This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 120 Of course Ip Man, is it me?

Chapter 120 Of course Ip Man, is it me?

The three saxifrages that Bai Anliang picked on the waterfall cliff of Yandang Mountain were given to the three girls respectively.

I don't know what's wrong with Liu Yifei's flower. Anyway, Da Tiantian's flower must have wilted after being played with by her for two days. The little girl ran to Bai Anliang with that flower and looked sad. In the end, Bai Anliang accidentally crushed it and threw it into the trash can.

As for Yang Mi's flower, she kept it very well.

In a rather ingenious way.

Dry the moisture first, and then press it inside a thick book.

In fact, she doesn't know how long she can keep it like this, but she can keep it for a long time.

But to her, it was just an incidental flower after picking flowers for Liu Yifei.
I am just incidental.

A little girl at this age will always feel sad suddenly.

Especially when you see the boy you like interacting "intimately" with other girls.

What Bai Anliang said to Da Tiantian before is actually very reasonable.

The way the two of them get along, it's too easy for people to think they are a couple.

Yang Mi also thinks so.

The movie heroine, a girl about her age, always seems to be very happy, with a sweet smile on her face, can fight with Bai Anliang unabashedly, and will always get a response and tolerance.

With Bai Anliang's serious appearance at work, coupled with his natural prestige in skills, most people might tremble when talking to him at that time.

But Da Tiantian didn't feel this way at all, and even dared to jump on his back in a sudden attack when he was doing business.
There seems to be a very special nickname between them.

She called him "Uncle"~
Yang Mi: There was Liu Yifei on the set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", but is there a similar person in another set?
What routine did Liu Yifei play with Bai Anliang?

Oh, it's "don't know" his name.

Yang Mi sighed.

Why is her life so hard~
Of course, when I think about what happened yesterday on the sofa in Bai Anliang's room, I still can't stop blushing.

Brother Anliang is too good~
What tricks!

If she hadn't been a little rational, she would have really "confessed" there yesterday.

However, I didn't fully "explain", but it wasn't much different. All in all, I suffered a big loss!

The worst thing is that she sent it to the door by herself~
The other party can even wipe it out and deny it. She was born as a child star, and she knows the entertainment industry very well.

Is this kind of thing a thing?

Of course, Bai Anliang doesn't seem to be that kind of person either, at least. He's not in a hurry.

Yang Mi felt that with her little strength, it was impossible to push him away at all, if he insisted.
If you have to, it is estimated that you should give it.

The most tangled thing is that before Yang Mi left yesterday, Bai Anliang asked if he wanted to be his girlfriend~
hateful!A person can only have one girlfriend!How many do you want?

All in all, Yang Mi did not agree.

She felt that she couldn't agree, even though the relationship between the two was actually very close now.

But this kind of status, she felt that she couldn't compromise, otherwise she would be too contemptuous of herself.

It's not hers alone, she'd rather not have it.

Just treat it as if you took advantage of the other party, and she earned it!


Sigh again, Ah Q is energetic, useful, but not completely useful.

The little girl is still very melancholy, and this melancholy may only appear at this age.


"Hey, hello." Yang Mi looked a little nervously at the big sister who appeared in front of her, not knowing why she was looking for her.

Qin Lan smiled at her, and handed her a few pieces of paper, "This is part of your part in the movie, the boss asked me to give it to you."

"Ah, thanks."

Yang Mi took the papers and hurriedly thanked them.

Qin Lan nodded, and left slightly twisting her waist.

Looking at her back, Yang Mi patted her head and forgot. There is such a beautiful assistant!
Brother An Liang. Hey, hey!
If he really agreed to be his girlfriend, would there suddenly be more "good sisters" and "good sisters" out of nowhere?
Thinking of this scene, Yang Mi shivered subconsciously.

Absolutely not!

She, Yanjing Hutong is small and powerful, and she will never fall in love! ——
Although Bai Anliang suspected that Little Fox was playing hard to get with him, after all, he was busy with filming, so he didn't have much time to think about these things all day long.

After all, Bai Anliang is used to asking a girl if he should be his girlfriend, and then being rejected.

He felt that he might have written the word "scumbag" on his face, making the girl daunting.

Can understand can understand.

To be honest, Bai Anliang felt that if he had a formal girlfriend, there was a high probability that he would be able to take it easy.

But that's just what he thinks.

The reality is that he has no chance to practice.

That's right, from a certain point of view, Bai Anliang hasn't dated yet~
He's meow!I've slept with so many girls, but never been in love!

This is actually quite outrageous.

Of course, he himself is not really able to hold on to a real relationship. Can he resist flirting with girls or having relationships or interacting with girls he knew before.

For example~
If he finds a girlfriend now, and within a few days, Fan Xiaopang suddenly comes to him and yells at him. What are the chances of holding back?

Therefore, Bai Anliang also looked away.

If there is no object, there is no object, I am used to it.

Although sweet love makes people feel happy physically and mentally, but his current state of life is actually quite cool.

No psychological burden, no guilt for sleeping with anyone.

"Boss~ The script has been delivered."

"What did she say?"

