This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 104 The Rise of the Martial Arts Flame

Chapter 104 The Rise of the Martial Arts Flame

Qin Lan: I feel like I've been cheated.

Of course, it wasn't because he was cheated out of money and sex, but because of what Bai Anliang had told him before. The female stars are all over the top, and they need to train their bodies or something.

She has completely believed it.

Originally, she had made up her mind to go to the gym when she was free, so as to make her figure better.

The results of it?
Li Xiaoran is a serious female star, right?I didn't see any so-called exercise marks on her body at all, why didn't she work out?

At this stage, Qin Lan didn't have the ability to keep this doubt in his heart, so he asked Bai Anliang quietly when he found an opportunity.

Amused him.

"The core competitiveness is really involved. You should have seen it before, right? Is she in vain?"

"Uh..." Qin Lan was a little embarrassed, but still nodded, "It's quite white."

"It's not only white, but also very... You know, this is her core competitiveness, and you are pretty, but you don't have the kind of memory that makes people impressed at a glance, just like the one who said: Beauty is beauty, there is no soul."

Ah this.

Qin Lan didn't speak, but her expression was obviously a little disappointed and unconvinced.

And Bai Anliang is very good at hitting with a stick and then giving a sweet date, "But do you know who this sentence was describing before?"


"Li Jiaxin."

"That most beautiful Hong Kong lady."


This time, the smile returned to Qin Lan's face.

Beauty is enough, what kind of soul is needed.

As for the core competitiveness that his boss Bai Anliang said, he still didn't quite understand it.

But don't worry, her assistant work has just started, watch more, listen more and learn more. Let's start with Li Xiaoran!
It's just a pity that she didn't have much chance to observe Li Xiaoran more.

Because the Academy Awards started.

The nominations for this year's Academy Awards have been announced more than a month ago. "Big Man with Great Wisdom" has 13 nominations, "Infernal Affairs II" has 12 nominations, "PTU" has 10 nominations, and "Infernal Affairs III Ultimate Infernal Affairs" has 7 nominations. Other popular films are on the list, so generally speaking, there is no big surprise.

It is still the world of big directors and big stars, except for the newcomer awards, there are no new faces.

And this year's nominations are more "pure" in the Xiangjiang region. Except for the Best Asian Film Award, there are no mainland films shortlisted, and Wanwan films are too pitiful to find a shadow.

Bai Anliang may be the only "strange species" among them.

Everyone can't understand whether he is considered to be in the Xiangjiang film and television industry.——
"It's so lively, so many people!"

Sitting in the car, Li Xiaoran looked at the crowd outside with some emotion. Many fans of the artist gathered at the award ceremony, holding signs and shouting the artist's name.

"After all, the Golden Statue Awards are still the top event in the Chinese film industry. I heard that CCTV will broadcast live today."

now or?

What Bai Anliang said seemed to be holding the Academy Awards, but director Ye Weixin, who was also sitting in the car, grasped the point, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Isn't it true that Hong Kong films are gradually declining, so is it possible for the Academy Awards to remain strong?
Impossible, unless the restrictions are really relaxed and a large number of mainland films are nominated
This is in no way comparable to the Golden Horse next door, which is at least open to all Chinese-language films, and there are a lot of criteria for being shortlisted for the Academy Awards, such as Hong Kong artists as leading actors, and how many Xiangjiang people must be in the production team.
These conditions directly blocked many mainland films from the Academy Awards, making this award a self-entertainment for the Hong Kong film industry behind closed doors.

If it was the glorious period of Xiangjiang movies, then of course it doesn't matter, it's Eastern Hollywood.

But if we continue to do this in the future, the attention will only get smaller and smaller.

But that's the problem. Really let in a lot of mainland filmmakers. Can the Xiangjiang film industry withstand it?

It is still April, and all the movie theaters in Xiangjiang have put up the posters of "House of Flying Daggers". For a movie that was only released in July, this is a miracle.

So what if the old man's movie can't be nominated for the Academy Awards?

