This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 137 Everyone Can Be Considered a "Fellowship"

Chapter 137 Everyone Can Be Considered a "Fellowship"

Bodhisattva is the abbreviation of "Bodhisattva". In Sanskrit, it means to realize sentient beings and all living beings with Taoism. It is a fruit position of Mahayana Buddhism.

The bodhisattva way is to be free from life and death but not to be separated from life and death, so as to help all sentient beings who are destined to follow the class.

An unknown cherry blossom girl once said in an interview with the TV station of Little Days: "I think the more exposed, the more peaceful the world will be."

This sentence can vividly describe the character image of the word "female Bodhisattva".

The world will be a better tomorrow if everyone is messing around.

Bai Anliang thought so deeply.

Anyway, he definitely won't let his girlfriend or wife to show it, so he supports all other efforts for "world peace". The female Bodhisattvas are just!
As for Deng Chao?

It's okay, good buddies, let's form a "Broken Love Alliance" together.

Because from a certain point of view, Bai Anliang didn't get a girlfriend either, because he hooked up with someone who had an owner.

Oh no, the two of the yards have owners.

The one who came with Huang Shengyi, isn’t that horse riding Yang Zi, the rich man who is backed by the Juli Group~
Huang Shengyi: I hope that my boyfriend will not know what happened before.

Bai Anliang: Miss Huang and I are strangers to each other, so what happened before?

Just making eye contact, I made up such a dialogue in my brain.

It's not that Bai Anliang's imagination is too rich, that's definitely what Huang Shengyi secretly gave him in his eyes.

Hmm. This is quite unpredictable.

Bai Anliang also didn't know what state the other party was in when the crew had a "story" with the other party.

He is really not a thief.
Of course, even if he accidentally became a Cao thief. He is very moral, unless he is drunk, he will never show off with a big mouth and make the girl in a difficult situation.

At the same time, he has drunk so many times since his debut, and he has never been drunk.

The only time in his life that he got drunk was when Bai Anliang drank fifty of his juniors by himself and got drunk that time.

Besides, Bai Anliang didn't have the habit of putting his fundamental seal on Feng Yi's butt.

It's like making a "go here".

There is no such question as "is the injection on the left buttock or the right buttock?"

Well. He hit the middle.

To be honest, if Gao Yuanyuan called Zhang Yadong, it would be fine.

In case Bai Anliang drinks too much wine later, one will be beaten with a bald mouth, and the other will be beaten as well.

In addition, Wu Jing, who drank too much, was dishonest, and had a history of being drunk, so it was fine to beat him up, anyway, Wu Jing himself wanted to be beaten up a long time ago.

But, when Ye Xuan came, Wu Jing's eyeballs stuck to him.

Especially after Ye Xuan winked at him and sat down beside him.

Wu Jing still didn't forget to turn his head and look at Bai Anliang with a questioning look.
Bai Anliang: Yes, this is the one. I introduced it to you. Don’t you want to open the peacock? !
In today's situation, from a certain point of view, Deng Chao is an unlucky guy.

The couple Wang Fei and Li Yapeng came late, but at first sight they were very affectionate.

Huang Shengyi never forgets to show his love to Yang Zi when eating and drinking, that's called a honey in the oil.

And Wu Jing and Ye Xuan. It’s quite a joy, this guy really can’t flirt with girls~
In other words, the way he flirts with girls is quite straightforward.

After drinking a glass of wine, you open your mouth and say "Are you married?", "Do you have a boyfriend?", "What do you belong to?"

Bai Anliang was taken aback by this quality three times. He thought to himself that this guy is in the entertainment industry, and he is quite handsome. He didn't find a girlfriend. It's not for nothing.

However, what's even more outrageous is that Ye Xuan seems to be quite fond of this trick, and this horse can also match Wu Jing's brainwaves. The two of them actually chatted happily.

Apart from these three pairs, Bai Anliang and Gao Yuanyuan Mianqian can be regarded as a CP~
I understand what I understand, and I can't explain what I don't understand.
When Wang Fei first arrived, she was taken aback when she saw Gao Yuanyuan sitting with Bai Anliang, because Zhang Yadong was her queen producer, how could she not know the relationship between Gao Yuanyuan and Zhang Yadong~
But with her personality, she naturally wouldn't bother with this matter.

During the transfer period of the entertainment industry, what can't happen~
She "transferred" herself.

But, she was still very curious about Bai Anliang.

