Chapter 119 Do You Like Me?

I'll make up the head!

The ghost knows why this thing popped up in Bai Anliang's mind~
If the girl who said "I'll make the armor" in front of him is someone else, then he should officially have a girlfriend by now.

But Da Tian Tian~
Bai Anliang is more than [-]% sure. The meaning of this little girl is not what everyone thinks.

But he still probed, "How much is your dowry?"

"Huh?" Da Tiantian looked dumbfounded, as if he didn't understand at all.

Certainly not.

Bai Anliang breathed a sigh of relief, but a little disappointed, he spread his arms, "You still have the armor~ I'll pick it up for you with one hand."

That being said, Da Tiantian is not convinced.

Put your hands on your hips, straighten your waist, "I can be the uncle's backing~ You can tell me when you are short of money."

This means!

Bai Anliang: Why didn't you say it earlier~
Such a sensible, cute, beautiful and kind-hearted girl, she will be beaten by a scumbag Bai Anliang in the future!Rather kill than let go!

The main thing is a "guardian"~
Not today, though.

He looked at the time, and pretended to say something to Da Tiantian, "Okay, it's getting late, you should go back."

"Ah?" Da Tiantian was a little puzzled, and pouted, "What am I doing going back so early? It's so boring to be alone. I'll go back when I'm sleeping. I can still play with cats here for a while~"

cat?Did the cat hide when it saw you?

Perhaps it was because Bai Anliang "pressed his head" too many times to let the little tiger play with Da Tiantian, and this raccoon cat that was usually "full of murderous looks" started to avoid her.

After entering the door from Dayantian, Bai Anliang did not see the cat.

I don't know whether to climb up the curtain or hide under the sofa.

Oh yes, that cat's name is Little Tiger~ Bai Anliang is too lazy to think of a name.

"Tian Tian, ​​I'm a man, and you are a woman. You run into my room at night, do you want to be famous? In the entertainment industry, the wind is like rain. Who knows what some people will make up for you."

"For example?"

"For example, rumors such as you are my lover." Bai Anliang rubbed his chin and spoke the truth.

It's really not impossible.

Da Tiantian was tired of being with him all day long, and everyone else would think it was abnormal.

It was like this when I was on the crew of "No. [-] in the World", but it was good that Gao Yuanyuan often came together at that time.

But if for a long time, Bai Anliang and her get into the RV, even with the door open, it will become a couple after a long time.

After all, you can't tell everyone with a loudspeaker that Da Tiantian is actually his benefactor~
As time goes by, it's not good for Bai Anliang to pick up girls~
"Is the entertainment industry so outrageous?"

"What do you think? When we become more popular, there will probably be paparazzi following behind to take pictures all day long."

"Alright alright."

Although Da Tiantian likes to act coquettishly and play rascals with Bai Anliang, after all, fame is involved, no matter how good her relationship with Bai Anliang is, she still needs to be more or less careful.

However, as soon as she left, Bai Anliang took out his phone and looked at the latest message from classmate Yang Mi.

"Brother Anliang, I'm back to the set~"

This message was sent more than an hour ago~
Now it's past nine o'clock and I don't know if the girl is asleep or not.

Bai Anliang thought about it, but he didn't know how he should reply to the other party.

You can't say "you come to my room", right?
That would be too direct.

And he didn't quite understand what student Yang Mi meant. To come or not to come?

This sounds a bit like a good news~
Looking at the text message, Bai Anliang suddenly burst out laughing, tsk tsk, little girl, come with him?
Even Fan Xiaopang can't pull him off, so you, a big honey who hasn't fully evolved, can't do it?

Ever since, Bai Anliang just replied with the word "um".

"Ding dong~"

When the text message sounded, Yang Mi, who was in the room, picked up the phone almost instantly.

Since she came back, she hasn't done anything, just waiting for this text message to reply.

A little nervously turned on the phone, looking at the word "um", student Yang Mi frowned frantically.

This... What does this mean?

Do you want her to go there~
She sent that message because she wanted to test Bai Anliang's attitude.

Although she had been to Bai Anliang's room when she was on the set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", the situation that time was completely different from this time.

After tossing and turning on the bed a few times with the mobile phone in hand, Da Mimi wept bitterly, not knowing what to do.

How old is she, this is already all the tricks she can use at the moment.——

"Little Tiger, do you think that girl will come?"

On the sofa, Bai Anliang looked at the cat that came out of nowhere, and asked after stroking its head with a smile.

However, the cat didn't want to talk to him, and just gave him a cold expression, then lazily jumped onto the sofa and lay down beside him.

