This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 122 The best-developed female student in the class

Chapter 122 The best-developed female student in the class

The crew of "Love Winner".

Hmm. This movie is the second movie starring Liu Yifei.

Last year, she actually made a movie called "Love in May".

Of course, Sister Fairy's movie. Especially the movie that was shot so early, there is no need to popularize it~
"Ding dong~"

You have a new short message, please check it in time.

Liu Yifei, who just got off the show, heard her cell phone ring before she had time to catch her breath.

While picking up his thermos cup for an emergency replenishment of water, he took out the mobile phone from the bag and opened it casually.

Mimi sent it~ or MMS.

When she opened it, she almost spit out the water she drank from her mouth.

Quickly put down the glass, and looked closely at the photo in this multimedia message. It was a cat, a very familiar cat!
Seeing her daughter's reaction, her mother Liu Xiaoli turned her head and glanced, cat?
Another glance at the person who sent the message, ah, it's that little girl named Yang Mi. That's all right.


"Don't look at it, mom is wrong, you have privacy~"

Since the person who sent the message is fine, and the message is fine, Liu Xiaoli doesn't want to be a "bad guy".

Obviously, the interaction between these two people can actually explain the problem very well.

What are mothers guarding against~
After the accident on the set of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", she often found that her daughter was absent-minded.

I just sat there in a daze when I had nothing to do~ I didn't even read the book.

As someone who has experienced it, Liu Xiaoli always feels that she looks like she is in love.
If it's about love~
She can even select candidates to within a few.

The most suspected person is self-evident, Bai Anliang.

That was a life-saving grace, and even Liu Xiaoli thanked the head of the Bai family squad from the bottom of her heart~
I feel that I should give someone another big red envelope.

But it is obviously not acceptable to hook up with his underage daughter to fall in love.

But after a period of "strict defense", she found something strange: Bai Anliang never contacted his daughter even once.

Hu Ge, Huang Xiaoming and others occasionally sent a greeting text message, or even called.

Only Bai Anliang didn't have any formal contact.

So, is she thinking too much?
After her mother stopped paying attention to her situation, Liu Yifei continued to pick up her phone and reply to Yang Mi's message.

Liu Yifei: "Mimi, where did you take this photo of Maomao?"

Yang Mi: "It's on the set, this is the cat raised by that person."

Obviously, Yang Mi is still cooperating with Liu Yifei in playing the "I don't know what it's called" game.

Just use "that person" instead.

Liu Yifei naturally understood in seconds, but she frowned slightly on her small face, huh?This is his cat?
In the alley that day, it was said to be a wild cat. Oh, no, that cat did run away that day~
So, then came across the cat and adopted it?

Liu Yifei guessed the whole story of the Maomao incident, but now she was even more scratched in her heart.

Cat addiction committed ah.

It was still an addiction specific to this cat. She really wanted to go and hug this cat.

She is currently filming in Jinling, and the crew of "Ip Man" is actually not far away in Shanghai.

Glancing secretly at her mother, Liu Yifei felt that she had to find a way~
Mao Mao is so cute, Mao Mao is so handsome. She wants to see Mao Mao!
After sharing a wave of "beautiful photos of cats" with Liu Yifei, Yang Mi didn't take this matter to heart.

She is also looking forward to the "Baguazhang" teaching in the evening~
In other words, do you need to change into a practice uniform when learning martial arts?
She doesn't have that thing either. Sportswear is okay?

After returning to the hotel after the show ahead of schedule, Yang Mi began to rummage through her suitcase and spread all the clothes she brought on the bed, thinking about what to wear.

After thinking about it for a long time, she suddenly realized a problem. Brother An Liang didn't say what time it started~
It won't be the same as last time, you have to "wait for the notice" in the room all the time, right?

Hmm. It's not impossible.


It was dark.

The staff is closing the booth.

At this time, Bai Anliang was still chatting with Ye Weixin about some follow-up filming matters.

As the producer of this film, he is actually very busy.

Under the modern film production industrialization system, the producer is the highest leader of the entire project.

