Chapter 136 Your Girlfriend
The results of the first round of broadcast of "No. [-] in the World" are indeed very gratifying.

With ratings below five, it's basically doomed that this show is going to be a hit!

You know, in the first round of broadcasting, in fact, not many resources were spent on publicity.

At least Bai Anliang didn't run any publicity at all.

The broadcasting format of TV dramas these years is different from the one that will always be exclusive in the future, and they are playing in full bloom.

If the show is really good enough, it’s not impossible for every TV station in the country to sell it once~
Of course, the relative unit price is not so high.

It is mainly limited by the TV signal.

It's like before Bai Anliang wanted to watch "Little Fish and Flowers" in the hotel, but he couldn't receive the signal of that station at all, and had to go to Fan Xiaopang's hotel to watch it.

Therefore, apart from CCTV, there are really few TV stations that can say that people all over the country can watch it.

Not that capable.

At the present stage, it is selling from family to family and broadcasting from family to family.

Some may be just a few days apart.

So there will be a very strange phenomenon: if you receive more TV station signals at home, you can watch some popular TV series, and different episodes will be broadcast on different stations.

You can watch it together~ It’s interesting!

Therefore, when a TV series really starts to explode, it is actually sold for several rounds and can be watched by most people's TVs at home.

"No. [-] in the World" has not reached this stage yet, and it is only popular in Guangdong Province.

Otherwise, Bai Anliang reckoned that he would be able to experience the feeling of being recognized while walking on the street.

But it is estimated that it will be soon. His main haunt now is Yanjing, and Yanjing TV bought the right to broadcast the second round.

As for tonight's episode, it is indeed a gathering of several leading actors of the "No. [-] in the World" crew, and they are going to be on the program of Yanjing TV to promote together.

Originally, Bai Anliang didn't plan to call Li Yapeng for tonight's game. After all, his leg is still hurt, so it's fine if he can come during the publicity, so he doesn't have to toss such a "disabled person" for a meal.

But I don't know why, after making a phone call to care about it, Li Yapeng took the initiative to chat with Bai Anliang about business matters, talking nonsense, and then said that he would definitely be there at night.

This buddy seems to be quite interested in doing business~
My legs haven't healed yet, so I want to toss again.

Bai Anliang thought that it's a good thing that his relationship with him is not particularly good, otherwise, what kind of close buddy would he really be, so why not help him break another leg, lest this guy run off to do business and waste money?
In the entertainment circle, there are indeed quite a lot of stars who like to have a side job.

After all, after a celebrity becomes popular, money comes in quickly. After buying a house or a car, the rest can’t be stored in the bank to earn interest~
Many will invest in side businesses or something.

What's more, he went to do business in person.

Many of them are well done, and some are poorly done.

The representative player who has done well in business is the most handsome Gongsun Ce Renquan, and the one who has done poorly is Li Yapeng.

This buddy will do business for himself in the future, and he will be an old man, and he is also a talent!
However, if the other party is willing to come to the dinner, Bai Anliang will naturally not push him away.

What he didn't expect was that Wang Fei would also come with him.
Wang Fei, a strange woman.

In addition to her achievements in the field of music, she is of course most famous for those romances.

Regardless of whether it is helping Dou Xian'er empty the urinal as a queen, or being entangled with Xie Tingfeng, or being "cultivated" with a buddy like Li Yapeng, even if this queen is married and divorced, she still feels like a little girl
How should I put it, when Bai Anliang watched the movie "Chongqing Forest" a few years ago, there was a scene of Wang Fei swaying her body and humming a song pouring milk tea.

The hair is cut short, casual, with a slightly youthful heroic spirit and life breath.

For some reason, people feel that this is Wang Fei's true nature.

Otherwise, no matter how thick the blood is, another female star will not be able to bear it, right?
But people can still look like they have no influence at all, and they can still fall in love like a little girl after their children are born.
In summary, this is clear!

Of course, an old bastard like Bai Anliang is unlikely to be as beautiful as people imagined.

No, he immediately thought of another possibility.

If Wang Fei is a master who is very good at playing with character design, then she is a little bit ahead of her time.

No matter how many marriages there are, they can be hyped to pursue love especially, and do everything for love.

When you say singing, she also sings. She joined the Yangma Art Troupe when she was a child.

You talked about studying, and she also read. After graduation, she immigrated to Xiangjiang to learn art from a teacher and became popular.

