This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 148 Is it illegal to drag?

Chapter 148 Is it illegal to drag?

To be honest, Fan Xiaopang thought Bai Anliang was going on a date with her today
Otherwise, why did she deliberately dress up like a school girl.

The results of it?
Dressed up carefully, dressed so innocently, but was turned away. The most outrageous thing is, who takes girls to the club when they go out on a date?
It's not true that some men think that girls like to fight and kill, right?
Yes, you are very skilled, and you are indeed handsome, but... when girls go out on a date, there are really few who want to see stinky men fight. Most of them still like flirty and romantic ones.

Of course, if it's a spiritual girl, let's talk about it, their tastes are different from normal girls.

In other words, younger girls still follow this pattern.

It may feel cool and powerful.

But Fan Xiaopang said that he is already 23 this year, and his taste is different from that of the spirit girl.

However, if today is not a date~
She was a little interested in it.

"You found a reporter?"

Bai Anliang smiled and nodded at her, saying, "As expected of you!"Guess right~
This little girl caught the point as soon as she came up.

"Then I'll go back and change again, so you can ask someone to find a better angle for me to take better pictures."

After knowing that this was a "performance" under the camera, Fan Xiaopang immediately became interested.

After all, her acting skills are the best under the camera outside the crew!

"You still need to find an angle for this face?"

Hearing this, Fan Xiaopang was happy, but he still had a proud expression of "You only know it", "Of course I want to take the most beautiful expression, no matter how you look, never If you shoot your nostrils up, you can make a female ghost."

Bai Anliang shook his head, disapproving, "Is it okay? It's not that I haven't seen your angle, I think it's not bad."

Fan Xiaopang rolled his eyes, this guy would roll over people's faces every now and then.

May I ask, Bai Anliang is about 1.8 meters tall, and Fan Xiaopang is only 1.6 meters tall, how can he look at each other from the bottom up?
Squatting, kneeling, and lying down are just a few.

Obviously, Bai Anliang was lying down and watching~ He got off and she got on.

Sometimes Fan Xiaopang can't help but raise his head, isn't that just seeing the nostrils first at a glance~
When he came to her residence in Xiangjiang, Fan Xiaopang simply opened his closet and asked Bai Anliang to decide what she would wear today.

There is no doubt that the wardrobe of female stars is absolutely dazzling.

Bai Anliang glanced at it a few times, feeling like he was going to be picky.

Although he actually has a lot of clothes, the styles are not as exaggerated as these girls.

He had seen Gao Yuanyuan's wardrobe before, and it looked like this, Fan Xiaopang was a bit more exaggerated.

It is said to be a wardrobe, but it should actually be a cloakroom, and there are a few simple assembly hangers with various clothes hanging on it.

It seems that during this period of development in Xiangjiang, she has really gained a lot. She must have visited the mall a lot.

"So many clothes, can you wear them?"

"These are regular clothes. You think you'd wear them on the red carpet if you change them every day?"

"Is there a dress?"

".Do you really want to make it look like walking on the red carpet?"

"It's not that bad, just find a dress that looks a bit like a dress, don't exaggerate."

According to the on-site guidance of Baida's stylist, Fan Xiaopang really found a dress that met his requirements.

To be precise, it was a black skirt.

"Isn't this dress too mature?" Fan Xiaopang asked with a slight frown.

"You can change it and see."

"Well then"

Not being pretentious with him, Fan Xiaopang started changing the skirt in front of Bai Anliang.

"Hey, help me zip up."


"Bastard! Where are you stretching your hand?!" Seemingly sensing that Bai Anliang's hand behind him was not honest, Fan Xiaopang turned his head and cursed softly.

However, Bai Anliang didn't speak, but reached out and pulled out the small hairpin that she originally used to fix her hair.

His long hair fell down immediately, and the hair brushed against the back of his hand, feeling extra smooth.

"The hair quality is really good, you can go directly to shoot shampoo commercials." Bai Anliang said after sniffing it a little closer.

Fan Xiaopang leaned into his arms slightly, closed his eyes and groaned, "I specially washed my hair today. Do you know that girls wash their hair and put on makeup to go out with you, if you dare to let the pigeons go, you will die ~"

"I didn't release pigeons either~"

"You want to take me to fight, what's the difference between that and pigeons. Do you think it's appropriate for me to dress up and fight with you?"

There is still resentment, this is~
One hand of Bai Anliang was still behind her, but the other hand went around to the front, gently brushed across her neck, finally slightly pinched and lifted her chin, while bowing his head.
"Oh shit, I just put on lipstick~"

"Is your lipstick expensive?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

"I'm afraid you'll poison me with cheap lipstick."

