Start with the jailer

Chapter 613 The fifth great collapse and the final truth?

"It's Peng Long, but... he was resurrected with the help of a human who was only at the Spiritualization stage, and the time after resurrection was not long enough. I'm afraid his strength after resurrection is far from his true strength."

Qian Hui's brain completely crashed.

What the leader of the Immortal Organization said are indeed the reasons that limit the strength of the Son of Zhulong, but... to what extent can this be limited?

After all, when one really reaches the level of the innate god and demon Peng Long, his weak physical body will certainly have certain limitations on his strength... but it won't limit him too much.

At least, that power of gods and demons really exists!
If the extreme force is not released, and after deducting the real innate energy such as the Five Tai Qi, it will be the highest level of energy in the world.

This kind of energy...even if it's just a tiny wisp, it's definitely not good!
Not to mention, at this moment, the son of Zhulong on the Youtai still has vast divine and demonic power surging in his body, and the phenomenon of time disorder is still continuing around him.

One can imagine how powerful this son of the Candle Dragon was before he was suppressed!

As for the demon underground, although it is unclear whether it is an acquired demon or an innate demon, it is probably not much stronger than the son of the Candle Dragon...

Thinking of this, Baifa Qianhui looked at the leader of the Immortal Organization: "Your Excellency! Underground..."

Li Qingfeng shook his head slightly: "We are not completely sure yet! Please continue to guard."

I'm not completely sure.

Even if the level of strength and even combat power of the god and demon underground is as strong as the resurrected son of Zhulong, Li Qingfeng is not confident enough.

after all,

When Zhulong's son Peng Long was about to be defeated, Li Qingfeng clearly felt a cloud of gray mist escaping from Zhulong's son.

His stand-in clone had originally intended to absorb the power of the twelve Earthly Branches when the heaven and earth changed, but it felt the breath of demon gods such as Ying Zhao.

In other words, Peng Long's resurrection was the product of the demon clan or Mo Shuyang using the elixir of immortality to delay the immortal organization before using it again.

So... the resurrected Peng Long is actually controlled by the demon clan or Mo Shuyang.

Peng Long, who was restrained by the demon clan or Mo Shuyang in some way, might have his strength restricted a lot.

Even though Peng Long was restricted by the demon clan or Mo Shuyang through unknown means, Li Qingfeng did not dare to let the opponent go all out. Instead, he sensed the crisis at the end of the fourth major collapse of that move and took action in advance.

He simply took advantage of the moment when the opponent was concentrating all his energy on the fifth explosion and caught him off guard.

Otherwise, if the other party is really prepared... this battle may really have to be fought to the point of destruction before a winner can be determined.

Of course, there's no 100% certainty.

The real reason is that Li Qingfeng does not intend to start integrating the Tianwu Ce at this moment.

He planned to push his own realm as high as possible, even to a limit, and then try to integrate Tianwu Ce.

Then, Qian Hao returned to the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison.

Li Qingfeng sat where he was, slowly recalling the move that Peng Long had used before.

By simulating the several big explosions and collapses at the birth of the universe, the power of the moves is rapidly increased by the accumulation of time and time again.

Almost every big collapse can accumulate more than ten times the energy for the next big bang, which also leads to the fact that the power of each big bang is almost more than a hundred times the power of the previous big bang!
Similarly, before the fifth big explosion began, Li Qingfeng knew that he could not withstand the bombardment of the fifth big explosion.

That was a terrifying power that was amplified hundreds of times on the basis of the fourth big bang!
Compared to the first big explosion... that's a ten million times increase in power!

In fact, not just the Big Bang, but also the Big Collapse is by no means as simple as it seems.

Although the Big Collapse is more about accumulating energy and matter for the next Big Explosion, in fact, the Big Collapse itself also has unimaginable destructive power.

Of course, this is not the focus of Li Qingfeng’s thinking.

What he was really thinking about was whether there would be a fifth big collapse and a sixth big bang!
When the universe was first created, it was just a mysterious singularity.

The first big explosion of the singularity formed the primordial era, and the primordial qi spread in all directions. Then, the blood-red primordial qi of the primordial era collapsed and returned to zero to become the initial singularity. This first big collapse also collapsed everything derived from the primordial era as energy nutrients for the new singularity.

Then the second big explosion generated Taiyi Qi, and the second big collapse... The third big explosion generated Taishi Qi, and the third big collapse collapsed Taishi Qi to zero. The fourth big explosion generated Taisu Qi, and the fourth big collapse returned Taisu to zero. The fifth big explosion generated Taiji Qi... Taiji Qi inexplicably dissipated between heaven and earth, giving rise to Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, accompanying the ancient innate gods and demons, and giving rise to Hongmeng Qi, accompanying all things...

