Start with the jailer

Chapter 621: Unmoved and Heart-fasting!

Li Qingfeng had previously swallowed the Hun Tian Pill with the purpose of creating immortal magic, but the result was that he actually deduced and created the mountain magic.

It is precisely because the main purpose of enlightenment is mountain skills, a method of transcendence, that it takes nearly a month and there are so many dangers in the process of enlightenment.

But now that I have realized that immortal arts are mountain arts, and that immortals perform immortal arts, there is naturally no need to create any immortal arts anymore.

Seeing the mountain in his heart, and knowing the truth in his heart, at this moment, he can perform magic with just a wave of his hand!
Similarly, at this moment Li Qingfeng only wanted to create the spells of great collapse and big explosion that Peng Long had used at the beginning.

As long as it is created, when Li Qingfeng uses it again, it will be a magical technique!

"This creation is only considered martial arts. It does not involve the practice of law, nor does it involve the fundamental principles of immortality... It should be possible to successfully create martial arts within five hours."

"In fact... because my state of mind has been elevated again, and I have a deeper understanding of the cultivation system... this time will be faster."

"Even if it involves the Big Bang and Big Collapse of the origin of the universe, and some secrets involved... at most one day will be enough!"

Thinking of this, Li Qingfeng slowly put the second Hun Tian Dan into his mouth.

The fragrance of the elixir melted directly in the mouth. It not only melted into elixir liquid, but it could be said that it directly transformed from solid elixir gas into elixir gas in that instant.

There was no substantial object in the mouth, only an extremely rich scent of elixir flowing along the upper palate, even the teeth, along the connection between the nostrils and eyes... lightly rising up.

Almost at the moment when Li Qingfeng swallowed the Hun Tian Pill, the elixir energy transformed from the Hun Tian Pill, carrying an extremely strong elixir fragrance, flowed into Li Qingfeng's mind and into the depths of the Niwan Palace.

This time, it was not like the last time, where the internal organs in the body evolved into the world, nor did it condense into itself at countless points in time, splitting its mind and soul into a dangerous situation...

Some people just have a strange feeling of being separated from their soul.

It was as if Li Qingfeng's soul suddenly separated from his body, and even from the world he originally lived in, and even this dimension...

In an instant, his soul seemed to jump out of the chess piece on the board and he became a spectator watching the game.

All things in the world, regardless of time and space, regardless of reincarnation and cause and effect, regardless of creation and disaster... whether they exist or not, are in this state at this moment, becoming chess pieces in a game of chess in which no one knows who the player is.

Li Qingfeng was also able to see the infinite changes in the world from a truly holographic perspective.

Naturally, he also saw the strange beginning of the universe, the heaven, the earth, and that singularity that seemed to be suddenly stuffed in from outside.

In the endless chaos, a singularity as big as an egg, which was the initial fusion of all colors but without any color, appeared in this endless chaos.

And then... the replacement of the five innate elements based on five big bangs and four big collapses slowly emerged.

During this process, Li Qingfeng's previous life experiences and knowledge related to martial arts, immortality, everything related to cultivation, and even knowledge unrelated to cultivation began to be integrated into his mind.

This is an extremely strange process!

If Li Qingfeng's state of mind and cognition during this process remained at the level before he mastered the mountain technique, he would definitely be caused by this process to lose all four abilities, and would be left with only endless self-denial!

It's like a poor student insisting on doing the last question, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions or even the big questions in the college entrance examination math paper...all that will be left is endless pain and confusion!
This may also be another factor that determines how long the enlightenment state of Hun Tian Dan lasts.

If at the beginning of enlightenment one is already like a student reading a heavenly book, then this state of enlightenment will naturally not last long.

And at this moment,
In Li Qingfeng's heart, there was no trace of confusion, no trace of pain, only a kind of surprise like discovering a new world, and an extremely hard devotion when encountering something extremely interesting.

Because... he saw that all his past cognition and thoughts seemed to have turned into bricks and tiles, mud and sand, and bamboo and wood.

With that consistent belief in universal harmony, the skeleton and foundation of a house were built in an instant!
Then, everything he had learned in this life and even in his previous life through scientific education was filled into the skeleton and foundation of the house constructed with the belief in universal harmony, just like bricks, tiles, bamboo, wood, and mud.

This process is not fast!

But not slow either!

The process is mysterious and yet as simple as just building a house.

Li Qingfeng looked at the magnificent building that was gradually constructed with all his cognition... It seemed like the most perfect giant palace in the world.

The moment when the palace seemed even more magnificent than the imperial capital...

"Xinzhai... turns out there is more than just one explanation..."

