Start with the jailer

Chapter 612: Celestial Phenomenon Aurora, contains 3!

Peng Long is at the level of 12 million steps of Wuduan Cliff!

But considering that Li Qingfeng is not sure about facing Peng Long’s fifth explosion and the final possible collapse...his strength is far from reaching the level of 12 million steps of Wuduan Cliff.

Furthermore, strength is strength, and combat power is combat power.

Martial arts will and various factors will become influencing factors in converting strength into combat power.

Even if a person possesses considerable strength, it is uncertain how much of that strength he can display in battle.

Taking into account his own various bonuses…his combat power is probably far beyond his actual strength. In addition, Peng Long is not Wuduanya, but the so-called origin level of the innate gods and demons.

After comprehensive consideration...

"I should only have the strength of less than two million steps of Wuduanya... The combat power of Changchao depends on many factors..."

For example, the extremely high-level energy of immortal energy, the body that has reached the state of annihilation, the power of the ancient immortal method on the body, as well as the innate primordial chaos, realm transformation, spiritual realm, etc.

"Even the comparison of Peng Long's strength in Yu Shu... I'm afraid it's just a mechanical conversion to the early stage of the origin level..."

And the origin level...

This is a realm above the conceptual level, a realm unique to gods and demons.

"We also have to consider that Peng Long has only been resurrected for a short time, and his strength is far from recovering to its peak..."

"However, this mechanical conversion of the prison book has allowed me to gain a super experience baby!"

One hundred and fifty trillion usable cultivation gains per hour, plus the experience treasures previously recorded in Li Qingfeng's Prison Book, the usable cultivation gains provided to Li Qingfeng by the Prison Book every hour have now reached 171 trillion!
One hundred and seventy-one trillion in one hour!

At the end of the day, that’s 200 trillion usable cultivation gains!

Twenty trillion in ten days!

Thirty days is sixty trillion!
Six hundred trillion is enough for Li Qingfeng to break through from the current first level of innateness to the Wuduanya realm in one breath!

Not to mention that he has now accumulated nearly 200 trillion usable cultivation points.

"In just one month... can we directly step into the Cliff of No End?"

"But the more the better..."

After the Wuduan Cliff, I am afraid that every step forward in the future will require a huge amount of available cultivation points.

Although he could not transcend the Wuduan Cliff realm no matter how many steps he took, it would allow Li Qingfeng to become stronger before he merged with the Tianwu Ce!

Carry out the fusion of Tianwu Ce with a stronger realm... then the body of Tianwu will be stronger after the fusion is successful!

Transcending the Wuduan Cliff might be the ultimate dream of millions of living beings, but Li Qingfeng is very clear that simply transcending the Wuduan Cliff... may not really mean reaching the end of cultivation!
If we could go further...

Slight silence.

It was also at this time,

The space around Li Qingfeng flickered slightly, and it was eleven clones returning from the earth, fire, water and wind.

At this moment, a faint aura of destruction lingered around each clone, and each clone stood in front of Li Qingfeng like a complete world.

It was also at this time,

At the junction of the ninth and eighth floors of the Heavenly Prison, a white vortex emerged.

A man with white hair flashed out.

The moment he appeared, Baifa Qianhui was completely stunned where he was... He even took half a step back involuntarily.

But the moment he arrived at the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison, he felt an unprecedented pressure.

It was as if there were twelve enormous worlds squeezing this piece of space.

Under this extreme pressure, Baifa Qianhao felt that if he didn't retreat, he would be crushed into powder in an instant. If he didn't retreat... he would die in an instant.

Even fifteen thousand years ago, when the Heavenly Prison collapsed and the path forward for martial arts was shattered, he had never felt such a shocking and terrifying pressure.

Even when Mu Huaishuang performed the [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation] before, when his body was washed and replicated by the formation, the severe pain had never brought him such intense terror as this one!
At this moment, he felt as if everything was being destroyed and everything was also being created. The creation and annihilation overlapped, giving rise to a sense of horror beyond imagination.

He subconsciously wanted to retreat back to the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison, subconsciously believing that this was the root cause of the drastic changes in the Heavenly Prison just now, and even the suppression of the majesty of the gods and demons.

Without even thinking twice, he wanted to return to the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison to find Mu Huaishuang, Lu Chao, and the others...

But after taking half a step back, an extremely familiar but dozens of times more majestic voice rang out...

"Mr. Qianhui?"

This is the voice of the leader of the Immortal Organization.

Baifa Qianhui was slightly stunned, then stopped, stopped thinking about retreating, and looked towards the direction where the sound came from...

Then, he completely froze in place.

How can it be?
how can that be!

The golden-red light before his eyes was hanging in the sky like a curtain of heaven. The earth, fire, water and wind were stagnant, the void was dissipating, and space... space had long been shattered!

