next year, Ning Ying burst into tears.

He stepped forward and hugged the two elders, and said with choked sobs: "Remember to tell Uncle Gu, I will miss him!"

"Silly girl……"

Chen Xin patted Ning Ying's little head lovingly, then turned her face away, her eyes red.

After chatting for a while, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo and Dugu Bo all left.


Ning Ying stood in the yard carrying bedding and toiletries.

There was an extra person in the Prince's Mansion, and Gu Junlin helped Ning Ying prepare daily necessities.

When Ning Ying tidied up the room, it was already evening.

Ning Ying obediently took a handkerchief, came to Gu Junlin's side, and said softly:

"Thank you for your hard work, teacher, come on, wipe your sweat!"

Her heart was beating fast.I don't know why, but the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, who used to be fearless, seemed so shy when facing Gu Junlin.

If Ning Fengzhi saw this scene, he would probably be stunned.

My second brother has never experienced this kind of treatment, right?

Gu Junlin didn't pay attention, took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat.

"Teacher, drink some water."

Ning Ying handed a glass of water to Gu Junlin again.

He still didn't dare to look at Junlin face to face, his face was red to the ears.

This girl is quite good at getting things done!

After taking the water glass, Gu Junlin couldn't help but sigh.

Afterwards, Gu Junlin arranged for his servants to cook a sumptuous meal.

Gu Junlin accepted a new student, which also improved his relationship with the Qibao Glazed Sect, and he was in a good mood.

So I had two drinks!

The next day, Gu Junlin got up early as usual and started his daily task of refining the divine crystal.

Ning Ying slept until three o'clock in the morning before walking out of their respective rooms with hazy eyes.

"How lazy."

"Sure enough, she is the daughter of a rich family, but she is not worth anything!"

Gu Junlin's words were a bit harsh. He didn't want a lazy student.

So, after simply clearing his throat, Gu Junlin began to educate Ning Ying.

Ning Ying's beautiful eyes widened when she heard Gu Junlin's stern voice.

Wasn't it because you, the teacher, made me drink alcohol last night, that's why I got up so late?
Why are you starting to accuse me now?
Could it be that the teacher... doesn't like me?

She wanted to refute, but when she saw Gu Junlin's serious expression, the words stuck in her chest.

But when she thought of being yelled at by Gu Junlin, she felt very sad.

When I was in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, no one yelled at her.

But on the first day I came to the Prince's Mansion, I was taught by my own teacher. It was so wronged!


Gu Junlin was talking nonchalantly, and when he heard the voice, he quickly turned to look at Ning Ying.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"Didn't you eat? Cry louder!"


for the rest of the time.

Gu Junlin was refining the divine crystal while instructing Ning Ying to work!
Making tea, cleaning.

Anyway, don't let her idle and work hard.

The euphemistic name is: "This is my teaching method. If you want to become stronger, just listen to me and do it!"

Ning Ying's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard that it was getting stronger.

He stopped crying and just did as he was told to take care of Jun Lin.

Gu Junlin was also happy to be free. After leaving most of the work in the Prince's Mansion to Ning Ying, he began to lie down.

At the end of the day, Ning Ying was exhausted.

Gu Junlin took out a low-level pill that the concubines had obtained before giving birth and handed it to Ning Ying.

"Here, this is the primary soul power pill. After taking it, it will stimulate the fruits of all your labor today and improve your cultivation level."

"However, haste makes waste. This elixir cannot be taken continuously. It can only be taken after a day of hard work!"

"That is to say, you can only take one pill of this medicine per day!"

Gu Junlin started to fool around.

This elixir is just the most common elixir for improving soul power. Its effect is: below level [-], taking one can increase the soul power by [-]%!

But one thing Gu Junlin was right about is that it cannot be taken continuously, with a one-day interval.

Gu Junlin has a lot of this kind of elixir, one hundred in a bottle, or at least several bottles!

(End of this chapter)

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