Countless powerful people and sages believed that this was the end of the Big Bang, and that the five consecutive Big Bangs were the entire process of the birth of the universe... They all seemed to believe that the fifth Big Bang was the limit, and everything was over...

But is there really no fifth great collapse?

Will it really not cause all living things to collapse back to zero and form the sixth singularity, thus triggering the sixth big bang?

This is the focus of Li Qingfeng’s thinking at the moment.

In the Book of Changes, whether it is the Lianshan Yi or the Guizang Yi or the Zhouyi which does not exist in this world, the Qian Gua is always the Nine-Five Flying Dragon in the Sky, and the Nine-Six, that is, the Upper Nine, is the Kang Long You Hui.

This is used to describe the essence of the Yi space, and from this we can also deduce that nothing can happen more than five times.

"But things never happen more than five times...but the fifth great collapse hasn't happened yet!"

"This is the truth of the universe..."

The ultimate truth is connected to the fifth great collapse that never happened, which corresponds to this incident...

Li Qingfeng was the one who really felt a chill.

If there is a fifth great collapse... then it means that when the fifth great collapse comes, everything in this universe, everything that cannot transcend the cliff... will be completely reduced to zero and completely annihilated by the fifth great collapse...

Then the heaven and earth returned to the original singularity, but this singularity had many more things than the original singularity.

This singularity...I'm afraid there is a high probability that there will not be a sixth big bang.

Even... considering the ultimate truth of the universe... this is probably the purpose of that thing!

The purpose of that thing... is to get the singularity formed after five big bangs and five big collapses.

Or was never a singularity, but a pill!
Or maybe... that thing was originally intended to be based on the universe to refine an unprecedented pill!
It was also at this moment that Li Qingfeng suddenly had a warning feeling like a cold light piercing his heart.

Then, a solemn look appeared in his eyes.


"It's incomplete..."

Everything he had just thought about disappeared at this moment, and the related memories became fragmented.

It was like I had a dream last night and woke up in the middle of the night for fear of forgetting it the next day, so I wrote down a few key words.

When I woke up the next day, I was confused by those key words. I couldn't remember the dream no matter what.

At this moment, only a few keywords that could not be connected together remained in Li Qingfeng's mind...

"The way of heaven?"

"Probably not..."

"It seems that I have really touched the truth... However, the moment this truth was touched, it was annihilated by something unknown."

"Even with my current strength, I can only barely retain these unconnected keywords..."

These key words are, elixir, truth, nothing happens more than five times, [Yi] space... If the memory had not disappeared so much, then these key words would be enough for Li Qingfeng to remember everything in an instant.

But after so much of it has dissipated... I am left with only confusion when I see these key words.

“Pills…” “Hun Tian Pills?”

Li Qingfeng's mind moved, and three Hun Tian Pills floated out from the Yin Yang Ruins.

One was a gift from Ming Yayin, and the other two were obtained by the Nanzhou Eagle Clan from the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons.

Slightly silent,

"It's about time to take the Hun Tian Pill..."

Today, the human race already has 2.73 million innate strongmen, some of whom are innate strongmen who have condensed golden elixirs through martial arts and possess primary immortal energy.

There are also four powerful celestial beings, including the Valkyrie, Xiao Jiangshan, Zhou Huanran, and Ji Yanwei. Xiao Jiangshan even directly broke into the second celestial being realm.

With this strength...even if the demon clan really attacks in large numbers, it will not collapse in an instant.

After all... the human race still has the Holy Revelation Capital Heavenly Formation!

If 288 innate strong men were to set up the Holy Revelation Dutian Formation, 2.73 million innate strong men could set up nearly 10,000 sets of the Holy Revelation Dutian Formation of the innate level.

Not to mention defeating all the invading demon enemies, but protecting oneself with nearly ten thousand sets of Holy Qi Dutian Formation should not be a problem.

Even if all the thirteen demon gods took action, these nearly ten thousand sets of the innate realm Holy Revelation Dutian Formation would be enough to hold out for a few days!
In other words, the human race can do without the protection of the immortal organization for a short period of time.

Therefore, this is also the best time to swallow the Hun Tian Pill.

"If everything goes well, I should be able to successfully create the immortal technique during the Little New Year... Even if there are variables, I should be able to successfully create the immortal technique before the Big New Year..."

Thinking of this,

Li Qingfeng stepped out.

On this day, he went to the Common People's Academy.

The students of the Common People's Academy hung their heads, and there was a hint of gloom in their eyes.