Ye Weixin, as a Hong Kong filmmaker, can still see some essence through the phenomenon.

Faced with such a "heavy" development problem, Li Xiaoran quickly changed the topic, looked at Bai Anliang who was still in the same shape as usual, and said in a disgusted tone, "Why don't you change your clothes today?"

Bai Anliang looked down at his clothes, "I'm wearing a tie, it looks pretty decent."

"I mean, you usually wear it like this, but today you are participating in the Academy Awards, don't you want to wear something special?"

Hmm. That's what I said~
Bai Anliang glanced at Li Xiaoran's career line, she was wearing something special.

The backless dress, the deep V purple dress lining the skin is whiter, oh yes, it is bigger.

love to watch.

Bai Anliang was full of praise.

Of course, what she's wearing is actually not very revealing, and the female stars on the red carpet are still very curly.

All kinds of red carpet looks are ingenious, some wear very little and give various benefits, and some wear local styles to pretend to be ugly. Of course, on the red carpet, Bai Anliang is still the most obedient to Fan Xiaopang, and he can come up with the dragon robe.

But the current Fan Xiaopang is not that powerful, otherwise Bai Anliang really expected her to wear a dragon robe and walk the red carpet, and then let him feel good after getting off the red carpet.
That's a dragon robe!

This thing can arouse the interest of men more than any sexy suit.

Ordered by heaven, longevity and eternal prosperity are stronger than the strongest aphrodisiac.

Hmm. Bai Anliang turned around and asked Fan Xiaopang to put on that dragon robe in advance!
"Image is not something that requires special attention when walking on the red carpet. It should be remembered at all times. Even if my hands and feet will be broken tomorrow, today my cuffs and trouser legs are straight. Even if tomorrow is the end of the world, I will still dress appropriately. This is an attitude towards life~"

Li Xiaoran was dumbfounded by these words.

Ah. She is superficial.

She thought Bai Anliang was just pretending to be handsome, so is that the case?

At this time, Bai Anliang added, "We are all actors, will you wear slippers on stage at the curtain call?"


Dude, you've reached the end of your sentence!
Ye Weixin silently wrote down these words in his heart, wishing he could find a notebook and write them down!
Too pretend to beep!But it makes sense.

Especially when he said it to the girl with a smile, he was shining brightly.

Decent, too decent.

He deserves to be a person who can write his own book as a screenwriter.

Look at Li Xiaoran's expression and eyes, the eyes are almost showing.

And Bai Anliang seemed to know what Ye Weixin was thinking, and suddenly turned to look at him, "If you want to use it, you have to pay the copyright fee."

Ye Weixin's face collapsed, "Our friendship is not enough, is it?"

"Friendship is friendship, if you don't pay copyright fees, then you have to mark this as a quote."

After a messy chat, we arrived at the place.

When you get off the bus, you will see a gorgeous red carpet avenue in front of you, paved along the steps until you reach the gate of the venue.

Both sides of the red carpet were densely packed with the media who had been waiting for a long time, holding various guns and short cannons, snapping wildly at the stars walking on the red carpet.

Having said that, it seems that the Academy Awards did not arrange any additional order of appearance, anyway, Bai Anliang and the others did not receive similar notices.

It's over when you go directly to the red carpet.

He helped Li Xiaoran open the door in a gentlemanly way, and asked her to hold his hand
Who is this?

After they walked on the red carpet, a considerable part of the media had such doubts in their hearts.

After all, the face was still a little too unfamiliar.

Many mainland reporters who came here could still recognize Li Xiaoran, but Bai Anliang was too unfamiliar. After all, he only made a head start when "No. [-] in the World" was launched, and his popularity in the entertainment industry is still too low.

But it doesn't matter, the media still didn't skimp on the camera, and shot at the two of them with long guns and short guns
The men are handsome and the women are pretty, so why not shoot them.

The combination of these two people walked together, and the main thing was a hormonal overflow.

Poor Ye Weixin. It's obviously the red carpet for three people, but he, the serious Xiangjiang director, has become a foil instead.

