This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 113 The Correct Usage of the Female Secretary

Chapter 113 The Correct Usage of the Female Secretary
Just when Bai Anliang's mind was open and he was thinking about some plots and tricks, his assistant Qin Lan suddenly came over in a hurry, "Boss, they caught someone."


Bai Anliang was a little dazed, what does it mean to catch someone?
Soon, he will understand.
Good guy, paparazzi are following him so soon? !

According to what the juniors said, this guy followed Bai Anliang when he went out for dinner yesterday, and followed him all the way into the hotel, squatting on the side of the safety stairs, just in time to take pictures of his room door.

ah this~
Fantastic mood.

He finally has paparazzi following him.

"Where are people, bring me to see."

After a while, the unlucky paparazzi was brought to Bai Anliang by Junior Brother Da Pao.

"Hey, it's not bad this time, I didn't beat him up first."

Seeing the paparazzi's clean face and uncluttered clothes, Bai Anliang praised his juniors with satisfaction.

Think about how badly Da Tiantian's two bodyguards were beaten before, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

Second Junior Brother Cannon scratched his head helplessly when he heard this, "Senior Brother, this guy 'surrendered' too quickly, before I even made a move, he immediately lay down on the ground and said 'don't hit him'."

Ah this!

At this time, Bai Anliang looked down at the paparazzi who was caught, well, he looks ordinary, but his eyes are very treacherous.
"What's your name?"

"Big brother, my name is Ah Shui, I'm from my own family, big brother!"

"My own?"

Ah Shui nodded frantically, with a flattering smile on his face.

Why didn't he resist at all, and "surrendered" as soon as he was discovered?He has no brains to resist? He has seen how capable these tough men can be. He has such small arms and legs. If he takes a few hits, he will probably be sent to the hospital to lie down.

"I followed Brother Bai Wu to kick the hall before, and I took pictures for him."

"Bai Wu?"

Bai Anliang probably knew what was going on, "Then you should be a reporter, right? Why do you start working as a paparazzi?"

"Part-time job, part-time job"

"Part-time paparazzi?"

"No, a part-time reporter."

At this time, Ah Shui is focusing on honesty, and he will tell when asked, and he will tell when he is not asked.

Originally, this kid wanted to take some internal materials of "Hundred Wumen".

Now in Xiangjiang, Baiwumen is very famous, naturally many media followed up to make further reports.

But basically, it was over after digging up the information of Baijiaban.

That's what reputation doesn't look like.

And now the time is too short, and more information will take time to be disclosed one by one.

However, Ah Shui was lucky, when he wandered over to this hotel to take some "kung fu materials", he happened to meet Bai Anliang out for dinner with Huo Wenxi.

For two consecutive days, yesterday's Huo Wenxi and today's Fan Xiaopang gave him "paparazzi soul" all at once.

Who told Bai Anliang to "visit" someone's residence after having dinner with the girl~
By accident, this thing was photographed!
Ah Shui actually wanted to wait for Bai Anliang's fame to increase with the public opinion, so that the "scandal photos" in his hand could be used to their full potential.

But he can't stay idle~
He simply ran to the hotel to stay for a short stay, hoping to see if he could take some more pictures of female celebrities entering Bai Anliang's hotel room.

In short, be bold and careful!It is a good material for paparazzi.

It's a pity that Bai Anliang's juniors often gave air to their seniors before.

When I have nothing to do, I like to wander around some corners.

One catch.

"Brother, all my photos have been deleted just now, and there is absolutely no backup. I don't dare to keep backups, and I will never provoke them again in the future."

Hearing this, Bai Anliang waved his hands casually, "I don't care if you have a backup or not~ It doesn't matter."

What he meant was that he didn't care what Ah Shui had photographed.

When he picks up girls, he can pick up both of them together, how can he care about this.

But Ah Shui misunderstood something.

Does it matter?
As soon as his legs softened, he almost knelt down for Bai Anliang, and images like "seal the cement and sink into the sea" began to appear in his mind, which was terribly frightening.

Immediately with a mournful face, "Brother, don't you think you're going to kill me?"

"Why would I kill you?" Bai Anliang shook his head helplessly, and looked at his junior brother, "Where's his camera? Give it back to him."

