This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 118 Is Both a Weakness and an Armor

Chapter 118 Is Both a Weakness and an Armor


Bai Anliang rubbed his nose, inexplicably feeling a little guilty~
But he quickly put this feeling behind him without any influence.

Everything you do is "justice"!
Of course, it's not because he wants to "cheat" women for money.


Labor and management copied it!
Well, as a time-traveler, he started again.

Let's all shoot the theme of "Ip Man". It's really hard for him not to take a shot of "The Great Master".

Pharaoh, I'm sorry!
Of course, Bai Anliang did not change the plot and core of "The Grandmaster". That set of sunglasses can be played by the king, but there is a high probability that others will not be satisfied with it. He is also going to change the shooting technique and lens language.
King of Sunglasses: I feel as if I am living in the shadow of the other party.
"This is a high-speed camera?!"

At this time, Ye Weixin looked at the trendy thing in front of him with great interest, and was very interested.

"Don't be fooled, I borrowed this thing after a lot of trouble." Bai Anliang carefully asked someone to hold the machine, lest it would be bumped.

Speed ​​camera!

A high-end product that claims to capture the "speed of light".

This is definitely an exaggeration, but these things are indeed considered high-end products nowadays, and ordinary crews seldom use them.

Anyway, Ye Weixin has never used this thing.

Having said that, after studying the high-speed camera, Ye Weixin said a little puzzled, "I feel like you are more like a director than me."

"Nonsense, I'm just in charge of some action scenes, why don't you come? I have no objection."

Bai Anliang has no intention of being a bully.

In terms of how to make a movie, he actually respects Ye Weixin, and he will leave professional matters to professional people, and he will not dictate too much.

That is to say, in terms of action scenes, Ye Weixin really has to listen to him how to fight and shoot.

In other words, listen to the action director of the crew.

"No, no, I can't do this. I haven't shot the kind you mentioned before. I'm going to learn this time."

Ye Weixin was not humble, because what Bai Anliang and the others wanted to play was really interesting.

The combination of high-speed cameras and actual combat action scenes, I really don't know what kind of textured movie effects can be burst out.

He is looking forward to it!

Learn by hand, learn by hand.
At the same time, I can't help but feel a little bit emotional in my heart, this Baijiaban is more than capable of playing~
When I saw the flame knife in the media before, I thought it was outrageous, and I would actually invent and create this kind of prop by myself.

And now it's even more outrageous. This group of guys with well-developed limbs are actually not simple-minded at all.

Even the language of the camera is playing tricks.

Where did you learn it?

He now suspects that the Baijiaban was not a Baiwumen hidden in the mountains at all before, but a film team that came back from Hollywood!
If that's the case, it feels right at once.

"Brother, do you really want me to come?"

Gao Leng pretended to force the male fourth junior brother Huang Tu, and at this moment he was still a little nervous.

That's right, the action director of this movie is actually him.

Although he has learned from Bai Anliang for a long time, Huang Tu will definitely be nervous if he is really asked to take on such a leading role.

On-site scheduling, shooting and other things have to be controlled by him.

Definitely the most standard action director function.

"Nonsense, I'm going to be filming, or else let me do it?" Bai Anliang patted Huang Tu's shoulder, "You're very talented in this area, as I said."

"Huh~" Huang Tu breathed a sigh of relief, he actually wanted to take a reassurance from his senior brother.

When talking to him, Bai Anliang had already changed his clothes.

He was dressed in a blue robe, a felt hat, and a pair of old cloth shoes.

The cyan robe is made of satin, because the identity of the protagonist Ye Wen is set to be a big family, so this kind of material can reflect his identity.

The felt hat is also in line with the sense of the age, and the purest retro style is chosen.

Even the cloth shoes are quite exquisite, because this kind of comfortable and lined cloth shoes was the standard equipment of a martial artist in that era.

After putting on such a outfit, Bai Anliang looked in the mirror and felt that he really had the style of a master.

Hmm. It's just that the eyes seem a little too sharp.

"Uncle, you don't look as good as my clothes~"

Da Tiantian, who had removed her make-up and changed her clothes, came out from nowhere, shaking her head and commenting on Bai Anliang.

Hey, it's my turn.

In the end, Bai Anliang didn't like her at all, and rubbed her head with his hand, "It's going to rain tonight, so go back and rest early."

"Huh? What about you?"

