This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 103 I really didn't treat her like an outsider

Chapter 103 I really didn't treat her like an outsider

"Qin Lan, do you want to be a star?" With his eyes closed, Bai Anliang chatted with Qin Lan.

"A little bit..." Qin Lan admitted it honestly after a pause.

"Then I'm afraid you will have to work hard. You are not in good shape now."

Hearing this, Qin Lan became a little anxious, "Huh?! I think I'm in good shape?"

"The flesh on your legs is a bit loose, haven't you exercised systematically?"


"Many girls are actually like this. They look slender, and even have good curves, and they are also very beautiful, but this is just the basis for being a star. Female stars in the entertainment industry are very curly. If you don't want to look bad, expensive maintenance, fitness to shape your figure, and even some things like medical beauty make people feel hard."

"I'm taking good care of myself. Should I just keep fit?" Qin Lan asked cautiously. At the same time, she still didn't forget to continue massaging Bai Anliang's head.

"That's how easy it is to be a star. Our company used to be at Hengdian, and there were little girls chasing their dreams of becoming a star going there every day. I didn't see any of them who made it to the top. There were quite a lot of people who were laid in vain."

"Someone has to support it, right?"

"You really hit the point."

Qin Lan didn't continue to ask, but asked Bai Anliang to take a look.

If she is impatient, the next question should be "Boss, can you praise me?"

Then of course Bai Anliang will reject it~
But her choice is to shut up and concentrate on helping him massage his head

This girl does have what it takes to be a good assistant and secretary.

Of course, if she can go to the gym again to make the flesh on her legs a little tighter, Bai Anliang will be able to lie down more comfortably.

Yes, it is such a simple and practical purpose.

Whether the other party wants to be an artist or not is none of Bai Anliang's business, even if he is awesome and can be praised in the future, it all depends on how well his assistant serves him.

Now. It's just to trick this girl into "improving herself" so as to improve the living standard of his boss.
For ten minutes, Bai Anliang just lay there with his eyes closed.
Qin Lan began to wonder if he was asleep.

Only now did she dare to observe her boss carefully.

From the eyebrows to the chin, look very seriously
It's a bit of a joke to say it, Bai Anliang opened his eyes, especially when he was looking at her, she didn't dare to look at her and always lowered her head subconsciously.

It's amazing, she doesn't think she has a particularly shy personality, even if the boss is a handsome guy, she shouldn't be like this.

In the past two days, I found that she is not alone, and there are quite a lot of people who dare not look at their boss.
Especially when he frowned, although he was still pretty, there was an inexplicable sense of oppression.

But now, with his eyes closed, he is a pure handsome guy, without those messy incidentals, on the contrary, it makes Qin Lan feel a lot easier.

Even after feeling that he really fell asleep, I still want to reach out and touch his face
But at this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

At the same time, Bai Anliang who thought he was asleep suddenly said, "Go and open the door."

"Uh good!"

Qin Lan got up in a little embarrassment, her face was hot, she lowered her head and trotted to the door to open it.

"Bai, who are you?" The smile on Li Xiaoran's face that was standing at the door froze before it fully unfolded, looking at Qin Lan with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Qin Lan returned to her normal state at this time, and asked politely.

"I'm looking for Bai Anliang, is he there?"

"The boss is here, that."

"Let her in." Bai Anliang yelled while lying on the sofa.

Hearing this, Qin Lan immediately stepped aside and signaled Li Xiaoran to go in.

But the other party paused, and after looking at her for a while, the expression on his face became a little strange, but he walked into the room without saying anything.

"Long time no see~"

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Is this your assistant?"

"Yes." Bai Anliang nodded naturally, and waved at Qin Lan, "Come here, continue."

continue?Do you want to continue?

Qin Lan said that she is an assistant, and of course she can do whatever the boss asks her to do.

Why do you sit back to the original position and let Bai Anliang continue to put his head on her lap? Don't tell me, this will suddenly make you feel less panicked.

Maybe her thighs are used to Bai Anliang's head~
And now Li Xiaoran looked at such a scene, gasped, "corruption", you don't want to die!
Frowning, he also walked to the sofa and sat down, almost next to Qin Lan
Her actions made Qin Lan a little nervous. She recognized Li Xiaoran, and his appearance was quite recognizable.

On this big night, a female star knocked on the door and entered the hotel room. Is she the boss's girlfriend?
That's how it is now.
"Is it your assistant or your little lover? You said earlier that I would not come." Li Xiaoran asked with a slight frown.

"It's really an assistant. I just recruited it a few days ago. Do you want to show you the labor contract?"

"Then you lie on someone's lap?"

