Chapter 140

Deng Chao left, and Li Yapeng, a cripple, couldn't go far, so the propaganda team lost two people.

Fortunately, the impact is not great.

After all, their propaganda team is already relatively large, and it would not be a bad thing to have a slightly smaller number of people.

Gao Yuanyuan and Huang Shengyi are also good at fighting.

Especially the latter, relying on the popularity of the movie "Kung Fu", the fame has been completely established.

This is the ability of a director of Zhou Xingchi's level to praise people. Even if Huang Shengyi's character doesn't have a single line and doesn't have many shots, it can still make people impressive.

It's just that there is a little problem with the atmosphere of their propaganda team.

Ye Xuan was busy dating Wu Jing, sending text messages on his mobile phone non-stop.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't know what the hell was going on, everyone was on a business trip together, and she didn't talk to Bai Anliang, and she kept a little distance from him when she was outside.
Of course, it is not outrageous to keep a distance, but what is outrageous is that at night, the two of them have a negative distance, and during the day, they are like strangers on horseback.

Don't guess what a woman's mind is.

On the penultimate day of the promotional itinerary, Bai Anliang originally wanted to "enlighten" Gao Yuanyuan, telling her not to make up so many emotional dramas and make trouble with herself, so it's better to have fun in time.

But he hadn't gone yet, Huang Shengyi came to find him uncharacteristically.

These days, she kept a good distance from Bai Anliang, basically a pure "working relationship".

As a result, on the last day, you still couldn't bear it?

Bai Anliang didn't care, so he responded enthusiastically.

After explaining things in simple terms, Huang Shengyi wandered around the world for a while, and suddenly said, "I'm looking for you because I have something to ask. I'm not looking for you."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

What the hell are you talking about?

This is like the end of the war, all the soldiers were killed and even "sparked" into the grave, but the enemy came and said, "I'm actually here to say hello~"

Are you farting?
This girl is not open.

Typical like to lie to yourself
But Bai Anliang is a decent person, since he has "finished spitting", he might as well listen to what she wants to say.

Huang Shengyi cast his eyes on him, "If I leave Xinghui Company, will I really be blocked?"

"I'm not Zhou Xingchi, how would I know?"

"I'm just asking, I don't know what to do."

Obviously, her "big rich" boyfriend didn't seem to give her enough sense of security~ I went to Bai Anliang to find the answer.

"They're all grown-ups, and they have to take responsibility for what they do."

"for example?"

Also like?
Bai Anliang shook his head, "Have you ever washed your feet while wearing socks?"

"Well, why are you washing your feet in socks?"

"It's just an analogy, like this box of 'blocking elves'. In fact, I don't like to use this thing. It feels like washing my feet in socks. It's not comfortable, but I have to be responsible for what I do, so even if I don't Love it, but still use it.”

This analogy is very vivid.

Huang Shengyi stared at the trash can for a few seconds, then nodded silently.

It does work, safe production is the most important thing, and slogans must be hung on the construction site.

"I'm afraid I'll regret it in the future"

"It's voluntary, no regrets, just move forward, don't worry about what to do."

"You are so chic." Leaning her head into his arms, the girl sighed, her tone seemed to have changed, "but how do I know where is the front?"

"No matter where you go, go forward."

Hearing this, she raised her head and looked at Bai Anliang in a daze, feeling a little absent-minded.

Maybe it's just like how Bai Anliang "told stories" to Yang Mi and Da Tiantian back then, it's hard to imagine that a martial artist like him can have such a "sense of life".

The girls still love it.

"Would you like to try without wearing it?"

"No, I have principles."

"What principle?"

"It doesn't count if you wear it."

Girl, please respect yourself~
Bai Anliang said that he is really not a Cao thief.
After the promotion on the last day was over, Bai Anliang strode out of the TV station and stretched himself, feeling that today's sunshine is extraordinarily bright.

It's booming, a good sign.

"Huh, it seems to be raining?" Gao Yuanyuan, who came from behind, muttered.

So disrespectful?

Flood dragon gets water!good sign!

"What a big cloud, covering the sun."

