Start with the jailer

Chapter 622: The sudden change of the Yu tribe!

Ming Yayin left in a flash.

The moment she walked out of Jin'an City, she looked back at the Heavenly Prison, and also looked at the bustle and joy in the city with nostalgia.

"If I die...will you cry in front of my coffin?"

If that time really came, she hoped that Li Qingfeng would cry in front of her coffin, but she also didn't want Li Qingfeng to cry in front of her coffin...

Finally, he sighed: "If I can come back alive... next year..."

She didn't think any further, but instead flashed towards Nanzhou as fast as she could.


at the same time,

Under the Kunlun Mountains,
Thousands of soul particles and thousands of body particles, all the Qi particles completed the final fusion in an instant.

Wu Jin's body slowly emerged.

The ultimate black!
The inky luster of witchcraft power!
The space around was shaking inexplicably, but there was no physical collapse at all. Instead, there was an inexplicable rhythmic vibration.

At this moment, Wu Jin was ninety-nine feet tall, his muscles and bones were like stacked vines, and every inch of his skin was shrouded in an unfathomable Taoist aura.

Those unfathomable Dao rhymes transform between nothingness and mysterious totem patterns.

At this moment, he looked slender and elegant like a gentleman, and also burly and brave like a fierce general on the battlefield.

Under the contradictory perception,
He laughed softly.

"It can already be said to be a success..."

"The Heavenly Witch Strategy... is the greatest creation of my witch clan!"


But his laughter stopped abruptly.

Because, he suddenly felt as if his heart was being grabbed tightly, and the feeling that time was running out became stronger and stronger.

It was so intense that it seemed as if the next drop of water would be his death!
dong dong!

Boom boom boom!
The strange heartbeat seemed to be related to some strange existence.

Wu Jin's face was full of madness.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"Now I am already half a transcendent!"

He has completed the fusion of Tianwu Ce and passed all the tribulations of the fusion. He only needs to wait until Tianwu's body is completely imprinted with all the laws and rules of the heaven and earth, and wait until the totem of Tianwu condenses on the surface of the body.

He is the real celestial wizard, the only truly transcendent being throughout the ages!
In fact, at this moment, he has already become a transcendent person!

"Myriad magical powers can still be unleashed at will, and the laws of heaven and earth cannot affect me in the slightest! How can I still feel like my fate is beyond my control?!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

He kept saying it was impossible, but the fear in his eyes could not be suppressed at all. The panic in his heart was so intense that it seemed like it was about to burst out from his body and tear it apart completely!
"I do not believe!"

"I do not believe!"

Amidst the crazy roars, time and space around Wu Jin became chaotic.

The space where he was was instantly trapped in a time fragment of only a breath, and hidden in the depths of time.

Then, the space was stacked up layer by layer until it reached nine thousand layers, and then it returned to one, returning to its origin...

Everything no longer exists.

Even Wu Jin himself didn't know where he was at the moment.

After he became a Heavenly Wizard, the first time he made a full-strength attack, he wanted to isolate himself from that terrifying feeling.

That time is running out...the feeling of death approaching!
However, even if one were to extract a breath of time from the long river of time, it would be like scooping up a bucket of water from the river, making this bucket of water no longer a part of the river, but a circle of its own... even space was controlled by him in this way.

But that damn feeling still exists, and it becomes clearer and clearer!


There was a glimmer of madness in his eyes, but there was starlight swirling out from this madness.

Divination can also be a supernatural power!
In other words, all the rules, laws, and principles between heaven and earth are areas that can be touched by supernatural powers.


There was a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"What's this?!"

"Is this my future?"

"Is this my final killing?"

Although he did not see clearly from the divination what the future would be like, he also saw that his death was tied to the Battle of the Sky.

If he fails in the battle of heaven... he will die!
Eventually, he will be swallowed and fused in a strange way by another transcendent being and will perish.

There is another transcendent?!

He's not the only one?

Wu Jin immediately locked onto the leader of the Immortal Organization in his mind.

If there is anyone who is transcendent in this world, it must be the leader of the immortal organization!
"I see!"


"I see……!"

"Leader of the Immortal Organization, you have never looked for me since the Ghost Festival. It's not that you can't find me... but do you have some other sinister plan?"

"So you have already been a transcendent?"

"Eat me?"

"You want me to use all my life's skills to make wedding clothes for you?"

"You are my final calamity... but I am also your calamity!"

"I will never let you... succeed!"