"I drank some wine and asked her to press it for me, aren't you still jealous?"

"No, if you had said earlier that a little lover was here, I wouldn't have come."

"Let me tell you, the most stupid thing in the world is to turn a subordinate into a lover." Bai Anliang said seriously.

Li Xiaoran wanted to laugh a little, but she held back, "Then how about turning a lover into a subordinate?"

"That's even more stupid, how about I lie on your lap?"

Having said all this, Li Xiaoran finally believed that this ridiculously beautiful girl was indeed Bai Anliang's assistant, and there was no other messy relationship.


This color batch!
To find an assistant is to look for this kind of beautiful woman who is beautiful and smooth?
As for the stupidity of subordinates turning into lovers, just listen to it.

Qin Lan felt extremely uncomfortable being caught in the conversation between the two.

Subordinates become lovers for a while, and lovers become bosses for subordinates for a while, you are enough!

She didn't want to be a lover~
And this Li Xiaoran. When I was watching TV, I didn't realize that the other party spoke so meanly. What kind of little lover?
Of course, at this moment, she has almost guessed the relationship between her boss and Li Xiaoran, even if they are not lovers, it is probably the same.

Sure enough, handsome and talented men are very popular. How could he be single?

Although it had nothing to do with her, I felt a little unhappy in my heart for no reason.
"Okay, go back to your room and rest first, get up early tomorrow and make me breakfast."

At this time, Bai Anliang finally "let go" of Qin Lan. Of course, he mainly wanted to lie down on another leg~
"Boss, how many copies do you bring?" Qin Lan responded first, and then asked a more interesting question.

In the end, Bai Anliang showed three fingers.


"Yes, she eats one serving, and I have a big appetite, so I eat two servings."

Ah this.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'll leave later." Li Xiaoran was too embarrassed by Bai Anliang's coquettish words, and stretched out his hand to push him.

In the end, Bai Anliang hugged his waist with his backhand, brought him down on the sofa, and slapped him.

"There are others!"

"Already gone~"

While burying his head, Bai Anliang waved at Qin Lan, signaling her to get out of the way.

Seeing this, of course Qin Lan ran away like a spoiled brat.

It's all about kissing, if we continue to stay, don't we want to watch the live broadcast?
But after running out and closing the door, she was a little red and panting!My boss is really... indescribable.

He started making out with people in front of her, so he really didn't treat her like an outsider.

After Qin Lan left, Li Xiaoran finally got a chance to breathe, hugged Bai Anliang and asked in his ear, "She won't talk nonsense, right?"

"Your assistant doesn't sign a confidentiality agreement?"

"That's right. But you're too big. If you're really generous, can't you let her go first?"

"Even if you let her go first, you can still see it when you come here tomorrow morning. I'm already very concerned about your feelings, otherwise I'll let her stay and push me. How can you bite?"

"The dog can't spit out ivory, go take a bath, it smells like wine!"

"Do you have a cigarette? Come with me and cover it with the smell of cigarettes."

"Temporarily quit."

"Then let's wash together."
Li Xiaoran came here this time, of course, to participate in this year's Golden Statue Awards.

Although she wasn't shortlisted personally, it's good to rub the red carpet.

It's like the red carpet in Canna that will be ruined in the future, even the Internet celebrities will go to the red carpet, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts will join the battle, fighting for exposure.

At least she actually participated in "Dragon and Tiger Gate" and was the heroine, and this movie was indeed nominated, so it's not too late to say.

And because Zhen Zidan was also nominated for the best action design of this year's Academy Awards with another movie, so Li Xiaoran can also be Bai Anliang's female partner to represent that movie at the Academy Awards.

All in all, her presence makes perfect sense.

It was so spicy that Qin Lan's eyes were almost swollen when she bought breakfast and delivered it early in the morning.

No, you two don't stop and stop in the morning?

She was so scared that she left her breakfast and quickly apologized and ran out
It wasn't until more than half an hour later, after receiving a call from Bai Anliang, that he went over again in fear.


"Sorry, sorry, I thought you were going to knock on the door. I forgot that you have my room card."

Bai Anliang sincerely apologized to Qin Lan, after all, he really did something wrong.

This assistant is new to the post, how can she be so exciting when she comes up. At least she has to wait for a while to get used to it.

"It's all right." Qin Lan lowered her head, not daring to look at him, and hearing the sound of water in the bathroom, she knew that Li Xiaoran was taking a bath in it.

"You can make another trip and find her assistant to get some clothes. After you get them back, you can just put them on the sofa."

After explaining this, Bai Anliang waited for Qin Lan to leave this time before turning around and going to the bathroom.

Faintly, there was a voice of cursing from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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