Chapter 130 A Vigorous Girl

Undoubtedly, Jinshan's role in finding this character has been greatly elevated in Bai Anliang's version of "Ip Man" script.

Because the role of "Master Liao" was inherited by Jinshan, so in terms of role positioning, it really has the weight of the second male lead.

Of course, even if this is the case, Wu Jing can only be ranked third.

Ren Dahua, an advocate of wearing a helmet for fishing, will always give him a double no matter his qualifications or reputation.

Hmm. Fortunately, Da Tiantian didn't care about the fan position, otherwise Wu Jing's name would have to appear in the fourth place.

"Brother, I was defeated by three Japanese."

"Add to five."

Bai Anliang didn't even need to listen to what Wu Jing said, he knew what fart he was about to fart.

Sure enough, after saying this, a smile appeared on the other party's face immediately.

"Five good, five good"

Being defeated by three little Japan is too inferior. Wu Jing said that he can't lose even a little bit!
When it comes to filming, you just have to get involved!Otherwise, you won't be able to enter the role.

No, in the past two days, he has been "communicating" with the Japanese actors who played General Miura in the crew. The main focus is a "national hatred and family hatred" to bless his acting skills!

This idea was given to him by Bai Anliang~
Wu Jing tried it a little bit, and the effect was outstanding!

Dreaming vaguely at night, as if I heard something calling
Bai Anliang: Wolf Warriors Awaken!

Then Ye Weixin also came to make a show. After Wu Jing got a little "into the show", he backhandedly asked Wu Jing to build a good relationship and make friends with others.

The main thing is one, I think you are very upset, but I have to hold back and give a smile.

It perfectly fits the mentality of Jinshan in the movie.

The setting of the plot is that if you win the battle, you can get a bag of rice, and Jinshan is looking for the people he brought from the north to support him. Even if the Japanese are unhappy, he has to bow his head in front of the reality and hold his nose to compete with the Japanese.
In the end, because he wanted to eat like a fat man in one bite, he wanted to beat five samurai at the same time and get five bags of rice, but in the end he failed to beat five Japanese samurai. He was shot dead.

Acting this scene is of course not difficult for Wu Jing.

Basically, it's pure action scenes, with a little arrogance and disdain.

Instead, this scene is testing Yang Mi's classmate
Also because Jin Shan has more scenes to look for, even with her she can show her face more.

Even, a more exciting close-up scene was added to her.

Total facial expressions.

As the little junior sister Jinshan was looking for, I saw my senior brother was shot to death.
Come on, have an emotional outburst.

Don't scream, just use facial expressions and eyes to perform this scene.
"This girl is very good at acting, she should be able to surprise us." Ye Weixin said seriously.

The idea of ​​adding drama was proposed by him.

I feel that Jinshan is looking for death, so I can add some more weight.

Ye Wen's awakening can also allow others to give some more intuitive stimulation.

What could be more exciting than a little girl's despair?

Bai Anliang:
He can't express any opinions on this, how does he know where the upper limit of student Yang Mi, who is at the peak of acting skills, is.

He only knew that this little girl's acting skills in the future will gradually have nothing to do with the actual strength.

Just add it, if the effect is not good, just cut it off.

And Yang Mi seems to realize that this is a good opportunity for her!

In the entertainment industry, opportunities are rare.

Originally, her role, except for a little bit of cuteness and contrast, only showed a short bit of Baguazhang, so there was no more memory points.

But this scene is added. As long as she acts well, the impressive memory will come.

Although there is not a single line in this scene, sometimes the silence is the most deafening.

Hmm. Yang Mi is not sure.

Ye Weixin told her that the requirements were too high and definitely exceeded her current upper limit of ability.

If it doesn't explode, it is estimated that it will not be able to perform.

She tried acting a little bit. It really didn't work. It was superficial. After she saw the picture on the monitor, she felt a little ashamed.

Fortunately, there is still a chance, Ye Weixin asked her to make good adjustments, and by the way, asked Bai Anliang to make good adjustments as well.
After all, Yang Mi is not the only one who needs an emotional outburst in this scene.
"Brother Anliang, do you have any good ideas?"

"Find a way to substitute, I'm acting like a wild way, it's actually easy for you to make me explode"

Bai Anliang is not really troubled, isn't he just acting in the scene where he is extremely angry but suppresses his emotions, and finally explodes with fists and kicks.

His acting skills may not be able to support the feeling of acting.

But he doesn't have to act
He has experienced similar things and emotions directly, so he can just copy them.

This is taking advantage of experience.

But for Yang Mi, she thought of all the sad and sad things, but she couldn't find a similar emotion to substitute into it.

She is not like Bai Anliang, she is a time-traveler, and at the same time, she leads the bloody storms of her juniors.
Life is relatively happy, but it is a disadvantage at this time.

"What should I do?"

"I have a solution!" Da Tiantian extended a helping hand at this time, acting as if I was still very good.

But classmate Yang Mi went to the doctor in a hurry, and she really expected her, "What can I do?"

"Imagine, you just imagine something happening that you can't accept," Da Tiantian said naturally.

Yang Mi: .
What's the difference between you saying nothing?
No way, she still can only think of a way by herself
But the end result~

Student Yang Mi still failed to seize this opportunity.

Ye Weixin chose the best piece of material, frowned and watched for a long time, then shook his head.


Yang Mi suddenly felt a little downcast. This kind of thing that she worked hard but was not recognized was really a bit shocking.

"Don't worry, I can shoot this part again later, it will be finished in a few days~ You slowly brew your emotions."

At this time, Bai Anliang, who had just completed the achievement of "hit ten", calmed Yang Mi's mind and told her not to worry.

And it's really not good, come back later, to hone your acting skills
It's okay to not be comforted, but once comforted, he is dumbfounded by comforting himself.

Because after hearing his words, classmate Yang Mi gritted her teeth, no way!Absolutely not!She followed this drama to the bar!Just have to act!

She has a very bad premonition. It seems that if she can't grasp it this time, she may never have another chance in the future.
This premonition is outrageous, how is it possible~ She is only so old, and she will have to work hard in the entertainment industry for so many years~
However, girls, sometimes they really believe in their sixth sense.

Next, what she did was a little bit tongue-in-cheek.

He just shut himself in the room and suppressed his emotions!

That's right, it's hard to hold back.

During the filming of the last few days of scenes, it has never appeared again
If the crew hadn't arranged for someone to deliver meals to her, and knowing that she was fine, Bai Anliang was really worried that something would happen to the girl.
Something is wrong!Very wrong!

This somewhat crazy way of acting actually appeared on Yang Mi. Is this the correct way to open the entertainment circle?
"How many days?"

"It's the fifth day. She hasn't left the room yet~" Da Tiantian said worriedly.

To be honest, she really admires this little sister who just met for a short time, this is too cruel
"This girl will definitely do well in the future!" Wu Jing commented seriously at this time.

Although he has already finished filming, it is only a few days before the filming of the crew as a whole, so he simply waits to have a finale feast together.

"She has such a vigor that many people don't have, and she is actually quite suitable for martial arts."

Bai Anliang glanced at Wu Jing, but felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said.
Yang Mi is definitely a ruthless girl.

But her future ruthlessness may be in the wrong direction, and it can be regarded as ruthlessness~
A serious actor will focus on the quality of acting, while the future Yang Mi will focus on the quantity. Having said that, Fan Xiaopang seems to want to start doing this right now~
To a certain extent, these two girls are a bit similar.

(End of this chapter)

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