This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 139 No matter how fast AE86 can catch up

Chapter 139 No matter how fast AE86 can catch up
If NTR is also divided into levels, Bai Anliang's "repeated NTR" is more or less murderous.

She just popped out of Gao Yuanyuan's house shirtless, and now she's having a heated chat with Xu Jinlei, her big sister is all smiles and giggling.

This scene, in Zhang Yadong's eyes, it's almost too bad that labor and management give you cigarettes while riding a horse.

Of course, he and Xu Jinlei are actually not just boyfriend and girlfriend.


As for whether there is a possibility to go further, there must be. How about it, who knows what will happen in the future~
But even friends know everything.

Friends of the opposite sex who have a good relationship are sometimes just a matter of window paper.

Talking passionately with other men in front of my own face. It's so fucking.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang didn't intend to tease Xu Jinlei, he just "maintained" the client relationship.

After chatting for a while, he called Da Pao and took him out of the way.

And Zhang Yadong couldn't hold back after finally getting into the car, "You know him? What's his background?"

"Ah?!" Xu Jinlei was a little dumbfounded, "You don't know him?"

"Why should I know him?"

"I saw you two standing together, and thought you were familiar. What are you two doing here?"

Zhang Yadong didn't hide it, "He is Yuanyuan's new boyfriend."

"Impossible, Bai Anliang is that Fan Xiaopang's boyfriend." Xu Jinlei insisted.

When I went to Xiangjiang to participate in the Golden Statue Awards, Bai Anliang put on such a big battle at the celebration banquet after the Golden Statue Awards, and then "declared war" with the entire Xiangjiang martial arts non-stop. At that time, almost all the mainland artists who went to Xiangjiang were slightly Inquired about this buddy's details.

It is a relatively broad understanding.

At the same time, the gossip also found out, who asked Fan Xiaopang to use Bai Anliang's tiger skin as a talisman whenever he went to Xiangjiang to film.

Even the relationship between the two was reported in the gossip newspapers there after Baiwumen became popular.

So Xu Jinlei was quite sure.

Of course, she didn't say she was dead, "Maybe he broke up with Fan Xiaopang. You broke up with Gao Yuanyuan too?"

"It's not easy to talk about, let's not talk about it." Zhang Yadong obviously didn't want to talk about this topic, "You haven't told me what his background is?"

"Background? He is the leader of the martial arts alliance, is he a big backer?" Xu Jinlei said with a smile.

Zhang Yadong:? ? ?

"What is the martial arts leader?"

"Anyway, you must not fight with him, girlfriend, just talk about it after breaking up."

"I didn't fight him, and I gave him a cigarette."

"Then you are lucky~"
"We're lucky. In addition to Yanjingtai, Huihuitai also bought our second round!"

In the backstage of Yanjing TV station, as soon as Bai Anliang met Wang Jing, the fat man brought him good news.

Since [-], Mango Satellite TV, Hubei Satellite TV, Euanhui Satellite TV, Dongnan Satellite TV and many other channels have been on the stars one after another, and provincial satellite TV has become the leading role in the domestic TV stage.

Relying on several influential brand-name columns such as "Happy Camp", "The Covenant of Roses", "Evening News", "New Youth", "Continuous Music", "Today's Talk", in 2002, Mango TV established the "locked entertainment, Focus on young people, lock on the whole country" channel positioning.

Also in 2002, Anhui Satellite TV determined the channel positioning of "Drama World", several well-known theaters such as "Weekend Show", "The First Theater", "Male Theater", "Women's Theater" and "Xiongfeng Theater" It is unique in the provincial satellite TV, with six of the eight theaters ranking first, and the ratings of the theater are far ahead of the provincial satellite TV in the same time period.

These two satellite TVs are currently the most successful channel positioners among domestic TV stations.

Gained a relatively large share of ratings, won high recognition from advertisers, and achieved rapid development. It has achieved the reputation of "TV Hunan Army" and "Advertising Huai Army" in the history of domestic TV, and has become the leader of provincial satellite TV at this stage. leader.

In human terms, apart from Yang Ma, these two satellite TVs are the most powerful right now.

At present, the No. 1 provincial satellite TV coverage and dissemination power is Anhui Satellite TV. They bought the second round of "No. [-] in the World". The most intuitive thing is that Bai Anliang can finally watch TV anywhere, and he can find the signal.

