This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 135 It's Her Smell!

Chapter 135 It's Her Smell!

"Secretary Qin, morning~"


Qin Lan greeted the girl at the front desk with a smile, then skillfully picked up a helmet, stepped on high heels, and went to inspect the "construction site" behind.

A little security conscious, but not much~
You say she doesn't pay attention, she still wears a hard hat~
But you said how much she paid attention to safety and ran to the decoration site while stepping on high heels.

And looking at her twisting and twisting back, the two girls at the front desk couldn't help discussing it.

"Secretary Qin entered the company with us, right? Was she so beautiful back then?"

"I didn't dress up at the time, but my body is indeed not as good as it is now. Didn't I already set up a small gym a while ago, and it was used by our employees for free. I went to fish occasionally, and every time Secretary Qin was there, can I have a bad body~"

"Hey, you said she practiced so much, didn't you?"

"I can't help it, the boss is so handsome, and he's a movie star~"

The two girls at the front desk quickly reached an agreement, and gave a large degree of understanding to Qin Lan's "fascinating" behavior.

This doesn’t have to be sprayed, it’s the same for anyone~
If they had Qin Lan's natural foundation, they might want to try it too.

Of course, Qin Lan is not just as simple as curling up her figure.

Originally, this girl wanted to be a star.

At the beginning of fitness, it was also because of a little PUA by Bai Anliang, which caused body anxiety, and then I started to pay attention to body exercises.

But after meeting Huo Wenxi in Xiangjiang last time, Qin Lan's thoughts gradually began to change.

Being an agent seems pretty good too!

It's been a while since she followed Bai Anliang. Although Qin Lan didn't say she could see clearly what the entertainment industry was like, she also found that those actors didn't seem to have much say in the crew.

Oh, not only on set, but also outside the set.

Who did Bai Anliang deal with in the entertainment industry during that time?Basically, it can be said to be a top player.

Hong Kong's big companies, gold medal brokers, including domestic distribution companies, how big a star can stand upright in front of these people?
Anyway, Qin Lan doesn't think that she can get to that level when she becomes a star~ You can't be so blindly confident.

Actors have to listen to the director, and directors have to listen to the producer. Of course, "actors" like Da Tiantian are not included.

Qin Lan suddenly understood why her boss's path was so different from other celebrities.

Normal entertainers, one play after another, as long as there are suitable characters and scripts, they may be able to continue.

And her boss, Bai Anliang, didn't seem to have considered such a thing as external play at all.

The plays he starred in are basically all his own projects.

The status and right to speak in the crew is almost beyond the sky.

Therefore, Qin Lan felt that he might as well change his method.

In the future, the boss's company will most likely sign artists. She has laid the foundation in advance, and being a big housekeeper for Bai Anliang will do a lot!

Of course, even if you are an agent, you have to go step by step.

Fortunately, her boss Bai Anliang is very supportive of her.

After Qin Lan revealed a little bit of his own thoughts, Bai Anliang handed over all the matters that were not particularly important and did not necessarily need to be handled by himself, to Qin Lan.

Let her tell herself when she can't figure it out.

Bai Anliang: Who knows, family members, employees suddenly began to ask for introverts to work overtime.
Of course, from the current point of view, Bai Anliang's company is considered a start-up company and has just started.

For Qin Lan, this is really a very good opportunity.

If she joined a well-established company like Huayi, where would it be her turn to choose?You have to do what you are arranged to do.

However, Qin Lan really grasped the opportunity given by Bai Anliang~
What's more, he went to university in a serious way. Although he didn't study business management, he still had a little bit of accounting major.

It was stumbling at the beginning, but after getting a little familiar with it later, it was really quick to get started.

It really saved Bai Anliang a lot of trouble.

Hmm. From then on, he really didn't want Qin Lan to continue to follow the path of the original time and space and become an actor.

There is no shortage of such a female star in the entertainment industry, and Bai Anliang's company also does not lack such a female artist.

From a certain point of view, Bai Anliang is not short of people, but also very short of people.

Of course, the juniors can be completely trusted, and it may be no problem to let them kill people.

But it's okay to kill people, but reading is a bit of a problem.

But not every junior has Bai Wu's savvy and learning ability, a martial artist can now play with a pen.

