Start with the jailer

Chapter 574: Saving People and Losing Land

Jilong turned around without hesitation and carried the power of eight dust worlds to bombard the barrier between heaven and earth.

Mu Duan's expression was full of surprise: "It's going to work!"

As long as the barrier between heaven and earth appears on earth, and they cooperate with the leader of the immortal organization to open the passage between heaven and earth... then the situation will be settled!
But at the same time, Mu Duan did not notice that the masters of the Palace Tower, the Zheng Tower and the Shang Tower suddenly moved closer to him.

A hint of guilt flashed across the eyes of the three tower masters at the same time.

But the guilt quickly turned into an extremely firm coldness.

And on the other side,
The moment Ji Long carried the power of eight dust worlds and bombarded the barrier between heaven and earth, her expression changed drastically.

The extremely vast energy did not shake the barrier of heaven and earth at all. Instead, it made her feel clearly that... the power of the eight dust worlds was actually completely swallowed up by something in the barrier of heaven and earth in an instant.

Thinking of a possibility, Jie Long's expression changed drastically and turned completely pale.

He turned around and screamed: "Muduaan! Run!!!"

The barrier between heaven and earth is the product of the sage king Emperor Zhuanxu's severing of the connection between heaven and earth. It is the work of the sage king Emperor Zhuanxu!

It has been said in the celestial world that Nan Zhengzhong's death was caused by his attempt to resurrect Emperor Zhuanxu.

As the masters of the five towers are part of the highest level of the celestial world, they know more about this legend.

The master of the Feather Pagoda, Jie Long, knew that the Holy Lord Nan Zhengzhong had fallen in the barrier between heaven and earth.

When Nan Zhengzhong fell, she went to the barrier between heaven and earth to investigate personally with the current Saint Venerable Tang Boyong and the previous Saint Venerable Xi Laotong.

When she entered the barrier between heaven and earth, she saw the figure of Emperor Zhuanxu suddenly disappear. It was just a transparent figure.

Or rather... it is simply spirit!

It is not Zhuanxu, nor is it the soul of Zhuanxu! It is the spirit of Zhuanxu!

The second generation Saint Xi Laotong once defined it as a taboo, but he also said that this was the strongest line of defense left by Nan Zhengzhong for the celestial beings.

However... in order to activate the soul of Zhuanxu, one needs the power of at least three holy artifacts, and one needs to infuse it with enough energy.

Jilong also speculated that the soul of Zhuanxu was the reason for the death of the first generation Saint Nan Zhengzhong!
Nan Zhengzhong’s death...I’m afraid it was because he was drained of Zhuanxu’s soul.

At this moment, feeling that the power of the eight worlds of dust that he had put in with all his strength was sucked away in an instant, Ji Long naturally thought of the awakening of Zhuanxu's soul.

In addition, the awakening of Zhuanxu's soul requires three holy artifacts and a large amount of energy infusion... She suddenly realized that the masters of the Palace Tower, the Shang Tower, and the Zheng Tower... had turned against them!
at the same time,

Upon hearing Jilong's roar, the expression of the Jiaota Tower leader Mudu'an changed slightly, and he was unable to react for a moment.

He even thought that it was the Holy Lord of Heaven who took action.

The shadow of a green carving knife appeared in Mu Duan's hand, and he said, "Three friends, we..."

next moment,
The yellow knotted rope, the red Si Nan and the white bamboo slips, the faint shadows of these three holy artifacts suddenly emerged.

The handle of the spoon on the Si Nan gently hit the Dongfang Jiayi of the Si Nan's body. With a ding sound, all the green wood energy in the air dissipated, and the entire space was almost frozen.

The yellow knotted rope whizzed out and suddenly locked up Muduan's body and soul.

The name Muduan suddenly and slowly appeared on the white bamboo slips, and behind his name, the word "death" was written stroke by stroke with difficulty but determination!
Mu Duan looked confused, with endless questions in his eyes, and he didn't even resist directly.

He couldn't understand why his three good friends turned against him.

But at the same time, the masters of the Shang Tower, Gong Tower and Zheng Tower were all shining with light. The three-color light beams of yellow, red and white carried a terrifying aura that almost annihilated everything and slammed into Mu Duan's back.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Muduan's expression suddenly became dispirited.

He turned his head, confusion and hatred appeared in his eyes, but blood was dripping from his lips: "Why?!"


The Palace Tower Master: "You are wrong! But we felt that you two would not listen to our advice... so we informed the Holy Lord!"

The Lord of Zheng Tower: "The Holy Lord is furious!"

The Lord of the Shang Pagoda said: "The Holy Lord said that if you two die, the three of us can survive!"

"Besides... we don't agree with the so-called Great Harmony!"

