This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 134 The main thing is a virtuous and capable person

Chapter 134 The main thing is a virtuous and capable person


"Don't read it, don't read it, I'm back, I'll deal with it now, thank you for your hard work"

As soon as he returned to the company, what Bai Anliang faced was Qin Lan's pretendingly pitiful face.

I don't know how she awakened this kind of coquettish attribute, it's a bit unbearable to make such a long sound when she is clearly dressed as a royal sister~
And Qin Lan saw that her coquettish tactics were useful, and after secretly making a comparison, she immediately began to complain: "Boss, you have gone out to have fun by yourself, and I can't help you with a lot of things in the company. How dare I make a decision! And I want to see the house today~"

"Looking at the house?" Bai Anliang was a little puzzled, "Why, your parents want to help you buy a house in Yanjing?"

"Why buy a house? I can't afford it. Yanjing houses are too expensive. Let's buy them later."

"If I were you, I would just be an old man in my place, and even buy a house in Yanjing after emptying my parents' pension money." Bai Anliang gave a pertinent suggestion.

"Not at all. That's too exaggerated."

Bai Anliang nodded, "It's okay if you don't buy it, it will only be more expensive if you buy it in the future."

"How expensive is it?"

"Do you think, in the future, the house will be able to have a level of [-]?"

"Boss, you can really joke"

One hundred thousand and one level?Is your house made of gold or silver? !It's outrageous!

Bai Anliang shrugged, "I'll know in the future, if you keep working as my assistant, you probably won't be able to afford a house with your salary."

Qin Lan felt something was wrong when she heard this, "That's why~"

"So, when the time comes, I'll buy you a house~"

"Wow! Is it true?"

"Really, the boss takes care of the little secretary, basic operations."

Ah this
Qin Lan said that this is a bit different from what she imagined~
However, the most strange thing, of course, is the confident tone of his boss, he doesn't seem to be joking!
"Boss, if you give me my overtime pay, I think I can buy a house in Yanjing by myself!"

A counterattack from Qin Lan.

When he was "picked up" by Cannon in the talent market, the other party clearly mentioned the eight-hour working system.

But after this period of time, more than eight hours of work?She literally works [-]/[-].

Of course, Qin Lan herself didn't feel how hard it was. After all, the workload was not heavy, so this would be just to complain and fight back.

"Your boss, I'm a capitalist, and you still want overtime pay? Dreaming~"


"But it's not impossible to give some employees benefits. It's so late, don't go to see the house, it's very dangerous." Bai Anliang thought for a while, "Or you can live in the company, don't move your luggage, and you will have food and accommodation in the future. How about the employee benefits?"

Qin Lan's eyes widened in disbelief, but it wasn't that she was moved, but that it was outrageous.

"Boss, do you want me to work on the floor in the company?! Where is there a place to live now, you can't let me squeeze together with Big Pao and the others~"

"Ahem. After I said it, the company is so big, there must be an area that needs to be used as a living area, and then I can reserve a room for you." Bai Anliang said with some embarrassment.

Now the company really does not have better accommodation conditions.

Da Pao and the others are not very particular about the accommodation conditions, including Bai Anliang himself.

Hot water and toilets are enough~
If it doesn't work, let's go to a nearby bathhouse or something
But Qin Lan definitely can't do it~ how can a girl be so sloppy.

In other words, she needs to be refined in her face, unlike Bai Anliang, who only needs to be refined.

However, as soon as Bai Anliang said to leave a company room for her, Qin Lan's eyes lit up, "I want the room behind my office!"

There's a room in the back of the little office where she's working "temporarily" now!This is what she just discovered today.

Although the area there is not big, it is convenient!
If it can be connected with the office, it will be the same as working from home~
If you want to take a nap at noon, you can go back to your "own room" directly. It doesn't feel too good.

But Bai Anliang's expression became a little strange, "The room behind your office? Are you sure?"

"Can you?" Qin Lan asked expectantly.

"It's okay, but don't regret it~"

"How could I regret it! Thank you boss, you are the best!"

Qin Lan's "good person card" was not wronged at all.

Ten minutes later, when Bai Anliang showed her around the "secret door" of the room, Qin Lan's face turned green.

There is another door? !

She quickly looked at Bai Anliang, wanting to change.

However, no way!

Once you choose it, you can't change it~
"Hey, what style of decoration do you like? I'll get someone to do it earlier. By the way, I'll let you choose the furniture as well~ The water and electricity here are actually paved. You can live in it with a little tiling or laying a floor. If you're in a hurry, you can do it faster."

"Can I block this door?" Qin Lan murmured.

"That won't work, the door is blocked, and I still go around to your office? It's too troublesome~"


Molesting and molesting my female secretary every day is really a beautiful thing~
But, these days, Qin Lan can't live in the company, it's really inconvenient.

Originally, Bai Anliang wanted her to stay in a hotel first today, and later let Da Pao and the others accompany her to rent a house, which is safe and deterrent.

As a result, after staying in the hotel for one night, when she came to work the next day, Qin Lan said that renting a room was a bit too troublesome. She negotiated with the hotel that the one-month room rate could be discounted. She intentionally or unintentionally said that the room behind the office should be fixed in one month, no matter what?
Bai Anliang:? ? ?

