This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 112 Change 1 Thinking

Chapter 112 Change Your Thinking
Ah Shui is a reporter from Xiangjiang.

To be precise, he is a paparazzi who came to Xiangjiang from the mainland to work.

Because I am from Guangdong Province, I have a bit of an advantage in terms of language when I come to Xiangjiang. It is indeed very cost-effective to come to Xiangjiang to make money these days.

As for whether it is a paparazzi or a reporter, this is more flexible.

It can be switched anytime and anywhere, and there is no limit.

For example, today, he is a serious reporter, but he took a job that is not very serious.

In Ah Shui's career in the past few years, the uniqueness of this job is definitely the best.

The team reporter of the kicking team?

How confident are these guys that they know they will win, so they have to bring reporters in advance?

However, Ah Shui's work is still very good for taking people's money.

In the field of reporters, he is not well-known, but he is really famous in the paparazzi industry. His ability to capture photos is extremely strong, and the photos he takes are very stable!

This kind of ability is used in shooting competitions, and it has miraculous effects.

Anyway, the leader of Baiwumen, after seeing the photos he took, was full of praise and said, "Brother must be satisfied".

It's just that, for the Kiguan family, Ah Shui thinks the money is really easy to earn.

Kicking the second team, he began to feel that these people are too fierce!Where did the dragon across the river come from? !

Although they can also speak Cantonese, they communicate with each other in Mandarin?

its not right!
These people call themselves Baiwumen, and they use Wing Chun. They are from Foshan?

Of course, Ah Shui, as a person who has never been in contact with kung fu and fighting, actually can't tell what kind of boxing method is used.

Anyway, it does seem to be putting on a Wing Chun airs, which is a bit familiar.

After kicking to the third team, Ah Shui already felt that something was wrong. What do these people want to do? !

I really couldn't hold back, and asked the leader.

It seems to be called Bai Wu, but he looks gentle, like a scholar, and he even wears glasses.

But this is just the appearance, as soon as the glasses are taken off, this buddy explodes violently.

He has done two of the first three martial arts gyms, and almost all of them are instant kills.

Ah Shui even doubted whether the broken beep glasses had prescriptions. Could it be just a decoration?

"Brother, how long are we going to play?"

Hearing this, third junior brother Bai Wu thought for a while, reached out his hand and took out a piece of paper in his pants, "It's still early, this is the third one, try to kick two more before dark, keep four and fight five, and then continue tomorrow."

A water:.
After kicking so many families, will we continue tomorrow?

He felt that his teeth were a little sore, "How many companies do we have to call in total?"

"All of them." Bai Wu told the truth, after all, there was nothing to hide, and this matter will probably boil over tonight.

"All?! There are at least 100 martial arts gyms in Xiangjiang!"

"It's not too late, I have already kicked out three companies, and the other brothers and sisters add up, there are more than twenty companies, but"

Bai Wu was a little annoyed, as if he couldn't fulfill his brother's request.

What the brother said is that all the martial arts gyms can be completed in two days.

But in this situation, two days is obviously not enough. It's not that they don't play fast enough, it's really not bad for them. After all, kicking the stadium is not a club smashing the field, rushing in and starting the fight is over.

Get the registration number, Moji Moji.
Some of the best players in the martial arts gym are not there at all, and they have to call for someone to come.

But at this time, Ah Shui was stunned when he heard his words, and he had only one thought. This school named Baiwu might become famous throughout Xiangjiang.

It's like stepping on the entire Xiangjiang martial arts to become the leader!
"Brother, brother, can I make an exclusive interview?"

"Go and make an appointment with my senior brother, but he may not be free, he will have to make a movie in a few days."

"what movie?"

Bai Wu smiled, and put his glasses back on the bridge of his nose, "Wing Chun, "Ip Man", I am one of the screenwriters of the movie."
"Wing Chun sweeps all major martial arts schools in Hong Kong"

"Where did the mysterious Baiwumen come from?" "

"Wing Chun, Ip Man, the second Bruce Lee? "

"Pick up the actual combat ability of Wing Chun boxing."

"Crossing the River Dragon Fist Town Xiangjiang Martial Arts"

"Xiangjiang Martial Arts School Face Sweeping"

"Dozens of Martial Arts Schools Have Been Kicked, Let You Find Out"


There were no accidents, it was exactly as planned.