"If the earth were flat, the rivers would have no place to flow, and the heaven and earth would be flooded... and the sea would flood back!"

Muduan: "You fart!"

"I see that you know that once all beings are equal and no one suffers from material suffering, you will no longer be able to use power and money to exchange for others' most precious things!"

Like female chastity.

If a woman's family is safe and sound and has enough money every year, which woman would sell herself for just a few taels of silver?
But if the woman's family has no way to get the next meal, and her parents are seriously ill... Under such circumstances, how many women would still be unwilling to sell themselves for a mere two taels of silver?

Of course, precious things include more than just chastity... The master of the Three Pagodas, who is used to easily obtaining the most precious things from the common people, will never accept the so-called Great Harmony.

Because once Datong... and Datong's zero tolerance for evil, they will no longer have any chance of easily obtaining other people's precious things, or easily enjoying the privilege of taking whatever they want from all living beings.

As for the saying that if the world is at peace, the sea water will flood back and the rivers will stop flowing, causing disasters, it is nothing but a fig leaf that these heartless people use to cover up themselves!
Muduan burst into laughter: "It really is... the theory of the three qualities of human nature!"

"Those of average character can still be educated, but those of inferior character... must be killed as soon as possible!!!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

The true energy rose violently.

Jie Long appeared in a flash.

"Let's join forces!"

Muduan nodded.

The green carving knife whizzed up.

Water gives birth to wood, Jilong is the palace of kidney water, and Muduan is the palace of liver wood.

The combination of two people is like a mother giving birth to a child, and can achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than one.

In addition, the holy artifact abacus wielded by Jie Long is mainly for memory recognition, while the holy artifact blue carving knife wielded by Mu Duan is mainly for engraving and cutting...the effects are also complementary.

The most important thing is that Jielong is a woman, representing yin, while Muduan is a man representing yang, which just forms the perfect interaction between yin and yang.

On the other hand, Gong, Shang and Zheng represent gold, earth and fire. Although they are mutually generated, fire generates earth and gold, but fire overcomes gold. In addition, all three are men and cannot reconcile yin and yang... Therefore, it is difficult for the three to achieve the effect of the combination of Muduan and Jielong.

The wind is howling!

A black light suddenly shot up into the sky.

The wood energy that was killed by the combination of the three holy artifacts was born under the water vapor, and the phantom of the green carving knife in Muduan's hand roared up.

The expressions of Gong Ta and the other three tower masters changed drastically.

The master of the palace tower even contacted the Holy Lord of Heaven and Man urgently.

at the same time,

In the Gray Realm, the Celestial Saint Tang Boyong chuckled: "You three didn't inform me of the incident right away, which shows that you three... are also disloyal."

"Now... I have promised you to live. Do you still want me to help you achieve the conditions for survival?"

"Solve it yourself!"

After the voice transmission ended, Tang Boyong sneered.

His goal is not just to get the heads, blood and souls of Jie Long and Mu Duan, what he wants is... the heads, blood and souls of the five tower masters!

He even wanted to exterminate more than 80% of the entire celestial being population. Only in this way could he start the Homeland Plan without the help of Mo Shouyang, and take the Gray Realm away, completely avoiding being restrained by Mo Shouyang.

As for...the celestial beings?
In the eyes of the five tower masters, the twelve city lords, and the four governors of the world, the celestial beings and common people are nothing more than livestock.

But in the eyes of Tang Boyong, the masters of the five towers, the lords of the twelve cities and the four guardians of the world, are they nothing more than livestock?

As the message from the Holy Lord of Heaven and Man came down, the faces of the three masters of the palace tower became increasingly uglier.

The anger in everyone's heart grew even stronger.

He even felt a little regretful for betraying Jielong and Muduan.

What if the three of them had not chosen to betray?
No if!

Even if it happens ten thousand times, the three of them will still choose to defect because they cannot give up their high and mighty power to arbitrarily take advantage of all living beings.

The Lord of the Shang Tower: "In that case... Kill!"

Whistling out.

Five-colored light spread out.


However, the masters of Gong Tower, Shang Tower and Zheng Tower did not fight to the death like Jie Long and Mu Duan.

Instead, he would take the opportunity to deliberately deflect the attack from time to time, pouring vast power into the barrier between heaven and earth.

Time passed by whizzing by.

After only ten breaths, each of the five tower masters was injured.

Jielong and Mudu looked quietly at the masters of the Gong Pagoda, Shang Pagoda and Zheng Pagoda opposite them.

The five people each suppressed their own internal injuries, and Jie Long tried his best to keep his soul from disintegrating.

On the surface, Jie Long and Mu Duan had the advantage.

But at this moment, there was no joy on Jie Long and Mu Duan's faces. Instead, their expressions were extremely solemn.

