This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 138 The Ex-Boyfriend Who Came to Knock on the Door

Chapter 138 The Ex-Boyfriend Who Came to Knock on the Door

"What time is it?"

"It's noon, do you want to get up?"

"I don't really want to sleep again."

After this conversation, Bai Anliang hugged the person next to him, and had a "pillow" in his arms, which was more helpful for sleeping.

Gao Yuanyuan, who was "imprisoned" by him, was used to this breathless way of contact, so she twisted a little to make herself lie down more comfortably, and then closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

You can't sleep if you don't sleep. After the dinner party yesterday, everyone was planning to disband in place.

But Wang Fei, who hadn't spoken much, suddenly asked. Who wants to play mahjong?
Hiss. These words immediately brought about the second half of this party.

As a result, a game of mahjong was played until three o'clock in the morning.

Bai Anliang's eyes were reddened by Wang Fei's win, and he completely lost the peaceful appearance when they first met.

Breaking through the defense directly, muttering something in his mouth, "How could I lose so badly!"

In fact, apart from Wang Fei, Li Yapeng and Gao Yuanyuan were also slaughtered.

Bai Anliang even thought that if he wanted to find female stars to play mahjong, he would make a lot of money this way!
Of course, this is just a joke, he is not a gambler.

In card games, one depends on luck, and the other depends on skill. His skills are average, at best he can be regarded as a good player.

But his luck at the poker table has always been good.

Basically, I have never lost, and occasionally luck breaks out. It will cause the kind of "tragedy" last night.

The suspicious life played by a generation of music queens made her eyes straighten.

However, the good thing is that Wang Fei refused to accept it and insisted on making an appointment to fight again next time.
Bai Anliang has already started to think about it, and he will set up a small private room in his shop and put a mahjong machine in it.

Wang Fei may not go to his gym, but maybe he will play mahjong.
All in all, during the whole meal yesterday, Bai Anliang didn't even chat with Wang Fei, so there was a sense of distance.

But after a mahjong game, Wang Fei took the initiative to give him his contact information.

Still have to force Bai Anliang to clarify the exact date of the next time in "Call me next time".

This woman is really addicted to playing cards!Still very unwilling to admit defeat.

However, for Bai Anliang, he played cards until after three o'clock, and when he went to sleep, it was already dawn.

It's a bit outrageous to say it, anyway, in the second half of the work, he was not sure whether Gao Yuanyuan was awake or asleep.

With eyes closed, there was basically no other reaction except humming.

No, they slept until after two o'clock in the afternoon, and then the two of them woke up in a daze.

After washing up a bit, Bai Anliang felt that he would never be able to do this kind of thing again. Stay up all night playing mahjong?

After waking up from this sleep, it seemed that one day was missing from my life.

But he kind of understands why Li Yapeng's broken leg is getting old, and he stays up all night, who can stand it, and heal his injury?Raise a fart.

"I won't be staying at your place tonight, see you on TV tomorrow."

Bai Anliang looked at Gao Yuanyuan who came out of the bathroom sleepily, and greeted her.

I can't help it, I'm getting started~
Gao Yuanyuan at home is wearing very loose clothes, well, she is wearing Bai Anliang's shirt. She directly wears the effect of disappearing underpants.

There are two white legs under the hem of the clothes, which makes people very curious, are you wearing them or not?
Fortunately, Bai Anliang could verify it directly, lifted it up and took a look, it was indeed not worn.

Gao Yuanyuan ignored his small movements, she seemed to be used to it, she rubbed her eyes sleepily, and yawned, "Okay. What about tomorrow?"

"Afterwards, the schedule is quite full, and I have to run more publicity than you."

Hearing this, Gao Yuanyuan seemed a little unhappy.

Bai Anliang has lived with her for a week, and it feels pretty good.

But now the meaning of these words is almost the same: I am gone, and there is a high probability that I will not come later.

This time, the sleepiness was gone, and I began to struggle.

She really wanted to say "Why don't you live here in the future".

But he can't say it out loud, for fear of being rejected and losing face.

And she felt that if she really said that, there was a [-]% probability that Bai Anliang would refuse. This is not a sixth sense, it is a prejudgment.

She bit her lip, put her arms around Bai Anliang, and leaned against him, just about to say something, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Huh? It's not the water meter, is it?"

"Impossible, I copied it a long time ago, it may be my agent, I will go to open the door."

"Then should I avoid it?" Bai Anliang asked.

Gao Yuanyuan rolled his eyes at him, "No need."

"Then open the door~"

"I wear pants"

After Gao Yuanyuan hurried to find a pair of shorts and put them on, Bai Anliang looked down at his shirtless state, but felt that he still had to avoid it.

