This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 111 Don't Be the Second Bruce Lee

Chapter 111 Don't Be the Second Bruce Lee
"what happened?"

After hearing Bai Anliang's gentle voice, Qin Lan felt inexplicably relieved.

The hand that held the book tightly was finally relaxed a little.

But looking at her boss, who was relaxed and comfortable at this time, without any nervous expression, she felt that the other party seemed to have a strange filter of light and dark, which was elusive, but it made people want to find out.

I'm a little dazed when I look at it~
next second.


Fan Xiaopang finally finished eating.

After belching contentedly, his face was filled with happiness.

Bai Anliang turned his head and glanced at the empty box on the table, was taken aback for a moment, and asked Qin Lan, "How much did she eat?"

"It's a bit more for two people." Qin Lan, who was "awakened" by the hiccup, looked at the opponent's "record" and said in disbelief.

Now she looked at Fan Xiaopang, as if she was looking at some strange species.

She is a female star, right?
She is really a female star, right? !

What did my boss tell me before?Female stars are very curly in figure.
The results of it?It's fine for Li Xiaoran to have no trace of exercise, but here comes Fan Xiaopang, who just overeats and eats. What kind of female star is this?

Bai Anliang: Don't ask, the question is that these two are gifted. Most people can't learn them.

He also knows quite a few female stars, among whom there are only a few who can truly be said to be "God appreciates the food".

Every place has advantages that ordinary people can hardly achieve no matter how hard they work.

Li Xiaoran, Fan Xiaopang, and Liu Yifei are all like this.

It's unreasonable for this kind of people to mix in the entertainment circle, you can see it at a glance if you stand in the crowd.
However, Bai Anliang also asked curiously, "Little Fatty, you haven't eaten for a few days? Starving ghost reincarnated! I only ate so much this morning."

Fan Xiaopang rolled his eyes at him, wiped his oily lips with a tissue, and let out a long sigh of relief, "I eat it every day, but I eat less."

"lose weight?"

"Yes. Gained some weight."

"Actually I think"

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"


What else could Bai Anliang say, she copied the quotations written by the leader of Huang more than ten years later, and she can only show respect.

Of course, I can still mutter in my heart: Isn't the meaty one very good?

Fan Xiaopang, who was full, suddenly regained his energy. He glanced at Cai Zhuoyan who was sitting next to Bai Anliang with a cute face, chuckled lightly, and then naturally reached out to put his arm around him, "Why did you come here~ I really want to die!"

"Hey, your little belly is protruding." Bai Anliang didn't even hear what this girl was farting or acting like a monster. He pointed at the other person's belly, looking like he had never seen the world.

That expression seemed to say: Is this the legendary little belly?
Qin Lan and Cai Zhuoyan next to each other tried their best not to laugh, it was really hard.

And Fan Xiaopang himself looked down at his belly in disbelief, and his face flushed with a swish.

Pure shame.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head to look at Qin Lan with sorrowful and angry eyes, as if saying: You gave me the food!

Qin Lan:? ? ?
I don't know anything, I'm just a little assistant who listens to the boss's orders.

But, Fan Xiaopang was already looking at her, and Qin Lan felt that it would be impolite for her not to respond.

So he showed a very standard smile, "Miss Fan, do you want more? There are still a few boxes."

want?want your head
It wasn't until this time that Fan Xiaopang realized how much he had eaten.

Come on, so hard to lose weight recently, all in vain, once back to before liberation.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Bai Anliang opened his mouth, but didn't speak, and gave Qin Lan a compliment in his heart.

How are you?
I didn't expect her to have such a side, but it was completely different from her usual face.

It's time to bully Fan Xiaopang.

You know, the original Fan Xiaopang obviously wanted to make a fool of himself, but in the end he was directly broken by Bai Anliang, and now he was slapped by Qin Lan again
I'm going to shut myself up~
At this time, Bai Anliang naturally wanted to stand up and help her, nothing else, just willing to help others.

"Okay, don't be sad."

"Mud Play Kai"

"It's not good for your health to go on a diet like this. I have a better way here." Bai Anliang said to Fan Xiaopang coaxing a child.

"Huh? You are not allowed to lie to me!"

"You're a puppy, stop squatting. If you do this again, you'll have to spit out your breakfast."

After a few words of coaxing, Fan Xiaopang, who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles, sat back on his seat again. She still found a piece of clothing to cover her belly.

In fact, Bai Anliang yelled it was a pity, he just wanted to poke his hand to try the feel
"What can you do?"

"When you finish filming the scene on the Xiangjiang side, are you going back to Yanjing?"

"That's right."

"It's a coincidence, I've also moved to Yanjing now. Let me introduce to you, the first top private fitness club in China. As long as you become a member, there will be international top nutritionists and fitness experts to create an exclusive body training plan for you."

