Start with the jailer

Chapter 575: One soul alone is not enough!

This move therefore has an upper and lower limit.

The upper limit is to annihilate the past day and future day of all existences in the entire space.

At the same time, its cognition and memory of the past two days were annihilated, making it impossible for its innate Qi, which instinctively resists the erosion of time, to make corresponding adjustments... resulting in the annihilation and death of all things when the next erosion of time comes!

The lower limit is to annihilate the cognition and memory of all things. The erosion of time will no longer kill them, but it can make the cognition and memory of all creatures within the range pause for at least three hours!

These three hours... are the confused moments for all beings affected by this method, and they can also create at least three hours of absolute safety time for their own people!
Logically speaking, the Lord of Shang Tower and the other three were confident that they would only suffer the lower limit effect of Jilong's move... but they didn't dare to gamble!
What if the time before and after was really annihilated? What if the past and the future were really annihilated at the same time, causing their own innate qi to be unable to be replenished in time, and thus causing them to be washed away by the time of tomorrow and die?
What's more... even if it was just the lower limit effect, Ji Long died in the three hours of confusion... but wouldn't Mu Duan kill them?

Even if Mu Duan didn't kill them, what about the Holy Lord? What about the soul of Zhuanxu that had already awakened?

Therefore, the three tower masters turned around and fled without any hesitation!
At the same time,
Mudu quietly felt the breath belonging to Jielong between heaven and earth, a breath that he was extremely familiar with.

One hundred and fourteen thousand years is too long.

The memory of day and night, going back 140,000 years... suddenly became blurred.

But those special memories... are still so clear, and they appear before my eyes clearly as soon as I think about it.

"Mudduan! Do you like me?"

"No way!..."

It was a sunny afternoon 140,000 years ago when the earth was on earth and under the great command of Emperor Zhuanxu, the whole world was in peace and prosperity.

At that time, Muduan was seventeen years old and Jielong was twenty years old.

"Mudun! I feel like I'm going to die..."

"no, I can not!"

That was the battle of Taoshan that was erased from history books, when Tang Botong killed his brother, the true third-generation Saint...



I don’t know how long it will take,


Mu Duan chuckled, but did not say the words that he could never admit or say again because of a rejection out of self-esteem 140,000 years ago.

He just whispered: "In the underworld, you and I will walk together... beside the sun, moon and stars, you and I will walk together... in the next life..."

He did not continue speaking, but turned around, and all the blood in his body surged out from the pores of his skin, transforming into a huge blue-red shadow of a carving knife.

The shadow of the carving knife suddenly dropped three points.

A crackling sound was heard.

In just a moment, the barrier leading to the bardo will be broken under this carving knife, and a passage leading to the bardo will appear.

But he was not in a hurry, but waited quietly, waiting for Jielong to burst out with all his strength, waiting... to see Jielong leave first in this life.

Otherwise... he couldn't bear it.


And at the same time,
In the bardo world, everything has been determined, even how to get to the world of heaven and man. Li Qingfeng's bardo clone is about to turn around and return to the Sumeru Array of Heaven and Earth, and then the original body will come.

But also at this time,
The boundary wall in front of him shook violently, and the barrier between the Yang World and the Bardo World here suddenly became several times thinner in an area of ​​three meters in radius.

Li Qingfeng's bardo replica was slightly stunned, but his perception had already broken through the thin barrier of the boundary and fed back the scenes between the five towers and twelve cities.

"This... I can only go there in this body..."

Otherwise, if Jilong and the tower master holding the green carving knife died, it would be a huge loss for the future of the human race.

Not to mention... the appearance of a giant translucent phantom with blood-red spots that suddenly appeared between the barriers of heaven and earth posed a threat to the more than 60 million celestial beings with fiery eyes.

Immediately, in the void, Li Qingfeng, who used earth, fire, water and wind as energy for the Sumeru Array of Turning Heaven and Earth, once again forcibly pulled three streams of earth, fire, water and wind into the Sumeru Array of Turning Heaven and Earth, in order to prepare enough energy support for the bardo replica in advance for the possible fierce battle that might follow.


Also at the same time,

The world of heaven and man,

A rumbling sound resounded, and an overwhelming and extremely eerie aura of a king swept across all directions.

The soul of Zhuanxu, which was as huge as the sky and the earth, with only the upper body showing, walked out from the space barrier.

It looks like a human, but behaves like a dog!

Its pressure covered all directions, making everything within a thousand miles seem to be completely frozen at the molecular and atomic level.

This is... the first of Zhuanxu's seven souls - the corpse dog soul!

The three souls are Taiguang, Shuangling and Youjing.