Even if Bai Anliang has been urging these bastards to read more books, and strive to develop other specialties besides fighting people.

But at least half of them are warriors who can only swing fists while riding horses.

A long way to go.
"Secretary Qin, the boss is back and asked you to find her in the office."

After Qin Lan returned from inspecting the "construction site" behind, the girl at the front desk immediately reminded her when she saw her.

"Thank you~"

"That." The girl at the front desk hesitated a little, but decided to remind her, "The boss didn't come back alone."

"Huh?" Qin Lan was stunned for a moment, "With whom?"

"That female star named Gao Yuanyuan is quite famous, she plays Zhou Zhiruo."

Qin Lan paused for a moment, with a smile on her face, "I see, thank you."

Originally planning to go directly to Bai Anliang's office, Qin Lan, who was trying to make a fool of herself and flirt with her boss, changed her mind, took off her hard hat, and went back to her small office first.

At this time, the benefits of living in the company are reflected!

I went back to my "home" directly from the office, took off the dusty stockings, coat and high heels, and replaced them with new ones!
Then look in the mirror and touch up your makeup
After finishing such a set of tasks, she came out again.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Come in."

"Boss." When Qin Lan walked into the office, the first thing she saw was Gao Yuanyuan, who was smiling brightly on her face. After politely nodding at her, she turned her attention to her boss
"You just went to the construction site behind? How's it going?" Bai Anliang asked casually.

"Most of the renovations have been carried out, and it will be completed in at most one month."

"Really~ That's pretty fast. Let's try to open after the Chinese New Year." Bai Anliang listened to Qin Lan's work report and nodded, "By the way, let Da Pao find someone to watch it for you. Tomorrow we are going to run a publicity campaign. You, a girl, don't run to the construction site every day~"

Qin Lan blinked, showing a little innocent expression, "Boss, you don't want to look, I have to stare~"

"It's my fault~"


Only then did Qin Lan walk over to help Bai Anliang and Gao Yuanyuan make tea skillfully, and "overhear" what the two had to say by the way.

"Hey, where were we talking just now?" Bai Anliang asked Gao Yuanyuan.

"Speaking of. You are going to Wang Fei's house to drag Brother Yapeng out." Gao Yuanyuan covered her mouth and smiled.

"Yes! Let's go together later. If the bastard's broken leg doesn't heal, he might as well amputate it. How long has it been!"

"Don't say that, it's not that he wants to get hurt, and during this time, he seems to have not participated in any business activities, and has been recovering from his injuries."

"Then use a wheelchair to promote it, and I will push the wheelchair for him myself!"

Gao Yuanyuan rolled her eyes helplessly, thinking that it was really unlucky for Li Yapeng, he acted in a play and cut out the scenes crazily, but as a result, he couldn't settle down at home to cultivate, and he would be pulled out by Bai Anliang, an unscrupulous martial artist, to squeeze out the last bit of use value.

However, the first round of "No. [-] in the World" is now over halfway through, and the results are quite good. I heard that the second round will start broadcasting on stars.

It is indeed time to promote it vigorously.

"By the way, what you're renovating now is the fitness club you're going to open later? Is it really a high-end one?" Gao Yuanyuan asked curiously.

"Yes, in such a big place, privacy is absolutely guaranteed."

"Then I'll take care of your business when it opens later. Is your card expensive this year?"

"There are different grades, depending on which one you need, the most expensive one is 100 million a year."

"100 million? Why don't you grab it!" Gao Yuanyuan was really dumbfounded, because she almost couldn't hold back just now, and wanted to say that she supported the most expensive one.
She really couldn't afford it. Although being a celebrity earned a lot, it wasn't so much that she could throw away 100 million casually.

Besides, she is not considered a first-line female star. The 100 million these days is outrageous!
"Let's set the grade higher. I didn't expect anyone to really waste the money." Bai Anliang shamelessly admitted his intention to "defraud people".

"Speaking of which, if you know some artists who want to shape up and lose weight, you can introduce them to me and make a special plan to complete the goal within the time limit. If you fail to complete, you will get a refund."

"Can it still be like this? If you are so powerful, you will definitely be able to complete the goal? If you can't complete it, won't you lose money? How do you make money if you do business like this?"

