Chapter 125 He is a pervert!
If you want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus with wine, it doesn't seem like you are a teenager.

Youthful spirit often disappears faster than imagined.

It is rare for Bai Anliang to feel like today.

In this respect, he might not be as good as Wu Jing.

At least when the opponent challenged his junior, he didn't have any utilitarian purpose in his heart, he just wanted to fight.

But every time Bai Anliang fights with someone, he feels like losing something if he doesn't make any money.

In a young body, there is an old soul of a philistine
This may be the reason why he likes staying with Da Tiantian so much~ She seldom considers any benefits, gains and losses, what she wants is to like and be happy, even acting is the same.

Staying with her, Bai Anliang could feel that he was indeed a young man, full of vigor and vitality.

However, it is often short-lived.

The road up the mountain is difficult to climb, even though Da Tiantian has good physical strength in dancing all the year round, but at the end of the climb, he was tired and out of breath.

When she finally climbed to the top, Bai Anliang and Yang Mi were already sitting on the steps waiting for her.

Yang Mi was a little afraid to look at Da Tiantian, because when she was lying on Bai Anliang's back, she secretly kissed her. Now she is afraid of being discovered by Da Tiantian~
My heart beats faster than when I climb the stairs.

However, it was obvious that Da Tiantian didn't notice this at all, and pouted, as if he was still regretting that he had lost.

"Uncle, what is your structure?" After straightening her breath, she poked Bai Anliang helplessly, as if she wanted to verify whether he was a robot~
Running so fast with a person on your back? !

However, Bai Anliang stretched out his finger, "Look for yourself~"

Turning his head to look, it turned out that several of his juniors couldn't hold back anymore and started running up.

That speed Honestly, is this really climbing the steps?Not running on flat ground? !
As if in a blink of an eye, these tough men rushed up.

Then we laughed at the slowest fellow Cannon
Cannon scratched his head helplessly. With his height and weight, he was more capable than wrestling his wrists!Fuck you "weak chickens" to death!
"Wow! You guys run so fast!" Da Tiantian sighed with his eyes wide open.

The juniors scratched their heads in embarrassment, quite shy.

And Da Pao leaned over to Bai Anliang, smiling a little awkwardly, "Brother, haven't we played like this for a few years?"

Bai Anliang glanced at him, "Is it itchy?"

"Wrong wrong."

"Okay, it's time for us to go back, the sun is about to set. It's time to play, Tian Tian, ​​don't worry about it, and film well."

"Okay~ But" Da Tiantian rolled his eyes, "I can't walk anymore, what should I do?"

"Can't walk? You were so active in running just now."

"I want to recite it! Uncle smelly!"

Obviously, after seeing the scene of Bai Anliang carrying Yang Mi on his back, Da Tiantian became "jealous".

She wants too!
But Bai Anliang thought for a while, and looked at Yang Mi who was still rubbing her feet, "Come on, I'll take one in each hand~ I'll drag you back."

One in each hand. It is obviously impossible.

Even if Bai Anliang could do it, the girls feel that this is too shameful.

So Yang Mi took the initiative to give up the riding position of the "mount".

She actually thinks it's okay to go down the mountain.

Now I want to go back early to soak my feet and take a bath or something
But, seeing Da Tiantian lying on Bai Anliang's back and giggling, Yang Mi's heart was still filled with sourness.

That position was originally hers
"Don't move~ If you move again, I'll touch your ass!"

Apparently, Bai Anliang didn't have much tolerance for Da Tiantian who wriggled on his back and made it difficult for him, so he directly said "threat".

"Hey? Uncle, don't take advantage of me~" Da Tiantian really calmed down, and "warned" by lying next to Bai Anliang's ear.

Taking advantage of her?

This little girl's definition of taking advantage is really a bit strange.

Now that Bai Anliang put his hand on her thigh, isn't it taking advantage?She lay on Bai Anliang's back, so the contact...isn't it an advantage?
Touching the butt counts?
This logic is also quite invincible.

But, after Bai Anliang carried the little girl out of the park, he found that she had fallen asleep on his back.
It's really like a child, with unlimited energy when playing, and immediately reveals its original shape when it's over.

After returning to the hotel, Da Tiantian woke up rubbing his eyes.

At this time, she realized that she was actually lying on the bed~
Looking at the completely dark weather outside, Da Tiantian scratched his head helplessly, feeling his stomach growling.