This raccoon cat, which was once fierce and explosive in the wild, has a strong fighting capacity, but now it is also a bit lazy.

There's no way, the living environment is so good, I can't help but open my mouth.

Although he doesn't like Da Tiantian's licking it very much, he basically never refuses the bunch of snacks that Da Tiantian feeds.

It's only been a few days, and the body that looked a bit lean at first has become rounder day by day. However, the hand feel is much better.

Bai Anliang touched the cat's belly, and suddenly thought that girl Liu Yifei liked cats more than Da Tiantian~
Before that, the crews of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes" talked about various topics about cats.

I heard that the family has adopted several dogs.
"Well, raising a cat seems to be able to pick up girls. By the way, do you know how to do somersaults?"

Little Tiger:? ? ?
What the fuck are you talking about?

Turning over, facing Bai Anliang with his butt, yawned, and continued to lie on the sofa and doze off.

"10 minutes, if I don't come in 10 minutes, I'll go to the gym~" Bai Anliang looked at the time and said to himself.

Qin Lan is exercising in the gym now, and she still wants to get "tips" from her boss~
Therefore, Bai Anliang's "schedule" is really busy~ but he has no time to wait for Yang Mi for so long.

However, 5 minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"The door is open, come in~"

After Bai Anliang's voice sounded, student Yang Mi looked inside, then walked sideways and closed the door.

Seeing her action, Bai Anliang knew it in his mind.

"Little girl, are you really here?"

"Brother Anliang, don't tease me." After trying to pull and fail, classmate Yang Mi began to flirt and whimpered.

Bai Anliang smiled, and stopped talking to her, showing a thoughtful look, "By the way, I don't know how to play with the unspoken rules in the entertainment industry. I have assigned you such a small role, what should I do to you? After all, you can do well. "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will be broadcast in a while, and you can be considered a star in the industry."

Yang Mi: .
you ask me?Who do I ask?

And she didn't really come here for a role.
When she walked to the sofa, she wanted to sit next to Bai Anliang, but she saw a tabby cat lying there with its big belly, and there was no place for her to sit.

And at this time, Bai Anliang stretched out his hand and pushed the little tiger to the side to make a place.

Hmm. It's a very narrow position. If Yang Mi sits down, she will basically be close to him.

There is a problem~
But regarding this, Yang Mi didn't hesitate much, sat down next to him, and asked casually, "Brother An Liang, do you still have cats?"

"I picked it up, don't mess with it, it's a very fierce cat."

"Sissy really likes cats. If she sees them, she will definitely want to hug and pet them."

Talking about such completely irrelevant nonsense, in fact, Yang Mi herself didn't know what to say~
However, when a hand appeared on her waist naturally, her body shook, she looked up at Bai Anliang in a daze, and murmured: "Brother Anliang"

"Do you like me?" Bai Anliang rubbed her waist lightly with his fingers, his words were very straightforward.

People who practice martial arts, why are you so moaning~
In other words, what she is wearing today is basically the same as Da Tiantian's, both are shorts and a small T-shirt with a belly button exposed. Is this a recent trend?
Bai Anliang doesn't understand these things, fashion is insulated from him, he wears white shirts all day long.

But he likes this dress very much, because when he hugs him, there is no fabric blocking him
And this kind of clothes also has a very good feature, that is, when the girl is really willing to let you hug, you can easily stretch your hands up at any time~
T-shirts that expose the belly button, unless they are tight-fitting, otherwise, because of the special structure of the girl's body, the bottom section is empty, from bottom to top, without any cover.

The better the body, the emptier it is, and I understand everything.

Although the current Yang Mi has not "evolved" into the final form, it is clear that she is not a flat body without body curves.

She didn't speak, just leaned gently into his arms.

And Bai Anliang was never Liu Xiahui, he was straightforward.

Turning his head, he lifted the girl's chin with the other hand, and leaned over.
There seems to be a little sweet taste in the air~
Hormones, hormones, dopamine or other messy things begin to affect people's thoughts and behaviors.

Man, nothing has happened yet.

The cat can't take it anymore.

The little tiger who was lying down seemed to feel something, he licked his paws, got up and jumped off the sofa, looked back at Bai Anliang, and then found a place to cat again.

When it left like this, the sofa was completely vacated, so Bai Anliang took advantage of the situation and lay down, bringing classmate Yang Mi down with him.
However, after lying down, Yang Mi seemed a little "stressed", her eyes widened and she struggled slightly.

"what happened?"

"I like that flower very much."

flower?What flower?

Bai Anliang really didn't remember it for a while.

Hmm. He also really likes the freshly opened flowers.

It's best to pick it off by hand~
(End of this chapter)

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