This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 131 Give her a "swan song"

Chapter 131 Give her a "swan song"

"Ah Liang, what's wrong with Miss Yang?"

"I don't know, how many scenes are left?"

"It will be finished tomorrow."

After hearing Ye Weixin's words, Bai Anliang frowned slightly, but he didn't think about it for long, "Tomorrow's finale, if she hasn't come out tomorrow, don't wait."

"Ah? Uncle, aren't you?!"

Hearing Bai Anliang's words, Da Tiantian was surprised, "She worked so hard."

"It's impossible for me to delay the progress of the crew because of her, just one day."

From a perceptual point of view, Bai Anliang is quite inhuman~
The little girl just slept with him for so many days, and she also learned to play and sing in various ways.

But rationally speaking, he is a qualified businessman.

Cold-blooded, ruthless, only looking at profit.

Yu Dong thinks so.

Damn, this kid is as ruthless as me!
It was about to be finished, so Yu Dong naturally wanted to come and have a look.

I also heard about the little girl Yang Mi who "retired and practiced" for a scene.

Before looking for it, Yu Dong casually asked Ye Weixin, if the scene didn't exist, would it have a big impact on the movie?
Of course the answer is not big~
Some scenes, if there are, can add some color to the movie, and if they don't, it's not a problem.

They filmed "Ip Man", not "The Grandmaster".

Even if Yang Mi could really turn into Zhang Ziyi on the spot, this movie would not be able to become "The Second Biography of the Palace".

A commercial film. Harmless.

But if this is the case, Yu Dong feels that the shooting cannot be affected because of this girl.

Of course, Bai Anliang had to nod his head.

No, come and try it out right away~
After hearing Bai Anliang's words of "cold-blooded and ruthless", Yu Dong was quite satisfied and felt that he had found the right partner.

Business cooperation does not require so much love for children.

We all get together to make money, you can't increase the cost out of thin air just because you want to pick up girls~
However, after Dong and Ye Weixin went to other places for "inspection", Da Tiantian was the first to hold back.

"Uncle, how can you be so bad?"

Bai Anliang looked at her with a smile, "Why am I broken?"

"Mimi has worked so hard, what can you do if you give her a few more days?!"

The little girl seemed quite angry, she frowned with her hips crossed, as if she wanted to help Yang Mi get ahead.

"Tian Tian, ​​do you know how much it costs for the crew to shut down for a day?"

"Uh, it shouldn't be much money, right?"

Bai Anliang:
He shouldn't have asked that question.

Asked the wrong person!

"That lens is just a temporary addition, there is not much difference between having and not having it."

"Then why is she working so hard?" Da Tiantian couldn't understand.

Bai Anliang shook his head, "She's a smart girl, that scene really doesn't have much influence on the movie, but it is very important to her."

Yang Mi's sense of smell is quite keen.

On the one hand, "Ip Man" is a commercial film with a lot of investment. If the box office performance of this film is not bad, for her, she can have a brilliant performance in the film, which will naturally help her career development.

On the other hand, "Ip Man" is a series~
After staying in the film crew for so long, Da Tiantian's character of not being able to hide things with his mouth has long since given Yang Mi a lot of baldness.

So here comes the question, if she can really bring that role to life, is it possible for her to continue to play in the second part with more roles? !

This is not a rare thing in the film and television industry.

As long as the audience likes the character, why not add it~
Of course, Bai Anliang actually didn't know if Yang Mi had thought so much. But there is no doubt that this girl's decision to "break the boat" must be right.

The question is, is she capable of that?

Now she can also stand out under the star halo of Liu Yifei and others in "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and her bright smile has been remembered by the audience for more than ten years.

If I remember correctly, she can still become the champion of Beijing Film Academy, right?
It doesn't matter what path she chooses in the future, and how she ruins her career as an actor, at least not now.

"Oh uncle, why don't you just give her two more days~" Da Tiantian saw that it seemed useless to "go crazy", so he simply acted coquettishly again~
"Hey? Do you have such a good relationship with her?"

"In general, I don't really like playing with people who are too smart, but it's okay, she's nice~"

"Then why are you working so hard to help?"

"I feel sorry for her~ being bullied by you like this." Da Tiantian said very bluntly.

"Since that's what you said. Well, the crew is still wrapping up normally, but if she still can't figure it out, you can give her another chance to make up the shoot later. It's just a scene, anyway, it's indoors."

"Uncle, you are the best!"

Da Tiantian achieved his goal, and immediately smiled.

Although this has nothing to do with her fart, isn't it something to be happy about successfully defeating the "big devil"?
But Bai Anliang smiled without saying a word.

Dude, how can you be so cold-blooded and ruthless? The bullshit just now was purposely told to Yu Dong. I saw that guy coming here a long time ago, and it was just a personal setting by the way.