"Poison you bastard~ barbarian!"

Obviously, it would take less than two hours to change clothes and touch up a little makeup.

But Cannon, who was waiting in the car downstairs, didn't find it strange at all.

In fact, after Bai Anliang went upstairs with Fan Xiaopang, Da Pao took a stroll around and bought something to eat.

I even squinted for a while after eating~
When he woke up, he just received a call from Bai Anliang.

finally down.

No, it should mean that it can still come down?
As if feeling something, Cannon who got out of the car looked up and saw Bai Anliang and Fan Xiaopang coming out of the elevator.

Of course, my senior brother Bai Anliang needless to say, he is still in the familiar attire, with a suit and leather shoes and a strong imposing manner.

What surprised Da Pao was Fan Xiaopang who was next to him in a black dress.

It's completely different from before. There is no smile on his face like before, the corners of his mouth are slightly lowered, and his brows are slightly furrowed. On the contrary, he looks similar to his own senior brother. Standing together, the two of them are so explosive!

Of course, the above summary would not appear in Da Pao's mind, he just simply felt that there was finally a girl standing beside his senior brother, so he didn't seem like a cuddly bird.

It's just a good match.

Having said that, Qin Lan, who is still in the company, feels more and more like this. After all, her own goal is to become an elite and strong woman in the workplace.

But compared with Fan Xiaopang's facial lines, Qin Lan is really not very sharp, and her looks belong to the softer side.

Unfortunately, when Fan Xiaopang smiled at him, the feeling disappeared again.

"Cannon, why are you in a daze?"

"Oh, no, brother, shall we go now?"

"Yes, get rid of them as soon as possible, there will be a foreign friend coming in two days~"

"Do you still have foreign friends?" Fan Xiaopang asked curiously.

Bai Anliang nodded, "Yes, I have too many friends."

"I thought you only had female friends."

"It's a joke, I'm a martial artist, and I make friends with good men, so I don't have any female friends." Bai Anliang said shamelessly.

And Fan Xiaopang really didn't give face, "Oh~ what about me?"

"You? I think you have seen "Fengyun"?"

"I've seen it."

"What's the name of the mother of the hero Nie Feng?"

"Yan Ying?" Fan Xiaopang asked a little uncertainly.

After all, there are not many roles in this kind of drama. If it weren't for the amazing operation of "remarrying", she really couldn't remember the name.

"Yes, you are just like her."

Fan Xiaopang:? ? ?

"What charades are you playing! Tell me!"

"Standard match for the strong~" Bai Anliang said with a smile.

At the same time, he added another sentence in his heart, the mount of the strong, the certificate of the king.

After all, there is a saying: If you don't play with Nie Fengniang, the martial arts world will pretend to be king.

To be reasonable, after Bai Anliang got rid of those muay thai fighters later, he really felt like a "martial arts leader".

Well, it's okay, it's a coincidence~
But it was obvious that Fan Xiaopang was not satisfied with this description, his little hand dishonestly got in from the hem of Bai Anli's coat, and he stretched out his hand to pinch it.

Forcibly forcing Bai Anliang to change his name and call it "a confidante".

Horse riding, a man's confidante, doesn't riding a horse mean the same as those women's boyfriends?

Fortunately, Bai Anliang doesn't have a real girlfriend yet, otherwise, knowing that he has a "confidante" like Fan Xiaopang, he must be very vigilant and never let the two meet.

After all, Fan Xiaopang is getting more and more like a disaster.
Hong Kong Muay Thai Council.

This place is a bit different from Bai Anliang's imagination.

Codes?It looks a bit like a serious commercial company, not a place for muay thai.

At least in those martial arts gyms, you can see all kinds of sandbags and other props for practicing kung fu as soon as you walk in.

And this place. The girl at the front desk is quite beautiful.

Most of the people who come and go are in suits and leather shoes.

If it weren't for occasionally seeing a few dark-skinned, lean people in sportswear walking by, Bai Anliang would really feel that he came to the wrong place.

Obviously, muay thai has been played on the right track in Xiangjiang, and it is completely different from those scattered martial arts gyms.

To put it in human terms: I guess people have started to play business operations, and those martial arts schools are still doing the traditional way of recruiting apprentices.

"Brother, those few should be from Southeast Asia, with solid background."

Da Pao, who was walking behind Bai Anliang, observed several dark-skinned guys, and whispered to Bai Anliang.