The previous battle caused a change in their mentality.

That nearly invincible existence, that powerful person who instantly burned a scorched earth passage through the boundary formation, the collapse of the faith move led by Master Xin when 2.73 million innate powerful people joined forces...

Time and again, it hits their so-called self-confidence in their hearts hard.

It wasn't even just the students in the Commoners' Academy, nor was it just the 2.73 million innates. Every single one of the human race in Houtu Continent had a layer of gloom in their hearts.

They begin to doubt themselves.

I doubted whether I was really capable of protecting anything, or being able to do anything. I even believed in my heart that I was just a waste, even if I had immortal energy, even if I became a strong person like Xiantian Zun...

Slightly silent.

Li Qingfeng began to preach.

He used the story of the great man's optimistic attitude in his previous life to describe the core of "Half-Step Psychology".

The core of Wang Yangming's philosophy of mind.

Don't be tempted!
But if we really only use the incomplete text of Li Qingfeng's record in the "Chuan Xi Lu" to tell the story, it actually doesn't have much meaning.

After all, the Yangming School of Mind in the previous life was quickly distorted after Wang Yangming's death because later generations could not understand it.

Li Qingfeng's voice turned into a heavenly sound, floating in all directions. As it was wrapped in true energy, it even spread to the entire Houtu Continent.

Whether it was the people who were building the human race's ancestral hall, the people at the branch of the Common People's Academy, the intelligence personnel at Fuchunju, or the Eagle Clan of Nanzhou...

Everyone's ears were filled with the voice coming from the sky above Jin'an City and the voice of His Majesty the Later Emperor.

The sound is like the huge bell of heaven and earth, like the sound of nature, and even more like the whisper of the soul, gently knocking on the heart of every living being.

At first, people were just surprised.

Then, in those words, they were already immersed in the story told by His Majesty the Later Emperor.

In that story, countless people's emotions fluctuated with the story, and countless people couldn't help but shed tears under those majestic and optimistic poems.

The spirit in his heart that was extinguished by Peng Long was replenished bit by bit and suddenly burned.

This course, which was similar to the sermons of the ancient saint kings, ended with countless human immortals and Li Qingfeng's cry of "Immortality for the common people"...!
As he slowly floated down, Xiao Jiangshan, Zhou Huanran, Ming Yayin, Ji Yanwei and the others all looked at Li Qingfeng with admiration, their eyes full of light and clarity.

Li Qingfeng said softly: "I just realized something and I need to be in seclusion for a while. During this time... I will trouble you all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qingfeng flashed into the Heavenly Prison.

Xiao Jiangshan and others bowed solemnly with empty hands to see him off.

It was not until Li Qingfeng's figure completely disappeared in the Sky Prison and their breath could no longer be sensed that they stood up.


The sound of noise spread.

The roar was so deafening that the entire Jin'an City seemed to have turned into a vegetable market, and the entire Houtuzhou seemed to have turned into a vegetable market.

But without exception, whether it was in Jin'an City, other places in Houtuzhou, or even in Nanzhou controlled by the Eagle Clan, all living beings were clamoring for the story told by Li Qingfeng.

"There is a great pass in front and pursuers behind... The people traveling together were anxious because they could not pass the great pass, but that person... actually wrote such heroic words..."

“What a great saying! The long road ahead is as hard as iron, but now we can start over again!”

"This is indeed a good line! But I think it is still when we have reached the endless snowy mountains, when we are exhausted and everyone is beginning to regret and suffer in our hearts... that person actually wrote "I wish I could draw my sword from the sky, cut you into nine sections, divide you into nine continents, and create a peaceful world where the world will be the same..."

"I think the line "Now I have the long rope in my hand, when will I be able to tie up the blue dragon?" is more shocking!"


Today's Ancheng,
Zhou Huanran: "Why do I feel that... the person in the story is very similar to His Majesty the Later Emperor?!"

Everyone nodded, with bright lights shining in their eyes.

Xiao Jiangshan laughed loudly: "Without him...there would be no Datong!"

Just the previous battle was enough to destroy everyone's faith, and there is no solution to that collapse of faith.

Once faith collapses, many people will choose to indulge themselves... Once the majority of people in Datong Society's Demon-Suppressing Army indulge themselves... then there will no longer be any possibility of Datong.

But Li Qingfeng just seemed to have given a lesson and restored the people's hearts in the world. The lost faith suddenly gathered again, and became more and more concentrated!
“The long road ahead is as hard as iron… but we can start over again!”

Zhou Huanran murmured, "How about using this sentence as the couplet for the human race's ancestral hall?"




"Second!" (End of this chapter)

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