I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 553 Anna Asking For Help 2

Chapter 553 Anna Asking For Help 2
Anna roughly told the information about the God of Death. The God of Death is just like the legends. He holds a scythe in his hand and is dressed in black. He is very mysterious. He specializes in hunting down those ghosts who have wandered in the world for more than three years and turned into ghosts.

Anna didn't mind leaving, but before she left, she wanted to complete her unfulfilled wish, and she had an confession to herself.

"What.is.your.desire? (What is your wish)"

Anna smiled and said, almost without thinking, "The.last.time.kiss.my.love. (The last kiss my love)"

"Your. husband? (your husband)" I asked.

She shook her head, "I.haven't.get.married. (I'm not married yet)"

I nodded thoughtfully and said with a smile, "Lover?"

She chuckled, and said with some reluctance: "Is.it. (sort of)"

She wanted to make her wish today, and then, if the god of death appeared again, she would just leave with the god of death.

However, she doesn't want to leave until her wish is fulfilled.

Knowing this, I think this matter is relatively easy to solve. Doesn't she just want to kiss her lover one last time...

wait, kiss?
She is a ghost, she cannot have direct contact with humans.

Could it be, she thought...

Realizing this, I looked at her, she raised her eyebrows, and smiled a little wickedly, "I.think.you.know.what.i.mean. (You think you understand what I mean)"

I do see what she means.

She wants to borrow my body, only with a human body can she hug and kiss her lover, but this is too difficult for me.

If Hades knew, he might be furious.

It is almost impossible to discuss the matter of borrowing the body. Besides, the borrowed body was still used by Anna to kiss her lover. Just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable all over.

"You.can.find.someone.else.for.help." I kindly suggested.

She is already a ghost now, it is easy to get on someone else's body, why come to me.

I have only just arrived in Vancouver, and such a disgusting incident has happened to me. Thinking about it, I feel that this trip is not going well.

It seems that next time I go out, I have to look through the almanac in advance.

"Only.you.can.help.me. (Only you can help me)"

"Why? you.can.find.someone.else. (Why? You can find someone else)" I couldn't believe it.

She opened her mouth and was about to speak when a rush of phone ringing rushed ahead of her.

She shut up.

I looked at the mobile phone on the bedside table, the caller ID was from Ming Si.

I stretched my arms to pick up the phone, and stepped back carefully, keeping a safe distance from Anna.

After pressing the answer button, he attached the phone to his ear, and Ming Si's voice came over.

"woke up?"


"I'll be here for a while, it's already noon, you can call for dinner."

"I see."

"I'm busy first."

"Wait a minute." I shouted eagerly, lest Ming Si hang up the phone suddenly.

The receiver went blank for a while, and his voice came again: "What's wrong?"

"There is something I want to ask you about."


"Is it true that I can no longer take off the ring?"


"What if a ghost asks me for help and needs to borrow my body?"



He was silent, and I waited for his response, but after a long time, he said: "I have already said the reason."

"But before, there were also ghosts thinking about my body..."

"That was before, it's different now."

"What's the difference?"

I hoped that he could take this opportunity to speak out about the bond contract, but his response was: "I don't want you to be in any danger."


In the end, he still didn't tell the truth.

Of course, it's not certain whether he really doesn't want me to lend my body because of the bond contract, but I think it should be so, and I can't think of other reasons.

Tang Guran should have left smoothly, her matter was resolved satisfactorily, and I still need 106 good deeds to be considered consummated.

106 is not a small amount, and it may take a long time. In my opinion, if I can do one more good deed, I will do one more. After all, I am accomplishing my own merits with a purpose.

"What if I promise I won't get hurt?" I asked tentatively.

"How can you guarantee it?"

"I can take care of myself."

Ming Si stopped talking again, and after a while, Assistant Wen's voice came from the receiver.

"Chairman, we also have an appointment with a partner."


His voice fell, and he told me: "Don't think it's useless, just wait for me to go back."


The phone hangs up.

I threw the phone on the bed and was about to refuse Anna's help when the black dot suddenly appeared.

It flew around me and finally landed on my shoulder.

Anna rounded her eyes, pointed at the black dot and said in surprise: "What's that? (What is that)"

Black Spot looked at me in a daze, and asked in a low voice, "What bird language is she talking about? As a bird, I can't even understand it."

I almost laughed out loud.

"I didn't understand a word of what you said just now."

"It's not normal to understand." I laughed bitterly.

In fact, I didn't quite understand some of what Anna said, but I could only understand the general meaning. In short, the purpose of her coming to me was to borrow my body to kiss her lover.

Even if Mingsi had no objection to my lending my body from the very beginning, I still find it a bit unacceptable to encounter such a situation.

Kiss!Not a normal hug, but mouth to mouth...

After much deliberation, I still rejected Anna.

Although I really want to do more good deeds, Anna's request doesn't matter.

Ana was shocked to get my exact response: "You.refuse.me? (You reject me)"

I shrugged helplessly, expressing that there was nothing I could do.

Anna was immediately annoyed: "Everyman.can.possessed, but.azrael.list.as.wanted.by.me, I.have.to.find.a.reliable.person, your.husband.is.not.a.human, he should be able to protect you, but also help me to complete the wish. Human. Your husband is not human, he should be able to protect you and help me fulfill my wish)”

Hearing such a long series of words, I translated it in my head a little bit, and only belatedly realized that she knew Ming Si, and she also knew that Ming Si was not a human being.

I was in disbelief, and for a moment I couldn't even speak.

"So.Only.you.can.help.me. (So, only you can help me)"

"Wait. a. minute. (Wait a minute)"

She stared at me without interrupting me. I took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and asked sharply: "You.know.my.husband? (You know my husband)"

"Yes, i. know."


"Coincidence.to.see.your.husband, found.his.secret, his.is.not.human. (Coincidence.to.see.your.husband, found.his.secret, his.is.not.human. (Coincidence.to.see.your.husband, found.his.secret, his.is.not.human.)"

"Sorry.i.can't.help.you, please.leave. (Sorry, I can't help you, please leave)"

I issued an eviction order.

Anna frowned, and she said to me patiently: "Listen..."

"Get. out."

I interrupted her angrily, pointed at the door and gave a low drink.

She was stunned, and it took a while to come back to her senses.

As a ghost, it is not easy to be able to talk with me so calmly for such a long time. I don't want to anger her, so as not to cause myself more trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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