Oh no, there is still a slight discrepancy.

Originally, what Bai Anliang thought was that on the night of kicking off the pavilion, this matter would make Xiangjiang media stir up trouble.

But it takes time for others to print newspapers.

Ever since, the next morning, this thunderous news officially swept across the entire Xiangjiang River.

Bai Anliang had already called on many media outlets through his relationship, and he also asked Huo Wenxi for help
For a while, there was really a grand occasion where the whole Xiangjiang was discussing this matter.

All newsstands, bookstores, anyway, as long as they sell newspapers, they can all see the news about this matter in the most obvious position.

Of course, the reason why the media is so willing to cooperate is also because this matter is already a gimmick.

Even if Bai Anliang doesn't go find someone himself, if he waits for a day or two, quite a few media will take the initiative to approach him.

In the land of Xiangjiang, kung fu is still very marketable.

After all, it has been influenced and promoted by various kung fu movies for so many years.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many martial arts gyms, and you could still eat here.

Even the general public who are not martial artists are quite interested in learning about this matter.

Office workers, students, and even all kinds of people, including clubs, seem to be paying attention to the gradually declining martial arts on this day.

"Who is it?! Such a bastard! Kicking more than [-] martial arts gyms a day!"

"Didn't the newspapers say it all, Wing Chun, I just said that Wing Chun can be played."

"Wing Chun can punch a fart, a woman's boxing."

"You mean Bruce Lee can't fight~"

"Didn't Bruce Lee only learn Wing Chun, and he didn't practice Jeet Kune Do!"

"Crazy Bruce Lee created his own Jeet Kune Do, his master is Ip Man, of course he practiced Wing Chun."


Similar discussions are happening in many places in Xiangjiang.

Immediately, Xiangjiang Wulin seemed to be exposed under the light, and after a long time, it received a lot of attention again.

They really don't want the attention.
After all, it's not a good thing. His face is trampled under his feet, and his face is completely humiliated.

Therefore, when the juniors set off again the next day and wanted to continue kicking the gym, they found that there was no need to kick.

All the martial arts gyms that were scheduled to kick off closed their doors to thank the guests. Even if there were people inside, they would just lock the doors when they passed by.
Don't fight, don't say anything.

After fighting so many martial arts gyms, Bai Anliang and the others have never lost a game, whoever beats Shabi!

When the juniors reported the situation to Bai Anliang, he really didn't expect it.
It was within his expectation that the martial arts gym closed its doors and did not accept sparring, but he really didn't expect it to be like this in just one day.

He estimated that he would have to sweep at least half of the martial arts gyms, and then he would be intimidated by the rest.

Turns out the codes overestimated them.

"Brother, what should we do? Shall we smash the door and remove their signboard?"

"If you are riding a horse and talking about it, smashing the door is called illegal entry. If you can really call the police and arrest you, go back first, kicking the hall will not work."

After calling his juniors back, Bai Anliang began to think about how to sing the next play.
In other words, what tricks will those martial arts halls make again.

I think they should also contact each other at this time, are they going to unite?

As a result, on the third day, Bai Anliang was dumbfounded.

Indeed, they united and united for a meeting.

Except for Wing Chun, all other boxing styles have basically gone.

After all, at this time, it is impossible to do the so-called thing that has nothing to do with oneself, and Bai Anliang's juniors have made it clear that they want to sweep the entire Xiangjiang River, and no one can escape.

The point is that they are really good at it.
As for the content of this meeting, of course it is to find a way to deal with the menacing Baiwumen and others.

Then, these sects who had a meeting started to fight.
That's right, it really hit.

It is said that they want to select some top players, and invite Bai Anliang and the others to compete in the ring.

We can no longer let them kick each other like this.

But the problem is that there are too many martial arts gyms that haven't competed with Bai Anliang and the others. Martial arts, from ancient times to the present, have always focused on dissatisfaction.

You are better than me?Are you going to fight him?Why do you say you are better than me?
I am not satisfied!
And over the years, these martial arts schools in Xiangjiang have conflicts and even enmity with each other. This dispute, if there is a quarrel, there will be ghosts if there is no fight.

This plot is indeed unexpected.

But it can be regarded as a crooked hit.