A few minutes later, when the full set of sneak-camera equipment returned to Ah Sailor, he couldn't believe it.

Really give it back to him?
Just when he was about to ask something more, he saw Bai Anliang waving at a girl not far away who was making coffee for him, "Qin Lan, come here."

Uh ~
The paparazzi Ah Shui took a sneak peek at the girl, and quickly scrutinized her appearance and figure. She was amazing!

But after thinking about it, everything from the name to the face was a little strange, but he just couldn't remember which female star it was.

It should be a female star, right?
After the girl named Qin Lan came over with some doubts, Bai Anliang pointed to his face, "Come on, give me a kiss."


Qin Lan's face turned red, why is her boss still here at this time!

And before touching her legs, now let her
In other words, if no one else was here at the moment, Qin Lan reckoned that he could still reject Bai Anliang.

Although Bai Anliang was domineering, he didn't really force her to do anything.

But it just so happened that because there were other people around, she felt that she couldn't let her boss lose face in front of her juniors and outsiders, right?
Just a kiss on the face.

Qin Lan struggled a little in her heart, then bent down, ready to peck Bai Anliang's face lightly.

Well, let's just think of it as a small reward from the boss for a salary increase this morning.

Added 200 yuan a month~
Unexpectedly, the moment her pouted mouth touched Bai Anliang's face, she suddenly heard, "Don't move."

Why?What do you mean?
The next second, Bai Anliang said to Ah Shui, "Why are you standing there? Shoot~"

"Ah? Ah!"

Ah Shui felt that the other party didn't seem to be joking with him, so he quickly picked up his camera and quickly took a picture.

"Okay, okay."

"So soon~"

Bai Anliang touched his face regretfully, there seemed to be something left on it.
I don't know if it's lipstick or saliva.

As for Qin Lan, she ran away blushing and continued to make coffee for Bai Anliang.

The coffee beans haven't been ground yet.

"Come on, show me the photo, how did it go~"

Taking his camera from Ah Shui, Bai Anliang found that this kid's equipment is quite advanced, the latest digital camera, yes!
Looking at the photo he took just as soon as he raised his hand, Bai Anliang frowned, and there was something.

The shooting is so fast, it feels like it is not in focus, but it has captured all the key points, and the clear places are extremely clear.
Overall, this is a very high quality photo.

After appreciating the other party's "work", Bai Anliang casually returned the camera to him, and said, "In the future, if you want to take pictures of me, you can take pictures openly. What's the point of taking pictures secretly? Remember to make me look handsome."

Ah Shui was a little confused, "Brother, what are you?"

"You paparazzi also have circles?"


"Anyway, that's what it means. You don't need to be sneaky to take pictures of me. I really don't want you to find out. You can't even see it."


Ah Shui understood what the other party meant in an instant. This is a master who is not prepared to hide his private life at all.

"Brother! Tall and hard!"

"Leave a contact information. Maybe I will ask you for help in the future."

"Brother, a word! Go through fire and water, brother!"

Even so, when Ah Shui left, he still very sensiblely deleted the photo of Qin Lan kissing Bai Anliang from the camera.

After everyone had left, Qin Lan finally brought over the cup of ground coffee, and the blush on her face hadn't completely dissipated.

She hesitated, "Boss, why are you so nice to that paparazzi?"

"Even if it's a piece of toilet paper or a rag, it has its own use. In the entertainment circle, you have to deal with the media, paparazzi, etc. If I don't let them take pictures, why don't they take pictures? If even the paparazzi won't take pictures of you, it means that you are really miserable."

"So." Qin Lan seemed to understand a little bit, but still didn't grasp the key points.

"Do you believe what I say? If you fool him, it can be photographed generously. Of course it is something that can be photographed. For example, if the two of us make love in the car one day, the word should be called car shock. That kind of thing can be photographed by others? Isn't that nonsense."

Qin Lan didn't listen to a bunch of other things, so she heard something like "making out in the car".

No, my face turned red again.

"Boss you"

Bai Anliang: It's comfortable.

This horse riding is the correct way to have a female secretary by your side!

Someone would tease him anytime, anywhere, this is life!
As for when you can make out in the car, don't worry, don't worry~
Everyone is by his side, but Bai Anliang enjoys the feeling of approaching step by step. I wish the battle line could be stretched a bit longer.

