This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 126 A 3-Year-Old Boy Wants to Fall in Love

Chapter 126 A 30-Year-Old Boy Wants to Fall in Love

Regardless of whether Bai Anliang is a pervert or not, she likes them anyway.

When many people are chasing girls, they can hear some so-called standards.

Including height, figure, salary, appearance and so on.

Some standards can even be particularly granular, with an outrageous level of detail.

It seems to really let suitors check their seats and see if their own conditions meet other people's standards.

But yeah~
The so-called standards have always been used to test people who don't like them.

When a girl asks you about her criteria for choosing a mate, actually um. Forget it
Instead of trying to meet the other party's standards, it's better to find another girl, honestly!
Because the so-called mate selection criteria are different from person to person.

For this person, the girl can make a lot of demands, but even if the old man is very capable and really meets the requirements, who knows if he will turn around and make new demands.

But for another person, most of this product may not match, but at a certain point, it meets the girl's heart, and what she wants is not important at all.

Schrödinger's standard!

Jose: Do you have to marry a rich man?

Sanmao: If I don't love him, he is a millionaire and I will not marry. If I love him, he is a millionaire and I will marry.

Jose: . . .After all, you still want to marry a rich man.

Sanmao: There are exceptions.

Jose: What if you follow me?

Sanmao: Forget the money as long as you have enough food.

Jose thought for a while: Do you eat a lot?
Sanmao answered very carefully: not much, not much, you can eat less in the future.

——Sanmao, "The Story of the Sahara"

What student Yang Mi liked before was not the current Bai Anliang.

What she likes is the handsome and mature big brother by the waterfall, who makes people feel at ease and handsome at a glance.

Cool and handsome and dependable.

But now the standard changes directly with the people.

All in all, as long as you like it, it is not unacceptable to be a little perverted~

But Yang Mi really didn't want to do the same operation as before. Answering Liu Yifei's phone calls while doing business.

People are about to suffocate, that kind of tense and timid mood is really.
Ah no, it’s right to be uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Liu Yifei has been a little "difficult to protect herself" these two days. She was gank by her own mother, so she may not be able to come back.

It's great news.

Yang Mi is cheering for Liu Xiaoli in her heart~
Do take care of her!At this age, don't think about falling in love! ——
A 30-year-old "boy" wants to fall in love.

Don't get me wrong, Wu Jing is not envious of Bai Anliang, he just wants to ask Bai Anliang how to get along with girls very purely.

"Do you want to learn how to flirt with girls?"

Bai Anliang looked at the straight man with some amusement, thinking that this guy is really interesting.

Early in the morning, he mysteriously dragged him to the side, thinking that there was something important to say~
As a result, he asked Bai Anliang how to deal with the object?
"Pick up girls? No, I want to find a girlfriend," Wu Jing corrected solemnly.

"First of all, I don't even have a girlfriend, so how can I teach you?" Bai Anliang asked directly, and Wu Jing was stunned.


"Ah what~ I haven't had a girlfriend until now. You ask me how to fall in love? I can't teach you this, but I can flirt with girls."

Wu Jing was a little messy, the words of stepping on the horse sounded very contradictory, but it really came out of the other party's mouth.

Can flirt with girls, but never dated?

Are you a liar?

Wu Jing: It must be that my sincerity is not enough!

However, before Wu Jing could think of any good "act of sincerity".

Zhen Zidan is here!
"Dragon and Tiger Gate" did well at the box office, and Zhen Zidan was also in a good mood. People are in good spirits on happy occasions.

No, as soon as they entered the group, they showed off their presence, and arranged fruit drinks for the whole group.

This card is really full.

"Wow~ It's okay!" Da Tiantian was a little surprised when he looked at the milk tea and fruit in his hand.

"Big names, that's all."

After eating other people's food and drinking other people's food, of course Bai Anliang wanted to make a fuss for Zhen Zi.

He also told her some "hidden rules" in the circle by the way.

For example, the leading actor buys some snacks and drinks. Of course, this kind of thing is usually done by famous artists.

Many new lead actors have a lot of money, and the salary is not much.

It's a pity that Da Tiantian didn't understand these people's sophistication, so he said with a look of doubt, "Is he a big brand? I don't even know him, is he a star of the same level as Li Link?"

Bai Anliang didn't know how to answer what he said.

At the same time, Zhen Zidan, who just walked over, froze. Girl, please lower your voice next time~
Fortunately, he didn't have the same knowledge as a little girl who was a little silly and cute at first glance, so he came over to say hello to Bai Anliang first, "Sorry, I'm a little late, did you delay the shooting?"