"I didn't say anything." Qin Lan looked puzzled, not understanding what Bai Anliang asked.

"Didn't comment on the role?"

"No. Boss, you won't"

To be honest, although the time with Bai Anliang is not very long, Qin Lan has really figured out some of the nature of her boss.

For example, Huaxin.

No, as soon as the strange question came out, she immediately felt something.

My boss is afraid that he is flirting with the girl again.

This. Octopus!
"Ahem, hey, are you still exercising tonight? I'll go and guide you."

Seeing that Bai Anliang deliberately avoided this topic, Qin Lan had a meaningful smile on her face, and then nodded, "Of course, boss, you give me a vacation at night. I must hurry up. After the filming of the filming, I may not have the time to work out."

"Then I'll go tonight."

"What are you doing at night?" The curious baby Da Tiantian appeared on the stage!

"Fitness~ Do you want to come together?" Bai Anliang asked casually.

"Huh?" Da Tiantian thought for a while, showing disgust, "Does fitness make me stronger? I don't want it! It's so ugly~"

"You think it's beautiful, but it's not so easy to grow muscles, and it's difficult for women to build large muscles in bodybuilding. Worrying about these is outrageous."

"Then I'm going! Where do I start?"

Da Tiantian's main focus is to participate in all activities, although she has no interest in night fitness.

but play~
Otherwise, it would be boring to stay in the room after the show, and it would be more lively if everyone went to the hotel gym together.


She also emphasized, "Remember to bring the little tiger with you! Cats can also exercise, they have gained weight."

Bai Anliang:
Laozi was originally such a handsome and vigorous raccoon cat, how did you gain weight, do you really have no idea?

It's not that you feed it mouthful.

He waved his hands helplessly, "At eight o'clock in the evening, you go to the gym first and wait for me on the treadmill. I'll be there in about half an hour."

"Treadmill? Yes!" Da Tiantian nodded vigorously in agreement.
Bai Anliang added the role to Yang Mi. It really didn't exist in the original "Ip Man".

It was directly added to her abruptly.

After all, "Ip Man" is a standard male drama, and even the heroine Ip Man's wife doesn't have much role.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's not adding a leading role.

Yang Mi's requirements are not high, as long as she can show her face a little, she can do a couple of tricks and she'll be done.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that it would be the easiest way to put her in the Jinshan team.

A martial artist from the north to the south, stuffed a little sister inside~
Not to mention, Bai Anliang suddenly had an "inspiration".

Let her practice gossip 64 hands, how about calling Gong Er?
Of course, what it's called and what it's practicing, it's actually Bai Anliang's evil taste that came up to do it.

The role of this role is only a few lines in total, with one hand move, it's still a rookie.

There are only so many scenes that can be added, any more. That's another price.

But student Yang Mi is very satisfied with this.

She didn't expect to have many roles in the first place, so this trip is almost like a summer job.

And Bai Anliang is willing to help her add such a character that appeared out of thin air, which has already moved her very much~
Brother Anliang is so kind!
It would be better if it wasn't so scumbag
But, just for such a small role, she has to "pay" a lot~
Don't get me wrong, the price here is not to go to Bai Anliang's room in the middle of the night to dedicate myself.

What is the price? For her, this is a benefit~
The real price is to practice Baguazhang for such a small role.

Baguazhang, also known as Youshen Bagua Palm and Bagua Lianhuan Zhang, is a traditional boxing technique that focuses on changing palms and walking around.

It was created in the late Qing Dynasty by Dong Haichuan, one of the top ten martial artists of the year.

And Dong Haichuan has an apprentice named Yin Fu, and Yin Fu's apprentice is named Gong Baotian.

That's right, it is the prototype of Gong Baosen in Sunglasses King Future's "The Great Master".

After knowing the background and origin of this kung fu, the biggest challenge for Yang Mi is to learn Baguazhang during the filming.
The difficulty is really too great. It is said that Zhang Ziyi has studied Baguazhang for three years in order to play Gong Er. Even if there is an element of publicity, it must have been learned for a long time.

And how long is Yang Mi?It lasted for two months, and it may actually be shorter.

This is almost impossible to accomplish, so the requirements can only be lowered.

There is no need to really learn Baguazhang systematically, as long as she can play out the set moves and routines in a decent way.

It's not that difficult, and it doesn't take her to finish it all in one shot.

Huh?She seems to have a new excuse and went to find Bai Anliang. Ask Baguazhang for advice~
"Brother Anliang, do you know Baguazhang?"

After Yang Mi changed into some shabby and thick northern clothes, she asked Bai Anliang expectantly.


"Then can you"

Talking halfway, bowing your head shyly, this small thought. Bad review.

The current classmate Yang Mi seems to be a bit high-ranking, but he feels that he is still in the stage of learning to walk in Handan.

It can be seen that she really wants to be a "little green tea", but unfortunately, due to her age, she is not yet able to perfectly express that green tea taste.

She might as well stare straight at Bai Anliang and "beg him" with those big aura-filled eyes~
Fortunately, Bai Anliang is understanding, but he also raised his own "difficulties".