Then, with the returning spring breeze, I wandered between the two places.

She is simply a role model for women in the new era.

Play the eight words "I have what others don't have, and I have new things if others have" to the peak.

Such topical characters are simply not perfect for the media at this stage.

Thinking of people as "bad" is certainly not a good habit.

But after thinking about it, Bai Anliang felt that he could learn a lot from it~ Don't care about others, he just stored a case of void~
Learn, you can learn everything!

Infer other things from one instance~
Wang Fei's path, to a certain extent, is somewhat similar to Bai Anliang's own path.

For example, the "jumping back and forth" between the mainland and Xiangjiang.

Bai Anliang also made his debut in Xiangjiang, and many media over there like to say that he is an artist of Xiangjiang.

But in fact, he is just borrowing the reputation of Xiangjiang artistes who are relatively "golden and precious" in the circle at this stage.

Just include

Everything I do, even my career direction, is all slanted towards the mainland.

Don't be too real.

"What are you thinking about?" Gao Yuanyuan looked at Bai Anliang in a daze, and asked curiously.

At this time, there were only the two of them in the restaurant, and the others hadn't arrived yet~
"I'm thinking of Wang Fei." Bai Anliang said very bluntly.

Gao Yuanyuan:? ? ?

what? !

"You're fine, what do you think about his girlfriend? Do you know Wang Fei?"

"I don't know him at all." Bai Anliang shook his head, he only met Wang Fei once at the entrance of the bar, just by chance.

"You won't."

Obviously, Gao Yuanyuan thought of something unhealthy, such as a tall and burly man digging the corners of other people's houses with a hoe
Ah, the big man is still in good shape, with well-defined muscles, and the sweat in his chest and abs is shining.

The more I think about it, the more unhealthy it becomes.

"What are you talking about, Wang Fei has had two boyfriends in a row, but they are both my dear relatives and friends, brothers and sisters!" Bai Anliang emphasized.

"Two terms in a row? Don't say that in front of others~" Gao Yuanyuan was a little speechless.

Bai Anliang smiled and said nothing, his last boyfriend was almost beaten into his own shape, this one is still limping, afraid of a hammer.

Of course, he's not a naive critic. You can only do it secretly.

Having said that, with Gao Yuanyuan's eyes shining, one can tell at a glance that she actually likes to chat about this kind of gossip.

Yes, who doesn’t like to gossip behind their backs and comment on others~
Bai Anliang has come into contact with so many female artists, most of them have this "bad habit".

For example, Fan Xiaopang, when I whispered to him on the bedside, I complained about how annoying Li Binbin is.
Bai Anliang always had a "yes, yes" attitude.

Saying bad things about others with a girl can enhance your relationship!

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"It's not too late, the others haven't come yet."

Seeing that there were only Bai Anliang and Gao Yuanyuan in the private room, Deng Chao, who seemed to be jogging over, was a little puzzled, "Isn't it almost time, are you late?"

"Li Yapeng is going to bring Wang Fei with him. This will become a family bureau, and the time will be pushed back by an hour. Didn't you receive my text message?" Bai Anliang asked strangely.

Deng Chao scratched his head, "I didn't bother to look at my phone, I just rushed over from the airport."

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"She can't come, I just want to talk about a movie today." Deng Chao had a smile on his face, obviously there was a happy event coming.

"What movie? Is it convenient to say?" Bai Anliang asked.

"It's nothing inconvenient, just a literary film, directed by Lou Ye."

Literary films, no problem.

Lou Ye, the problem is not too big, the sixth generation of directors.

But at this point in time, Lou Yejia's literary films... have a big problem!
"Dare to ask your girlfriend is..."

"Hao Lei, my classmate."

Ah. Bai Anliang immediately cast a slightly pitiful look at Deng Chao.

This riding horse is definitely the "Summer Palace"!

Bai Anliang, who likes art so much, of course has watched this movie repeatedly even if it was banned.

Chao'er, your girlfriend is quite moist.

At this time, Deng Chao also seemed to feel that Bai Anliang's eyes were a little weird, "What's wrong, brother, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm just curious about these literary film directors. After all, literary films don't have much box office. Who do they sell these films to?"

Of course, Bai Anliang knew how to make money in literary films, but he said that on purpose.

No, Gao Yuanyuan took the initiative to answer the call.