Under the golden-red sky, there were blue-red sword lights, black-red blade lights, black lightning, fire lights, and even the wind was emitting black light... and the entire Milky Way was flashing...

The myriad lights are like the aurora, and they flicker and flow in a manner even more brilliant than the aurora!

Each color of light carries a kind of ultimate martial arts aura, and each ultimate aura seems to contain a boundless and vast universe...

The pressure from the twelve vast and boundless universes that he felt... came from these twelve different colors of light.

These twelve different colors of light come from the extremely familiar leader of the Immortal Organization, His Majesty, and the eleven members of the Immortal Organization wearing different masks around the leader of the Immortal Organization!


What is the lineup? this for?
Qian Hui looked extremely dazed, his mind was blank.

Just then, two legendary words from ancient times slowly emerged in the deepest part of his mind: [Extreme Yuan]!
Legend has it that Emperor Jun of the demon clan, the emperor who established the demon clan's heaven, once cultivated Jiyuan. Once Jiyuan was revealed, even the way of heaven would bow down!
Therefore, the demon clan's heavenly court reversed the laws of nature, redefined the rules of heaven and earth, and gave the demon clan an extremely prosperous era that was unprecedented in history!

Legend has it that Wu Zu Ban Yu also tried to cultivate the power of Ji Yuan, but he only cultivated half a strand of Ji Yuan. It was precisely because of this half strand of Ji Yuan that he cooperated with the Heavenly Dao to repel and kill Emperor Jun...

Legend has it that Fuxi also successfully cultivated Jiyuan, and then established Qiankun Bagua, rebuilt the rules of heaven and earth, so Wuzu was transformed into a human race, continued to continue, and escaped the killing intent of the heaven! He even created the sky with one stroke... recreated the ten directions of the universe!
But these are all legends!
A legend so far away!
The word Jiyuan... has almost become a false legend.

Therefore, the power of gods and demons has become the highest level of energy recognized by everyone...

But at this moment,
What did he see?
He saw the signs of the birth of the true Jiyuan!

The celestial phenomenon of the Aurora contains three thousand lights… This is the sign of the birth of Jiyuan in the ancient legend!
These three thousand refer to the world!
But these three thousand do not simply refer to three thousand worlds, but to the three sizes of worlds: big thousand, middle thousand, and small thousand.

And it refers to the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds!
A great thousand world contains three thousand middle thousand worlds, and a middle thousand world contains three thousand small thousand worlds...

A small thousand world is almost equivalent to a world of quantity that corresponds to one step in the Wuduan Cliff realm!
Three thousand means countless!
Countless is One! These are just a few words left over from ancient legends, and they are descriptive words that are completely incomprehensible and incomprehensible.

But at this moment, Baifa Qianhao suddenly understood the general meaning of these few words passed down from ancient times.

But he could only understand it but not express it in words.

If he had to convey it in words... he could only use the few words left over from ancient times... but that kind of sentence, when conveyed in words, would not be understood by other creatures.

It was not until this moment that Baifa Qianhao understood that it was not that his ancestors wanted to be riddlers, but... those riddle-like sentences were really the most appropriate and fitting words that could be found in the world to describe those unspeakable things.

To Wuji’s shock, he saw the eleven masked members of the Immortal Organization disappear one by one.

The aura of the leader of the immortal organization was suddenly obscured by something.

Twelve boundless universes seemed to disappear like a dream bubble.

The huge pressure also dissipated.

Qian Hao slowly woke up: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for attaining the Way of Extreme Yuan!"

The Way of Extreme Yuan?

Li Qingfeng's eyes were slightly puzzled: "Ji Yuan? What is this?"

The moment this question came out, Baifa Qianhui was slightly shocked.

He's sure!

It has been confirmed that the leader of the Immortal Organization is definitely less than 15,000 years old!

After all, although the legend of the Ji Yuan Dao has been scattered, fifteen thousand years ago, the legend of the Ji Yuan Dao was still very popular among warriors!

That is, fifteen thousand years ago, the way of heaven collapsed, many powerful people fell, and the human race lost land too quickly, and many ancient books and materials were destroyed... In addition, after that, even the innate realm became a distant realm that the human race could never reach...

The legend of the Jiyuan Dao slowly disappeared in the long river of time.

Less than 15,000 years old... and yet so powerful...

Is it a sign that you have already cultivated the ultimate power?

Isn't it a foregone conclusion that the leader of the immortal organization will cultivate the ultimate power?

There is no need to even do as the demon Emperor Jun did, who borrowed the heart of the ancient demon flower, or the first ancestor of the human race, the Saint King Fuxi, who borrowed the blood luck of the human race... in order to cultivate the ultimate essence?
Then isn't it also inevitable that the rules of heaven and earth will change?

