Chapter 102

"You are all martial arts practitioners, so you must have a lot of common topics. Let's get to know each other and communicate more in the future."

Huang Baigao, the gold medal manager's level of atmosphere is not bad.

At least it didn't make the field too rigid.

In fact, Huang Baigao was already complaining in his heart.

What the hell? !

He has never seen such a strange atmosphere of the leading cast of the crew
Zhen Zidan's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking, and he seemed a little careless when he greeted his "junior brother".

And what about Bai Anliang?There is a smile on his face all the time, but you have to say that his expression is very friendly. Not at all, he is also weird.

Even Wu Jing is a little bit off right now.
Those eyes stared at Bai Anliang, as if all the muscles in his body were tense.

"What's the matter with you?"

While going to the bathroom, Huang Bogao asked Wu Jing a little strangely.

Wu Jing scratched his head, but now he finally relaxed, "Master!"

"Huh? Did you have a problem with him?"

"No, no, I don't know him. I didn't see him until I came to Xiangjiang last year."

It's also a coincidence, he came last year, and Bai Anliang left last year~
Hearing this, Huang Bogao breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if there's no holiday, it's best not to mess with him."

"Does he have a good background in Xiangjiang?"

"It's not a question of background." Huang Baigao didn't know how to explain it to Wu Jing, so he simply changed the subject, "You just said that he is a master? How did you tell?"

"As soon as we met, this man's eyes were aimed at the joints and vital points of my body. And the look in his eyes made the hairs on my body stand on end. Either he is a master, or he is not a desperado. I can't say anything else, I can guess."

Your guess is really accurate, kid!

"He probably doesn't have any objections to your participation in this movie. His attitude is relatively indifferent. The main reason is that Zhen Zidan is a hindrance. I heard that the two of them had had a fight before because of their role in the movie, and they even started fighting."

Wu Jing's eyes lit up, "Who won?"

"What do you say?"

"My senior brother?"

Although I think Bai Anliang is a master, but... senior brother ~ give him a hand.

Huang Baigao understood this guy's "teasing", reached out his hand and nodded, and said angrily: "Your senior brother lost a lot! You lose as much as you fight, and you are rubbed by others."

"Fuck, is it true or not? It's not true, is it?"

"If you don't believe me, find a chance and try it yourself."

That's what he said, but Huang Baigao was actually joking casually.

But he didn't notice, Wu Jing's eyes lit up, try?It's not impossible!
Fist is afraid of being young, Zhen Zidan is ten years older than him, it is not incomprehensible that he can't beat a young man, but Wu Jing feels that his age is the peak moment of a warrior
In short, martial arts practitioners focus on dissatisfaction!
Who is strong and who is weak, you have to fight to find out.

So, when Wu Jing and Huang Baigao came back from the "double row" toilet, Bai Anliang noticed that the boy's eyes were not right, he seemed to be on fire.

It's not that the attitude towards him has changed, it's the purer fighting spirit.

"Sorry, I'm late, there is really something urgent to deal with."

When Huang Baiming showed up with Ye Weixin, everyone finally arrived.

What followed was a polite meal and pleasantries, and after finally getting to the point, Bai Anliang completely turned on the movie-watching mode.

Huang Baigao wanted to make this movie a double hero.

It's different from the dual male lead model that Bai Anliang and Zhen Zidan mentioned before, he wants Wu Jing and Zhen Zidan to be on an equal footing.

Of course, the lion just opened his mouth.

Asking prices all over the sky, and paying back the money when they land.

The conditions mentioned above are naturally exaggerated.

But Zhen Zidan is obviously not happy about it, the role of buddies has been reduced a lot, you think you are Bai Anliang, can you let me talk with my head down?
"After we changed the script a few times, it is now very mature. Is it not good to rashly add roles to some characters? It will destroy the original plot structure."

In the current version of the script of "Slaying the Wolf", there is no room for another hero's plot at all, so what he said is quite reasonable.