"You don't even know this? I've made films directed by Wang Xiaoshuai. Literary and artistic films mainly rely on winning awards and giving them to other countries."

"Yes, Yuanyuan seems to have recently received an invitation for a new film directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, right? It's spread in the circle." Deng Chao followed suit.

As soon as these words came out, Gao Yuanyuan showed a smile on her face, and glanced at Bai Anliang with her small eyes, as if to say: I am amazing~
But it's a pity that Bai Anliang can't spit ivory out of his mouth, "Isn't the scale of a literary film quite big? Do you have to take off your clothes when filming?"

Gao Yuanyuan:
If you can't speak, you don't have to!

She gave this guy a blank look, and continued to popularize science, "It doesn't mean that the scale of literary and artistic films must be large. Where did you hear that? It's mainly about what you want to express when you watch movies."

"Many of the literary films I watch have their pants off."

"What movie did you watch?"

"I have forgotten a lot of names, and those scenes are deeply imprinted in my mind. By the way, do you want to take off your clothes in that movie?"

"Don't take it off!" Gao Yuanyuan said angrily.


Why? !You bastard.
However, listening to the "flirting" between the two in front of him, the smile on Deng Chao's face gradually disappeared.

Inexplicably, I started to feel a little confused. A bad feeling came to my heart.

In other words, it seems that my girlfriend hasn't mentioned the film scale to him.
Immediately, some couldn't sit still and stood up.

"Brother, I'm going out to make a call~"

"you busy."

Seeing the back of Deng Chao pushing the door and going out, Gao Yuanyuan was a little dumbfounded, and looked at Bai Anliang in a daze, "No way."

"Tsk tsk, it's hard to say~"

Bai Anliang felt that he was really "sinful" and seemed to have broken some things in advance.

Hmm. I'm really sorry for Deng Chao.

If he finds out later, he might be able to send a few more shots. Of course, this is from the most "utilitarian" point of view.

But for Bai Anliang, since the matter cannot be undone, it might as well be a few more shots.

After all, it might be unbearable for your girlfriend or wife to shoot some large-scale scenes and have passionate friction with other actors.

But if you open up the pattern~
After breaking up, it is no longer my girlfriend, it is an ex-girlfriend, and it will be someone else's girlfriend or wife in the future.

Hmm. Wouldn't it be completely different for someone else's wife to have the opportunity to sleep a few more times?

"By the way, isn't it a family bureau today? Yuanyuan, where is your family?"

Gao Yuanyuan didn't know how to respond to Bai Anliang's words.

Ah this
The whole person inexplicably became a little guilty~
"That, me."

"Brother Liang, I'm coming!"

The appearance of Wu Jing saved Gao Yuanyuan who was suddenly overwhelmed.

This guy has quite a show effect. When he saw Gao Yuanyuan, he was taken aback for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Sister-in-law?"

Gao Yuanyuan quickly waved her hand, "Ah, no, you misunderstood."

"Oh~ sorry sorry~"

After a brief greeting, Wu Jing rubbed his little hands excitedly, lowered his voice and said excitedly to Bai Anliang: "Brother! Brother! You don't mean to introduce Gao Yuanyuan to me, do you?!"

"He hasn't come yet, this one has a boyfriend." Bai Anliang narrowed his eyes slightly, and explained to Wu Jing.

This sentence, the volume is moderate, and it is said to two people at the same time~
No, Gao Yuanyuan's expression darkened immediately, she bit her lip, as if to say something, but because Wu Jing was here, she couldn't say anything.

"Ah? Oh yes, her boyfriend seems to be that Zhang Yadong." Wu Jing suddenly sighed in disappointment.

He appeared in this bureau today, it was Bai Anliang who said there was a single girl and asked him if he would come
Of course it's coming!

Now that he is in the "estrus period", he really needs to find a girl to "peacock" quickly, otherwise he will feel bad all over.

"By the way, I seem to have seen Deng Chao playing the role of the emperor outside just now. He also came to our game, right?"

"Yeah, he went out to make a phone call, what's the matter?"

Wu Jing shook his head, "This guy seems to have had an argument with his girlfriend, and his face is not very good~ What's the matter?"

"Well, maybe it's because his girlfriend wants to benefit the public~"

"What do you mean?"

"Female Bodhisattva."

(End of this chapter)

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