The seven souls are corpse dog, hidden arrow, sparrow vagina, thief swallower, non-poison, filth remover, and stinking lungs.

The soul of Zhuanxu in front of him was obviously the corpse dog, the leader of the seven souls, and also the strongest among the seven souls!
Seeing this scene, Jilong looked a little sad.

The moment Zhuanxu's soul walked out of the barrier between heaven and earth, she knew it was completely over.

Even if she sacrificed her own soul, it would not change anything.

This move of hers... has limitations, just like the acupuncture technique that Li Qingfeng knows, it can only work on enemies whose realm is not higher than her own. Once the realm is higher than her own... acupuncture is because it is impossible to cut off the flow of stronger true qi with weaker true qi, and Ji Long is unable to annihilate the past and future time of the strong...

At that moment, Jilong no longer continued to expand the coverage of this life and death move, but suddenly activated his own spiritual body, and his spirit, soul, mind and will simultaneously burst out with a blood-red flame.

In the bardo world, a blood-red flame suddenly ignited from the Mingmen acupoint on the lower back...

The soul, will and spirit will burn together across realms!

In the distance, Mu Duan, who felt that Ji Long had ignited the fire of life, no longer hesitated. He infused the last three parts of his origin and the green carving knife fell heavily.

The shadow of the green carving knife suddenly condensed to the point where it was almost solid. The barrier between the two worlds under the blade of the green carving knife rolled and swirled inch by inch, and a passage between the two worlds was forcibly cut open.

Below, there were only 63 million members of the Heavenly and Human Great Unity Society left, especially those Heavenly and Human beings who were not protected by Mu Duan's true energy. All of them were completely frozen in place when the aura of Zhuanxu's soul raged out.

The Tianjia Army in the distance was like this! Not only were the particles of their bodies completely frozen under the pressure of Zhuanxu's spirit, and they could not move, but even their thoughts seemed to have instantly fallen into an ice abyss of absolute zero, and thousands of thoughts were also frozen in an instant.

Further away, the lords of the Palace Tower, the Shang Tower, and the Zheng Tower who had fled thousands of miles away, as well as the lords of the four towers and twelve cities that guarded the world, and other high-ranking celestial beings, were all extremely shocked.

Their cultivation level and the distance between them and Zhuanxu's Soul prevented their bodies and minds from being frozen in an instant... but they were still shocked by the power of Zhuanxu's Soul.

“Is this… the soul of Zhuanxu?”

The master of the palace tower was filled with anxiety and turmoil.

This is just one of Zhuanxu's seven souls, and a complete living being has three souls, consciousness, primordial spirit, will, and ambition...

Just a soul of Emperor Zhuanxu is so powerful... The Palace Tower Master could not imagine how powerful Emperor Zhuanxu was when he gave his all, and could not understand why such a powerful Saint King Emperor Zhuanxu fell 140,000 years ago...

The other tower masters of the Shang Tower, Zheng Tower, the four towers that guard the world, and the twelve city masters were all as shocked and unbelievable as the tower master of the Gong Tower, and they were also confused and lost about the end of the path of cultivation...

And at the same time,

A whistling sound resounded between heaven and earth.

A golden-red light broke through the boundary wall like the sun, and hung high above the sky of the celestial world.

Gentleness and warmth spread along with the golden-red light, and an ultimate sense of security lingered in the hearts of all living beings.

It was as if I had my feet on solid ground in an instant, and I instantly felt the weight of an endless, huge mountain that filled the entire universe appearing behind me...

The more than 63 million Datong members, the endless Tianjia Army, and many ordinary people in the heavens who are still unclear about the source of the sudden change...

Their rigid physical body particles and their extreme thoughts... were all caught in an extreme contradiction at this moment.

Under the freezing temperature of absolute zero brought by Zhuanxu's spirit, and under the warmth and warmth of the golden-red light balls that were like the golden-red sun...

Countless celestial beings, in that moment of extreme stagnation and the birth of warmth, in the moment when their thoughts were completely dead... vaguely saw a ball of golden red light flickering in the void of their minds corresponding to their black eyelids that could not see anything...

This scene added another path to the path of cultivating immortals after countless years in later generations - Taiyi Jinhua!
After who knows how many years, those who pursued the cultivation of immortals, using the memories of the celestial beings who experienced this scene, concluded that one must be extremely quiet, and then see the golden light flashing before one's eyes, and thus practice the means of cultivating the golden light.

Although it was just a guess based on speculation...but Taiyi Jinhua became a real method of cultivation in later generations.

