This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 121 Be careful not to bump your head

Chapter 121 Be careful not to hit your head~
Most of the shooting shots of the crew and the final filming sequence are different.

Generally, there are very few crews that shoot according to the sequence of the plot in the script, unless it is the kind that shoots and broadcasts at the same time.

Otherwise, in order to save costs, the shooting sequence is basically arranged according to factors such as scenes.

For example, after the scene that Wu Jing and the others had just finished filming, they challenged Ye Wen in a hurry in the movie.

And the next scene of the shooting scene is going out for a stroll played by Bai Anliang~
In the past two days, almost all of the relatively trivial scenes were shot, plus some literary dramas, and I tried to shoot all the scenes of the current scene in one go.

However, Bai Anliang also has a problem to face!
Before he was able to pick on Yang Mi's mistakes in acting, it was actually because he was from the perspective of a bystander.

When he does it himself, other people will naturally be able to pick out his faults.

Looking at director Ye Weixin's frown, one can tell that Bai Anliang's problem is not small~
"You are too sharp." Ye Weixin shook his head, "Ip Man in this scene has completely restrained his sharpness. He even speaks in a friendly way, more like a scholar."

Bai Anliang scratched his head when he heard it, ah, is he acting very murderous?


For a long time, his acting has actually been very smooth, basically he has not been picked on by anyone, and most of the time he has passed through it all at once.

This also made him think, acting~ But that's all, what kind of bullshit actor and actress is purely bluffing, so you don't have to read the script and camera editing blessings.
Of course, the above is only an exaggeration.

But Bai Anliang himself really scoffed at metaphysical arguments such as acting skills.

Now it was his turn, dumbfounded.

Especially after Ye Weixin pointed to the replay on the monitor and analyzed it with him in detail with a lot of details, he felt that something was really wrong with his acting.

Through the screen, they could feel that "Ip Man" inside was a master, handsome as hell.

But... Ip Man's personal setup is a bit out of tune.

"Restraint, do you understand restraint? Don't say anything like a master's demeanor. You can only be a master after beating the Japanese. But now he is definitely not so aggressive. Even if someone points a gun at him, he just dismantles the opponent's gun and even bends down to pick up the magazine."

Bai Anliang nodded while listening, because what Ye Weixin said was absolutely correct.

There is indeed a problem with the way he interprets Ip Man.

To put it simply, he is not playing Ip Man, he is still playing himself
At this time, Ye Weixin suddenly said something funny, "We can't play Ye Wen as the fire cloud evil god in "Dragon Tiger Gate"!"

ah this~
I can't stand it anymore.

The more you look at the code, the more you look like it.

To sum up, in the fight scene in the rain at the beginning, Bai Anliang's Ip Man should be fully fired and show his sharpness.

But after that, he will immediately enter the state after his marriage. At this time, Ye Wen is very restrained.

After having a wife, having a family and caring, the whole person became gentler, put away the murderous aura and edge of the warrior.

Even when Jinshan came to him, Ye Wen was still gentle, his shots were not heavy, and he never hurt anyone.

In this way, the emotions have been suppressed to the end. When Ye Wen saw Master Liao being shot to death by the Japanese, he couldn't hold back the scene at all. It was the moment when a top martial arts master completely broke out.

At that time, Bai Anliang had to use all his firepower, and he was even more powerful than Huoyun Cthulhu.

As for now~
hold on!

"Why don't you drink tea and look for a status?" Ye Weixin tactfully began to help Bai Anliang find a way.

He is a professional director, and it can be seen that Bai Anliang's acting style is actually no different from that of other kung fu stars.

It's all about yourself.

But the problem is that he really can't "be himself" in this movie.

As an actor, how can it be so easy to act in his true colors every day?

"You let me adjust and adjust."

Bai Anliang didn't deny Ye Weixin's statement, even in this crew, he can act whatever he wants, the other party only has the right to suggest, not the right to decide.

But he's not a mallet, so what good does it do?
Convergence of sharpness, peace, peace.
After trying a little bit, Bai Anliang found that it wasn't too good.

Even though he thought he was already calm, his eyes were still full of aggression when he was on the scene.

People's habits are hard to change. Bai Anliang led his juniors to fight for several years, and it was so easy to calm him down all at once.

In desperation, he even started to ask someone for advice.

"Tian Tian, ​​when do you think my appearance is relatively peaceful?"

"Hey? Uncle, haven't you always been peaceful~"

Well, it's like not asking.

"Wu Jing, forget it, it's okay~"

"Qin Lan, I am your boss."

"Boss, I've never seen you calm down. When I massaged you, you closed your eyes, but you didn't feel that peaceful." Qin Lan said helplessly, expressing that there was nothing she could do.

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?" Bai Anliang was a little disbelieving.

"Yes!" Qin Lan nodded seriously, "Boss, have you noticed that when you close your eyes, your brows are frowning."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

Well said, his eyes are closed, guess you can notice?

"Is labor and capital worrying so much?"

Bai Anliang was also a little helpless, if the company's "Wu De" plaque was not a decoration, would he be able to handle the bearing of a "Grandmaster" easily?