"How could there be a delay? I have already arranged a filming schedule for you. Today I will welcome you and celebrate your achievements. Let's start shooting tomorrow."

"I haven't read the script yet, so I just shot it?" Zhen Zidan grinned, thinking that this role should not have many scenes, otherwise he wouldn't be so casual.

"Let's shoot the fight scene first. We have fought so many times before, and the fight scene is still easy to catch. Then we can shoot with just a set of tricks."

When Zhen Zidan heard this, he naturally nodded in agreement, letting go of the worries in his heart a little.

There is a saying that the person who knows you best is actually your opponent.

Zhen Zidan knew Bai Anliang very well, he knew that this kid looked gentle and fair, but in fact he was black-hearted and ruthless, and he didn't talk about martial ethics.

I don't know when I will suddenly set him up
"By the way, how long will my guest appearance be?" Just to be on the safe side, Zhen Zidan asked one more question.

"Just shoot for a week." Bai Anliang said straightforwardly.

"Ah, that's good~"

Finally, Zhen Zidan was completely relieved, and only filmed for a week, which was a little bit too much for a cameo, but it was not unacceptable.

But he was a little strange, why is Bai Anliang so "reasonable" now?

Originally, he was actually prepared for the possibility of being cheated.

In the end, I found that I seemed to think too much~
"By the way, why didn't you ask Xie Tingfeng to play a cameo role?"

After hesitating for a while, Zhen Zidan asked this doubt.

Compared to himself, Xie Tingfeng is undoubtedly more famous, more popular, and he has a better relationship with Bai Anliang.

Well, that's right, the relationship between these two people now belongs to a very good category in the eyes of others.

The main theme is "Love and Kill".

If the relationship is not good, how could Xie Tingfeng go to Bai Anliang to find a beating when nothing happens~ he is not a masochist.

"I did, but he's too popular and the schedule is too tight. He should be on the crew of "The Promise" directed by Cheng Kaige." Bai Anliang rubbed his chin and said.

Why doesn't he want to get a handful of wool for this kid Xie Tingfeng~
And it's really not that difficult to get here, as long as the other party is free, a few beeps should be enough.

But it’s helpless. It’s impossible for someone to beat up Cheng Kaige just to get beaten up~
The current Lao Chen is still very famous.
Oh no, even if "The Promise" was sprayed like that, Lao Chen still has a lot of face.

Great director.

Under the general director-centered gameplay of the domestic film and television industry, the status of big directors in the industry is quite high.

At least the current Bai Anliang has neither the ability nor the face to get Xie Tingfeng out of the "The Promise" crew to play a cameo role for himself.

It's not like Ye Weixin, who was "handled" by Zhen Zidan for cooperating with Zhen Zidan, and "handled" by Bai Anliang for cooperating with Bai Anliang, who focused on being "easy to bully".

After Zhen Zi chatted for a few words and then turned to look for Ye Weixin, Da Tiantian stuck out his tongue, looking embarrassed, "I was overheard~"

Bai Anliang didn't blame her, but gloated a little, "Let you speak ill of her behind her back~"

"But... isn't he really famous?" Da Tiantian muttered.

"It's not bad. This "Dragon and Tiger Gate" can be regarded as helping him to gain popularity. At least the box office is quite good. Don't worry about no one looking for the next movie."

"Hey, uncle, you don't seem to worry much about such things, do you?"

"My path is different from his. I seem to be an actor, but I actually start a company. Maybe after a few years of filming, the company can grow bigger and I will directly be behind the scenes."

"No, uncle, you can accompany me to film."

"Look at your performance~"
Zhen Zidan actually has another worry.

He heard that Wu Jing was in Bai Anliang's crew, and had a good relationship with the gang of strong men from the Bai family class. It is said that they often competed together.

But according to Zhen Zidan's understanding, Wu Jing was practicing martial arts routines all those years ago.

Why are you so interested in the actual combat genre all of a sudden?
It's really not Zhen Zi's smug bow and snake shadow. Anyone who has been rubbed so hard that he has no temper at all, and even starts to become someone else's blowjob, will take care of this kind of "potential opponent".

Coupled with what Wu Jing's manager Huang Baigao had done before, he said that he wanted to add a protagonist to the "Slaying the Wolf" project.
Zhen Zidan had reason to suspect that Wu Jing practiced so much in actual combat because he wanted to replicate Bai Anliang's way. That is to find "confidence" from him, Zhen Zidan, and step on him to climb up.


Never let him succeed!

Can't beat Bai Anliang, labor and capital can't beat you?
All in all, full of fighting spirit, ready to teach the ignorant "junior brother" a lesson at any time.

