Start with the jailer

Chapter 620: Immortal Technique? Mountain Technique!

The earth, fire, water and wind trembled as if they were about to sweep over, but then they remained frozen in place.

At the same time, the divine power's radiance rapidly converged into the body and merged into the Sky-Devouring Vine that had already penetrated into Wu Jin's body.

The Sky-Devouring Vine, which had integrated the divine power, seemed to have truly come alive, making a buzzing sound.

The moment the buzzing sound rang out, Wu Jin's twelve souls suddenly rolled back, lost control of his body, and were sucked into the Sky-Devouring Vine in his body.

The twelve sections of the Sky-Devouring Vine suddenly separated from the black halo that was still flowing in Wu Jin's body.

These twelve sections of Sky-Devouring Vine were like a sword that had escaped from its scabbard. They burst out from the Dantian along the Chong meridians in the twelve bodies of Wu Jin, and soared into the sky from the Baihui point on the top of their heads with blood!

Extreme speed!

The twelve sections of the Sky-Devouring Vine left behind a continuous afterimage, forming twelve black bamboos in the air that seemed to connect the sky and the earth.

At this moment, Wu Jin's twelve souls shattered and annihilated into Qi particles, completely merging with the Sky-Devouring Vine in the state of the purest soul energy particles.

When the twelve Sky-Devouring Vines reached the ball of Heavenly Light, the shadow of Wu Jin's soul suddenly appeared on each of the Sky-Devouring Vines.

The shadow of his soul suddenly grew taller in the wind.

Each soul shadow grew to a height of nearly ten thousand feet in an instant!

Every soul shadow had a hideous and crazy look, and opened its mouth at this moment!
Bite it hard!
The blue light of the Heavenly Energy, the blue energy ball with the aura of Tai Chi, was bitten and swallowed by the twelve souls of Wu Jin!

at the same time,

Black ripples rose up above the twelve bodies below, and suddenly there was a burst of expansion and contraction, and the twelve bodies annihilated into countless particles with a "puff".

The dense particles of matter first merged into one in pairs, and then turned into six torrents that roared towards the sky.
The twelve souls in the sky also suddenly shattered into particle flows, and also merged into one, and then collided with the material particles rushing down.

Wu Jin's mind calmed down at this moment.

At this point...the fusion of heaven and witch can be said to be a success.

All that remains is to wait for all the particles to merge and reshape the body into the body of [Heavenly Witch]!

at the same time,

Among the earth, fire, water and wind,

Li Qingfeng still had his eyes closed, but the thirty-three petals of the green lotus inside his body had completely merged together, and the nine thousand seven hundred and sixty-three selves also merged again into a complete self within the green lotus.

His original thoughts returned to his complete soul.

In fact, this is not just a simple soul, but a self that has been perfected to the extreme!

The me of yesterday is not the me of today, and the me of tomorrow is not the me of today. I am in the present moment, and everything is changing. Therefore, I... am extremely erratic, almost nothingness, almost non-existent!

This is why ordinary people, or ordinary creatures, can never find their true selves, and why many ordinary creatures only have a three-minute enthusiasm for anything... and why a determined Datong warrior will forget his original intention as time goes by...

At this moment, Li Qingfeng formed 9,763 selves according to the time points, and merged these 9,763 selves at different time points into one with the belief in universal harmony and the thought of compassion...

His true self then materialized.

"Today's me is yesterday's me, today's me is tomorrow's me, tomorrow's me is yesterday's me, yesterday's me... is tomorrow's me..."

"I am who I am..."

As he muttered these extremely simple yet mysterious words to himself, time and space around him changed as he wished.

In one moment, he had just crossed over to this world. In that dark prison, he mistakenly thought he had arrived in the underworld. The time and space around him had returned. The prison at that time, Uncle Zhang and Uncle Ding at that time were now standing beside him alive. He could feel them very clearly.

In an instant... it seemed like he was in front of Sima's house again. He was alone with a sword, drawing it like a madman, and with the incredibly fast blade, he killed the guards, independent people and even the priests of Sima's family.

The words "until blood is shed, the sword will not be sheathed" were floating around. The shocked people from the noble families, those who had long since died, the civilians who were watching the battle, and other people... all existed vividly in the time and space around Li Qingfeng...

Another moment, in the battle of Fengge City, Cangxiu, Leizhu, and Tianzhu joined forces to behead Xiangliu, who had three heads exposed, with a fusion move...

That Xiangliu was even alive.

Everything in the past... everything in the future, everything in the present after it has passed... should have been a dream bubble, never to be touched again, and can only be recalled. And as time continues to rush, those distant memories will seem false when they are recalled one day... and will make people doubt whether they have really experienced everything in the memories...