"The script can be carefully crafted. You are all kung fu masters in the film and television industry. If you can get together to shoot a movie, the effect must be great! Everyone is doing it for the good of the movie."

"I still can't accept the current plan, it's irresponsible for the movie!"


Obviously, there was no agreement.

Don't think that this kind of business negotiation is like that in movies and TV shows. Everyone sits around a big table, each with their own means, which is extraordinarily high-end.

In fact, it is not uncommon for people to slap tables on the spot and go crazy.

Bai Anliang really wanted to see Zhen Zidan go crazy on the spot and have a real-life PK with Wu Jing, so as to solve many people's doubts about who is better at fighting between the two.

But it's a pity that Huang Baiming was still there, and there were people suppressing the scene, so it wouldn't be that troublesome.

But in the end Zhen Zidan left the venue early, and didn't even take part in the agreed-upon dinner.

That's called a rage.

But before he left, Bai Anliang did not forget to remind him: Don't forget to play a guest role in a movie in two months~
This sentence almost dried up the emotions that Zhen Zidan had brewed up with so much effort. Are you still thinking about this?I'm angry, I'm angry bro!

Of course, he still didn't express his temper at Bai Anliang in the end, and replied bluntly: "Don't worry."

Hey, comfortable~
As for now, let's order first.

Hearing them beeping for a long time, Bai Anliang was hungry.

At the dinner table, Huang Baigao was quite enthusiastic towards Bai Anliang, and after a chat, he asked his opinion again.

In the end, Bai Anliang said in a shocking way, "Why don't we kick Zhen Zidan out and make Wu Jing the leading actor~"

In a word, shock a table of people.

Huang Baiming who was drinking was almost choked to death by a sip of wine, even Huang Baigao looked like he was beeping a dog.

Wu Jing was eager to try, the way he looked at Bai Anliang was like looking at his relatives while riding a horse.

Dude, I misunderstood you before!Damn me for wanting to fight you!
But it's a pity that Bai Anliang's "proposal" was probably the only one on the table who agreed with both hands and feet.

Everyone else thinks it's too much, no no no.

Huang Baiming even secretly asked Ye Weixin: Is there such a big conflict between Bai Anliang and Zhen Zidan?

Ye Weixin:
Based on his understanding of Bai Anliang, this guy is just talking nonsense, do you really believe it?
Glancing at Wu Jing who was smiling like a flower, he silently shook his head, sooner or later you will be tricked.

Although Bai Anliang's "proposal" was rejected by everyone, the atmosphere on the wine table suddenly became jubilant.

Wu Jing, who was still a little "shy" before, started to drink with Bai Anliang frequently, almost wanting to ask for help on the spot.

But after drinking for three rounds, Bai Anliang said casually, "Actually, Wu Jing doesn't necessarily have to play the male lead in the first movie."

Huang Baigao regained his energy all of a sudden, "What do you say?"

"As for the "Slaying the Wolf" trilogy, no one said that the main character can't be changed, right? They're not the same character. Just let Zhen Zi play the leading role in the first part, and Wu Jing play the leading role in the second part. I have all the scripts, and it depends on the courage of the bosses."

There is a problem~
This idea of ​​Bai Anliang's suddenly hit Huang Baigao's lungs.


Naturally, Wu Jing didn't need to say much. After drinking, he was excited again, and the blushing
He really wanted to seek help from Bai Anliang!Brother, I will definitely remember your kindness!
Every suggestion really came to his heart.

And Bai Anliang's operation is still going on, "Of course, opening two movies at the same time will definitely put pressure on funds and manpower. Let's make the first movie first. Let alone Wu Jing play the male lead. Let's play the male supporting role first. If the role is better, the second movie will be the male lead directly. I'll play the opposite role for you. How about it?"

how about it?

I let you say all the good things, but it seems to be going back.
Apart from making a pretext for the second part, is there any difference between what Bai Anliang said and what Zhen Zidan thought?

Hmm. The difference is that he drew a cake for Wu Jing.

