I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 554 Afraid of Losing You

Chapter 554 Afraid of Losing You

"You.can.go. (You go)" I softened my tone.

Anna was silent, looked at me for a while, and finally got up to leave.

As soon as her front feet disappeared, Black Spot looked at me suspiciously and asked, "What the hell were you talking about just now?"

"She wants my help."

"Good thing, isn't it good, you have to complete your merits!"

"I know, but I'm afraid I can't help her."


The black spot tilted its head, expressing that it could not understand.

I didn't tell it the reason in detail, for fear that it would gossip with Ming Si.

Feeling a little hungry, I called and ordered a lunch. After eating, I wandered around the room boredly, taking out my mobile phone to play games from time to time.

Nested on the sofa, fell asleep unknowingly, I don't know how long I slept, and suddenly, I was awakened by a phone ringing.

I opened my eyes and glanced at the caller ID, it was actually Shang Liqi.

After picking it up, I murmured to feed, and the other party said very quickly: "Come here quickly, I just accepted a commission."

"I can not go."

"You haven't had class for the past two days, why can't you come?"

"I'm in Canada."

"Damn!" Shang Liqi exclaimed: "What's the situation, why did you go to Canada?"

"Accompany Ming Si on a business trip."


There was a sudden silence in the receiver.

Shang Liqi didn't hang up the phone, but his side became very quiet, so quiet that he couldn't even hear a sound.

"Why aren't you talking?" I asked cautiously.

His laughter came from the phone, "It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to accompany him on a business trip, forget it, I will take care of the commissioned things myself, you have fun."

"I said I was on a business trip..."

"When you're done with your work, Ming Si will always take you around to play and stroll around."

"Of course, it would be boring."

"That's it."


"Okay, I'll hang up, international calls are very expensive."

Before I could say anything else, the phone hung up suddenly.

I couldn't help but cry, I didn't expect Shang Liqi's stingy attitude to be exactly the same as before.

While I was sleeping, the black spot didn't leave, it nestled next to me, sleeping soundly.

I didn't disturb it, got up gently, and walked to the huge French window.

The sky was already slightly dark, and at a glance, the sky was gray and gloomy, with cloudy clouds gathering over the city, overwhelming the row upon row of buildings.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

It seems that Ming Si has a very tight schedule today, maybe dinner will be settled outside.

However, when he thought of the embarrassing scene where he sat at the same table with his partners without eating or drinking, he still felt a little uneasy.

Just as he was thinking quietly, the phone rang again.

This time, the caller ID was Mingsi.

Although I haven't answered the phone yet, I probably already guessed that he might not come back for a while.

The bell will wake up the black dot.

It stood up, flapped its wings, glanced at the mobile phone on the coffee table, and finally looked at me.

"Little master, why don't you answer the phone, it's Master Ming Si calling."

"I know."

I stepped forward, picked up the phone, and pressed the answer button directly.

Sure enough, as I expected, the first time Ming Si opened his mouth was an apology.

"I can't go back for the time being. If I'm hungry, I'll order food. You don't have to wait for me at night."

Although I really hope that he will come back to accompany me immediately, but since he is working, I cannot influence him.

"Understood, don't worry about me."

"Don't go out and run around, you know?"

"It's getting dark, where can I go?"

"I'm afraid of losing you."

"Don't worry, I won't go out and run around, I will wait for you obediently at the hotel."

Ming Si's deep laughter came from the receiver, I smiled along with him, and without further words, he hung up the phone directly.

Glancing around at Nuo Da's presidential suite, my heart felt empty, and I felt more and more deserted.

In fact, I can make him rush back to accompany me, but I can't do that, it would be too unreasonable to make trouble, after all, he came here for work.

"Master Ming Si is not back yet?" Hei Dian asked.

I nodded, it let out a long sigh, then smiled at me and said, "Then I'll stay with the little master."

"Thank you."

I smiled warmly, feeling warm in my heart.

For the first time, black spots are so cute.

I walked to the sofa, picked up the phone to order a meal, and then chatted with the black point in boredom.

After eating and drinking, it was completely dark.

Looking through the window, the lights are just on, and the night scene of Vancouver is bustling and beautiful, which is too beautiful to behold.

Even though it was cold winter, I really wanted to go out for a stroll, but without the company of Mingshi, I was afraid that I would not be able to tell the difference between south, east and north as soon as I got out of the hotel. With this broken English, even if I want to ask for directions, it is not easy to take a taxi.

Looking back, when I was talking to Anna, my English was fairly fluent, but my pronunciation was not quite standard. In short, I could barely make the other party understand me.

Staring out the window for a long time, I sighed helplessly.

The black dot flew over and landed on my shoulder.

It stared outside for a while, then suggested: "How about I go out with the little master?"

"No, Master Ming told me not to go out."

"It's nearby, you've been stuck in your room all day, it's time for some fresh air."

"just forget it!"

I don't have much confidence in myself, and I'm really afraid of getting lost.

However, Black Spot said: "With me here, why are you afraid, besides, we are nearby, I don't think Master Mingsi will come back soon."

I hesitate.

What Ming Si meant on the phone, so that I don't have to wait for him at night, it is conceivable that he will come back very late.

One is really depressed in this big suite.

"Let's go!"

Black dots urging.

"I think you want to go out for a stroll?" I squinted at it, and it smiled: "You can see this."


"It's the first time for him to go abroad, so of course he has to look around, and gain a lot of experience."

I secretly thought, since Ming Si won't come back too early, shouldn't it be fine if I hurry back before he comes back?Besides, it's nearby, so you shouldn't get lost.

Even if I don't know the way, isn't there still a black spot here?

Finally, I answered the black point: "Then let's go back early."

"Set off."

It flapped its wings excitedly and flew around me several times.

I put on my coat and scarf, and went out with the black spots.

Except for my mobile phone and room card, I didn’t bring anything else, not to mention cash. I was picked up by Mingshi to the hotel as soon as I got off the plane. I didn’t even have time to exchange it. Renminbi cannot be used in Vancouver.

I took the elevator downstairs, and as soon as I got out of the hotel, a gust of cold wind hit my face.

I shrank my neck and looked around blankly.

The black spot was standing on my right shoulder, tilting its head and aiming everywhere.

There seems to be a park not far to the left of the hotel. From a distance, it is quite lively.

"Let's go to the park."

"Okay, listen to the little master."


(End of this chapter)

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