The wound was clearly painful at that time, but when I think back to it... I can't remember what kind of pain it was. The screams and shouts I used all my strength at that time, when I think back to it, I can no longer feel the burning passion in my blood at that moment...

This is also the confusion of ordinary creatures.

But at this moment, Li Qingfeng has none of these.

As soon as he thought about it, the time and space around him changed accordingly, as if he was pulling the past years that had passed away back from the endless abyss.

So, Li Qingfeng at this moment is Li Qingfeng on December 29th of the first year of Datong, but he is also exactly himself at every point in the past.

Everything in the past...still exists extremely clearly!

The moods and feelings corresponding to all past experiences can all be truly felt.

He could clearly feel the palpitations in his heart when the sound of the flute sent Ming Yayin away from the imperial capital at night. He could also clearly feel the urgency and panic when he almost saw Zhang Ting commit suicide with a golden hairpin.

He could also clearly feel... the expectation and helplessness in his heart when he handed the Black Bear Earth-Fist to Wang Sasa, who was still a refugee.

He also clearly felt... the burning warmth that emerged in his heart when Zhang Ting knelt at the door of his hometown and invited him to attend Uncle Zhang's funeral.

This missing a touch of red!
So... I wanted to add a touch of red to this world, so I became this touch of red!
"This one and a half years... is so long!"

It is no longer a thought.

Rather, it was the voice that came from the ancient god-like body that had been sitting here for nearly a month, slowly opening its mouth.

Li Qingfeng slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, his eyes lit up with an extremely bright golden-red light.

The light seemed to have substance.

Wherever his gaze goes, the earth, fire, water and wind flee for their lives!
He reached out his hand slowly.

With a thought, the golden-red immortal energy flowed in all directions, crisscrossing the endless area like a piece of silk.

With the emergence of this immortal energy, the earth, fire, water and wind accelerated their escape.

In just a moment, with the naked eye, one could no longer see the existence of any earth, fire, water, or wind.

There is only an extreme nothingness.

There is only this world filled with golden red silk like the glow of the sunset.

An extremely ethereal and free feeling emerges from each strand of silk.

But this is not magic yet!
Immortals live on the mountain, people live on the right side of the mountain, the top is the master, the right is the respected!
At this moment, Li Qingfeng finally understood why the five arts of metaphysics in his previous life were mountain doctor fortune-telling instead of immortal doctor fortune-telling.

All immortal arts are mountain arts!

As for mountain arts, mountains are extremely important! This is why in the post-era gods and demons, the gods and demons all occupied a vast mountain.

With mountains as a base, people can transcend!
A transcendent person is called a superior man going down the mountain, which becomes a person on the right and a mountain on the left. These two ways of writing the word "man" and "mountain" were later pronounced as xian!

There are thousands of mountain techniques.

The techniques are different for different mountains.

And the mountain... is not just a specific mountain that exists in the outside world, not just Kunlun Mountain, Niutouling, Mangdang Mountain...

Its true appearance is the mountain at the deepest part of the human soul!

Mountains in the sea!

The mountain in the sea of ​​heart!

It can be said that in the era of acquired gods and demons, those gods and demons also misunderstood the specific methods of practicing the method of transcendence.

The acquired gods and demons may have inherited the legacy of the era of innate gods and demons, or the third ancient innate god and demon may have told them a few words.

So the gods and demons of the future generations occupied the mountains to practice...but it was wrong in the end.


Li Qingfeng was just quietly recalling the mountain he saw when he had completely entered a state of profound tranquility, and reached the deepest part of the sea of ​​​​mind through the sea of ​​​​mind!

His mind immediately thought of the fairy mountain that now stands in the northwest of Tianlao, which is the former Xuanzhen Mountain.

“Xuan Zhen…”

"This is the name of the mountain at the core of my magic!"

The moment the two words "Xuan Zhen" were condensed, the vast mountain in Li Qingfeng's spiritual sea suddenly flashed with a golden-red light.

At the same time, the fairy mountain northwest of Tianlao suddenly trembled and flashed a golden-red light.

A mountain in the mind and a mountain in the outside world suddenly echo each other from afar.

Suddenly...on Xuanzhen Mountain, which is also the fairy mountain, a magical charm suddenly disappeared.

No one noticed the slightest change.

But this touch of the charm of the fairy mountain penetrated into Li Qingfeng's body and poured into the sea of ​​​​his soul.

That vast ocean of the mind suddenly underwent tremendous changes!

The ocean retreated and huge mountains rose up!