Too aggressive and ruthless, too hostile.

Today, he suddenly came to his senses. In the entire Bai family class, he is the one with the most hostility!
Bai Anliang never expected that the one who could help him in the end would be Yang Mi, the classmate he picked on when he was acting~——

Who is meowing again?
Bai Anliang found that since he raised the cubs, he could hear this cry from time to time. One by one, he learned more like the other.

The most outrageous thing is that he has never heard the real cat "meow" in front of him until today.

Putting down the teacup and looking around, it turned out to be classmate Yang Mi~
At this time, she was holding something similar to a snack in her hand, and she was cautiously trying to "seduce" the little tiger who was playing outside.

But it's a pity that the little tiger, who was taken care of by Qin Lan and fed by Da Tiantian every day, has a terrible appetite now. After smelling the food Yang Mi was holding, he didn't even look at her, and completely ignored her.

Seeing that the cat could not be seduced, Yang Mi was not discouraged, took out her mobile phone, and took a few photos of the little tiger~
"What are you doing?"

"Ah!" Yang Mi was terrified. When she turned her head and saw it was Bai Anliang, she quickly patted her chest, "I'm scared to death. Brother Anliang, why did you appear out of nowhere?"

"You are here to shoot my cat and ask me why I suddenly appeared?"

"Hey, I thought this cat was very good-looking yesterday, so I thought it was very handsome."


"So... I took a picture and sent it to Sissi, she also likes cats very much." Yang Mi said in a somewhat uncomfortable tone.

Send photos?
Oh yes, these days, mobile phones can indeed send photos, MMS, they are so expensive, one yuan per message.

However, she knew this cat when she sent it to Liu Yifei~
Forget it, Bai Anliang didn't think too much, and threw the question to Yang Mi that he asked other people before.

As a result, she froze for a moment, her face flushed.

You blush a bubble teapot?

"Say it~"

"Okay, brother An Liang, you usually look a little cool, but if you have to say peaceful, or gentle, last night, you were very gentle."

What Yang Mi said was like squeezing toothpaste.

Intermittently, he didn't dare to look at Bai Anliang.

But this also made him a little surprised, "Is it like that when I kissed you?"

"Ah, no, Brother Anliang! Don't."

In a word, the little girl blushed with embarrassment, and even hurriedly looked around, only to be relieved when she found that there was no one else.

However, Yang Mi's heart was full of turmoil and she complained and shy, but Bai Anliang fell into deep thought.

Just say it!
He also has moments when his murderous intent is not serious.

At this time, the inspiration is fully opened!
He even recalled a conversation with Gao Yuanyuan before.
"Just now you pinched my neck, I felt breathless, I saw you holding a pillow from the corner of my eye, I thought you wanted to cover my head, but you put the pillow between the top of my head and the bed board, and said to me: Be careful not to hit your head and then meet your eyes, I found you, you are quite gentle~"

This conversation, of course, happened after a pleasant night's "exercise".

Of course, what happened in the process is not important, what is important is... The meaning of this statement is somewhat similar to Yang Mi's "feedback".

The expression on Bai Anliang's face is a bit weird, co-author Laozi is the most "peaceful" when he is making out with girls~
Find the entry point, then the next is simple.

Catch that feeling!

From unconscious to conscious.

However, everything is difficult at the beginning, if Bai Anliang really wants to maintain that state, he still needs a little help from outside.

Regarding this, Yang Mi felt that he was talking nonsense.

I've never heard of anyone acting like this.

But she does not refuse.

Hmm. Brother Anliang found a reason by himself. She just disagrees with the authenticity of that reason, and it's not that she disagrees with the next behavior.

All in all, she likes it~——
Bai Anliang, who has found his "state", will go to filming again, then naturally there will be no big problems.

Even Ye Weixin was a little surprised, the adjustment was too fast. Could it be that besides his good skills, he is also an acting genius?

Hmm. Why doesn't it count?
Anyway, Bai Anliang felt that acting was just like that.

Find the right entry point, maintain a good state, and leave the rest to the director.

If the filming is not good, it must be the director's fault and has nothing to do with him.

In order to film, they "sacrificed" so much.

Of course, Bai Anliang felt that when he was free in the future, it would be better to do more tutoring.

Learn acting a little systematically.

Otherwise, what should I do if I encounter this situation next time and get caught blind again?
It is not always possible to adjust yourself by finding another way.

Da Tiantian and Yang Mi seem to both be taking the Beijing Film Academy exam. Do you have time to sit in on it later?Or apply for a higher vocational class?

Think about it or forget it.

He is not just an actor, if he really wants to learn, it is better to find a "teacher" or something to tutor alone than to go to other people's schools to join in the fun.

But after that, you can communicate with actors like Zhou Xun who are recognized as having good acting skills, and ask them how they act.

Bai Anliang is serious about studying.

Especially after he realized that acting skills might be real, he naturally became aware of it.

In other words, are there any female stars in the circle who are pretty, have good acting skills, have a good figure, and preferably be good teachers?

Online and so on, in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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