Bai Anliang's exaggerated introduction and bragging made Fan Xiaopang dumbfounded.


"Remember to look for this address when the time comes, you have a small belly, it's a small problem."

Silence, continuous silence.

After being silent for about ten seconds, Fan Xiaopang raised his head with a complicated expression, "Bai Anliang, you bastard, are you doing my business?"

"No, I don't just want to earn your money. I feel that you are about to become a first-line female star in the mainland. When that time comes, your package must not be upgraded?"

"Oh no, I'm not that good"

Seeing the two people flirting in a fancy way, Qin Lan silently took two steps back.

My own boss really has a variety of styles.

These two people look like idiots in front of them, but in fact, whoever really treats them as idiots is the real idiot.

Put the garlic on there
It seemed that Fan Xiaopang would look like a silly Baitian, he was stupefied by Bai Anliang, as if he was still very stupid.

But looking at the essence through the phenomenon, Qin Lan, from the perspective of a bystander, felt that the two of them were not right.

It seems that they are pecking at each other, but it is actually a master's trick.

How about flirting? !
For some reason, she somehow felt that Fan Xiaopang was a good match for her boss.
Qin Lan felt that these two people appeared to be on the first floor, but they were actually on the third floor, while the self who "sees through everything" was on the fifth floor.

Of course, Bai Anliang didn't know that his beautiful secretary could make up so many plots in his brain. After teasing Fan Xiaopang, he also casually told Cai Zhuoyan about his "business".

She bought it very much, and said with wide eyes that she must become a member to support him.

"It's a pity, why don't you do it in Xiangjiang?"

Bai Anliang smiled, who owns a gym, what kind of clients do you like the most?
Of course, it’s the kind of people who have applied for an annual card but haven’t seen anyone since they came twice~
An artist who is resident in Xiangjiang, he is basically a pure white scoop when he gets his Yanjing membership card.

I like this kind of "generous" customers.

But the mouth must be saying "Xiangjiang will also open at that time, and there will be several openings across the country, all of which are common".

Anyway, Cai Zhuoyan happily made an appointment.
Just after Bai Anliang finished fooling her, the crew was about to film, and Cai Zhuoyan was called away helplessly.

As soon as she left, Fan Xiaopang, who didn't bother him at all just now, lowered his voice, "Don't you, you really want to sell yourself to make money?"

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

"Where did you say that~"

"Why do I feel that what you are doing is the kind of business that specializes in making money from your ex-girlfriend?"

"Ex-girlfriend? Are you my ex-girlfriend?"

"That's almost what it means!" Fan Xiaopang really stopped messing around with Bai Anliang, his brows were slightly frowned, "Don't make sure that your clients are all teasers, and then you will fight and tear each other in your broken gym."

Good guy!
This is the person who really cares about him!

Already started to help him worry about the Shura field?
"Don't worry, do you think I'm some mutant stallion?"

"Aren't you?" Obviously, Fan Xiaopang still knows Bai Anliang's character and style very well.

Fortunately, she didn't keep pestering about the "Sura field", but just reminded Bai Anliang.

Compared to this, she hesitated for a long time, but she really gave a pertinent reminder, "Don't use these items to launder money, it's breaking the law."

Hearing this, Bai Anliang finally frowned, and at the same time his expression became more serious, but what he said was a bit thoughtless, "I will definitely not do anything that breaks the law, and I promise that even the tax will be clean."

Fan Xiaopang was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was weird, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

In the next second, one pinched her face lightly, "Don't worry about me so much, just take care of yourself."

Ah this
Bastard, what are you doing so provocatively?
Who can stand this? !
No matter how deep the routine is, sometimes it is no match for a sincere heart.

Fan Xiaopang has never been afraid to fight back and forth with Bai Anliang, if he is a master, even if he loses, he can regroup and come back next time.

Even if you "lose", you can still have fun.

Add color to boring life.

But. She suddenly found out with horror that she was a little unclear whether the other party was pretending to be mean or sincere.
At such a time, no amount of thoughtfulness would be of use, and all of them stopped.

Feeling bad!
She seemed to be really about to lose, as if she was only a few steps away from complete defeat.

"Bai Anliang!"

This slightly angry scolding was considered to have saved Fan Xiaopang.

Let her breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking back, it was Huo Wenxi who had just walked not far away to answer the phone, and came back.

At this time, Huo Wenxi's expression on his face was not easy to describe, it seemed to be angry, but it didn't seem to be.

But the tone is really not very good. I called him "A Liang" before, but now I call him by his first name.

"What are you doing?!"

Seeing Huo Wenxi who walked directly in front of him, stuck very close, and then raised his head to scold him, Bai Anliang shrugged relaxedly, "Didn't you find out?"