"I have to film during the day. I definitely don't have time. I can only let my junior guide you. At night, if I have time, I can guide you."

at night?

Is it legitimate guidance?

However, whether it is serious or not, it seems that Yang Mi can accept it?

But Bai Anliang still felt a little bitter in his heart.

How many things have you promised yourself?

It is also necessary to guide fitness and martial arts. There is only so much time in the evening, is it enough?
Why don't you get them together?
noodle shop~
Jin Shanxun, played by Wu Jing, took some younger brothers and younger sisters to eat noodles together.

This scene can be regarded as one of the classic scenes in "Ip Man".

It's not a problem for Wu Jing to play the rough guy Jin Shanzhao. Although this kid has a tender face now, but with a little bit of make-up and a rough beard, he does look a bit like a future wolf.

Moreover, although Jin Shanzhao is not a big villain, Wu Jing can also vividly interpret that recklessness and ruthlessness.

This kid is actually quite suitable to play the villain.

What age is it, are you still playing traditional villains?Do you have to have a vicious face or a big bald head and a thick physique?
The cuter he looks, the harder he kills. This kind of villain with a strong sense of contrast will impress the audience even more.

From a certain point of view, Wu Jing's play path is actually quite wide.

But, when they were eating noodles, Ye Weixin yelled "Ka" before they had even eaten two bites.

"Miss Yang, you eat too politely. You don't need to be as rough as Wu Jing and the others, but you can't eat in small bites like Miss Qianjin."

Yang Mi blushed a little, she didn't expect that she would be the first to have a problem.

Was named and criticized by the director.

Immediately apologizing and correcting, he sneaked a glance at Bai Anliang who was watching the crowd, and found that the other party was actually laughing too much!

Fortunately, her adjustment ability is still very good. After Ye Weixin said this once, she immediately made it in place.

"She's so amazing!" Da Tiantian, who stood on his feet and watched together, subconsciously sighed, "As soon as the director says, she will act!"

"He's a child star, he's been acting since he was a child~ No matter how hard you work, you can do it." Bai Anliang comforted him.

The current Da Tiantian is really picky. The classmate Yang Mi who came here can crush her at least this kind of on-the-spot adjustment ability in acting. She can't do it by herself. For now, someone needs to break it open and chew it into pieces and feed it to her mouth.

Of course, that's exactly what the crew did.

The other actors did not perform well and made too many mistakes, the director and others might be angry.

But Da Tiantian is okay, I didn't perform well this time, let's do it again, don't be discouraged~
When director Xu Ke was filming "Di Renjie: The Dragon King", he was able to teach the big baby every movement and every expression in a 3-minute plot, and he just created an elegant flying shape.

That's a big baby~
So, as long as you are willing to waste time, it doesn't matter if your acting skills are bad, just teach him action by action if you are in a hurry.

Of course, the premise is that the other party really needs to perform well.

If it's okay to be fooled, most directors will definitely not be willing to take such a big effort.

And Da Tiantian is obviously able to have this kind of treatment in the "Ip Man" crew, and even from the director to the starring role, no one in the crew will be impatient with her.

Therefore, there is no need to envy classmate Yang Mi.

If I remember correctly, this may be the peak stage of Yang Mi's acting career, referred to as the time when acting is the most aura, and whoever sees it will praise it.

It's perfectly normal to be able to crush Da Tiantian.

However, just when Bai Anliang was worried that Da Tiantian would really be hit by a girl of the same age, the girl suddenly said happily, "Hee hee, her clothes are not as good-looking as mine~"

Bai Anliang:
Ah, as expected of you~
This focus is really tricky.

What Yang Mi was wearing was almost like a sack, the clothes were worn out and worn out, how could it compare to Da Tiantian's exquisite cheongsam outfits.

Bai Anliang rubbed his chin, but felt that even though he was dressed like this, his face was still dusty, but the pretty girl was still pretty~
At least Yang Mi was still very conspicuous when she was placed among these gray-faced and rough men, and even after putting on this "beggar outfit", she had a little more cute and pitiful appearance.
Hey~ That can't work!
You are acting as a stubble who has practiced Baguazhang, how can you do it without a little bit of ruthlessness?
Because of Bai Anliang's "pricking", Yang Mi could only start over again. The look in his eyes began to look resentful.

Could it be because he pushed him away at the last moment yesterday? Why should the little girl be more reserved~——
"Brothers, this trip is not in vain, there is no one in Foshan who can fight!"

"This time, we made a fortune!"

Everyone nodded.

"We must continue to work hard to open a martial arts gym in Foshan and let them know how good we are! We want to be number one in Foshan!"

After Jin Shan, played by Wu Jing, made some "rhetoric words", the real "protagonist" of this scene appeared on the stage.

The old man squatting on the noodles muttered disdainfully while serving them noodles.

"You country bumpkins, you are a master after just a few decorations? Let's talk about winning the most powerful one~"

These words naturally aroused Jinshan's curiosity and competitive spirit, and he also said without politeness, "Hey! Who can fight best in Foshan?!"

"Of course Ye Wen, is it me?"

(End of this chapter)

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