If we use a company as an analogy, the investors are the shareholders who form the board of directors, and the producer is the CEO appointed by the board of directors to manage all kinds of things in the entire company, and then arrange the specific people below to perform their duties to do various tasks.

The release promotion and other tasks were handed over to another producer, Yu Dong, who basically did not come to the crew, which can be regarded as giving Bai Anliang a lot of trust.

As for the big and small matters in the crew, some Bai Anliang can let other people take care of them, and some have to be coordinated by him himself.

No, I just discussed with Ye Weixin about the next filming, and I chatted with the screenwriter team led by the third junior brother Bai Wu about script changes, and then I had to go to the fourth junior brother Huang Tu to confirm the routine for tomorrow's action scene shooting.
To be honest, those ruthless people in the crew who single-handedly seize the producers, directors, screenwriters, and even martial arts. This refers not only to the name, but to those who are actually responsible for these specific tasks.

For now, Bai Anliang has only seen such fierce ones in online novels. The workload is so heavy, how can he be so busy?
Besides, I have to find time to sleep with female artists
No, the crew finished work at six o'clock, and Bai Anliang stayed until after seven o'clock before going back to the hotel to rest.

Before leaving, he ran into Wu Jing, a "blocker", and he has not left until now, but this guy is because he is exchanging skills with Bai Anliang's juniors, so he doesn't care about time.

In the crew, he is the only one who likes to find Huang Tu's tricks the most.

At this moment, Wu Jing looked relieved, guessing that he had been beaten up again, and greeted Bai Anliang with a smile, "Brother, have a drink?"

Don't call me brother too easily. It seems that I have completely forgotten the so-called age.

There are no young or old in learning, and those who have achieved it come first.

Anyway, after being crushed by this kid in every aspect, Wu Jing was really convinced.
drink wine?

It's not that bad~
But he still shook his head without giving any reason, "The beauty has an appointment, so I can't do it today."

beautiful woman?Which beauty?

But Bai Anliang said so, Wu Jing definitely can't pester him, he smiled cheaply and clenched his fists, "Dragon spirit and tiger fierceness! Don't affect tomorrow's filming."

"Just kidding~ After I take care of those three chicks, I'll take care of you and you'll be fine~"

This is bullshit between men, everyone understands it.

However, it wasn't until Bai Anliang was gone that Wu Jing suddenly reacted.

What the hell?
Three chicks?

Suddenly took a breath. I began to wonder if I heard it wrong~——
Ah~ that's right.

At least today it is true.

When Bai Anliang returned to the hotel, took a shower and changed his clothes, it was already past eight o'clock.

There should be two girls waiting for him in the gym right now~
What he told Da Tiantian before was to go there at eight o'clock and wait for him on the treadmill.

After running for ten minutes, I can sweat a lot.

As for Qin Lan, she should also be doing aerobics at this point.

Who knows, brothers!

Fragrant and soft girl, after a little exercise, there is a layer of sweat on her body, which is the sweetness of hormones
First of all, Bai Anliang is really not a pervert.

It's very strange~ Most of the good-looking girls even sweat fragrant~
A writer once wrote: "As people grow older, everyone will gradually form their own unique taste, and what kind of temperament they have will give off the charm."

The Oscar-winning film "Scent of a Woman."

In the play, the blind male colonel can tell not only the brand of the perfume, but also the appearance of the other party, and even the details of the hair, eyes and lips by the scent of the woman's perfume.

Among them, the clip of the male and female protagonists interacting with each other and dancing tango is the climax of the play, and the steps of advancing and retreating during the dance, eye-catching and smiling are all classics on the screen.

It can be seen that the fragrance of women contains a little bit of affection in the relationship between the sexes.

Bai Anliang really doesn't like the smell of perfume, he prefers a more "original" smell.

To put it more scientifically, it is the fermentation of body surface oil to produce aromatic hydrocarbons?

All in all, he's really not a pervert~
The gym in this hotel is not very big, but because the hotel is relatively new, the equipment inside is basically not used much.