"Hurry up and let your juniors stop!"

Not to mention, although Huo Wenxi is not very old, and he is only in his early thirties this year, but as a gold medal agent, when he is serious and serious, his aura is really domineering.

But it's a pity that it's useless to Bai Anliang.

Even though she yelled "Aliang, Aliang" every time she saw Bai Anliang, she tried to "tame" him into a little milk dog, but she never succeeded.

Bai Anliang looked down at her, and actually reached out to pick her chin.

This scene happened to be seen by Xie Tingfeng who came over for a stroll, and his eyes almost popped out.

Really, if it was someone else who dared to treat Huo Wenxi so frivolously, Xie Tingfeng would rush up to Bangbang with two punches.

But with Bai Anliang's words, he chose to wait and see what happened.

"You can't stop what I'm going to do, so stop making trouble~"

"Are you crazy? What good does it do you? Bring hatred to yourself?!"

Huo Wenxi's tone seemed to have a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

Bai Anliang hasn't dripped much yet, Fan Xiaopang is not very happy when he hears it, old woman, what do you mean?Who should I teach?

Of course, I was just cursing in my heart~
After all, Bai Anliang did not fall into any disadvantage.

"Of course there are benefits, but even if there are no benefits, as long as I am willing, I will do it, Qin Lan."

"Yes!" The assistant lady was in place immediately.

"How many houses?"

Hearing this, Qin Lan took out the "Death Note", "Nineteen!"

"Hurry up~ Today, at most, I will sweep dozens of martial arts gyms, and tomorrow will be the real start of the show~"

"You" Huo Wenxi seemed to want to say something, but Bai Anliang pressed his finger against his mouth.

"Do me a favor~ You must have a lot of media contacts who owe you a favor. Help me make things bigger."

"Don't help!" Huo Wenxi turned his head, with a vicious tone.

In the next second, Bai Anliang hugged her shoulders directly, as if holding a chick, "Really not helpful? I thought that based on our friendship, you would definitely agree to this little favor."

"Do you know how much trouble you've gotten into?"

"Since when are these native chickens and tile dogs called trouble?"

To be honest, even Fan Xiaopang had never seen Bai Anliang so crazy.

Not to mention others.

Maybe Xie Tingfeng once felt that it was not a good experience.

In front of so many people, half-forcibly picking on Huo Wenxi. Isn't this offending? !

But it is this targeted arrogance and overbearing that sometimes works better than aphrodisiacs.

Huo Wenxi couldn't stand it anyway.
She has never been able to "tame" Bai Anliang, but she has always enjoyed it. Every time she sees her, she has to try it~ Could it be because she likes puppies?

If she really turned into a puppy, she might just turn around and leave.

Sister Yu also wants to be a little girl~
After "reluctantly" agreeing to Bai Anliang's request for help, Huo Wenxi still did not forget to mention, "Don't become the second Bruce Lee!"

After saying this, he took his bag and left.

Looking at her back, Fan Xiaopang felt a little bit like running away.
Ah. So even at this level, you can't play Bai Anliang?
No wonder myself. Ahem.

However, the second Bruce Lee?
Is this a compliment to Bai Anliang, or something else?

Fan Xiaopang is thoughtful~
But at this moment, the one with the most complicated mood was Xie Tingfeng.

He really wants to beat Bai Anliang now. Although Huo Wenxi is not his girlfriend, but his manager who has been helping and supporting him since his debut is sometimes more important than his girlfriend!
Isn't this a kind of NTR?
It is even more uncomfortable for Bai Anliang to manipulate his manager like this than to manipulate him.

If he couldn't beat him, he would have rushed to kill him long ago.

But the consequence of doing so is high probability that you will be slapped backhand and knocked to the ground.
If it was him before, even if he knew he couldn't beat him, he would still have to fuck the opponent, but no matter how hard-headed the young man was, he would still know the pain after hitting his head full of bumps.

He could only stand still and smoke for a while, using his best "death gaze".

Here comes the question, how many times has he been "NTR" by Bai Anliang? !

Seeing him like that, Bai Anliang thought it was a little funny, so he waved at him, "What are you doing? Come here."

You let me go and I go? !

"What's the matter?" Walking around Bai Anliang, Xie Tingfeng seemed to have recovered the attitude he had towards Bai Anliang at the beginning.

"Don't look at Laozi with that look, I'm not dating your manager~"

Ah, is that so?
Xie Tingfeng was stunned for a moment, but his tone didn't change, "What do you care about me?"

"I treat you as a friend~"

This was the first time he heard this from Bai Anliang. Was it true that Xie Tingfeng was a little caught off guard, and even a little flattered?

Yes, it feels a little flattering to really ride a horse!No kidding.