The reception banquet in the evening.

It is said to be popular, but it is actually a celebration of the box office results of "Dragon and Tiger Gate".

No, the hero, director, villain and action director of "Dragon Tiger Gate" are all there, who can say otherwise~
As for Da Tiantian, Yang Mi, the hurdling spokesperson for Young and Dangerous, and the fishing helmet spokesperson, including Wu Jing, they are all here to eat.

As soon as Zhen Zidan came up, he was full of vigilance towards Wu Jing, lest this kid learn the essence of the Bai family class and not practice martial arts.

What if there is a sneak attack?
Although the probability is extremely small, it has to be guarded against.

However, what made him puzzled was that Wu Jing didn't seem to be very keen on competing with him.

I didn't mention it the whole time.

However, this didn't reassure Zhen Zidan, on the contrary, he became suspicious. What kind of bad move is he holding back?

This bastard has such a good relationship with Bai Anliang. I have to guard against it!

So, after having a drink with Wu Jing with a smile, he took the initiative to ask, "I heard that you have gained a lot from practicing actual combat recently? Let's discuss it another day?"

Unexpectedly, Wu Jing just nodded casually, "Okay, I have a chance to try~"

Huh? !

I really don't really want to fight.
Bai Anliang at the side saw everything through.

It can only be said that Zhen Zidan's age is here, after all, she is forty~
When people reach middle age, they have to soak wolfberry in a thermos.
Even if he is still full of tendons, he is still incomparable with young people in their 30s and [-]s.

It has nothing to do with experience or life experience.

It just depends on what stage your body is in.
Like Bai Anliang, he is still a time traveler, with such a wealth of experience, logically speaking, he shouldn't be so enthusiastic about his affairs with girls.

Ran and egg.

The young hormones in his body tell him that youth is just right, and he must sleep with more girls.
Do you understand the gold content of being covered by the quilt every morning~
So, how did Zhen Zidan know that Wu Jing's mind is now full of thoughts about finding a girlfriend.

This buddy is in heat, and Bai Anliang often sees him chatting with some female artists he knows on his mobile phone these two days when he is free.
I don't know if it worked or not.

At the banquet, Bai Anliang chatted with Zhen Zi about "Dragon Tiger Gate".

"Those media and film critics scolded us badly and felt that "Dragon and Tiger Gate" would not be able to make a sequel. Once word of mouth dropped, the sequel would have the biggest impact."

Hearing Zhen Zidan's sigh, Bai Anliang was quite happy.

I can't shoot well~
What sequel.

There is a sequel in mind, why do you continue to think about "Slaying the Wolf"~
But he still said something, "After all, it's an adaptation of a comic, so it's normal for the plot to be somewhat unacceptable."

This is a compliment to "Dragon and Tiger Gate". Even if Bai Anliang played Huoyun Cthulhu, he didn't really know the plot of this movie.

Not just beating, beating, beating.
At this time, Ye Weixin actually answered, "The role of Huoyun Cthulhu is quite affirmed. Do you know that the media recently made a gimmick of "the most handsome villain"?"

"Me?" Bai Anliang said without any humility, pointing at his nose, as if it was a matter of course.

Ye Weixin nodded and shook his head again, "It's not just you, the Wu Yan team knows it~ The "New Police Story" released two days ago, big brother Cheng, Xie Tingfeng and him starred together, abruptly stole Xie Tingfeng's limelight three times, and even big brother Chengdu is not too overwhelming. Now he is getting a lot of attention! It can be regarded as entering the ranks of the young generation of Xiangjiang."

Hearing this, Bai Anliang just nodded, but didn't comment on it.

As a result, Zhen Zidan was a little gloating, "Then he is your competitor~"

"Ah? What kind of competitor?" Bai Anliang asked in confusion.

"Your appearances and acting styles are very similar," Zhen Zidan tried hard to conclude.


Bai Anliang picked up the wine glass to touch him casually, and said with a smile, "Can he be as handsome as me?"

"Hahaha, yes yes yes!"

If you don't brag at the wine table, when will you brag?
As for the question of who is more handsome, there is no point in discussing who is more handsome. It is up to the girl to judge.

In this regard, Bai Anliang has a great advantage.

Da Tiantian: Uncle is handsome!
Yang Mi: Brother An Liang is handsome!
Two to zero, complete victory!

Wu Yan group?Who?Don't touch porcelain~
Of course, if you have to say that the number of voters is too small, it doesn't mean anything. The female star who expanded the scope to the entire domestic entertainment, or Bai Anliang won.

And the longer he spends in the entertainment industry, the greater his advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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