This curiosity comes from her ex-boyfriend~
Until now, Wang Fei still can't forget the words Xie Tingfeng said when he called her, "I saw a ghost~"

Later, I also learned that this "ghost" refers to Bai Anliang.

This handsome guy is really handsome!So. What did he do to make such a rebellious person like Xie Tingfeng say such words?

just curious~
Fortunately, she has no intention of "transferring" again now. Li Yapeng is different from Xie Tingfeng, he is very good at taking care of others, um... he is very good at licking.

So Wang Fei suppressed this curiosity silently.

But, it's a bit boring for her to sit here.

Because my boyfriend Li Yapeng will be very active in pulling the two "bosses" Bai Anliang and Yang Zi to talk about business.

Shocked Bai Anliang for a whole year!

Because of this beep. He wants to open a nightclub and a bar!
No, I really don't understand~
Even if you are doing investment and business, shouldn’t you also do some familiar fields?
Nightclubs, bars?
Engage in this thing?

To do this kind of business, do you want to engage in some illegal and disciplined things?

If you do it, then be prepared to enter and be ruined. If you don't do it, then Bai Anliang is not very optimistic about him.

He, the senior brother of Baiwumen, did not engage in such things.

I don't believe that Li Yapeng can hold back
Oh yes, it’s more than that~ He’s also planning to invest in tourist hotels or something like going to Yunnan.
Bai Anliang can't say whether this thing is good or not, after all, it sounds a bit like the future Internet celebrity economy, and it seems to be a bit messed up.

But since Li Yapeng wanted to do it, it would definitely not work. He silently blocked such projects in his heart, saying that he must not touch them.

Of course, he didn't discourage Li Yapeng's enthusiasm.

Until today, Bai Anliang had only talked to Qin Lan a little bit to tell her to buy a house earlier.

His mouth is really tight.

You ask, just optimistic, come on.

ah?Do you want to do it together?

That won't work, there is no money, and all the money is spent on the current project.

Not only did Bai Anliang not have any money to give him, but he was also planning to explode gold coins from him and Wang Fei.

This is not a wave of Amway's private high-end gym that will open soon~
But unfortunately, Wang Fei is not very interested, she just said that she has time to go and have a look.
Huang Shengyi had a rare chance to interject, saying that he wanted to keep fit and wanted to go to Bai Anliang to get a card from "rich local" Yang Zi. Naturally, he waved his hand, apply for a card, let's get the most expensive card!
Hey, Nima, did you really take advantage of it and buy a 100 million annual card?

This riding horse is 100 million in [-]
Fortunately, Bai Anliang was still a little sensible, and he didn't directly say that he would not let Boss Yang step down, but just expressed some gratitude to the other party for taking care of his business.

What he does is not the kind of gym that runs away after cheating a wave of membership cards.

Although this business may not last for a long time.

But in the end it is better not to embarrass customers.

This way, maybe I can earn more money for a few years~
However, he didn't know very well whether Huang Shengyi was a woman who came here for fitness. Sometimes it was really difficult for people to guess.

For example, Bai Anliang still hasn't figured out what Gao Yuanyuan is thinking.

Did she break up with Zhang Yadong?
If Bai Anliang is still in a relationship, why hasn't this "authentic boyfriend" contacted her even after Bai Anliang has lived in her house for a week?

Tsk tsk, the entertainment industry. It's outrageous.

However, Bai Anliang quite liked it.

He is like a duck to water.
In the second half of the dinner party, Yang Zi mysteriously dragged Bai Anliang to the small sofa next to him for a "private chat".

The first sentence was very shocking, "Dude, I heard that you are in Xiangjiang, and the way is very wild?"

Bai Anliang:
That's right, did someone make a rumor about him?
"Ah, it's just that I know some people, and I'm fooling around in the film and television industry."

"I heard that the Xiangjiang film and television industry is very complicated and some have associations. Is there such a thing?"

"This~ is back now, no one dares to mess around, you don't have to worry about these if you are doing serious business." Bai Anliang frowned slightly, a little confused about what Yang Zi wanted to ask.

"Then I don't worry. I'm going to go to Xiangjiang for business in a while, and I'm worried about encountering some tricks." Yang Zi smiled, as if he wasn't afraid of anything except the tricks.

Bai Anliang was a little curious that he wanted to go to Xiangjiang to do big business, could it be that the Juli Group wanted to do something big?