It will not be like the situation in "Little Fish and Flowers".

"The follow-up publicity must keep up. Do we have to make a trip to press the emblem?"

"Of course, but I'm still a little curious, why you are so anxious about the progress, we can actually wait until next year to broadcast." Wang Jing also asked a question that has troubled him for a while while laughing.

If he was asked to describe the way Bai Anliang communicated with him during this period, it would be: a ghost!
That is really urgent!

If there is nothing to do, I urged him to do the post-production quickly, and do the post-production quickly. Originally, Wang Jing thought that there was no need to worry, and it would be fine to wait until the beginning of next year.

But Bai Anliang said that there is no door, you have to work overtime for labor and management, and finish the post-production immediately.

If it were someone else talking to Wang Jing like this, he probably would have cursed back.

For Bai Anliang's words, forget it, young people, it's normal to be anxious for the first drama starring.

"My movie will be released this year during the Lunar New Year, Director Wang!" Bai Anliang seemed to be very straightforward.

Wang Jing is a little speechless, you are too real.
However, this reason is too strong to be believed.

Of course, there is another main reason for Bai Anliang. Actually, it will be broadcast next year?Neuropathy will air next year.

next year?Next year is [-]!
This is a very miraculous year. The film industry did not perform well. A bad film "The Promise" took the top spot, with the highest investment and the highest box office, but it was in a hurry.

In addition, there are not many movies that can be played, and they are hammered by Hollywood movies.

However, in [-], masterpieces of domestic TV dramas of various themes all exploded in this year, truly achieving "a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending".

It's like riding a horse.

"Bright Sword" - a real "anti-war drama".

Its debut is the pinnacle, and there has never been a masterpiece that surpassed it or even shared the world with it. Even its future influence is no longer limited to the field of film and television. The subculture derived from it has become an enduring popular symbol. Through The form of the Internet continues to spread. It can be said that the traffic of "Li Yunlong" is not inferior to any popular star.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is almost no one in the whole country who does not know "Bright Sword" Li Yunlong.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" - the originator of Xianxia drama.Not only created a precedent for Chinese fairy tales, but also the first successful game-adapted TV series in the mainland.

"The Criminal Officer of the Great Song Dynasty" - the strongest criminal investigation drama in China.

"Hanwu Emperor" - a real epic masterpiece.

"Mom in Beijing" - the Republic of China version of "Dream of Red Mansions".

"Lotus Lantern" - Uncle Jiao's "Flourishing Beauty"

"Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" - the most successful adaptation of Liaozhai

"Family with Children" - Your childhood seems to be different from mine.

There are also Bay and Bay idol dramas flocking to the mainland, "Mischievous Kiss" and "Prince Turns into a Frog", two pinnacle works of Taiwanese puppets, will also be broadcast next year
Do you feel like there is something missing from the above items?
Well, that's right, martial arts.

It is "No. [-] in the World".

But Bai Anliang's brain is broken so he has to assemble a complete lineup for next year's immortal fight.

But these words, he certainly will not say to anyone.

His movie will be released at the end of this year, which is the best reason, enough to convince anyone.

Not long after chatting with Wang Jing, the creators of the TV series arrived.

Li Yapeng, Ye Xuan, Gao Yuanyuan, Deng Chao, Huang Shengyi.

Guo Jin'an didn't come, he was still recording programs at Guangdong, and he was also doing publicity, so it was divided into two groups.

Today, Li Yapeng did not enjoy the treatment of Tianhou pushing the wheelchair, but was pushed by his assistant.

As soon as they met, the old boy jokingly complained that Bai Anliang hooked up his girlfriend's mahjong addiction
Bai Anliang still wanted to complain about him, so he found a "gambler" girlfriend, just now Wang Fei sent him a message, asking him if he would play mahjong to hit you in the head after the show was recorded!

So Bai Anliang replied "Okay~"

And Ye Xuan is more interesting, obviously he "seduced" Bai Anliang before when he was on the set, but it seems like he completely forgot about it.

Chatted with him about Wu Jing with great interest.
To be honest, Bai Anliang didn't really want to talk.

The night before yesterday, after drinking, Ye Xuan and Wu Jing did not participate in the mahjong game, they left together.

As for why I went there, I don't know.