After walking the red carpet, Li Xiaoran seemed a little relieved. For her, walking the red carpet was considered as the completion of the task of this trip.

After entering the arena, she has to separate from Bai Anliang
Seats for Gou Li's Golden Statue Awards are not arranged according to the crew, but the stars and entertainers shortlisted for each award are gathered together.

This arrangement is very unreasonable, but it is very topical.

A group of people who are competitors are sitting together, and once the camera passes, it is not to mention how interesting it is.

Most people don't even have a good expression to show, otherwise some of them will be exploited by the media.

laugh?So confident?
frown?Who are you dissatisfied with?

Compared with the situation of the actors or directors, the person who is the best action designer. That's even more interesting!

Zhen Zidan, Yuan Bin, Qian Jiale and Hong Jinbao.

Bai Anliang was actually the last one to arrive. When he walked over, these people "watched" him in unison, with different expressions.

And Bai Anliang himself grinned, and sized them up presumptuously.
Sorry, in his place, they are collectively referred to as warriors.

When warriors meet, they naturally have to compete!
And under his extremely presumptuous gaze, Zhen Zidan was the first to "coax".

It's not that he is really that "bad", although he has lost to Bai Anliang many times, but he said that in terms of actual combat ability, in the circle except for the opponent, no one is convinced.

Mainly because he saw what Bai Anliang wanted to do.
As someone who has dealt with each other before, there is no need to continue this kind of tit-for-tat confrontation, after all, the outcome has already been decided.

However, Zhen Zidan's "counseling" can be regarded as giving others a step down.

One by one, they looked away, nodded and said hello, and it was over.

I basically breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, this kid is a real murderer!

Well-deserved name.

The posture just now made it look as if he was going to do something in the next second. No, isn't it the Academy Awards we are participating in?It's not a martial arts arena, is it?

Is it possible that this kid wants to kill all the "competitors" on the spot, and then, as the only one who can stand, go to accept the award for best action design?
that's outrageous
But I don't know why, everyone here always feels that Bai Anliang can do such outrageous things, after all, it's not like the other party has never done even more outrageous things.

This dog is fierce, so avoid him for now.

Bai Anliang: Can you avoid it?

What is an Academy Award?Can hold, can't count the ball, the big one is still behind.

The noise he wants to make, in Xiangjiang, no martial artist with a name and surname can avoid it.

It's better to be older, after all, people can make excuses when they are old.

Those who are young or in their prime either bow their heads or are beaten.

"Brother Dan, do you think I can win the award this time? It's my first time to come to the Academy Awards." After sitting down, Bai Anliang propped his chin, raised his legs, and casually asked Zhen Zidan next to him.

"You're young, so there are more opportunities when you're young." Zhen Zidan didn't know what to say, he felt that his relationship with Bai Anliang had improved a lot, but he still couldn't stand this kid's face when he was "full firepower".

Even if he knew it wasn't for him.
"Young doesn't mean you have more opportunities, just like you may be able to rely on your qualifications when you are old."

Hearing these words, Zhen Zidan was a little terrified, you are on a horse, why don't you talk to someone else!

Who are you implying?
Before co-authoring, you were really polite to me.
Zhen Zidan didn't dare to answer what he said, otherwise he would become Bai Anliang's flattery.

Looking back, in other people's eyes, he is the same as two.

This bastard says one sentence and you follow another, and you still say that you are not from the same group?
The most terrible thing is that he still has a scene with Bai Anliang to cooperate with. The yellow mud occupies the crotch, it is not shit, it is shit.

Bai Anliang: Can you please?
Wouldn't it be a pleasure for us brothers to work together to overthrow these "old things" directly?

Looking at Zhen Zidan who "can't support the wall with mud", Bai Anconscience said that it was boring, and simply changed the subject, "Brother Dan, have you been in Xiangjiang recently?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"There will be a big show in two days, so don't go on a trip."