Hmm. By the way, it's reserved.

So, you know what you know, and no one else will come to bother you.
Of course, Bai Anliang is here to do "serious things", to guide girls in fitness, he is very professional.

It's a pity that his smile froze on his face after he opened the door and entered the gym.

"Hey, uncle is here!"

Da Tiantian, who was a little bored waiting, waved happily to Bai Anliang after seeing Bai Anliang.

Bai Anliang, on the other hand, was somewhat skeptical about life, and felt that the way he pushed the door in was a bit wrong?

He just stepped in with his left foot first, right?

Taking a deep breath, she looked at Da Tiantian helplessly, "Are you waiting for me on the treadmill?"

"Hey? Didn't you say that, uncle? This place is very conspicuous, you can see me as soon as you come in." Da Tiantian who was lying on the treadmill said confidently.

"Then you should run away!"

"Ah? Do you want to run away?" Da Tiantian said in a daze.

In the end it was Zhuang Zhou who dreamed of the disc, you are both a gift and a calamity.
Bai Anliang didn't know whether he should laugh~ or should he laugh~
The code is so stupid and cute, it feels like a bit of a foul.

"You warm up first, and then jog for 10 minutes~" Bai Anliang said helplessly.

"Can't we go directly to the buttocks and waist thinning session?" Da Tiantian asked with a shy blink of his eyes.

"Who told you that?"

At this time, Qin Lan, who was stretching on the yoga mat, silently turned her head to the other side.
No way, she keeps asking~
You can't just ignore her.

No, the "final goal" was accidentally revealed to bald.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang can still "teach a lesson" to Da Tiantian, and use scientific guidelines to warn her not to aim too high and keep her feet on the ground
All in all, the final result is that Da Tiantian squatted on the treadmill with his head in his arms, "Master, stop reading~"

"Then why don't you warm up quickly?"

"Uncle, I'm learning to dance. My body is actually very flexible. Let's start right away~"

How good is it?
Bai Anliang subconsciously wanted to see and see, but Da Tiantian seemed to know what he was thinking, jumping off the treadmill was an easy one.

The heroine is good at martial arts!

Qin Lan was sweating profusely on the treadmill, and Bai Anliang was sitting behind her, looking at the buttocks and her running posture, and corrected her in time.

In fact, her figure is already good, and her innate conditions are there. Even if she hasn't done much targeted exercise, she can still be regarded as lordosis and back warping.

But Bai Anliang, the sixth child, gave Qin Lan a "PUA" meal, which caused her body anxiety.

I vow to create the best waist-to-hip ratio and body shape. There is a high probability that I will reach the peak figure in the future ahead of schedule.

pretty good!
Achieve it early, enjoy it early~
Needless to say, Bai Anliang is quite enjoying it now, it is really pleasing to watch beautiful girls working out.

Absolutely beneficial to physical and mental health.

As for Da Tiantian?
She didn't come to exercise at all, she just wanted to find someone to play with.

It looks like the kind of "fitness lady" who knows how to pose for a photo without breaking a sweat when she goes to the gym.

After looking for a few equipment and pretending to shake them around for a while, I started chasing the "little tiger" all over the ground.

Not to mention, from a certain point of view, the amount of exercise is really not small.

Tired of running with cats, he was finally hugged by Da Tiantian helplessly and ravaged for a while.

The majestic civet cat in the wild has now fallen into this situation.
Little Tiger: Forget it, destroy it~
However, when Da Tiantian took out its favorite snacks like magic, the dead cat looked like a cheap skin that resisted and tasted delicious~
The next plot became, Da Tiantian hugged the cat and watched Qin Lan's ass with Bai Anliang.
This scene is really weird and harmonious.

Fortunately, it didn't last too long, because Bai Anliang also called Yang Mi over.

Sorry, I almost forgot about it.

After Yang Mi received the notice, she immediately changed into a tennis uniform.

With a white vest and a short sports skirt, wearing white shoes and a hair tie, the look of a sporty girl full of vigor is completed.