She wanted to have dinner with Bai Anliang, but smelling the sweat on her clothes, she decided to wash Xiangxiang first~
Up to this time, she didn't realize that she was not actually in her room.
The result is.

Bai Anliang just looked at Da Tiantian in front of him, took off his clothes, hummed a little song, and walked leisurely into the bathroom wearing only his underwear.

Ten seconds later, the sound of rushing water sounded.

what? !

No, after the little girl wakes up, can't she see whose room this is?
Still taking a shower?Do you have a change of clothes? !
Originally, Bai Anliang really wanted to send her back to his room, but he couldn't find the room card in her small bag.

In desperation, she got her own room and let her rest for a while.

As a result, the girl's nerves were far beyond his imagination.

Hmm. I'm in good shape.

The color of the underwear is quite special, it is not pink or white, but purple. My sister said that purple is very charming.

However, it doesn't suit her well.

At least not suitable for her at this age.

But Bai Anliang couldn't help to put forward any opinions. The most urgent thing for this meeting is to get out as soon as possible.

Otherwise, what should the little girl do when she comes out of the shower and sees him screaming? At that time, it will be difficult to handle.

After all, the girl never said she liked him.
Bai Anliang felt a little aggrieved when he thought about it, he had to get out of his room~
Walked lightly to the door of the room, opened the door, dodged people, and gently closed the door.

After doing all this, Da Tiantian, who was taking a bath in the bathroom, didn't notice it at all, and he had almost no vigilance.

Bai Anliang, who slipped out of the "crime scene", sighed, feeling that he had nowhere to go. After thinking for a while, he walked towards Yang Mi's room with ease.

Dika to enter the door.

Don't ask him why he has the other party's room card, isn't that what he should do~
Coincidentally, Yang Mi fell asleep as soon as she came back.

And she is more tired than Da Tiantian, and she hasn't woken up yet.

However, when Bai Anliang came, he must "wake her up".


"Hey, Mimi, are you awake?"

"Brother An Liang, I... I haven't showered yet."

"it does not matter."

"No, no, it smells on me"

"You're actually fine, the smell on the socks is a little bit heavier~"

"Don't talk nonsense~"

Obviously, some things are independent of individual will.

In human terms, the arms cannot twist the thighs.
"It doesn't stink, does it?"

"Not smelly~"

".I will never wear stockings again!"

Obviously, Yang Mi was not ready before going out today.

The magical combination of sneakers and stockings brings a sour experience.

No, after taking a bath and soaking her feet, she still couldn't help herself, hugging her feet and smelling them for fear that there would be any smell left on them.

Of course, what she regrets the most is actually being lazy. She should have taken a shower as soon as she came back.

But he was so tired that he fell asleep on the bed.

The final result. The result is actually not bad, and she, Brother An Liang, doesn't seem to mind much.
Although Yang Mi was awakened by the torment, she relaxed her body and mind in a different way.

So it's going to be kind of spiritual.

After I smelled my feet, I was still a little uneasy, rolled my eyes, and stretched out my feet to Bai Anliang, "Brother Anliang, can you smell it for me~"

Bai Anliang reached out and grabbed her feet to stop the thing from poking his face, and complained, "Your hobbies are quite special."

"What hobby?"

"Well, it's not clear for a while, do you like to collect small leather whips?"

".I don't like it, why should I collect that stuff?"

"Oh, that's good, I don't like it too much, I like to take the initiative."

Yang Mi:? ? ?
She suspected that the other party was chatting with her on a sour topic, but her knowledge reserve did not support her rebuttal, so she couldn't understand it.

The top priority is still the problem of feet.

"Help me smell it~"

"No, I'm not that perverted." Bai Anliang refused with a straight face.

"You have!"

"Be careful, I'll sue you for slander~"

"You just have it." Yang Mi didn't know what to think of, her face flushed, and she cursed softly, "Big pervert~"

"Hey~ you little girl, I don't dislike you, but you still scold me?" Bai Anliang stretched out his hand and scratched the soles of her feet and said.

"Ah! It's itchy."

Now Yang Mi directly surrendered and begged for mercy, and finally retracted her feet, feeling strange in her heart.

Hmm. He is a pervert!
He just loves feet!

It showed up when I was on the crew of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"!

However, I don't seem to be very annoying, but I was broken, and I was infected by abnormality.

(End of this chapter)

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