So, in case the sisters are chatting, it would be more or less embarrassing to talk to him about the "size" of Wu Jing's popular science.

Men often go to the bathroom to take a shower together. They don't compare with each other openly, but after looking at each other, they beep a few words in their hearts.

It's almost the same in the group, and I haven't seen a few psychopaths face-to-face comparison.

All in all, these two people belong to the category that is in a good mood.

And the other three are a bit strange.

Gao Yuanyuan's expression was complicated, as if she hadn't come out of the previous incident, she looked at Bai Anliang with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

As for Deng Chao, needless to say, this buddy's girlfriend. Now he may be his ex-girlfriend, and he has to take off his clothes to shoot large-scale scenes.

As for Huang Shengyi, maybe he was thinking about the annoying matter of termination of the contract, and kept distracted.

All in all, joys and sorrows are not the same between people, sad people may think happy people are noisy
Fortunately, it didn't affect the program recording.

It's just that Bai Anliang is a little annoyed, and he wants to play with a flame knife
Pretending to beep once, I am very happy in my heart, and I feel a sense of satisfaction that I have pretended.

Pretending to be the second time, it's almost the same, the mood is reproduced.

But the third time, the fourth time, and the fifth time are too many times, and it will get boring.

However, who told this to be Bai Anliang's first starring role in a TV series? Of course, his reputation in the circle is getting bigger and bigger, but outside the circle, he is still not famous enough.

Of course, the host would not despise him. He has a lot of information on hand, so he knows that this guy is not ordinary.

Belongs to the untouchable Lord.

But after all, there must be some bright spots for the audience to remember.

Come on, show.

The thief's flame knife in one hand is now Bai Anliang's secret weapon.

Not surprisingly, the next few shows are all coming soon.

Fortunately, he was able to avoid getting burned at all, so it was fine.

It's just a bit boring to play too much.

But kung fu stars, of course they want to show kung fu on the show. Bruce Lee and big brother Cheng are like this.

If you don't come with two hands, no one will know how powerful you are.

After the recording of the show, everyone had a meal together as usual, and Wang Jing paid for it.

There are still some interviews and promotions to be done in Yanjing. I have been busy these two days.

When the work is over, they will probably have to fly directly to Anhui to continue the promotion over there.

But, before going to Anhui, Deng Chao approached Bai Anliang in a bit of embarrassment, expressing that he wanted to take a leave of absence.

Of course, he has nothing else to do when he asks for leave, just to have a final showdown with his girlfriend.

If you have to take pictures, then break up, if you don't, then we will continue to have sex.

From the perspective of personal emotions, Bai Anliang is willing to let him go, but from the perspective of a businessman, there is no way~
Of course, my dear brother, if he really wants to "save the love", Bai Anliang has no choice but to let him go.

So he chose a roundabout route.

"Chao~ listen to me tell you"

What Bai Anliang said can be summarized as follows:
Xia Shu insists on riding in that big Benz, no matter how fast your AE86 engine is modified, it will not be able to catch up~
However, Deng Chao said: I will turn the drain, I still want to try again.

Ah, there's nothing you can do about it.

go Go.

Some want to leave, others want to come.
After Da Tiantian knew that "No. [-] in the World" had started to be officially promoted on the program, he was very active in wanting to sign up~
Well, then Bai Anliang ruthlessly rejected it.

The reason is very simple, you still have to take the exam for Beijing Film Academy next year, take the class well, and the film promotion will definitely take you back.

Of course, the fact is that compared to Bai Anliang, who blooms inside the circle and is unknown outside the circle, Da Tiantian is unknown inside and outside.

Why are you on the show?There is no publicity effect.

It's better to be honest, wait until the second round of "No. [-] in the World" comes out, it will be officially famous, and then follow the movie road show, then it will be really useful.

For this arrangement, Da Tiantian expressed understanding but disagreed.

Finally, after moaning and hawing for a while, he still succumbed to Bai Anliang's "excessive power".

Of course, it must be to take the opportunity to make some requests for how to play with her.

Bai Anliang realized that he was really busy.

He didn't have time to go to Wang Fei's mahjong game, and here he accepted Da Tiantian's invitation. Fortunately, she is easy to fool, and if she can't do it, she will suffer her own cat.

The little tigers are now "raised" in the company, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, so it's time to put them to use.

(End of this chapter)

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