If Li Qingfeng knew that the Taiyi Jinhua left by Lu Zu in his previous life was opened in this world because of his appearance at this moment... I'm afraid Li Qingfeng would remain silent for a long time.

Also at the same time,

The moment when the golden-red light emerged.

Li Qingfeng waved his hand and two strands of immortal energy shot out. One strand hit the green carving knife phantom, suppressing the turmoil of Mudu'an's origin and true energy, and then poured it back into Mudu'an's body.

Another strand of immortal energy suddenly sank into the space between heaven and earth, and crashed straight into the phantom feather that had been woven into countless soul threads.

The space suddenly trembled.

The huge feather suddenly melted and turned into thousands of soul threads, which were squeezed out from the essence of space one by one. In an instant, under the guidance of that wisp of immortal energy, they were reshaped into a complete Jielong.

at this time,

Everyone has awakened!

The members of the Datong Society, the Tianjia Army, and the common people of the Heavenly Race looked at the golden-red light floating in the sky and the phantom within it in confusion and shock.

In the distance, the masters of the three towers, the four town gates, and the twelve cities were all suddenly shocked.

"How can it be……"

"The Immortal Organization... Leader...!"

The lords of the four towns and twelve cities only then learned from the exclamation of the Lord of the Merchant Tower that the golden-red light ball that suddenly appeared was actually the leader of the immortal organization of the earthlings!

The local royal family and the Houtuzhou demon clan activated the ancient demon flower, and the corpse of the Saint of Heaven and Man activated the cliff arrow. The five tower masters descended to the earth... and with the cooperation of a strange leader of the Taiyi Sect... they captured the tower master of the Yu Tower and seriously injured the other four tower masters in an instant, annihilated the ancient demon flower of Houtuzhou, and forced the Saint to destroy the Eight Desolate Xumi... and even needed the help of Mo Zun's three swords to break the world... before the corpse of the Saint's inner demon escaped... the leader of the immortal organization!

Besides, this is already outdated news!
However, the level of the four governors and twelve city lords is destined to make it impossible for them to know the latest news.

But the masters of the three pagodas knew the latest news, even though Saint Venerable and Mo Venerable had blocked the news from the three of them...

But after Ji Long came back, he told them that during the battle at Fuxi Divine Heaven, the remnant of Nuwa was suppressed by the leader of the Immortal Organization, the two corpses of Saint Venerable were killed, and Mo Venerable himself was easily killed by the Immortal Organization. If Mo Venerable had not been prepared in advance, he would have been dead... and the twenty powerful demon gods of the demon clan who were more than ten thousand steps in Wuduanya... were so scared that they fled back to Jishan Island without their armor before they could even join the battle...

"How... could he come to the Land of Nothingness?"

"How can it be……"

The barrier between heaven and earth was not damaged at all!

Even the barrier between heaven and earth was not moved at all, and the signal of the change in the heavenly world was not transmitted to the earthly world at all...

While the three tower masters including Gongta were inexplicably shocked, the eyes of the twelve city lords and the four guardians of the world flashed with greed and urgency.

They looked at the soul of Zhuanxu that seemed to reach the sky and penetrate the earth, and felt that the leader of the immortal organization was courting his own death.

At the same time, they were already thinking about how to find a perfect time to get some credit when the leader of the Immortal Organization was defeated by the Spirit of Zhuanxu!

On the other side, Ji Long looked at the unclear figure in the golden-red light with a face full of guilt, and she knelt down as soon as she thought about it.

In the distance, Mu Duan was staggering, as if his legs were filled with lead, and he was quickly... crawling towards Ji Long.

The members of the Datong Society, the Tianjia Army, and the common people of the Celestial Beings also regained consciousness. After all... the Celestial Beings are born as gods.

That is when
The soul of Zhuanxu roared, as if carrying the force of the collapse of the sky, and suddenly pressed down towards Li Qingfeng.

Li Qingfeng just quietly felt the power of the spirit of Zhuanxu.

This seemed to be just a fight between mortal warriors, and there really didn't seem to be anything special about it.

However, in the invisible core of the essence of space, at the particle level of all things, an unimaginable coldness spread like a roar of light.

Wherever the coldness touched, everything became instantly dead silent.

All the particles that should have been jumping and trembling all the time were instantly inactivated and became dead silent and stiff under the icy cold.

Li Qingfeng raised his head slightly: "I thought... the energy of the formation was not enough to support and suppress you..."

"But... just a soul... is not enough!"

The moment he understood the method of Zhuanxu's spirit, Li Qingfeng's body moved like flowing water, but he just clenched his fists slowly, which looked like soft and weak fists like Tai Chi. (End of this chapter)

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