Chapter 105

"Wait~ I suddenly remembered, you don't mean to think"

Just when Bai Anliang was idling and waiting for the start, and chatting with Zhou Xun, Zhen Zidan, who had been stunned for a while, suddenly spoke a little excitedly, which surprised Bai Anliang.

Others can't guess, but he can still guess something!

When he saw the voice of Ye Wen's descendants in the newspaper yesterday, he just brushed it off and didn't pay much attention to it.

But if this matter is related to Bai Anliang, Zhen Zidan knows the subject of the movie Bai Anliang is about to make!

This riding horse is just about to come out!


However, a look directly told him to shut up.

Bai Anliang's eyes at this moment are really fierce and critical, as if Zhen Zidan dares to continue to say that he will kill this guy in the next second.

"I guess what I'm going to do, don't say it."

".it is good."

Zhou Xun watched the interaction between the two with great interest. She didn't see Bai Anliang's eyes, so she didn't feel scared, "What are you talking about?"

"No, when are you going to present the awards?"

"We'll have to wait for a while. Hey, it's starting."

The curtain opened, and this "exciting" Academy Award ceremony is finally about to begin.

Awards ceremonies of this kind have always been pretty inky, though.

The hosts and award presenters from all walks of life have jobs, and those who don't have jobs. Then chat awkwardly.

Anyway, you have to beep a few words to prolong the time.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang was not shortlisted for any important awards.

Because the first one awarded is "Best Action Design".

Not to mention, there is one thing that the Academy Awards did well, that is, when this award introduces each nominee, it will also release the martial arts action clips in the movie.

Of course, most of the martial arts instructors actually played roles in the shortlisted movies, so the fighting scenes of the leading actors are usually shown.

Even Zhen Zidan didn't play any role in the film "Thousands of Changes" he was nominated for, and was only in charge of being a martial arts instructor.

In the end, Bai Anliang was the only one who appeared in the film. The credits should have been given by "Dragon Tiger Gate".

When Ye Weixin came here today, he also said that he would give Bai Anliang a surprise~
He saw this "surprise".

"You don't even have the right to die by my hands!"

Poor Xie Tingfeng.
The beating of Xie Tingfeng is of course not a surprise. The surprise is that Ye Weixin cut the scene of Bai Anliang taking off the mask and showing his face to the end of the fight, which should have been in the later part.

He showed his face.

Fire Cloud Cthulhu - Bai Anliang.

"It's kind of handsome~ Is this the movie you want to invite me to watch?"

"No, he's the lead actor in this movie, let him invite you." Bai Anliang waved his hand at Zhou Xun "sensibly", and signaled Zhen Zidan to pay.

Zhen Zidan:
Dude, are you really not nervous?
The winners will be announced soon!

At this moment, the live shots of the finalists were also shown on the big screen.

Either with a serious face, or with a smile on his face, Bai Anliang was the only one on the horse, who turned his head and chatted with Zhou Xun with a smile at this time.

Seeing the camera facing him on the big screen, he smiled and waved his hands.

This completely relaxed state of mind couldn't hold back even Zhou Xun who was next to him, and waved at the camera with him. After all, she just happened to be in the camera~
"I've never seen a girl flirt at the Academy Awards!"

These words were uttered by this idiot Wang Jing with a microphone on the stage. He is one of the presenters of this award, which caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Fortunately, Wang Jing didn't get too entangled in this topic, after all, when a person is beaten, it hurts.

The relationship between him and Bai Anliang can only be joked to this extent, if it is really too much, he is worried that he will not be able to get out of the award scene.

The topic immediately shifted to the other finalists.

After roll call or joking or saying hello, Wang Jing seemed to have enough time and words. Finally, he opened the envelope with the names of the winners.

"Are you really not nervous?" Zhou Xun sighed in surprise.

Bai Anliang shrugged, "It's not a very important award, it's unnecessary."

Zhou Xun didn't say anything more, otherwise he would offend the others.
Although she has a bit of a jovial personality, she is not without emotional intelligence.

Although she still doesn't know why Bai Anliang is so unafraid of offending others
"The best action design award is "Dragon Tiger Gate", Bai Anliang."

"Excuse me, I'll go and receive an award first."

Even though he heard his own name, Bai Anliang didn't show much excitement or happiness.