"I...will devour you in reverse!"

Ugin laughed.

The time and space around him began to shatter layer by layer, becoming increasingly bizarre.

" will fight with Baxia, Tang Boyong and the guy named Mo...let the battle of the sky consume you..."

"And when you end the Heaven-shattering War, that will be the time when I... become your calamity!"

Wu Jin gathered his thoughts, suppressed the panic in his heart, and began to focus on the last step of the fusion of Tianwu Ce, imprinting all the rules, laws, and principles of heaven and earth with his own Tianwu body!

At the same time,
At the moment when Wu Jinrong formed the body of the Heavenly Witch,

The starry sky beyond the vast and boundless mountain of stars protected by the town’s wind and thunder formation.

The endless members of the Yu tribe suddenly started shouting wildly.



The pronunciation was similar to the syllables of the human character "Luo", and like the human race cheering "Long live the people", it boiled over in this endless sea of ​​stars with an extreme enthusiasm.

The Yu tribe was surrounded by three layers of defense inside and outside the starry sea, making it impossible for anyone to get in or out.

Suddenly, in this huge group of the Ya tribe that was even larger than the largest star of light, a blue light began to shine from the core of this huge Ya tribe group.

Strands of blue light shot out like sharp swords from the gaps between the thousands of Yu people surrounding them.

A boundless and vast aura slowly rose up. "Luo!"



The roar became more and more fanatical and crazy.

The blue light became brighter and brighter.

If any one of the 365 demon gods of the demon race was still guarding Kunlun Ruins, he would know... that the emperor of the Yu tribe was born!

The real birth!

And it’s not just an ordinary birth, but an unprecedented one!
If the demon clan had a demon god guarding here, the news of the drastic changes in the Yu clan would spread throughout the Shenzhou area in an instant, and the area would definitely be prepared.

However, at this time, there was not a single living being in Kunlun Ruins.

Outside the domain, in the endless sea of ​​stars, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the number of mountain shouts [Luo] is rapidly decreasing.

Even the enormous group of the Yu tribe, like the group of bees huddled together when they separate... was shrinking visibly and collapsing inward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blue light within the core of this ball became clearer and brighter, and its boundless power and aura became stronger and stronger.

The countless stars outside the domain that had long lost their vitality seemed to have been drained of their remaining vitality again...


Time passes quickly.

The night of New Year's Eve of the first year of Datong finally fell.

In today's Ancheng, the main streets are decorated with lights and the rest of the houses are also brightly lit.

The crackling sound of firecrackers rang out continuously.

The entire city of Jin'an was bustling and festive.

The streets were crowded with people, sweating profusely, and everyone had a festive smile on their face.

There are dragon and lion dances, lantern riddles, and rallies in the central square. Outside the East Suburb Commoners' Academy, countless people release star lanterns (also known as Kongming lanterns).

There is a piece of paper hanging on each star lantern, on which is written the wish of the person who released the star lantern.

The reason for lighting star lanterns outside the Common People's School is that people hope their children can be successfully enrolled in the Common People's School in the future.

Of course, not everyone has the same desire.

Among those wishes, there were the wishes of lovers who wished to live together forever, and there were sincere people who wished for world peace. There were also some who did not know much about world peace, but wrote down the wish that His Majesty the Emperor would live forever and be healthy and happy forever...

This is the most sincere wish of the people for the Emperor who created all this after they saw the improvement in their lives and the hope for the future.

The star lights in the sky are burning and flying higher and higher.

Some star lanterns have already burned all the paper outside.

Then the owner of the star lantern would be extremely happy and bow to the sky with his empty hands.

Datong has gradually been deeply rooted in people's hearts. The complicated rituals in the past have all been deleted and revised. Even when worshiping the heaven, only the empty-handed ceremony is required!
After all, the First Emperor once said: Heaven hears what our people hear, Heaven sees what our people see, and Heaven’s will is what our people will!
The people are the sky!

The people and heaven are of equal status and different positions, so it is correct to salute with empty hands.

The prosperity of Jin'an City, seen by Xiao Jiangshan and others who were standing thousands of feet in the sky, gave rise to a sense of responsibility in their hearts.

"All people are happy, the world is at peace, and a prosperous era begins..."

Xiao Jiangshan spoke slowly, without uttering a single four-character phrase. The more peaceful and joyful his face looked, the more solemn and serious his eyes became.

Xiao Jiandun said: "Is this the world that father has always hoped for?"