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Yang Zi put on an air of being a good buddy, and said, "I'll help Saint Cloth terminate the contract."

Damn it?
Bai Anliang was speechless, he was so mysterious, he thought this guy was going to enter the Xiangjiang business world and kill everyone~
To co-author is to terminate the contract?

"I wish you good luck, but she seems to have joined Zhou Xingchi's Xinghui Company not long ago, right? It may take a long time to file a lawsuit to terminate the contract. I suggest you negotiate liquidated damages with the other party, so it's easier."

After hearing Bai Anliang's suggestion, Yang Zi frowned slightly, "I think there are many unreasonable things in their contract, and some promises were not fulfilled at all. Can't they win the lawsuit?"

Hmm, buddy, you are really not worried about Huang Shengyi being banned~
"Kung Fu" has only just been released, and now Zhou Xingchi is in full swing, and the Xiangjiang film and television industry has not yet completely collapsed. If he wants to block it, Huang Shengyi, who has just become popular because of "Kung Fu", will be killed in minutes.

Sometimes it’s as simple as going to court. The film and television industry is a circle, and now the mainstream voice in the circle is the mainland Xiangjiang cooperation
If after a few years, the Xiangjiang film and television industry is almost dead, then it really doesn't matter if you just jump around casually.

Now. It's not without reason that those Xiangjiang people are so popular in various crews.

Of course, you can also learn from Bai Anliang's way, take life and death lightly, do it if you don't accept it, just ask if you are afraid.

But Yang Zi reckoned that he couldn't go this way, the best way was to spend money more simply, to make him feel more comfortable, and to let him go more simply.

I really want hard steel to file a lawsuit. On the other side of the land, can I please you?

Dragging can drag people to death.

For the sake of the other party's willingness to take care of his own business, Bai Anliang also helped popularize the situation in Xiangjiang.

Hmm. There are quite a few film and television companies that are inextricably linked with the club.

This can be regarded as a problem left over from history, and sometimes you can't do it if you don't want to.

For example, Zhou Xingchi applied to immigrate to Canada several times, but was rejected on the grounds that he had an inexplicable relationship with a triad organization. This report often made the headlines of Entertainment Weekly in 98.

You said, does this have anything to do with the club?
What's more, it's hard for Bai Anliang himself to say that he has nothing to do with the society. Didn't he have a relationship with the overseas Hongmen? Although he didn't join, he did use their connections.

Moreover, he is also planning to promote his juniors to take the path of professional fighting, and he will definitely go to the United States to "plant the flag" at that time.

Can you not follow Hongmen's way?
That's impossible. The relationship will follow.

Of course, if there is a connection in this regard, it will not really be labeled as a society or a triad, and we have to see how deep the involvement is.

"Thank you."

After listening to some "science popularization" by Bai Anliang, Yang Zidao still looked full of confidence, and he didn't know whether he was blindly confident or really confident.

It's that tugging look. It's a bit similar to Xie Tingfeng, but he is obviously not as handsome as Xie Tingfeng, and he suddenly feels that his grade has dropped a lot.

Bai Anliang doesn't mind such little effort, customer~
Moreover, from a certain point of view, if the other party hit a wall in Xiangjiang, it might be a good thing.

Bai Anliang likes big water hoses very much.

If you really want to encounter some "social" troubles, if you have enough "sincerity", Bai Anliang is willing to help solve them.

After all, everyone can be regarded as "fellow people".

From this point of view, he has already helped the other party, helped to widen and expand the waterway, and went to places he couldn't go. You are welcome, it should be.

For Bai Anliang, this social event was still very successful.

I can laugh with girls, and I can also attract a few clients by the way.
After a small test, I found that my traditional social skills are still good.

Even Deng Chao, who was a little invisible on the table today, Bai Anliang took good care of his emotions.

For example, let him come back to his gym to get a card, meet some new girls, and find a new girlfriend.

At that time, lying on the bed with the new girlfriend and watching the large-scale performance of the ex-girlfriend will also have a special flavor.

Of course, this kind of operation may be a bit heavy, and I don't know if he likes it or not.

Anyway, Bai Anliang is still planning to wait for the filming of "Summer Palace" and watch this movie again.

Just help the "good brothers" to relieve their anger!

Like to shoot?If you like to shoot, I will watch it~
Deng Chao: I really thank you for being a "good brother"!

 Thank you for the [-] reward from the curse of the machine!Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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