The Holy Lord Tang Boyong has not made a move yet.

Into the barrier between heaven and earth... was poured such a massive amount of energy by the three tower masters after the battle.

Once Zhuanxu's spirit walks out of the barrier between heaven and earth...

Jie Long didn't dare to think about it any further.

All living things in the world have spirit, soul, will, ambition and spirit. The spirit is divided into the original spirit and the conscious spirit. There are three souls and seven spirits. The will alternates between endless and pure, and the ambition changes with the seven emotions...

The existence of a single soul seems insignificant among all living creatures.

But this refers to ordinary life!
And what is in front of him... is the soul of Zhuanxu!
As for it the connection between heaven and earth or the overthrow of Shaohao's thing after another proves that Zhuanxu was as invincible as the leaders of immortal organizations are today!

The soul of such an invincible and powerful person is definitely an extremely terrifying existence!

Perhaps... it was precisely because of the awakening of Zhuanxu's spirit that Tang Boyong did not rush to take action.

This is what is in Jielong’s mind at this moment.

Thinking that once Zhuanxu's spirit leaves, all the 70 million Datong members who have been connected with great difficulty will die...

She just felt like her heart was bleeding!

I just felt a guilt as heavy as the mountains and seas, and as vast as the endless world, pressing on my heart.

Her perception swept across those sincere faces, across those eyes that sparkled with the warm light of hope...

They probably thought victory was just around the corner...

They are still looking forward to the perfect world described in "Half of the Anthology" from the bottom of their hearts, right?


Jie Long suddenly stood up, his soul body trembled inch by inch, peeling off bit by bit...

Seeing the changes in Jielong's soul at this moment, Mu Duan's expression changed drastically: "Jielong, you...!"

On the other side, the masters of the Palace Tower, the Shang Tower and the Zheng Tower looked as if they were about to die, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

The five of them have been living together for more than 100,000 years. Although they may not know every trick of the other party, they know about most of them.

This move of Jilong... is a life-threatening tactic!

A real killer move!
Unless one's realm is far superior to Jilong's, it is impossible to gain any benefit from Jilong's move.

Even if the three of them joined forces to resist, they would probably end up seriously injured.

Therefore, without any hesitation, the three tower masters suddenly dodged and retreated.

And Ji Long said softly: "It was my recklessness... that led to today's defeat..."

"Makuduan...Take as many Datong members as possible and leave!"

"If the land is preserved but the people are lost, both the land and the people will perish; if the people are preserved but the land is lost, both the land and the people will survive... This is the sentence in the half of the anthology that I have never understood..."

A buzzing sound was heard.

Jie Long's soul whistled out and broke into wisps, like a bird molting its feathers, and the wisps of soul turned into feathers and flew away.

The flying feathers quickly disintegrated into wisps of smoke again... and the smoke was actually an even more tiny feather.

At the same time, an extremely strange aura emerged.

It was as if the entire world was encompassed by this strange aura, and it seemed as if in an instant, Ji Long's soul had completely merged with this world from the essence of space.

Mu Duan's face was full of resentment.

His scarlet eyes stared at the backs of the three 'good friends' who were fleeing away, with murderous intent rising to the sky.

But he couldn't chase after them, and he no longer had the strength to do so... Even if he was still in his prime, he couldn't win in a one-on-three situation.

He clenched his fists, but finally let out a long sigh and flashed towards the tens of millions of Datong members below.

A vast amount of true energy enveloped the area. Even though Mu Duan had consumed seven tenths of his own essence, he could only cover twelve million people with his true energy.

The remaining nearly 57 million people...had to be abandoned.

After all, even if he wanted to die with Jilong, he still had to retain three parts of his original source to open the passage to the bardo.

And at the same time,
Jie Long's soul has completely dissipated, or in other words, it has completely turned into invisible soul power threads that are integrated with the essence of the space of heaven and earth.

The strands of soul power slowly intertwined in the essence of space, just like a woman knitting a sweater. The strands of soul power were quickly woven into a huge feather shape hidden in the essence of space.

When this feather was woven, its aura spread in all directions, involving the light and shadow within the range covered by its aura.

It even strangely involved twelve more hours of light and shadow from the time level to the past and the future.

This... is actually the technique that Jie Long realized from the abacus sacred artifact that he holds. It uses his own soul power to absorb all the memories of the past twelve hours and the future twelve hours of all things covered by the technique, and explodes with these memories!

And memory... is equivalent to time!

That is to say, with this move, at the cost of her own life, she would annihilate the past and future twelve hours of all things within the range of the move, a total of twenty-four hours!
Also destroy the memory!

This move therefore has an upper and lower limit.

The upper limit is to annihilate the past day and the future day of all existences in the entire space. (End of this chapter)

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