Bai Anliang: What I earn is the money that can be done~
This trick will be commonly used by those examination institutions in the future.

Charge a high supplementary tuition fee, and you will get a full refund if you fail the exam.

It seems to be very sincere. Although the people who passed the exam spent a lot of money, they all achieved their goals, so they are naturally happy.

And if you didn't pass the exam, the money will be refunded to you, and you won't lose money, so naturally you won't say anything.

But in fact, what people earn is the money that can pass the exam.

This trick is even widely used in the field of fraud.

For example, if you add [-] people who like stocks and recommend the same stock to everyone in private chat, [-] people say it will rise, and [-] people say it will fall.

The next day, it was the same routine, again selecting half of the selection.

The third day was still the same.

After these rounds of screening, the remaining people basically believed in the so-called "inside information".

At this time, start killing pigs
The truth is actually the same. Many small tricks to make money are common in both formal and criminal fields.

The kind that Bai Anliang wants to fix is ​​similar to the routine of tailoring weight loss or shaping plans for artists.

The entertainment industry is full of volume~
Stars want to get ahead, on the one hand, it depends on luck, on the other hand, it depends on their own conditions.

There are so many plastic surgery, and there will be no shortage of those who have needs in terms of body shape.

Even these people are born with self-motivation. In order to become beautiful, they dare to use knives on their faces. Naturally, high-intensity weight loss is no problem.

This money is much easier to earn than students in general gyms or weight loss training camps.

After listening to Bai Anliang's simple business introduction, to be honest, Gao Yuanyuan was a little moved.

She is in the entertainment industry, mainly relying on her appearance. As for her figure, I can't say it's bad, I can only say that it's not outstanding.

Who doesn't want to make themselves look better~
Oh~ It turns out that the boss is "fooling" customers again!
Qin Lan expressed her admiration, her boss's business depends entirely on her popularity with women.
Oh no, it's not just for women.

Apart from the gymnasium, it was the fight club floor that was being renovated along with it, and even progressed faster.

Now there are already people training there, and Qin Lan has visited it several times.

Of course, those who are training are all Bai Anliang's juniors.

At first, she thought that these people were practicing martial arts, but after watching more, she found that something was wrong, some seemed to be boxing, some were practicing muay thai or something, oh yes, according to Da Pao, it was called mixed martial arts.

Moreover, their training was so ruthless that Qin Lan didn't dare to go over to look at it now. He felt that if he was punched in the body, he would probably die on the spot.——
"Boss, are you going out again tonight?"

When Bai Anliang was about to leave the company with Gao Yuanyuan, Qin Lan took advantage of Gao Yuanyuan's time to go to the bathroom, and hurriedly asked this question.

"That's right, there's a dinner, it's a gathering of friends, just the crew of "No. [-] Under Heaven", do you want to come together?"

"Why should I go to this kind of dinner? Boss, are you going back to the company at night?"

"Shouldn't be back, don't wait for me, go to bed early."

"Ah okay~"

Qin Lan was a little disappointed, but also began to wonder where her boss lived these days.

After the room behind the office was decorated, the thing she was "worried about" never happened.

Either Bai Anliang would take her on a business trip and stay in a hotel. In the company, he usually stayed with Da Pao and the others.

There is no such thing as sexual harassment in the workplace.
In the past few days, I didn't live in the company at all. I went out at night and came back in the morning.

There is often a woman's fragrance on the body.

As Qin Lan's secretary and assistant, Bai Anliang's clothes are washed in the washing machine or sent to dry cleaning by her. He knows exactly what smells like on his body!

And they all smell of the same woman!

Case solved!
The boss "doesn't go home", so he went to live with other girls
To be honest, Qin Lan felt a little lost for no reason.

Is she not good enough?
Obviously it's just a matter of pushing the door, and the boss has to run outside to live, which is too frustrating.

In order to verify the conjecture in her heart, Qin Lan waited for Gao Yuanyuan to come out of the bathroom, and deliberately walked past her, her nose moving.

It's her scent!

Didn't the media say that Gao Yuanyuan has a boyfriend? !

Is my boss poaching a corner?
(End of this chapter)

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