But when she arrived at the hotel gym full of joy, when she opened the door, the first thing she saw was a pair of eyes bigger than hers, "Hi~"

"Uh, hello~" Yang Mi waved her hand at Da Tiantian stiffly and said hello.

Why are there others?

Look again, there is more than one.

Brother An Liang's beautiful female assistant is also exercising now. That undulating figure looks very feminine!

I was so envious!
In the end, Yang Mi walked up to Bai Anliang reluctantly, not knowing what to say, hesitating for a few seconds, "Well... I don't have that kind of exercise clothes, so I can only wear this one."

"Very good~ Tennis girl, this style suits you very well."

"Uncle, she is also in good shape" Da Tiantian muttered in a low voice after greeting Yang Mi.

good body shape?

Although the current Yang Mi is not yet a big honey, but obviously in terms of development, the progress has surpassed Da Tiantian.

Under the full of youthful atmosphere, it has already begun to germinate.

It can already give people a slightly heavy feeling.

It's a bit like the best-developed female students in the class when I was in school. I like to see how they look when they are running, jumping and dancing~
"Brother Anliang, what are you thinking?"

"Oh, I didn't think about anything, come on, warm up first."

Bai Anliang turned his head and found a skipping rope on the ground and handed it to Yang Mi.

Jump rope to warm up?

Now, this is the result of being unprofessional. Anyone who has practiced dancing or martial arts can see Bai Anliang's "bad intentions" at a glance.

But Yang Mi has never practiced those things. Although she is a child star, she is still a senior in high school after receiving compulsory education all the way.

Hey, she really is the best-developed female student in the class!

In the small gym, there is Qin Lan who doesn't hear anything outside the window and only focuses on fitness and shaping; there is Da Tiantian who is completely soy sauce and the main purpose is to play with cats;
They all have a bright future!
As for Bai Anliang?He is now in pure enjoyment mode.

Filming is so hard, what happened to him enjoying himself?
To be honest, this is more exciting than holding a girl in your arms and making out!
I feel that my eyes are not enough. As far as the line of sight is concerned, there are all "jumps"~
Fortunately, Bai Anliang didn't go too far.

After letting Yang Mi jump the rope for a while, I started to teach her the set of Baguazhang that she needs to do.

The beginning of teaching, on the contrary, also attracted the attention of Qin Lan and Da Tiantian.

One got off the equipment, rested and drank water, and looked furtively at the same time.

The other moved a chair directly and sat in front of her with the cat in his arms to watch.

It's embarrassing for Yang Mi to do it.

Because when Bai Anliang gave her a little demonstration and asked her to follow along, she played really ugly
Baguazhang? x
Radio Gymnastics! √
The most irritating thing is that Da Tiantian, who was an audience next to him, thought it was interesting, so he came over and pretended to follow suit.
She is better than herself!
Yang Mi: .
So, the mood is very complicated.

On my side, brother An Liang taught him hand in hand, but the result was uglier than radio gymnastics.

Jing Tian only watched it a few times, but she still looked decent. The contrast was too strong, which made her feel physically uncomfortable.

As a result, after hitting her, the other party pouted and said, "It's not fun~"

Fortunately, her brother An Liang was "justice", so he tapped Da Tiantian's head lightly with his backhand, "You hit it softly, what's the use of it? You're not as good as Mimi."

"Oh, I just need to be responsible for wearing a beautiful cheongsam, and I don't need to learn~" Da Tiantian backhandedly made a face at Bai Anliang, and then ran away quickly, as if he was afraid that Bai Anliang would catch up with her and beat her up.

However, she slipped halfway, ran back, and picked up the little tiger, "Maomao will sleep with me tonight, I will take it away~"

Bai Anliang would not chase her so naively, and he didn't care too much when he saw Da Tiantian abducted his cat.

Just slip away, anyway, this little girl is still a bit in the way here.

Among the first three girls in the gym, she is the only one who doesn't give "benefits".

Meng has a fart, in front of sexy, it's not worth mentioning.

(End of this chapter)

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