It's just that this piece of cake is not something you can't eat at all, but something real.

There are no idiots here, and they can understand what he means.

But after calculation, everyone felt that it was not a loss.

But if this is really the case, the risk is too high to open another one before the first film is shot.

Bai Anliang didn't care about these things, he was only in charge of painting cakes.

Whether they can eat or not is their own business.

In other words, Zhen Zidan did not mean that he seemed so impulsive. After the dinner was over, Bai Anliang had just come out and received a call from him.

Someone tipped him off at this cliff, and he was extremely suspicious of Ye Weixin.

What he said was simple, "Thank you, let me know the exact time of the guest appearance."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

Does he still thank us?

What else can Bai Anliang say?Our two brothers. Who can I help if I don’t help you!
This is called not knowing each other without fighting! ——
"Our two brothers are both mainlanders, and we both speak Mandarin. If I don't help you, who will I help you?"

"I replaced wine with tea! It's all in the wine!" Wu Jing picked up the cup and gurgled~
Just when Bai Anliang was about to go back to the hotel, a car stopped in front of him, it was Huang Baigao's car.

Obviously, after the big picture, there are small games.

For his invitation, Bai Anliang naturally readily agreed.

But this time I stopped drinking and drank tea instead.

The content of the chat is naturally about "Slaying Wolf 2".

"I have investors behind me, and Bona's Mr. Yu will also be interested in this project."

"Brother Bai means that you want to split the project?"

"It's not called splitting. Both of you are Boss Huang. We were a family 500 years ago."

Cloudy and foggy, this is Wu Jing's current feeling.

He couldn't understand what Huang Baigao and Bai Anliang talked about.

How to split the project?

It was really unpleasant for these two people to talk. He listened hard for a long time before he felt the meaning. The second part. Dongfang Film and Television Company is not playing.

Is that what you mean?

And Huang Baigao was also a little amazed at Bai Anliang's appetite, did he want the first part to carry the sedan chair for the second part?
Because Bai Anliang himself did not participate in the investment in the first film, and the share is not much. What he gets is the remuneration of the screenwriter, starring and so on. At most, there is a copyright share.

To put it bluntly, the box office performance of this movie has nothing to do with him.

But in the second part, he obviously wants to participate in the profit sharing.
Of course, this is just one option.

If the preparations for the first project of "Slaying the Wolf" will continue to grind. After Bai Anliang finished filming "Ip Man", he dared to directly recruit people to shoot "Slaying the Wolf 2" first.

He has a financial backer now, so keep your back straight and don't be too straight!
hang him?Then stop playing, he plays by himself!
"Ash, what do you think?"

After Bai Anliang showed off with a beautiful female assistant, Huang Baigao took a sip of tea and asked casually.

Wu Jing shook his head, "Young people are so powerful now."

"First of all, let me remind you, don't look at him as a young man, you shouldn't have called me Brother Bai just now, how old are you older than him?"

"Uh, isn't he nine years older? You can't even call him brother?" Wu Jing said in astonishment.

"You are an actor, and now you still need to look for roles everywhere. What about him? The boss of the film and television company, save up projects for investment. If you mess with Zhen Zidan, don't mess with him. Did the strong man who was walking next to him see that?"

"Did you see his bodyguard?"

"Bodyguard~" Huang Baigao shook his head, "What do you think of that 'bodyguard' skill?"

"With that size, he must be able to fight well."

"Have you fought?"

"Uh, height and weight are a bit of a disadvantage. But you can try."

"Hit your head." Huang Baigao was a little helpless. These martial arts practitioners were all unconvinced if they didn't get knocked down. "Bai Anliang has no background in Xiangjiang, but no one in the circle dares to provoke him, because he has fifty masters who can at least beat ten by his side."

"Fifty or fifty?!"

"Yes, that guy just now was one of his younger brothers. I saw that guy chasing and beating more than a dozen club members by himself."

No, Wu Jing is completely messed up, what kind of strange behavior in the film and television industry is this?