Albatron straight up!

No matter what the weather is, today is a good omen, Bai Anliang is sure.

The main thing is idealism.

Jiashen Year of the Monkey, Xin Weiyue Jiayin Day.

Auspicious: acceptance, alliance, marriage, migration, house entry, travel, market opening, trading, issuing bonds!
Gao Yuanyuan secretly glanced at his "scary" expression, a little puzzled, what's wrong?It's raining, so stern?
After recording the show and running the publicity, she became a lot more normal.

At least I can communicate with Bai Anliang normally~ I no longer remain autistic all day long.

It should be his "enlightenment" that played a role. The road to the soul is indeed much more useful than verbal enlightenment.

"Hey? What are you doing over there? A lot of people"

When she got into the car and was about to leave, the car started slowly and walked for a few steps. Looking out of the car window, Gao Yuanyuan said in surprise.

Bai Anliang turned his head to take a look, and found that there was a shopping mall over there, and the crowd was gathered outside a transparent window of the mall.

And in the window, there is a little black fat man who is performing something hard.
"It's a TV show, it's called "Super Winner". I heard it when I was chatting with someone before. That person is the host of the show, and he's going to stay in the window for 48 hours." Huang Shengyi read it After a glance, it helped to popularize science.

Gao Yuanyuan frowned, "Isn't this a trick!"

"Know how to play~" After Wang Jing glanced at it, his evaluation was very succinct.

In his opinion, it seems quite normal, after all, the Xiangjiang entertainment industry is more colorful. In the TVB programs in the early years, Liu Dehua smashed a big rock in his chest, Zhou Yunfa swallowed fire, Liang Chaowei pulled a van with his mouth, and Alan Tam was dragged by four motorcycles.
It can only be said, TVB big stage, if you have a job, come here.

No work?Even if there is no work, I have to come. If it is impossible, there is still a hospital.

Anyway, they all became masters of acrobatics one by one.

In comparison, the little black fat man stayed in the window and was "visited" by others, at least his life was not in danger.

However, Bai Anliang didn't comment, but he felt a strange feeling in his heart watching the little black fat man performing hard in the window.

This little black fat man, who was visited like a monkey, was still a year away from the beginning of his new life.

The gears of fate have begun to turn.
"Uncle, help!"

"Tian Tian, ​​what the hell are you doing?"

Although the other end of the phone was calling for help, as soon as Bai Anliang heard Da Tiantian's tone, he knew that the little girl was acting weird again.

How can anyone still ride a horse and act like a baby when he really calls for help?

Da Tiantian on the other end of the phone immediately said aggrievedly, "Uncle, if you buy the little tiger, how much is it worth?"

No, is this little girl trying to buy the cat from Bai Anliang?
real or fake?Isn't it just for someone to send her to play for a few days, reluctant to let go?
But Bai Anliang also answered this question, casually replied: "Li Huamao is not worth much in China, 20 yuan."

At this time, Da Tiantian continued to speak hesitantly, "That... I really don't like little tigers, I just want to find a little partner for it to play with"

"What's the situation?"

"After I came back from filming, I bought a cat"

"Just buy it, how much did you pay for it?"

"8000 dollars."

"Pfft..." Bai Anliang was speechless for a moment. These days, spend [-] to buy a cat?

Don't think about it, it must be a cat with blood, but he still thinks that Da Tiantian may have been fooled by someone, how can it be so expensive!
"Then why are you calling for help?"

"Your 20 yuan is hitting my 8000 yuan again. The cat I bought is now hiding under the sofa and dare not come out."

Ah this.

Bai Anliang really thought for two seconds before he understood what it meant.

The breed cat that Da Tiantian bought was beaten by a little tiger?

Well, that's pretty normal, not surprising at all.

Before Bai Anliang took the little tiger away from Hengdian, the cat beat up all the cats and dogs in the streets near the Hengdian company. It can be called a generation of street fighters.

It was the same when I was on the set.

As long as there are any small animals around, they must be beaten.

This cat has the same style as Bai Anliang. It can be called what kind of cat is raised by what kind of owner.