When one understands one's mind and nature and sees the mountain in the deepest part of the sea of ​​mind, Li Qingfeng believes that Xinzhai is the fundamental practice of immortality.

And at this moment,
He knew that Xinzhai could also be understood as building an unbreakable and indestructible house in the heart using the heart's cognition and all knowledge systems.

This may be the true meaning of Wang Yangming's philosophy of mind, but Mr. Yangming was restricted by the limitations of language and words and was unable to express it completely clearly. Or it may be said that he had already expressed it extremely clearly, but later generations were unable to understand it.

The core of Yangming's philosophy of mind... Don't be moved, your mind should be like a bright mirror, it will reflect everything that comes your way, and you will be able to see everything clearly!
This means that after the cultivation of the mind has reached perfection, the outside world and even the cognition of any things cannot shake the mind in the slightest, but this is only a basic point... After all, for most people, the less knowledge they have, the more self-willed they are and they will never feel that they are wrong, which is also unmoved... But that kind of unmovedness is obviously not the unmovedness that Mr. Yangming talked about and cultivated.

Therefore, the second basic condition is added. In order to remain unmoved, one must be able to have a mind like a mirror, which reflects everything and can see everything clearly... Only then can one truly remain unmoved!
This means that after having such a complete and truly unmoved heart, any thing, even something you have never come into contact with before and are encountering for the first time, can be reflected with this truly unmoved heart like a mirror with all its details and essence.

That is to say, you can quickly and correctly understand, recognize, and even master any new thing you suddenly encounter.

For example, Wang Yangming, who attained enlightenment in Longchang at the age of 36, had never been involved in any military affairs before that. However, after he attained enlightenment in Longchang and came out of seclusion, he won every battle!
All of this... is the philosophy of mind that Wang Yangming talked about.

Previously, Li Qingfeng classified the study of the mind as a transcendental knowledge, but at this moment... he suddenly realized that the state of mind he was beginning to construct was actually the true state of indifference.

Taking the belief in Datong as the foundation and skeleton, integrating all the knowledge learned and experienced in life, it is constructed into a mirror-like palace system, or a thinking and cognitive system.

In fact, there may be no knowledge in this thinking and cognitive system, it is just an empty mirror.

But after this complete and correct cognitive system is established, whenever any new thing appears, this entire perfect Xinzhai system will be able to completely analyze anything from its essence to details to the macro level in an instant.

This is...if you follow the instructions, everything will be revealed!
This also reminded Li Qingfeng of the very beginning foundation of ancient Confucian study in his previous life - setting goals!
You must set your goals before studying!

Everything you learn and experience thereafter should be integrated into the core of your original aspiration.

Confucianism...has always been trying to practice with the method of Xinzhai!
However, Confucianism itself did not record Xinzhai. Zhuangzi recorded Xinzhai through the questions and answers between Confucius and Yan Hui, but this was considered as Zhuangzi's slander against Confucius and was not studied in depth. Even though many people have studied it, they have gone in the wrong direction and actually understood Xinzhai as fasting to clear the mind.

Only Wang Yangming was determined to become a saint since childhood. He did not like the imperial examination system and did not waste his life on writing articles. Instead, he read in hundreds of schools of thought. In order to become a saint, he studied Buddhism in his childhood but gave it up because he felt that Buddhism had no loyalty or filial piety and did not involve production. When he was young, he studied Taoism and was able to predict in a cave that his friend would come to find him ten days in advance. However, he gave it up because this Taoist skill was something that anyone could learn if they calmed down. Then he studied Confucianism in middle age, starting with Neo-Confucianism and then with Mencius. He met the Great Learning and became the same as Zhuang Zhou. He truly mastered the three schools... Only then did the School of Mind come into being!
The Confucian determination has truly demonstrated its power!

Except for Wang Yangming, the aspirations of all Confucian scholars were nothing but acts of deceiving themselves and others.

"Set your mind... fast... become an immortal, or a saint..."

The saint that Wang Yangming aspired to become in his childhood was probably not a saint like Confucius, Yao, Shun and Yu, but a being beyond transcendence, that is, an immortal!

suddenly see the light!
Li Qingfeng felt extremely happy in his heart, as if he was about to find the true meaning of life.

"The Common People's Academy... from now on, we should also set our goals!"

"But I must explain the determination clearly... I must not be like in my previous life, and just create a Confucian sect that knows to make a determination but does not know what the determination is and why..."

"It is even clearer than what Mr. Wang Yangming said..."

After all, since Wang Yangming, only one person has truly understood the philosophy of mind he left behind, while the rest have been false believers, or even become complete idealists.