He opened his mouth, feeling a little speechless.

"I'm going to open a fight club later, come and play when I have time."

".it is good."

After Xie Tingfeng left, Fan Xiaopang couldn't hold back, "When did you guys make friends?"

"When I saw his girlfriend and manager, I knew I was committed to this friend!"

"Fuck you, don't play tricks!"

"Oh, you tricked him into paying his annual fee~ I taught him how to defeat me, it's really touching!"

Fan Xiaopang:
Sure enough, Bai Anliang was still like this, which made her more familiar with him.

However, she still has doubts, "What does Huo Wenxi mean by what he said about Bruce Lee?"

"A good wish for me~"

"Please~ I'm sure it doesn't mean that!"

Of course it doesn't mean that~
But a birdman like Bai Anliang who "plucks the geese's feathers" must maximize his benefits.

Two people listen, how can only one person act cute? !
There is no such reason in this world.

Qin Lan: I ask for it too?
But when Bai Anliang turned his head to look at her, and even cast Fan Xiaopang's gaze, Qin Lan felt that she had no choice.

However, she is not very good at acting cute naturally like Fan Xiaopang.

Reluctantly twisted his body, "Please~"

Bai Anliang didn't hold back, and said, "To be cute is to shake your upper body, why do you shake your butt?"

Ah this!

Is that right?

Qin Lan's embarrassing and shy look made Fan Xiaopang groan.

This female secretary is not a fuel-efficient lamp~
Why does Bai Anliang provoke Green Tea so much?Those with high ranks are scary to death.

Fan Xiaopang was quite puzzled anyway, could it be that he really likes this type?
Fortunately~ she herself is too.

If there is really a silly Baitian hooking up with Bai Anliang, he must not be bullied to death by these green teas who often appear around him~
Isn't it really so unlucky for Silly Baitian?
At this time, Da Tiantian, who was struggling to wear a cheongsam and twisted and twisted in front of the mirror under the guidance of the etiquette teacher, suddenly sneezed.

Huh~ Is someone talking about her?
"Do you know how Bruce Lee died?"

The two girls "begged", so Bai Anliang should naturally keep his promise at this time and answer questions.

Of course, it's just his own understanding~

The two girls were dumbfounded, how did Bruce Lee die?How can they answer this question.

How many years later, there are still a bunch of people discussing this thing on the Internet.

Anyway, she died at the place of a female star. The specific reason, the onset of the disease?
There are so many different theories that people can't figure it out at all. Anyway, the mainstream theory is sudden death.

But then when his son was shooting a movie, he was shot and died, which cast more conspiracy theories on Bruce Lee's death.

All kinds of vendettas, love killings, etc. are here.

"Ah? No way?! Don't you?"

Fan Xiaopang was the first to get anxious, staring at Bai Anliang with wide eyes, "Why don't you hurry back to the mainland!"

"She just said it casually, and you really take it seriously."

What Huo Wenxi said was just to scare him casually, after all, times have changed.

However, from a certain point of view, Bai Anliang's path is a bit similar to Bruce Lee's.

Of course, Bai Anliang did it harder and more extreme.
When Bruce Lee was in the United States, he also had a lot of discussions with various martial arts masters, and he defeated many people abruptly.

As his fame rose, more and more people came to his martial arts gym to learn.

However, if it continues to develop like this, Bruce Lee may just be a well-known martial artist in the American Chinese community.

What really makes him a cultural symbol is the movie.

"So, you challenged the entire Xiangjiang martial arts world just for the movie that is about to start shooting?!"

When Fan Xiaopang finally found out about this, to be honest, it shocked her for a whole year!

I feel like my brain is buzzing~
The hype in the entertainment circle, of course she is very aware of this kind of thing.

But... for the sake of hype, there is really no one else.

It can only be said that it is indeed Bai Anliang's style.

At this time, she suddenly envied the heroine of Bai Anliang's movie.
It seems to be the little girl who watched TV in her hotel room last time, that rich loli.

According to Bai Anliang, she paid a large sum of real money to support him in making movies.

But in the current situation, the little rich woman will not suffer at all.

The gimmick is made like this, as long as the quality of the movie is not too hip, no matter how you think about it, the box office will not be too bad.

Although they have paid a lot of money, there is a high probability that they will still make some money. They can also play the heroine!

Blood is worth it!
Fan Xiaopang was jealous, and muttered sourly, "Wait for me to save money, and I will also invest in your movie. You take me to shoot together."

"Okay, then you have to save money quickly."

Having said that, didn't this little girl say something about making money and supporting herself~
Why was "aspiration" downgraded all of a sudden?
There is a bit of a difference between nurturing and paying for his film.

 Thanks to book friend 20161214115749285 for the two thousand rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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