A strange breath that seemed to be the ultimate power suddenly spread out from the mountain of the soul.

Li Qingfeng opened his eyes again.

Golden red lotus flowers appeared on the golden red silk thread of immortal energy that was floating in the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles.

"It turns out... there has never been any magic..."

"The magic performed by immortals is immortal magic!"

There was a glimmer of clarity in his eyes, as well as a hint of understanding.

At this moment, the immortal path reappeared in his body, and the golden-red immortal path quickly spread forward...

The limits of the immortal path have been raised countless times again!
This scene was reflected in the entire universe, whether inside or outside the domain, or in the demon world newly opened up by the demon clan.

In all the space, the golden-red immortal road appears across the sky.

Countless people were shocked.

Countless monsters trembled in fear!
Even inside the Qingtianyuan, a golden-red immortal road emerged and continued to extend higher and forward.

It was not until this moment that Li Qingfeng finally determined the true method of practicing the immortal way.

Before...even though the path to immortality was created, there was actually no method of cultivating immortality that went straight to the core.

Therefore, after the path to immortality was opened up, there were only one person among a million who was suitable for directly practicing the path to immortality.

For the vast majority of people, the new path of cultivation, the Immortal Path, is actually just a precursor to the Martial Arts Path, and not a completely new path of cultivation.

Because... the previous immortal path did not have any specific method of cultivation. It was not like the martial arts path which had an eternal and unchanging core method of cultivation from Qi and blood to opening the meridians, gathering Qi, transforming the mortal world and then holding the elixir...

It only shows two or three key nodes such as condensing the immortal golden elixir and subsequently transforming the golden elixir into an immortal body.

But at this moment,
The true method of cultivating the way to immortality has appeared!

The way to truly complete and has truly become a brand new way of cultivation!

Li Qingfeng smiled softly: "Xinzhai...Zhuang Zhou is a great talent!"

It can be said that Zhuangzi had already explained the specific methods of practicing the immortal way long ago, but no one could understand the true meaning.

Zhuangzi has already explained the concept of Xinzhai through the dialogue between Confucius and Yan Hui in the human world. The original text is: Hui said: "May I ask about Xinzhai." Zhongni said: "If you have one mind, do not listen with your ears but listen with your heart; do not listen with your heart but listen with your Qi. Listening stops with the ears, and the heart stops with the symbols. Qi is the state of being empty and waiting for things. Only the Tao gathers emptiness. Emptiness is Xinzhai."

This means to keep one thought pure, and then gradually enter into a state of tranquility by listening to one's breathing. After entering into a state of tranquility, one will see the ocean of the mind.

We need to build a mental fast on the sea of ​​our soul.

And the misunderstanding of Xinzhai... is the reason why the cultivation method left by Zhuangzi cannot be recognized by people.

In Li Qingfeng's previous life, the mainstream interpretation of Xinzhai was [fasting to purify the mind].

However, in Li Qingfeng's view at this moment, Xinzhai means building a house for the heart so that the heart can settle down completely.

The seal script of “Zhai” in Xinzhai can be seen as a person on a mountain… At the bottom in the middle of the mountain shape is the word “Shi”, which represents God.

It was difficult to interpret in the past... but now, Li Qingfeng understood that it was the conscious mind that suppressed the chaos and focused on the eyes, ears, and sounds. Then the primordial spirit or the real self appeared, and only then could one truly enter into tranquility and see the sea of ​​​​mind, and only then could one see the mountain at the bottom of the sea of ​​​​mind, and cultivate that mountain bit by bit... that is the way to transcend!
This is also the true method of cultivation of immortality after the path to immortality has been completely perfected!
Focus on the mind!
Be quiet first!

However, the seal script of the word "斋" requires a person pressing down a mountain, so the practice of martial arts cannot be neglected.

It can be said that the Immortal Path is not a completely new way of cultivation that is completely different from the Martial Arts, but rather a most fundamental supplement and improvement to the Martial Arts.

In other words, all ways of cultivation are ultimately aimed at truly perfecting and supplementing a truly perfect way of cultivation.

And currently, the immortal path is the most perfect way of cultivation!
The noise and excitement from the outside world were reflected in Li Qingfeng's mind one by one, but he was not affected at all.

Instead, he slowly took out the second Hun Tian Dan.

The Hun Tian Pill he swallowed before was for the purpose of creating immortal magic, and the result was that he truly deduced and created the mountain magic.

It is precisely because the main purpose of enlightenment is the art of the mountains, a method of transcendence, that it takes nearly a month and there are so many dangers in enlightenment. (End of this chapter)

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