No way, his shirt was on Gao Yuanyuan's body, and I don't know why this woman likes to wear his clothes so much.

Every time I wear clothes for him, there is a smell.

It's quite troublesome, what does a big man look like with his clothes smelling good~
However, before the old troubles are gone, new troubles are coming.

Gao Yuanyuan walked to the door and opened it, only to find that the person standing outside the door was not her manager, but Zhang Yadong.

"That, Yuanyuan" Zhang Yadong opened his mouth after seeing Gao Yuanyuan.

Before the words could be spoken, the door closed.

Zhang Yadong:? ? ?

The door was closed, and the language organized for him was completely disrupted. What was he trying to say just now?

It's over, I can't remember.

After standing there for a while doubting his life, Zhang Yadong knocked on the door again with some disbelief.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Who? Not your manager?"

At this moment, Bai Anhao, who was lying on the sofa, asked curiously.

"Ah, no..." Gao Yuanyuan was a little flustered, her eyes dodged and her tone stammered.

"Could it be your ex-boyfriend?"


Seeing her expression, Bai Anliang couldn't guess it, and was immediately happy.

"Then what, it's not good to let people keep knocking on the door like this, please open it."

Gao Yuanyuan didn't speak, she turned her head and made it clear that today she was going to be an ostrich.

Faced with this situation, Bai Anliang could only "stand up" and shrugged helplessly, "I'll help you out, treat me to dinner later."

Gao Yuanyuan: To be reasonable, shouldn’t you be the one to handle this?
However, she remembered that Bai Anliang had asked her to be his girlfriend before, but she hadn't agreed to it, and felt that she really didn't have this obligation.

Who made her refuse~
But the most exasperating thing is that he doesn't have to fulfill his obligations, but he has already enjoyed his due rights.
Only then did Gao Yuanyuan realize that from the moment she refused, she had completely lost the initiative.

She herself became in a dilemma, but Bai Anliang could jump back and forth repeatedly.

unfair! ——
Gao Yuanyuan didn't open the door, and the person outside was still knocking persistently. Faced with this situation, Bai Anliang felt that he should do something.

Um. So he got up and went to open the door.

"Yuanyuan, listen to me who are you?"

When the door opened again, Zhang Yadong wanted to say something quickly, lest the door be closed again later.

But when I looked up, I found that the person who opened the door this time was not Gao Yuanyuan, but a guy I didn't know.

A shirtless man? !
Hmm. This evaluation is not very fair.

If it was a girl who knocked on the door at this time, the complete evaluation should be - a handsome guy with a shirtless body and a handsome figure!
But Zhang Yadong is a man, so his evaluation is only. Men, shirtless!
Shirtless? !

"Hello, what can you do with her?"

"What does it have to do with you? Who is it not you?"

"Oh, I'm her friend, come in and chat?"

To be reasonable, Bai Anliang felt that he spoke politely and politely, without any aggressive posture, which was quite a way to save face.

But obviously, just his appearance is an insult to any man.

Zhang Yadong stared at him for a few seconds, but turned around and left without looking for Gao Yuanyuan.

Very well, if he was really emotional or swearing, he might be beaten up today.

Now this choice is good for everyone.

"It's done~ Are you sure you don't want to catch up and talk to him?"

After Zhang Yadong left, Bai Anliang leaned on the door frame and asked Gao Yuanyuan.

"No." Gao Yuanyuan, shrunk into an ostrich, muttered in a mosquito-like voice.

"That's fine." Bai Anliang shrugged, closed the door, then walked up to Gao Yuanyuan, and began to take off her clothes. Unbuttoning her shirt one by one.

Faced with his movements, Gao Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to push him away, but when she raised her hand, she didn't use any strength at all, as if she just put her hand on Bai Anliang's chest.

After about ten seconds, the shirt left her body Gao Yuanyuan closed her eyes and leaned her head forward
As a result, she didn't wait for the next step she imagined.

"I'm going first~"

"Huh?" She opened her eyes and found that Bai Anliang was actually wearing that shirt
An inexplicable emotion welled up in her heart, her face was blushing, she took a step forward and wanted to say something, but she felt chilly all over her body, and she could see everything in a glance, she quickly put her arms around her chest, "Are you leaving now?"

"Otherwise, I still have things to deal with~ See you tomorrow."

After putting on the shirt, Bai Anliang picked up a blanket from the sofa and draped it over Gao Yuanyuan's body, in order to let her hide her shame from being so naked.

Then, he really put on his shoes and left.