There is nothing wrong with multiple minds.

He could be a womanizer with flaws, but he'd better not be the kind of soft-hearted guy who gets too easily influenced by women.

Getting along with people is also a science.

Besides, in the entertainment circle, it's basic practice to talk about people when you see people, and to talk nonsense when you see ghosts.

Doing business is indeed a bit cold-blooded and ruthless, but it also needs to be a little human.

How did Bai Anliang and his juniors work hard all the way here?It is not by being cold-blooded and ruthless.

There must be a man of temperament in the wind and dust.

He just doesn't talk about martial arts in an impure way, and he has long been a man of the rivers and lakes, no matter how the times change.
Student Yang Mi "leaves customs" on time~
How should I put it, Bai Anliang didn't know what she was doing in the room these days, nor did she know if she had "magic skills".

Anyway, when he came out, his eyes were bright.

However, her complexion and state did not look very healthy, a little pale.

Well, on the contrary, it fits the characters.

He couldn't get enough to eat, and for the background of beating people to death for a bag of rice, how good his face could be.

No moji, start shooting immediately!
During the preparation stage, Bai Anliang wanted to go over and ask about her situation, but Yang Mi seemed to avoid him on purpose at this moment, turning her head away and not communicating with him.

Ah this
What kind of acting method is this?
Could it be that the legend has entered the play?
This thing is not within the field that Bai Anliang is good at, he is completely confused.

Just waiting to see the effect when shooting.

If it is really useful.

Seriously coach, I want to play basketball!

Definitely have to learn something like that~

When Ye Weixin called out to start, Yang Mi's Baguazhang Junior Sister grabbed the iron railing in front of her and trembled as she watched the scene in front of her.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound. Through the monitor, Ye Weixin could see that the girl's pupils were shrinking in the close-up pushed on her face.
Good guy!What about this hand?Is it method school or experience school? !

He suddenly regained his energy, became more cautious, and directed the dispatch of the scene. Yang Mi's state made him feel that there was something going on!

To be honest, the difficulty now is actually higher than before, because Wu Jing is standing next to the director, and there is no scene for Yang Mi to act as a substitute, which means there is no actual performance.

But Yang Mi's performance far surpassed any previous performance.

The unbelievable state of collapse is really a glimpse into the drama.

But here comes the most important thing.

She looked at Bai Anliang's eyes.

If it's really a requirement
Anger, hatred, confusion, incomprehension. The most important thing is the "begging".

It's not about having a pie chart appear in her eyes.

Instead, the emotional level must be rich enough to incorporate all these emotions.

She did it.

Bai Anliang almost didn't feel compelled directly. The fox's eyes, which seemed to be firing at people, no matter what, this will completely lose the slightest bit of charm and be fierce. That's right, it's fierce emotions rushing towards his face.

However, paradoxically, a tear trickled down from her reddened eye
Bai Anliang swallowed subconsciously, unable to catch the scene.

Fortunately, in this scene, he is just a tool man.

As long as you catch Yang Mi's gaze, all subsequent scenes have been filmed before.

"Crack! It's over!"

When Ye Weixin's voice came, Bai Anliang could clearly feel that Yang Mi's energy dropped a bit.

Feeling a little sluggish.

"Come on, go and have a look?" He suggested softly.

The girl seemed to be nodding, then shook her head, and finally spoke, but her voice became a little hoarse, "No, I don't dare to watch it, the director thinks it's okay, it should be done."

"Mimi, how did you do it?" Bai Anliang couldn't hold back after all, and asked.

It's too strange. This is completely different from the Yang Mi he knew.

"Reading books, referring to other people's performances, substituting them myself, and then there is the method mentioned by Tian Tian, ​​imagining. I have used everything that can be used."

"Okay, let's drink some water first~ Your acting is really good, can you teach me~"

Hearing this, Yang Mi gave him a wry smile, "Brother An Liang, please let me go, I don't think it will do if I do it again, you let me act for another ten years, maybe I can teach you."

You act for another ten years?Ten years from now, it will be good to have one-tenth of today's acting skills
After all, don't really make a "swan song" for her.

But to be honest, Yang Mi's "magic performance" started to make Bai Anliang really interested in acting.

Yang Mi hey~
It's incredible that she made such a "reborn" drama.

This is outrageously better than Da Tiantian's performance.

After all, Da Tiantian, the whole production team is cooperating with her. Under the treatment of changing the characters, changing the lines, and changing the plot, the hell will happen if the performance is not good. It's not as simple as tailor-made, it's just chewing up the rice and feeding it into her mouth.

But Yang Mi is too unreal
It's different from watching someone else act.

What happened around him made Bai Anliang feel deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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