Bai Anliang glanced at the gloomy sky, "I'm just waiting for this rain!"
"Brother, it's raining!"


At the scene, the lights have all entered the shooting site.

The camera slowly fell from mid-air, and the rain also splashed down, splashing circles of ripples on the ground.

Bai Anliang stood in the field with his back straight and wearing a felt hat. Although the rain kept passing by his eyes, he didn't care, standing still in the rain like a javelin.

The camera continues to zoom in, giving a close-up of the face.

Stand out!

"Crack! It's over, hurry up! Get ready for the next game!"

Without even opening an umbrella, Huang Tu frantically directed at the scene with a cold face.

At this time, even Bai Anliang had to listen to him.

Said to let his junior brother play the leading role, unless the other party really made a mistake, Bai Anliang would not interrupt his rhythm at this time.

Of course, Huang Tu did a good job, the filming was arranged in an orderly manner, and the on-site command was also orderly in chaos.

"All units are in place!"


A crane arm was raised, and a forward shot was given from above, which was regarded as a drone shot.

At this time, the high-speed camera covered with a rain cloth was also aimed at Bai Anliang.

Under the rain, a group of strong men in black slowly approached him.

Without any words, Bai Anliang counted the seconds in his heart, when suddenly, he moved!

The whole person suddenly stepped forward, and at the same time as he jumped out, the water on the ground exploded!
Under the high-speed camera, every movement of Bai Anliang seems to be magnified, which is extremely violent.

Of course. This thing can only be seen in the finished film edited after the fact.

This will be to shoot a large amount of material from various angles and send it to post-editing.

Needless to say, the only ones who can fight Bai Anliang like this are his gang of juniors.

However, there are not many people, only a few of them have more complex movements, and they are responsible for the details of striking. The others are all martial arts newly joined the Baijiaban.

The fight in the rain under the lens of the high-speed camera took about an hour in total.

After all, Bai Anliang and the others are not the Wang family's kind of grumpy characters, they just need to take a good shot in one shot.

"Wing Chun is so fierce?" Ye Weixin was a little tongue-tied after watching the live shooting and watching the materials.

Hearing this, Bai Anliang shrugged, "Anyway, every move I just used was Wing Chun."

The other party shook his head, "It's unimaginable. Different kung fu is performed by different people, and the visual effects displayed seem to be really different!"

"It's mainly due to the needs of the plot. We're not filming this part as a foreshadowing."

The same movie, played by different people, will of course have different effects.

Bai Anliang is not prepared to play this role completely according to the original "Ip Man". The way he acts. How should I put it~ there is a bit of a stream of consciousness.

Anyway, give him a general framework, and then figure out how to perform it yourself, and play it casually.

Of course, the premise of doing this is of course that there must be enough right to speak.

If you don't have the right to speak, then you can only act as the director tells you to act.

Ye Wen in the movie is a master figure, but it is impossible for a martial arts master to be born a master.

Bai Anliang wanted to play the side of a martial arts master who showed his sharpness.

The shots are fierce and the moves are cruel.

It's a bit similar to Li Lian's "Huo Yuanjia". When he first appeared on the stage, Huo Yuanjia only fought and killed others for the sake of being competitive. In the second half of the movie, he became a real master after going through a lot.

"Ip Man" will not shoot so many changing plots. In fact, from the moment the movie appeared, the character of Ip Man was very compelling.

But after much deliberation, Bai Anliang added a paragraph at the very beginning.

Throughout the movie, it was not until the final fight against the Japanese that the character of Ip Man showed his real sharpness, and he shot fiercely.

After adding that paragraph, Ip Man almost has such a setting from youthful and frivolous to aggressive and ruthless.

As for how he restrained his hostility and became the Confucian general when he officially appeared later
Simple, he is married.

This can also increase the weight of the heroine Ye Yongcheng.

Bai Anliang really "respects" the patron~
There are too few scenes, so let's make up for it.

Compared with the original version of Ip Man, his version of Ip Man has indeed changed a lot. Even Ip Man's temperament has changed. Together with his third junior brother Bai Wu, he brought Ye Weixin to ponder for a long time, and finally settled on the character image of "Tender and Ruyu".

Can this change be big~
After all, with Zhen Zidan's appearance, no matter how elegant you are, you can't be "like jade".

Bai Anliang is so handsome, on the contrary, he can create this kind of image.