"What should I do~" Da Tiantian continued to hum.

"What should I do? Open the door."


After a small scream, only the sound of hurried footsteps could be heard on the other end of the phone.

A few seconds later, when the door opened, a pair of big eyes full of surprise appeared in front of Bai Anliang.

But it's a pity that the little girl didn't have time to say anything else, so she grabbed Bai Anliang's hand and dragged him into the house.

While walking, he complained, "Uncle, come and see. How my cat has been bullied!"

Bai Anliang didn't even have time to change his shoes, so he turned to look for them helplessly.
He didn't see the "8000 yuan" that Da Tiantian bought, but he saw his own little tiger at a glance.

This little thing "occupied" in the middle of the sofa in the living room, yawning lazily.

After hearing the movement, he turned his head and glanced at the door, huh?
After finding out that it was Bai Anliang, it slowly got up, jumped off the sofa, walked in front of Bai Anliang, and rubbed his calf.

Still so discerning.

Bai Anliang knelt down and reached out to touch its head, then looked at Da Tiantian, "Isn't this very obedient?"

"No way!" Da Tian was anxious, "It bullied my cat, Mao Mao, bullied me so hard!"

"Then here comes the question, where is your cat?" Bai Anliang spread his hands.

Da Tiantian suddenly cried and turned his face, "I can't find it, I don't know where it is hiding in."

After finishing speaking, she still didn't forget to stare at the little tiger, muttering some words like "bad thing" in her mouth.

That's all right now, Bai Anliang has to help her find a cat now
No way, roll up your sleeves and toss.

I don't know whether Da Tiantian bought or rented this house. It is between Beiying and Beiwu, so it is very convenient for Da Tiantian to go to school and make up lessons.

Her family is not in Yanjing at all, and they visit her occasionally, and she is the only one who comes to live here occasionally.

Should I say why do I still live in Daping floor alone?
With an area close to [-] square meters, finding a cat is a lot of work.

As we all know, cats are creatures that can drill into very narrow places.

The slightly wider pipes, the seams at the head of the bed, they all fit in as if they were made of liquid.

After tossing and tossing for more than half an hour, Bai Anliang finally took out this little thing on the ceiling.

Although it was stained with a lot of dust, Bai Anliang recognized it, it should be a gold gradient.

These days, gold gradients are so expensive?
Not to mention, the breed of cat I bought is really good-looking, with a round face, a pair of big eyes are also round, and the hair is smooth, even if it is covered in dust, it is very beautiful and cute, absolutely Little girl killer!
Whoever sees who likes it.

No wonder Da Tiantian spent a lot of money to buy this cat.

However, a hunk like Bai Anliang still prefers his little tiger because it can beat all the cats and dogs in the street.

"Little poor~" Da Tiantian hastily took the kitten from Bai Anliang's hands, hugged it in his arms to comfort him, and at the same time did not forget to take another look at the little tiger.

After the cat was finished, she remembered to ask: "Hey, uncle, why did you come to me today?"

Before Bai Anliang could speak, her eyes lit up again, "You want to take me out to play?!"

"Are you stupid? The second round of "No. [-] in the World" starts tonight. Don't you want to watch it together?"

"Look and see!"

These words made Da Tiantian's eyes brighter, and he jumped up excitedly.

She has been looking forward to her first drama for a long time!
Of course, what I look forward to more is "Ip Man", because in No. [-] Under Heaven, she plays Princess Yunluo and Cheng Shifei as a couple, not her own uncle.

But it is still a "first time", and the little girl's first time is still very precious.

"By the way, is Sister Yuanyuan at home? Do you want to ask her to watch it together?" Da Tiantian didn't forget Gao Yuanyuan after he was happy.

Of course, she mainly wanted to show off her pussy.

It's so cute, I want to share it with everyone I know.

Bai Anliang said calmly: "I asked, she is not free today."

"Well, it's just the two of us?" Da Tiantian asked with bright eyes.

"Yes, go to my company or stay at your house?"

"It's just the two of us, what are you doing back home, go and buy something delicious..."

(End of this chapter)

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