Xiao Jiangshan shook his head: "What I expected... is not as beautiful as what the emperor did..."

He personally created the "Mortal World" hidden in the mountains of the southwest, and named the place "Mortal World". Wasn't he trying to turn the entire Mortal World into "Mortal World"?

But Li Qingfeng, the first emperor, and his disciple Dun'er, really did it.

Not only did he do it, he did it better and beyond his previous best imagination of a prosperous era.

Xiao Jiandun: "So...if that time really comes, father will definitely choose to fight to the death, right?"

Xiao Jiangshan nodded: "I will not allow anyone, any living being, any existence... to destroy all this!"

"Unless I die!"

"The lights and happiness of thousands of families are what I, as a father, have been seeking all my life!"

At this point, Xiao Jiangshan gently placed his hand on Xiao Jiandun's shoulder: "Sorry!"

He felt sorry for not doing his best to save Xiao Jiandun's mother back then, and also sorry for running around everywhere later without really fulfilling his responsibilities as a father.

Xiao Jiandun smiled softly: "Dun'er has always been proud of his father! Dun'er has always wanted to be a person like his father! Dun'er has also always wanted to fight alongside his father!"

Xiao Jiangshan: "Maybe nothing will happen on New Year's Eve. After several consecutive falls, the demon tribe should have learned a lesson."

Seeing Xiao Jiandun's serious mood, Xiao Jiangshan didn't want to mention such a heavy topic anymore, especially since it was New Year's Eve, a time for family happiness.

He smiled softly: "When I see the Immortal Organization again...I will propose marriage directly!"

Xiao Jiandun's heavy mood was suddenly replaced by shyness, but she suddenly thought of her junior brother in her heart.

It was also at this time,

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of oppression emerged in the air.

It was as if the air in the whole world was compressed to the extreme in an instant.

This compression... seemed to be caused by the entire sky, the entire sky, falling towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The star lanterns that were still shining in the sky, carrying the people's good wishes, suddenly went out one by one, and then fell down like stones.

Xiao Jiangshan waved his hand, and his true energy roared out. The thousands of star lanterns that fell down were shattered and annihilated one by one, so as not to fall down and injure the people.

Only then did he look up at the sky.

In essence, there seemed to be no change... but in the feeling, the sky... seemed to have fallen down thousands of feet!
Xiao Jiangshan looked serious.

His memory instantly went back to three thousand years ago.

That was the first battle of the sky!

It also started with the entire sky suddenly falling down, and the sky seemed to become infinitely lower... Then, in less than two hours, the sky-shattering battle broke out!

He witnessed those horrific scenes with his own eyes, he witnessed the baseness of human nature between life and death, and he also witnessed the brilliance of human nature between countless lives and deaths!

He picked up the radiance of humanity revealed by countless weak people and walked forward step by step...

Today, I saw that scene again!
His fists clenched involuntarily, his knuckles turned white, and cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

At this moment, Xiao Jiangshan felt the presence of the inner demon.

"Is the inner demon going to break out at this time?"

"Then... I won't chop up the body... If there is a real need, I can feed the demon with my body..."

While his heart was filled with rage, he looked at Xiao Jiandun with great tenderness: "Dun'er, help your junior brother to guard the Common People's Academy. You can do without everything else... but you must not do without the Common People's Academy!"

As long as there is the Common People's Academy, even if everything returns to zero, Datong will still be able to retain the spark!

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Huanran, Ji Yanwei, Zhao Muchen, Zheng Huaizhou, Chu Yunting, Li Xuanjing, Ji Haofu, the master of Taiyin Pavilion, the master of Tianshu Pavilion, Wang Sasa, Ji Wuchang, Ning Shasheng, Long Siyu, Yu Xuanwei... and other high-level officials in Jin'an City had all arrived.

Ji Wuchang's voice trembled slightly: "Master Xiao, is this... Qingtian?"

Xiao Jiangshan nodded.

A look of extreme fear appeared in Ji Wuchang's eyes.

Zheng Huaizhou laughed loudly: "I have created this fatal sword... and now... I finally have the chance to use it!"

Chu Yunting: "Mr. Zheng is still so heroic! Yunting admires him!"

Zhao Muchen: "What Mr. Zheng said is right! They are just a tribe of demons... let's fight to the death!!! Behind us are the lights of thousands of houses, and in their hearts they are just thieves and whores, let's see who has more guts!!! Let's see who is still standing after the blood is as vast as the sea!" (End of this chapter)

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