As for changing to this ghostly appearance, how much connection and similarity does it have with the real Ye Wen? Who cares~——
"So, my role is so important?!"

In the room, Da Tiantian flipped through the script while listening to Bai Anliang narrating the play to her, with a very serious expression on his face.

Of course, just serious expression~
She was wearing shorts and a white T-shirt with her navel exposed, and she was lying on Bai Anliang's bed with her white and tender feet up. It was a bit out of bounds.

It's a big night.
If Bai Anliang didn't know this little girl well enough, he might have thought she was delivering food.

The clothes are so cool, what are you talking about is boring, come to him to read the script together.


Those in the entertainment industry read scripts, they are all nightlight scripts with the lights turned off.

In the end, Da Tiantian really stepped on the horse and brought the script over, and lay down on Bai Anliang's bed so big. From his point of view, the baggy shorts were really baggy, and he could see his buttocks.

See no evil. See no evil.

Bai Anliang closed one eye and only looked with the other eye, acting like a gentleman.

By the way, quickly talk about something serious to divert my attention, "Of course your role is important. The martial arts master in the movie is actually almost like a humanoid weapon under the artistic magnification, just like a knife needs a sheath. The me in the movie is bound by you."

"I found this line." Da Tiantian happily pointed to a certain page of the script, shaking his head and muttering there: "From the age of 15, I swung a knife five hundred times a day. This number controls me, and I won't think about it. From today, I will use you as a constraint."

After reading it, she thought about it, "What does this restriction mean?"

Bai Anliang thought for a while, and really gave a more appropriate statement: "It is both a weakness and an armor."

Da Tiantian turned over, looked at Bai Anliang, his eyelashes seemed to tremble a bit, hugged the script, covering half of his face, "Say it again, uncle~"

"say what?"

"What kind of lines are bound by you~"

Bai Anliang:
Now I am talking to Da Tiantian?

In this case, there is no need to be so hypocritical.

Bai Anliang looked around for a while, and really said the lines just now to her with the feeling of filming.

As a result, Da Tiantian was stunned there, and didn't speak, just stunned.

Bai Anliang: No, are you picking up the words? !
A few seconds later, he harvested a "spinning top".

Da Tiantian blushed and rolled crazily on his bed, and made some strange moaning noises during the period~
Hiss. Is this horse riding a man with epilepsy?
All in all, she tossed and turned on the bed for several weeks and a half, shaking her head and making weird noises like beeping.

After a lot of tossing and messing up Bai Anliang's bed, he raised his head and blushed, "Wow, I'm so shy~ These words are so sweet! It has more meaning than the confession in romance novels! I'm going to die."

Hmm. If you say she looks cute like this, then she is really cute.

But this reaction is too cute!

No, what about the agreed game?
Bai Anliang had black lines on his face, "You just want to hear me say it again, don't you?"

"Ang~" Da Tiantian admitted honestly.

"I actually thought you were trying to play against me..." He covered his head, as if he couldn't do anything about her.

"Ah, uncle, don't you always be so serious!" Da Tiantian smiled and stretched out his hand to push him, and suddenly said a little seriously, "Uncle, did you come up with these words?"

"Yes~" Bai Anliang nodded cheekily.

"How did you come up with it?"

"Art comes from life... Let's put it this way, do you think my juniors are powerful?"

"They're all amazing!"

"Isn't such a group of people terrifying if they are not restrained?"

"Yes, yes~ What are their constraints?" Da Tiantian asked curiously.

Bai Anliang pointed to his nose, "It's me~ With me here, they have a backbone and can control them."

"Then you are a bit like a parent..." Da Tiantian muttered, "Then... what about your restraint, uncle? You are also very powerful."

This is a good question, what are Bai Anliang's constraints?

He really wanted to find a girl to restrain himself, but unfortunately, he has not been able to do so.

As for the rest...

Bai Anliang pondered for a while, maybe there was a reason why he was so arrogant.

However, compared to his juniors, he has many goals to achieve from the very beginning, and he has been working hard and chasing after them.

Still, goals are never a constraint, but a motivator.

In the end, he still shook his head at Da Tiantian, "I really don't have any restrictions."

Well, except for the law.

Hearing this, Da Tiantian didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly showed a bright smile, "Then... I will form the armor!"

 Thank you for the five thousand rewards after all, this big dream is empty, thank you for the thousand rewards that only come true, and thank you Yanzi yz for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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