However, just as he put on his shoes and was about to open the door, Bai Anliang turned his head again, as if he suddenly remembered something, walked up to Gao Yuanyuan, and kissed her on the forehead.

Now the sub-process is complete.

Looking at the smile on his face, Gao Yuanyuan's heart was very complicated at this time. On the one hand, she was dissatisfied with him leaving just like that, but after being kissed on the forehead, she felt that he was quite gentle.

Also, it's quite ritualistic.

However, Bai Anliang has not asked a word about Zhang Yadong who just knocked on the door, which made Gao Yuanyuan's heart sink.

Sometimes not asking is trust, sometimes not asking. That is simply not caring.

So, which is it?
No matter what, Bai Anliang has already left.

"Cannon, where is it? Come and pick me up."

"Senior brother, I'm nearby, and I'll be here in 10 minutes in the morning."


After hanging up the phone, others also went downstairs.

I was about to find a more conspicuous place and wait for Da Pao to drive over to pick it up. When I looked up, I had fun.

Haven't left yet?

Not far away, Zhang Yadong was standing in the corner smoking a cigarette~
When Bai Anliang found him, he also found Bai Anliang, and the two looked at each other.
1 minute later.

"Do you smoke?"

"Come one~"

Zhang Yadong silently handed Bai Anliang a cigarette, then lit him again, and the two of them squatted in the corner together and smoked.

Did not speak.

After smoking more than half of a cigarette, Zhang Yadong said, "Let's go now? Don't you stay for a while?"

"There is something else, are you still going up?"

"It's meaningless not to go up."

"Oh." Bai Anliang nodded, now he completely lost the thought of beating him up.

Although he and Gao Yuanyuan are not in a relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend, there is no such thing as "subordination", but if someone immediately goes in to "continue" as soon as he leaves, um... it will make Bai Anliang feel a little nervous.

"You don't have to squat on me, I'll wait for someone to pick me up."

Seeing that Bai Anliang didn't seem to have any intention of leaving, Zhang Yadong explained it specifically.

Men know men very well, he thought that Bai Anliang was trying to prevent him from killing him~
If he had reckoned he would do the same, who wouldn't guard against his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend?
However, Bai Anliang shook his head, "I'm also waiting for someone to pick me up. They should be there soon."

If the other party doesn't say that, he still doesn't think there's anything wrong with it, but once he says that, he thinks it. Why don't you just beat him up~
Quietly clenching his fist, Bai Anliang was thinking that it would be better to say "somewhat mature".

And Zhang Yadong also nodded, okay, guess I believe it or not?

A few minutes later, when two cars stopped in front of him almost at the same time, both of them were a little speechless.

Dude, are you telling the truth?

What a fuck!
"Brother." After getting off the car, Da Pao glanced at Zhang Yadong, but didn't pay much attention.

On the other side, the people who got out of the car were a little surprised.

"Yadong, let's go. Hey? Is it you?"

"Miss Xu, what a coincidence." Bai Anliang also looked at Xu Jinlei who got out of the car with some surprise. He gave Zhang Yadong a thumbs up in his heart, this buddy is really awesome!

Came to Gao Yuanyuan and asked Xu Jinlei to pick her up?
Looking at the cannon again, Bai Anliang felt that he had no face. If he knew it, he would have found a girl to pick him up.

However, the girls he knows can be compared with Xu Jinlei, the princess of the Beijing circle, in terms of coffee position. There are really not many girls, and they are not very suitable to be called as drivers~
Hiss. He was crushed on the head!

Men's comparisons are sometimes so inexplicable.

And Zhang Yadong looked at the burly Cannon, and he was a little tongue-tied.

What is the background of this person?Bodyguard, special car?Is it so well-known?

Moreover, Xu Jinlei actually knew the other party, obviously he was not some unknown person!

Zhang Yadong came from the music circle, he was not very familiar with the film and television circle, and he was not in the martial arts circle, so it was quite normal not to know Bai Anliang.

"What a coincidence, do you know each other? The entertainment industry is really small." Xu Jinlei looked at Zhang Yadong, then at Bai Anliang, feeling quite emotional.

These two people stand together with different styles of painting, one is engaged in music, the other is a kung fu player, no matter how you look at it or how you think about it, it is impossible to go together.

Hey, it really is.

Everyone is the best in their respective fields, the only reason they can get along is because of women
Originally there was only Gao Yuanyuan, but now there is another Xu Jinlei.

Bai Anliang was not in a hurry to leave, and chatted with Xu Jinlei in front of Zhang Yadong.

After Xiangjiang met last time, everyone still left each other's contact information.

(End of this chapter)

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