You guys are so good at fighting, and there are so many people, why don't you go to the club to eat and drink, why come to the entertainment industry?
"Didn't you also come to the entertainment industry~"

Ah, this makes sense.

Wu Jing felt that he was too drunk to get dizzy, and he could walk the right path, so why would he want to hang out with the club.

"The thing about that character."

"Don't worry, this project is very troublesome and needs to be discussed."
"Boss, that one just now was Ah Fei, right?"

On the way back to the hotel, Qin Lan asked cautiously.


This question made Bai Anliang a little confused, who is Ah Fei?
"It's the one in "Little Li Fei Dao"."

"Oh, anyone can play Lin Xian'er, but A Fei can't, he is the one who played it."

Uh, the boss's memory is quite strange~
Anything but A Fei is fine. But when he said this, Qin Lan felt more and more, it seemed to be true!
No, it's crooked.

"Hey star~"

Hearing her muttering, Bai Anliang was amused, "What's so strange about being a star, are you a fan of Wu Jing?"

"No, no, I just haven't seen many celebrities before, and I can still sit and drink tea together."

"You can throw tea in his face if you like, don't be afraid, he can't beat the cannon."

Hey ~
Hearing this, the cannon that was driving became excited, "Brother, do you want to beat up that Wu Jing? I'll do it!"

"Go your car!"

"How could I splash tea in someone's face?" Qin Lan said that she couldn't understand what her boss was saying.

"What I mean is, you're my assistant now, and I'm sure you'll meet a lot of people with me when you look back. The entertainment industry, right? It's glamorous, but at the same time, there are quite a few youngsters. You also represent the company outside. In short, you want to be strong." Bai Anliang took the opportunity to instill a wave of Baijiaban's work style in Qin Lan.

"Strong? How strong?"

"You will know it slowly, listen more, watch more, and memorize more."

"Good boss!"

"By the way, do you know how to massage?"


"You don't need to be too professional, give me a massage after returning to the hotel, I drank a little too much today."

"Ah, ok, let me try."

What I have seen and heard today is too much, the information is too complicated, and Qin Lan's "CPU" is still processing all kinds of undigested information.

She also wrote down a lot in her little notebook, although Bai Anliang didn't explain it, but in case she asks later, she can find it in time.

The easiest thing is to go back to the hotel and massage Bai Anliang's head. This kind of physical work is just serving people, and it doesn't require any brains.

Of course, it would be even better if Bai Anliang didn't lie directly on her lap.

Is this also included in the job scope of assistants and secretaries?

"Uh, aren't you used to me like this?" Bai Anliang was still very considerate, and asked after lying on his lap.

This made Qin Lan, whose face was slightly flushed, not know what to say, can she get used to it?

She is a girl who has just graduated, and she is directly asked to work as a technician
It's just embarrassing.

"I'm fine, just a little sick."

Fortunately, Bai Anliang just put his head up and didn't do anything else.

If this is lying down and touching, then she will really be pushed away by the other party.

Now, I haven't touched the bottom line yet, I'm just a little shy.

Qin Lan carefully helped him press his head, fearing that her strength was too light or too heavy, and asked Bai Anliang for his opinion from time to time.
In fact, the current Bai Anliang feels that he has a beautiful female assistant, and he is really happy.

This riding is life!

Even though Qin Lan has no work experience in this field, she is still trying to learn how to be a good assistant and secretary.

But just a little bit, you can rest on the opponent's lap. Let her give you a massage~
It is already an upgrade in the quality of life.

This is different from teasing girls, it is a new experience.

After all, picking up girls is not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and Bai Anliang would not say anything to order the girl he picked up to do work for him or serve him.

It's a matter of time for others to take the initiative, but he can't speak.

And using assistants is a very reasonable thing. Of course, the wages given to others must match the work that they do.

In other words, other people's assistants and secretaries should use it in the same way, right?
Bai Anliang soil leopard is one, if you use it wrong, then make the mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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