I just sorted out my shirt habitually, and then greeted Zhou Xun first, saying that I would come as soon as I went.

Zhen Zidan on the side felt a little lost, but at the same time complained in his heart: This guy is pretending again.
You have a shirt and suit that looks like it's welded to your body, so there's nothing to tidy up if it's so neat.

But what I have to sigh with emotion is that Bai Anliang is indeed much more handsome than him in a suit, and he is also a martial arts practitioner. Why is this kid like a clothes hanger?
Fortunately, Zhen Zidan turned his head to look at Hong Jinbao, and felt that his image was actually not bad.

Bai Anliang's series of actions were all recorded by the camera at the scene.

It's just amazing.

The series of actions are too smooth, right?

The calm and calm expression, the politeness to greet the lady first, and the elegance when tidying up the clothes?

In the end, stand up calmly, walking unhurriedly
After his operation in such a way, the finalists of other awards began to think about whether they should not get too excited if they won the award later.

Look at their style.

Elegant, too elegant.

Anyway, quite a few Xiangjiang entertainers who knew him didn't realize it until today. This head of the Bai family team seems to be really a celebrity!
Handsome is a bit too much!
It's hard to imagine that Bai Anliang, who was forced to chase and beat people during the two years in Xiangjiang, and Bai Anliang, who is so handsome at the moment, feel that they are not the same person.
Bai Anliang: People who practice martial arts can swing their knives thousands of times, even with their eyes closed, they can hit the target. The same is true for pretending to beep.

In fact, he didn't deliberately pretend, the main thing is that he usually cares about the image, and the movements may not be very standard when he gets used to them, but they must be very smooth and highly ornamental.

Fortunately, today is not an elegant contest, today is the award ceremony of the Academy Awards.

I gave a short acceptance speech, and I can sum it up in two words: Thank you.

After Bai Anliang got off the stage with the trophy, he handed it to Zhen Zidan, "Brother Dan, help me get it."

Zhen Zidan: Is labor and management your assistant?
But when he saw Bai Anliang who turned his head to chat with Zhou Xun again, he had no choice but to throw away the trophy.

"Thank you."

Hearing this, Zhou Xun blinked in doubt, "What are you thanking me for?"

"I'm not well-known. Even if I win this award, there may not be reporters interviewing me after the meeting is over. But if I was caught on camera chatting with you, and Wang Jing still said that kind of thing, the media will definitely come to me later."

It really makes sense!

"Wow, you are quite honest!"

Zhou Xun was really surprised at this time, she hadn't thought of this level yet.

"My little brother is very interesting~"

At this time, even Xu Jinlei next to him couldn't hold back, and took the initiative to talk to Bai Anliang.

Bai Anliang nodded to her first, as a greeting, and then added another sentence to Zhou Xun, "I have missed your enthusiasm, so I must say hello to you, we martial arts practitioners are very disciplined and martial arts."

Fuck your fart!

You have a hammer Wude.

I can't listen anymore, I can't listen to a word.

Zhen Zidan turned his head silently, letting himself think hard about some happy things
But how should I put it, he is very envious of Bai Anliang now.

It's not that he envies his juniors whose skills are as exaggerated as those of the animals.

It's the kid's ability to deal with women.

Zhen Zi has been listening for so long, and she is very sure that Bai Anliang has never met Zhou Xun and Xu Jinlei before, but now they chatted inexplicably, and they seemed to be more speculative as they chatted.

Even he has heard of the names of these two mainland four little female roles.

A first-line female star, so flirtatious?Still teasing two at the same time?

This situation, Zhen Zidan always felt a little familiar, as if it had happened before.

Oh yes, last time, it was Li Xiaoran and Fan Xiaopang
The back molars are crushed~
Damn you! ——
Bai Anliang had already won the award, so he naturally didn't have much interest in paying attention to the follow-up of the Academy Award.

Even those shows he didn't really want to watch.

That is to say, when the national Latin dance champion came on stage to perform a passionate dance, Bai Anliang paid a little attention.

Art, it must be appreciated!

For Bai Anliang today, the biggest gain may not be the broken trophy that slipped away in his hand.

An optimal action design. To put it bluntly, it doesn't make much sense.

At most, it would give his Bai family class more bragging rights in the field of martial arts.