It would be meaningless to recruit a female secretary and take off her clothes in front of him to seduce him on the first day of work.

After drinking the hand-ground coffee from the beautiful secretary, Bai Anliang also began to arrange for the juniors to return to the mainland in batches.

Xiangjiang doesn't need so many people now, so naturally they should do what they should do.

The company in Yanjing and Hengdian also needs manpower, but they don't have the time to spend slowly in the Xiangjiang Wulin who are chasing and chattering.

However, to Bai Anliang's surprise, what he just said on the front foot, "a piece of toilet paper is also useful for him", and on the back foot, that paparazzi named Ah Shui really helped him a little bit.
"Brother, someone asked me for your contact information, saying that they wanted to talk alone."


"It's a martial arts gym. Didn't I go to the martial arts gym with Brother Wu before? I'm working as a part-time reporter today, and I'm going to see how the martial arts conference is going, but I was recognized by someone. After I was kicked out, I didn't go far. Someone secretly came to me and asked if I could contact you."

Good guy!
Bai Anliang admired this man named Ah Shui a little bit.

Dare to break into the dragon's pond and tiger's lair!
He had just been caught with his front foot, and then he dared to join those people in Xiangjiang Wulin with his back foot.

If you don't do good paparazzi work, you go to the rivers and lakes every day.

Listening to his voice, it feels like he was beaten this time.
After all, he is a "team reporter" who accompanied the kick-off team, and a proper "enemy player". He finally caught a weak chicken, and it would be a ghost if he didn't mess with him twice.

But what follows is more interesting.

Just as Bai Anliang came up with the idea of ​​wooing several sects, someone took the initiative on the other side.

family?How can a family be enough!
Bai Anliang said directly to Ah Shui, "Just tell them, no matter what they want to talk to me, at least five families come together."

"Okay bro, leave this to me!"

Originally, Bai Anliang was actually going to arrange for a few juniors to wait in Xiangjiang, and the others, including himself, would go back first.

After all, the filming date is getting closer and closer, and he has to go back and do some preparatory work.

But since the other party took the initiative to get closer and bowed his head so quickly, it can be regarded as saving him trouble.

Compared with Mo Ji during the conference, this group of people are very efficient as "anti-bones".

In just one afternoon, there are really several sects, and I want to have a private talk with Bai Anliang.

However, haste makes waste.

Bai Anliang was able to meet these people even at night, but he delayed it for another two days in a daze.

After the other party urged several times through Ah Shui, they agreed to meet.

It was still in the familiar hotel conference room.

But this time, besides the descendants of Wing Chun Ip Man, there are also people from several martial arts gyms.

"Bagua, Xingyi, Taiji, and Hongquan. They are all well-known styles of boxing. I don't know what you can do with me?"

Bai Anliang, who sat at the top, was the one who looked the least like a warrior among all the warriors.

The dress is incompatible with these guys, like a young and promising boss, and there is a beautiful female secretary behind him
broken!Now he really looks more and more like the domineering president that Da Tiantian said before.

And many of these people in the martial arts school really saw Bai Anliang for the first time, and they felt very strange when they saw his style.

But when he thought about how hard his Baiwumen fist was, no one raised any opinions.
After hearing his words, the person sitting closest to him took the initiative to answer, "Mr. Bai, we came here to talk about peace."

"Peace talks? I'm not robbing you of land and business. How can there be a peace talk? Don't worry, it's just a discussion and a competition."

"Today is different from the past, and the way of winning and losing in the arena in the past is not popular now. Everyone is very careful in the competition."

Bai Anliang shook his head impatiently, "This is the reason why you are getting weaker and weaker. There are not many Xiangjiang martial arts schools that are willing to study actual combat methods. I guess you are all like this."

"You can't say that. Martial arts is for strengthening your body, not for being brave and ruthless."

After grumbling for a while, Bai Anliang finally heard the first useful words before his patience was worn out.

"I heard that Mr. Bai reached an agreement with Wing Chun Ye Man's lineage to make a kung fu movie?"

"Yes, are you ready to inquire?"

"Before we came here, someone reminded us that Mr. Bai's movie should contain more than just Wing Chun, right?"

Hearing this, Bai Anliang finally showed a smile on his face, "That's right."

That's right!
(End of this chapter)

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