Can it even change the rules of heaven and earth more perfectly?
In that case, will the human race...really be ushering in an era where it is the darling of the rules of heaven and earth?
Baifa Qianhui was trembling in his heart, but he quickly explained to the leader of the Immortal Organization who didn't know what Jiyuan was: "The celestial phenomenon Aurora contains three thousand... This is the sign of the Jiyuan Dao. Once the Jiyuan Dao is successfully cultivated, you will have the power of Jiyuan!"

"The power of Ji Yuan can even easily change the rules of heaven and earth!"

"In the witch and lich era, the demon clan Emperor Jun used the ancient demon flower to absorb the ancient demon heart condensed by the spirits of hundreds of millions of demons, and then forcibly cultivated the ultimate power. He then defeated the witch clan, changed the rules of heaven and earth, and established the demon clan heaven... At that time, the demon clan became the darling of the rules of heaven and earth, but with the death of Emperor Jun, the demon clan also lost this status as the darling of heaven and earth..."

"Afterwards, Emperor Fuxi led the human race in a arduous battle, with countless casualties. He gathered the blood of the human race and successfully cultivated the ultimate essence with the blood-colored luck. Then he created the sky with a stroke, determined the eight trigrams, and redefined the rules of heaven and earth, allowing the descendants of the witch race to escape the lock of heaven and transform into the human race, making the human race the darling of the rules of heaven and earth..."

What is a darling?

It means that whatever you do is like having God’s help!

Everything you do will go smoothly, you will succeed easily, and you may even get unexpected rewards.

Li Qingfeng began to think thoughtfully.

The celestial phenomenon Aurora contains three thousand...

"I see. Thank you, Master Qianhui, for clearing up my confusion!"

"I wonder why Lord Qian Hao came out this time?"

Baifa Qianhui then spoke: "We just don't quite understand the sudden changes in the prison, so we want to come out to see what happened outside..."

"We even speculated that the demon race had been killed, and all the demon gods of the demon race were suppressed in the Heavenly Prison at the same time... In addition, Pavilion Master Mu Huaishuang could no longer make inferences about Your Excellency, so he asked me to come out and tell Your Excellency some information about the foreign tribe, so as to avoid..."


Baifa Qianhui was stunned again.

He looked at the figures on the nearly one hundred conspicuous terraces on the eighth floor.

Especially the more than seventy members of the Ya tribe!
The Geng-level tribe!

There is even a Jijie tribe!
There are ten ranks of the Ya tribe. Qian Hui, who has lived for twenty to thirty thousand years, must be well aware of the ten ranks of the Ya tribe.

But he knew better that once the Yu tribe was defeated, they would be annihilated in an instant by a strange force within the tribe.

This also means that even if the human race wins, they can only get the Sky Crystal Stone in the body of the Ya Tribe at most, and have never brought back a complete body of the Ya Tribe, or even a Ya Tribe captive.

But in front of me... there are more than seventy living members of the Yu tribe.

How did you do this???
And since he has already fought with the Yu tribe and even captured more than seventy members of the Yu tribe, does he still need him to tell the leader of the immortal organization about the intelligence of the Yu tribe?
I'm afraid that the information he knows about the Yu tribe has already been clearly known by the leader of the immortal organization, His Majesty.

Otherwise, how could they capture the Ya tribe alive, an unprecedented feat?
They even imprisoned the Yu tribe in the Heavenly Prison, extracting their vitality and supplying it to the prison to suppress the god and demon below?

Qian Hui wanted to say that he seemed to be worrying too much, but then he was stunned again.

The reason that shocked him was still the secluded platform!

But, it’s not the Yu tribe.

Rather, it was the thing on the Youtai that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, and looked like a flying snake. It was the prisoner whose aura was three-quarters similar to the gods and demons that he had come into contact with on the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison.

"Is that... a god or a demon?"

Baifa Qianhui asked tremblingly.

Li Qingfeng nodded: "The innate demon god Peng Long used the skills of the Supreme God Chapter to bewitch the leader of the Taiyi Sect, Pan Li, and then resurrected with Pan Li's body."

Baifa Qianhui was completely stunned.

Innate gods and demons? !

this! ! !
Wait…it’s called…Penglong?
The innate god and demon Peng Long?

Isn’t Peng Long… the son of Zhu Long? ? !

Baifa Qianhui suddenly raised his head and turned to look at the mysterious and powerful leader of the immortal organization shrouded in golden red light: "Peng Long, the son of Zhulong?"

Li Qingfeng nodded: "It is it, but... it is resurrected with the help of a human body that is only at the Spiritualization Realm. I am afraid that its strength after resurrection will be far from its true strength."

Qian Hui's brain completely crashed. (End of this chapter)

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