You really want to live!

He was joking.
However, this is the point of the talk, since Qin Lan herself is not afraid of Bai Anliang's "surprise attack", what else is there to say?

Priority decoration!Work overtime.

a month?It doesn't take a month at all!

In a week, the hard decoration of the room has been completely done!
Then Bai Anliang took Qin Lan to choose furniture: double bed, leather sofa, dressing table
Size, it feels inexplicably a bit like a young couple shopping for a new house.

Anyway, when they went to the furniture city, people defaulted that they were husband and wife.
In the end, when Qin Lan really "checked in with her bags", it could be seen that she seemed to be in a good mood.

Humming a little song, I tidied up the room bit by bit.

Cover the sheets with quilts, clean and clean up. Finally, hang your clothes neatly in the closet, and fill the dressing table with cosmetics and skin care products. The whole person feels satisfied with the naked eye.

"Hey, boss, is this wardrobe too big?" Qin Lan asked in surprise as she looked at the wardrobe, which was only half used.

Compared to the size of this room, the wardrobe that occupies the entire wall is indeed a bit too big.

"It's not big, and it's not for you alone. Have you seen the boxes over there? Let's tidy them up and put them all in the closet."

After hearing this, Qin Lan curiously rummaged through the box over there, and found that it was full of suits, trousers, shirts and so on.

"Is it your clothes, boss?"


This time Qin Lan didn't whine any more, after staring at the pile of clothes, she really started to tidy them up.

Divide into categories and get things done one by one.
On the way, I went to buy an iron and came back, ironed some creases and hung them in.
Even the pile of leather shoes was wiped clean for Bai Anliang one by one~
The main thing is a virtuous and capable person!
Tsk tsk, so, in life, you have to have a woman who can take care of others~
I heard that tidying things up is addictive.

Bai Anliang has seen it today.

Qin Lan, who was "full firepower", after finishing the room where she lived, even Bai Anliang and her own office were not spared.

Storing and cleaning things. I have been busy for a whole day.

In the end, I put my little hands on my hips and looked at my "record", which was a satisfaction and pride.

However, that night, after Qin Lan moved in, the girl was still a little nervous
Because it's late at night, her boss is still working overtime there~
Bai Anliang has a lot going on right now.

The post-production and editing of "Ip Man" required consultation and communication. "No. [-] in the World" was about to begin its first round of airing, and he also had to chat and communicate with Wang Jing about the follow-up promotion and the second round of film sales.

There are still two preliminary preparations for "Slaying the Wolf". Of course, this has nothing to do with him. He is only responsible for collecting and distributing the money for these two films, and the shooting and production rights have already been handed over.

But he wants to help fourth junior brother Huang Tu get a position as an action director
All in all, Bai Anliang was working overtime.

Originally, Qin Lan wanted to stay with him, but Bai Anliang took the initiative to let her rest early.
It would be better not to rest!
After taking a shower and changing into her pajamas, she sat on the bed and took a book, but couldn't read a single word.

From time to time, I would glance at the secret door, as if I was worried that my boss would come in like this in the next second
However, this scene did not happen until she fell asleep.

the next morning.

"Boss, morning~"

"How did you sleep last night?"

"Very good, that bed is really comfortable, boss, when did you leave yesterday?"

"I didn't leave. It was too late and I made it up on the sofa." Bai Anliang stretched his neck a little, "I'm still a little sleepy now~ By the way, you are in charge of the docking work today. I wrote what I should do. I'll take a shower first and sleep for a while~"

Then the problem is coming!

where does he live

Qin Lan just looked at Bai Anliang and pushed open the secret door very naturally.
At this moment, she was a little flustered.

This is to sleep in her bed? !
Wait~ Still taking a shower? !There are still her changed clothes and stockings in the bathroom
But after she hurriedly chased after him, Bai Anliang moved so fast that he was about to take off his clothes.

Qin Lan immediately backed out blushing again.

"Boss, that, my clothes"

"Don't expect me to wash it for you. Isn't there a washing machine here? I'll throw it in for you."

"Don't, don't, you can't wash socks and underwear together!" Qin Lan became anxious, as if this matter was more important than Bai Anliang going to sleep in her room.

"So particular? Isn't it so?"

"If you can't wash them together, just put them there. I can wash them by hand."

"Forget it, let me rub it for you~" Bai Anliang's strange laughter seemed to come from the bathroom.


A few minutes later, seeing the plush doll she had been sleeping with all year round appearing in the arms of her boss, Qin Lan felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Hmm. I didn't find it very annoying~
Maybe it's because he just had sex, and didn't really rub her underwear or anything~ She just looked at it, and the changed clothes are still hanging there.

Not only hanging there, but also coming out.

Qin Lan stood there for a few seconds, listening to Bai Anliang's steady breathing, she thought to herself that she fell asleep too fast, did she sleep last night?

Finally, she stepped forward and pulled the quilt for him.

He murmured, "I frown when I sleep, it's so fierce~"

So tired, why don't you go to sleep early~
 Calvin Calvin, the next chapter is out by tomorrow morning!I stay up late writing
(End of this chapter)

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