After Mr. Yangming, the only one who understood and cultivated heart and blood was the great man of "Four Crossings", the true creator of red!
He is also victorious in every battle! He also has a superb vision that can see through future changes... He is also unmoved, and has a heart as clear as a mirror, able to reflect everything that comes, and even the smallest details will be revealed!
It’s just… a lonely master of the School of Psychology… Both of them finally left in loneliness…

In the long silence,

The meditation center in Li Qingfeng's heart, that huge palace, that unmoved state, that heart as clear as a mirror... is about to be completed!

At the same time,
Time outside is passing quickly.

The time has come to the hour of Mao on December 30th!
In Houtuzhou, thousands of households get up early.

According to the Datong Law, all the people have a holiday starting from the Little New Year, and the holiday will last until the 29th day of the first lunar month.

The court at all levels naturally needed to maintain operation, so there was an additional A-level assessment for officials who stayed on duty.

A-grade evaluation is extremely rare. Those who have accumulated five A-grade evaluations will be promoted one level unconditionally, and the position of promotion will be decided by the promoted person.

If one can accumulate fifteen Grade A assessments, he or she can be nominated as a candidate for the crown prince and participate in the subsequent election of the current crown prince or the election of the next candidate crown prince.

But compared with fifteen A-level evaluations, one is not that important, and Datong Law also strictly requires that among the fifteen A-level evaluations, the number of A-level evaluations such as annual leave duty shall not exceed three!

Those who fail the test more than three times will have no chance of becoming a candidate for the crown prince no matter how many times they pass the A-level assessment.

Among the common people, vendors spontaneously opened their shops early.

Wherever the human race was, there were endless congratulations and smiles on everyone's face.

But in the hall in front of the human clan's ancestral hall, the fourteen immortals of the fairy mountain and the heads of the six departments sat there solemnly. Each of them performed dozens of telescope techniques to monitor the eight directions of Houtuzhou.

Ji Yanwei and Ji Wuchang were working together to deduce.

But, I can’t deduce anything.

After all, it is Qingtianyuan!
That is a place where without the power of Ji Yuan, everything will be completely annihilated if you get close to it. The wonders of divination cannot get close to it at all, let alone gain insight into it at all.

After a while,
Ming Yayin said, "Why not recapture Nanzhou... Then the Blood-Red Great Wall will rise to the sky and completely cover Houtuzhou."

The Blood-Red Great Wall serves as the second line of defense after the boundary array...

Everyone was interested.

Wang Sasa shook her head: "The resistance of the people to the demons is still very strong... If we recover Nanzhou at this time, I am afraid that the demons of Nanzhou will suffer a lot of grievances!"

The blood and fire that the demons brought to the human race... have long been engraved into the human bloodline!
Especially after the Yao family took the initiative to lift the first and second level formations when they were refining monsters and killing humans, and let in hundreds of millions of monsters, it can be said that anyone who is still alive has an irreconcilable blood feud with the monsters!
Xin Yuan: "But the Eagle Tribe of Nanzhou...has always been on our side!"

Zhou Huanran shook his head: "Good or evil?"

"If we wait until the emperor's plan is fully implemented, the people will naturally be able to distinguish between the good and evil of the demons... but not yet..."

Ming Yayin fell silent.

Xiao Jiangshan said, "Let's compromise! Dean Ming, you go to Nanzhou immediately. If the demon tribe really attacks... recapture Nanzhou before the boundary formation is completely broken!"

Under the protection of the Blood-Red Great Wall, no matter how bad things get... Xiao Jiangshan can also learn from what Zhao Muchen did in the past and open the Sky Gate, using the boundless blood-red mountain to buy time for the human race, and buy time for the Later Emperor to come out of seclusion and the Immortal Organization to reappear!

Ming Yayin nodded.

Zhao Muchen stood up suddenly: "Everyone, please go back to Western Xinjiang! If the situation is really serious, Zhao can open the Heavenly Gate again!"

Xiao Jiangshan shook his head and refused.

Wang Sasa also shook her head and refused.

Zhao Muchen: "Why?"

Xiao Jiangshan: "This time, if you still need to open the gate of heaven, I will do it!"

Zhao Muchen smiled bitterly and nodded.

There is a gap of forty-nine hours for opening the Heavenly Gate, which means there is a cooling time of at least forty-nine hours.

Therefore, the stronger the person who opens the Sky Gate and then guards the Sky Gate is, the better, and he can delay the time sufficiently.

This was also the reason why when the Bloody Great Wall in Western Xinjiang faced the attack of the Wolf Tribe, Zhao Muchen opened the Sky Gate instead of letting Chang Taohe or one of the second-rank generals under Zhao Muchen to open the Sky Gate.

Xiao Jiangshan is undoubtedly the strongest person in the human race besides the Immortal Organization and the First and Last Emperor! (End of this chapter)

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