Zhen Zidan was at a loss, but he was still willing to talk about such "normal topics", "What big drama can I watch?"

"Yeah, what's the big show?"

"Isn't it you who are you?" Bai Anliang suddenly heard Mandarin and felt something was wrong. He turned his head and found a curious face approaching him.
Look at the figure again, thin and small~
Why?this is not.
"Hey, you are really from the mainland. Hello, my name is Zhou Xun, and I know you."

"Are you my fan?" Bai Anliang said shamelessly.

"Uh, what movie have you acted in? I may not have watched it." Zhou Xun frowned and pondered for a while, then shook his head apologetically.

"That's fine, I'll give you a movie ticket later, remember to watch it, and praise me in front of the reporter after watching it."

This buddy, there is something!
Now it's not just Zhou Xun, but also several other mainland filmmakers who just arrived at the scene and just sat down behind him began to look sideways.

Xiaogangpao, Jiang Wen, Qin Hailu, and Xu Jinlei are all familiar names in the entertainment industry. There are directors and actors. But they are all here to be guests, and they have nothing to do with today's awards.

It's normal, there are so many people in the room, there are not too many shortlisted, many of them are here to join in the fun, or to support the organizer's platform.

He also saw Wang Jing before~
In fact, Bai Anliang is indeed quite famous in the entertainment industry.

Because of the incident with the crew of "Little Fish and Flowers".

The public likes to listen to gossip, and so do celebrities.

After such a thing happened in the circle, anyone who was curious would ask about it by the way.

It was much easier for them to inquire about this matter, after all, there was a lot of trouble before, and there were a lot of channels.

Once you inquire, you can basically know what happened to the crew.

Among them, Bai Anliang's beating of Xie Tingfeng and Zhang Weijian is also very famous.

Oh yes, maybe we should add Fan Xiaopang's rumored boyfriend.

This addition to his reputation is not small.

In short, it is not surprising that artists from the mainland who come to Xiangjiang will have a good impression of Bai Anliang.

People have handed over the "voting certificate".

Zhou Xun was also happy to hear Bai Anliang's words now, "The movie you co-acted in hasn't been released yet?"

"No, to be exact, it hasn't been filmed yet. I'll leave a phone number and I'll let you know when it's released. If I say please watch it, I invite you to watch it."

This way of asking for contact information is really hardcore!

Zhou Xun didn't know how to refuse.

This man is really interesting!
After she really gave her mobile phone number, she was still asking the question just now, "What kind of drama is there?"

"Shh~ It won't work if you say it now. If you're in a hurry, you can stay here for two days and you'll be able to see it then."

Big drama?

What big drama can there be?
In fact, quite a few people heard Bai Anliang's words. Some Xiangjiang filmmakers recalled it a little bit. Isn't the biggest "drama" the Academy Award.

The recent media didn't report anything else, did they?

There is really nothing else in these two days, but if the time is pushed forward, those who are really interested will find that some media have reported more about the various martial arts in Xiangjiang.

Some newspapers also made special topics on various martial arts, in an effort to promote martial arts.

Of course, most martial arts schools are happy about this kind of publicity from the sky.

Some reporters went to interview, and the thieves who cooperated actively.

Some can be more modest, but most martial arts schools must brag about their own martial arts
Of course, people in the film and television industry will definitely not pay too much attention to these, and it has nothing to do with them.

Naturally, both eyes were smeared black.

So I don't know, yesterday morning, Wing Chun and the Great Sage had a quarrel in the newspaper. Then it even provoked the public voice of Ip Man's descendants, and Barabara quarreled in front of the reporters.

The flames of Xiangjiang Wulin have already been ignited.

If it is a normal situation, this kind of verbal battle will only last for a few days, and there is basically nothing to follow.

But if someone is constantly adding firewood and raising wages, it's hard to say!
If the fire gets hotter, throw another firecracker into it at this time. Bang!It explodes all at once.

And a large number of Bai Anliang's juniors have already bought air tickets for tomorrow, and they will be able to arrive in Xiangjiang tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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