Chapter 171: Training Xiao Ningying!
"Well, thank you teacher!"

Ning Ying nodded, happily took the elixir, and took it carefully.

Suddenly, a faint white light appeared on Ning Ying's body.

The soul power in her body began to boil.

As if it was a chain effect, the soul power from the outside world was attracted by the soul power in her body and flocked into her body.

At this moment, Ning Ying could clearly feel that her soul power was improving.

After about 5 minutes, the changes caused by the elixir disappeared, and Ning Ying sat cross-legged on the ground, feeling the changes in herself.

At this moment, in her body, the soul power that had just been promoted to level 26 has increased by about ten percent, reaching 20.00%.

In other words, if she took eight more pills of this pill, she would be able to advance to level 27!


One a day, eight days to upgrade? !
According to Ning Ying's experience, it would probably take at least two or three months for her to reach level 28.

But now, after working every day and taking medicine, he can advance to the next level in just eight days.

Directly increased the speed of practice several times!

Thinking of this, Ning Ying looked at Gu Junlin with excitement.

"Teacher, if you have any work to do in the future, arrange it for me. I'm not afraid of being tired. Don't worry that I won't be able to bear it!"


Gu Junlin had a flash of surprise and said to Ning Ying with a half-smile.

"If this is the case, the teacher will not be polite."

Ning Ying nodded and replied firmly: "Yeah, teacher, just tell me!"

"Okay, you are so-and-so, so-and-so..."


The next day, Ning Ying got up very early.

Very obediently, he learned how to cook with the concubines in the Prince's Mansion, preparing to make breakfast for Gu Junlin.

In addition, he washed all his changes of clothes as the teacher said.

When Gu Junlin came out.

I saw Ning Ying standing on tiptoes to dry clothes.

Seeing this, Gu Junlin couldn't help but nodded.

Who said that the girls in Qibao Glazed Sect are all little witches, arrogant and domineering?
Isn't this very well-behaved and obedient?

Seeing Gu Junlin get up, Ning Ying quickly put down the clothes in her hands and went to bring a basin of hot water for Gu Junlin to wash up, holding a towel in her hand.

Gu Junlin looked at Ning Ying, who was sweating slightly due to her busy work, and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

He felt more and more that Ning Ying was very suitable to be a personal maid.

Beautiful, pure, and obedient.

Just don't get too comfortable.

"Sakura, well done, just do this. Even if the teacher goes bankrupt, he will continue to provide you with the kind of elixir you had yesterday!"

"Seeing you become stronger is the dream that Teacher Qiuji has wanted to see all his life!"

After washing up, Gu Junlin gave Ning Ying some chicken soup for the soul.

Ning Ying blushed slightly and nodded, then raised her face and ran away shyly.

"Your Majesty the Prince!"

"Do you think this student is stupid, naive, and easy to deceive?"

Suddenly, a slightly unhappy voice came.

Gu Junlin turned around and saw that the concubine Li Xueqin was leaning on the door frame with her hands folded, looking at Gu Junlin with evil intentions.

As the principal concubine of the Prince's Palace, Li Xueqin was the only concubine who dared to joke with Gu Junlin.

"Ah...Xueqin, you're up. Have you eaten? Let's eat something together?"

Gu Junlin pointed to the dark dishes prepared by Ning Ying on the stone table in front of him.

Li Xueqin retracted her joking expression, turned to Gu Junlin, stretched out her hand and said, "Do you still have the elixir you gave your student yesterday? Give me some!"



"What? Xueqin, do you also want to work?"

Gu Junlin did not teach the elixir, but asked pretending to be slightly surprised.

Li Xueqin's face turned red, she turned away and said, "It's not impossible to work, let me see the elixir first!"

"That won't work. There are restrictions on the elixir. You have to work first before you can take it out!" Gu Junlin said pretending to be embarrassed.

Li Xueqin: "..."

How angry, I couldn't fool him!

Forget it, let's get to work.

After all, the temptation to increase one's soul power by [-]% is too great.

Especially for women like Li Xueqin who want to upgrade quickly and maintain their beauty, the temptation is even greater.

Her physical attributes have now been determined, and it will take at least several years to improve them by one level.

And from Ning Ying's mouth, she learned that one pill can increase the soul power by [-]%.

The efficiency in the middle has been increased by dozens of times!

A sister of the sect leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and a concubine of Prince Snow Star.

In Gu Junlin's small yard, he actually started to fight over work.

Gu Junlin lay comfortably on the recliner, enjoying the other concubines' shoulders and legs, and watched the scene in front of him with pleasure.

According to his investigation, the former Prince Snow Star could be considered a rake.

But now, the woman he was most afraid of before had to obey him obediently, and Gu Junlin couldn't help but feel happy.

One word, cool!

Time passed slowly, and as the two continued to work, the evening came in a short while.

"Bring the pill!"

The first moment the night fell, Li Xueqin threw away the towel in her hand, quickly came to Gu Junlin, stretched out her palm and said.

"It's good! It's all there!"

Gu Junlin suppressed his smile and gave two pills to their hands respectively.

After getting the elixir, both of them showed happy expressions.

After a day of hard work, I can finally see the results.

Since Li Xueqin had never taken it before, Ning Ying was asked to take it first, and she could also take the opportunity to learn some experience.

Ning Ying opened her lips lightly and quickly took the elixir.

After a while, her soul power increased by another ten percent, reaching 26% of level 30.00!

"It really works!"

Li Xueqin nodded clearly, and then swallowed the pill without any hesitation.

After swallowing the elixir, Gu Junlin quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for the changes in his body.

One second, two seconds...

1 minute, 2 minutes...

After a while, 5 minutes passed slowly.

Gu Junlin, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, became increasingly worried because she didn't feel any changes in her body.

It was as if eating a jelly bean without any change in his soul power.

"Your Majesty the Prince!!!"

"You lied to me?!!!"

After waiting for another five minutes, Li Xueqin seemed to understand something, stood up quickly, and roared directly at Gu Junlin!

"Ah? How did I lie to you? Xueqin, what are you talking about?"

Gu Junlin frowned, took out his sore ears with his hands, and asked with a puzzled face.

"Why did I take this elixir and it didn't work? Isn't it able to increase the soul power by [-]%?"

"Did you give me a fake pill?"

Li Xueqin's face was about to drip with tears and she asked Gu Junlin unhappily.

She felt that she had fallen into Gu Junlin's trap!

"Ah? How?"

Gu Junlin frowned slightly and said, "Didn't you see it? Your elixir is exactly the same as Ning Ying's. She has an effect, so why doesn't yours?"

"Could it be that your soul power level is too high?"

Li Xueqin was slightly stunned, "Is it high? I'm only in my 30s."

"That won't work. This elixir can only be used by soul masters below level [-]!"

Li Xueqin: "."

(End of this chapter)

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