Just like what he said to Zhou Xun, without that camera, without Wang Jing's voice, walking out with the trophy above his head, there might not be reporters coming to interview him.

The biggest achievement today may be that I got to know two first-line female stars and have their contact information so that I can communicate and exchange feelings.

Of course, Bai Anliang is not a hungry ghost. When he sees a female celebrity, he just wants to sleep with her, so he wants to tease her.

Besides, Zhou Xun and Xu Jinlei are not his type either.
Female star. Now with him, there is also a customer attribute.

The building that Yanjing rented was about to start renovations.

The first project to be done is not even a martial arts gym, but a high-end private fitness and recuperation.

The target customers are self-evident.

In order to do this business, he had already used the contacts of the overseas Hongmen Zhou old man in advance, and asked him to help him find a group of professional female coaches and nutritionists with blonde hair and blue eyes.
This is the trend these days, and foreign professionals are more popular, which makes people feel at ease.

Of course, there are also reasons why the domestic fitness and nutrition industries are not on the right track. The market is not as mature as others, and there are naturally very few useful talents needed.

This is a common problem in many industries. When the market is bad, there are naturally fewer professionals.

As for why it is necessary to have a female coach, because the first batch of Bai Anliang's ideal clients are the female stars in the circle.

First of all, they have money and they also have this need.

Secondly, this thing is just like a nightclub, who will go if there are no girls.

After Bai Anliang made friends with female celebrities and accumulated enough clients, these female celebrities became another advertisement.

After all, there will be quite a few "successful people" who want to think about the beauties in the entertainment industry.

And successful people can also attract those women who want to catch successful people so that they can get close to the leap.
One link after another, everyone has a bright future, and Bai Anliang can earn a lot of membership fees to complete a wave of capital accumulation.

The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that he is actually chasing girls for his career! ——
With the end of this year's Golden Image Awards, Liu Dehua won the Best Actor award, and Zhang Bozhi officially won other awards after being best actress, so there wasn't so much attention, and the main focus was on these two people.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang really gained some qualifications to be interviewed by relying on his "scandal" with Zhou Xun.

Simply answering a few sentences, and by the way promoting the works that I have already filmed and the works that will be filmed, I have completed a relatively simple interview.

But, when Bai Anliang found Junior Brother Da Pao and his assistant Qin Lan, as soon as he threw the trophy to Qin Lan for him to keep, he felt as if he had forgotten something.

It wasn't until Qin Lan carefully looked at the Golden Statue trophy, and after congratulating the boss, she suddenly said, "Hey, boss, where's your girlfriend?"

Upon hearing this at first, Bai Anliang waved his hand directly, "Where is my girlfriend, I just met Zhou Xun."

"No, I said Li Xiaoran," Qin Lan said with a strange expression.

She didn't go to the Academy Award site, but she didn't know the story between Bai Anliang and Zhou Xun.

Bai Anliang slapped his thigh at this time, yes!How could I forget about Li Xiaoran!

The organizers of the Golden Statue Awards arranged all the broken seats, if he sat with Li Xiaoran, wouldn't this happen!
At this moment, Bai Anliang has completely forgotten that he was still grateful for the seat arranged by the Academy Awards
Of course, even so, he didn't forget to tell Qin Lan, "She's not my girlfriend, don't talk nonsense."

Hiss~ Really? !
Qin Lan clicked her tongue a little, tsk tsk, your circle is really chaotic~
However, there is no need to look for it, Li Xiaoran is here!

Coming in a rage!
"Bai Anliang, why are you throwing me there?!"

She was really pissed off. In fact, as soon as the awards ceremony was over, she was going to find Bai Anliang.

Unexpectedly, this guy's legs and feet are different from ordinary people, and he runs so fast, how could she catch up in a dress and high heels.

Finally, he was about to block him in the interview area, but before she came to him, this guy ran to show off his long legs again, right?Only your legs are long!I saw it for you!
Seeing Li Xiaoran with a gloomy face full of displeasure, Bai Anliang was naturally not a fool, "I'm sorry, I thought you left with Director Ye."

"Him? He's not a good guy either! He left early before the end."

Ah this!

Did Ye Weixin, who is so big, not help Bai Anliang to make a fool of himself? "
PS: Calvin, there is still a chapter that has not been written, so I will post it later, let’s read it tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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