Bai Anliang is very annoying, how long will it take to wait for these guys to finish the meeting before deciding on the candidate~
Unexpectedly, Wulin is still going through the process and meeting to discuss. It really keeps up with the pace of the times.

Let's not talk about these guys' meetings for now.

After Baiwumen successfully made big news and became famous, Bai Anliang's phone rang non-stop.

There are so many martial arts gyms all over Xiangjiang, which is actually a huge network of interpersonal relationships.

As for Bai Anliang, although his work in the Xiangjiang film and television industry is relatively simple and he doesn't have many connections, he still has connections.

No, the phone calls started coming.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang's reaction speed was still so fast, and he immediately turned off his mobile phone.

Instead of not giving others face on the phone, it is better not to let others have the opportunity to lose face with him from the beginning.

Xiangjiang Wulin, he is determined!No one can stop it!
"President Bai, this is a good thing!"

When Bai Anliang used other people's mobile phones to contact Yu Dong, the other party actually said this with some joy after knowing the situation here.

"How to say?"

"You're a fan of the authorities. Our movie hasn't started filming yet. Why are you finishing it so soon? You let them fight slowly. We can do a few exclusive interviews first, so that the influence of this matter will expand again. Moreover, the offense and defense have changed. Now they are going to challenge you. Where and when to fight is up to you! It's best to find a way to prolong the time of this competition."

Yu Dong on the other end of the phone thought about it again, "Our movie should take two to three months to shoot. This time is for them to discuss. When the movie is almost finished, we will officially set up the arena and sweep Xiangjiang martial arts."

Although Yu Dong was very excited, he paused at the end and asked one more question, "Do you really want to practice modern martial arts?"

"of course."

"As long as you have confidence, let's wait until the movie is about to be released, even"

For the rest, Yu Dong didn't continue to say more, because there were too many choices.

After fighting Xiangjiang Chuanwu, playing modern fighting, and even going abroad to find troubles with the local fighting techniques of Xiaotian and Kimchi Country next door.

When to stop, it all depends on how good Bai Anliang and his juniors are at fighting.

Of course, sometimes, winning or losing is actually controllable.

This is another story.

All in all, the reason why Yu Dong is so excited is because he feels that this time he can really create an IP that can last for many years!
Whether or not Chuanwu can be fought, this question is still discussed by many people even after more than ten or twenty years.

Otherwise, why did Mr. Ma's lightning five consecutive whips produce such a large amount of traffic and gimmicks?
In fact, it is a bit similar to the national football team, with deep love and deep responsibility.

Everyone hates them for not living up to expectations.

Chuanwu is actually the same reason.

Of course, what Bai Anliang and the others are fighting is not authentic traditional martial arts. To some extent, he and his juniors are more sophisticated than Bruce Lee.

If one day we really integrate it, we can probably come up with something similar to Jeet Kune Do.

But still the same sentence, the title can be used.

Because when they do it, there are indeed many moves to transfer martial arts.

Of course, this is all for later.

After being "reminded" a little by Yu Dong, Bai Anliang felt suddenly "opened".

He suddenly thought of some ways to play.

Draw a group, divide a group, attack a group.
It is true that Bai Anliang wants to sweep the entire Xiangjiang martial arts world, but this does not mean that he cannot release water.

Now that there are still so many people who have not been kicked out of the pavilion, he doesn't believe that these guys can really share the same hatred.

Ye asked how the descendants cooperated with him?

The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the hustle and bustle every day is all for profit.

In the whole life of a person, some become face, and some become face, it is all due to the current situation.

Opening a martial arts gym depends on face, but sometimes, face is actually more important.

In the movie "Ip Man" that Bai Anliang is going to make, not only Wing Chun appears in the kung fu.

Now that there is such a big commotion, everyone knows that this movie will get a lot of attention, and those martial arts schools will also know it.

Then there is a lot of room for manipulation.

This group of people is not of the same mind, so Bai Anliang can even change his thinking from sweeping away and leaving a piece of chicken feathers, making Xiangjiang martial arts collapse, and turning Xiangjiang martial arts into a new business card!
It is estimated that only Xiangjiang can do such a thing in China.

It is definitely not possible to do this in the Mainland.

This is also the last ray of light of the martial arts era.

(End of this chapter)

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