Regarding this, Bai Anliang just nodded and joked at him, "If there is a fight, how many can you settle?"


Cannon laughed and said nothing.

The conversation between the two of them actually made Fan Xiaopang a little nervous.

What do you mean by fighting?Just meet and fight?

She is still wearing a skirt and high heels, if she gets hit on the face accidentally.
I felt a little regretful, why did I do this kind of work with a savage like Bai Anliang!
Fortunately, Bai Anliang did not do that kind of weird behavior of rushing forward to provoke, but led her straight to the front desk.

To be honest, when the girl at the front desk saw them, she subconsciously showed a standard smile on her face, and she didn't even think that Bai Anliang and his party were here to find trouble.

Instead, I felt a little emotional: Wow!So pretty!Handsome men and beautiful women!

"Sir, may I help you? Are you interested in Muay Thai? We have the most authoritative Muay Thai coach here."

Bai Anliang didn't interrupt the other party, he just listened to the introduction, nodded and showed a smile on his face.

The little girl at the front desk was dizzy.
However, his smile was extraordinarily warm and bright, but the words that came out of his mouth were a bit outrageous.

"Excuse me, who is the best at fighting here?!"

Hearing this, the girl at the front desk was taken aback for a moment, "Ah, our muay thai coaches are very good."

"No, no, that's not what I meant. Forget it, Da Pao, come on. I'm really not suitable for such a rude thing."

Do you want to stop doing such rude things in front of girls?

My senior brother is too good at telling nonsense with his eyes open. When he was fighting with young and Dangerous boys on the street before, he was the rudest!
But there is no way, Bai Anliang is a senior brother, Da Pao had no choice but to obediently be Bo's substitute.

A dodge approached the girl at the front desk, and he tried hard to show the same smile as his senior brother, but the effect was obviously not very obvious.

From the perspective of the little girl at the front desk.
A burly man with a figure and appearance like a brown bear and a gorilla showed a ferocious smile at her, and said in a threatening tone, "We are here to kick the gym!"

"Kick the gym?!"

The scream of the girl at the front desk attracted the attention of quite a few people around.

Not long after, it was Fan Xiaopang's turn to experience the same feelings as the girl at the front desk.

After all, being watched by several black and thin men who look like wolves standing by, the psychological pressure is really unbearable for ordinary people.

She involuntarily hugged Bai Anliang's arm tightly and was afraid~
She was afraid, but the expression on her face didn't change much, the main thing was to keep calm.

"The big brother's woman", can't be overshadowed by this small scene~
Not to mention, the acting skills outside the play are easy to handle.

But even though he pretended to be like that, Fan Xiaopang was still very hypocritical in the play, and asked in a low voice, "Why don't you bring more juniors over here, now that you are surrounded by others, what if What if people don't talk about martial arts and beat you in groups?"

Don't talk about martial arts?

When Bai Anliang heard this word, he still thought it was quite strange, and stretched out his hand to lightly stroke Fan Xiaopang's shoulder, signaling her to calm down and not be afraid.

The heart of defense is indispensable, but he has the heart of harming others.

Don't talk about martial arts?

In this respect, he is the ancestor~
If you want to fight, you have to fight in the ring, at the door. The Muay Thai Council can't afford to lose this person.

And really think that more people are useful?

This kid Da Pao is probably looking forward to these people not talking about martial arts and gang fights right now, and he is ready to make a move.


Good angle!Great shot!
Standing straight and straight, Bai Anliang is surrounded by beauties, looking forward to brilliance, even if he is facing a group of people from the Muay Thai Council, he still has a calm demeanor.
Coincidentally, half a beam of light came in, not much, and it felt like it was shining on Bai Anliang's half body, not to mention the atmosphere.

Of course, a handsome guy needs an ugly beep to set off.

Although the muay thai coaches were not so ugly, regardless of their body shape or face, in Bai Anliang's case, they could only be used as a background board for foil.

Ah Shui is really professional, although he is just a paparazzi.

He felt that even if he only gave this photo to Bai Anliang today, it would be regarded as a successful completion of the task, and he could happily receive the reward.

The best thing about this composition is that he perfectly avoided the "human weapon" of the cannon.

Hey, I didn't get a picture of him.

It's too stealthy to include "Human Bear" in it, and it's inappropriate.

The next day, many media in Hong Kong joined in the fun, and it started~
"Baiwumen Comes Again! "

"Direct to Hong Kong Muay Thai Council"

"Brother Baiwumen appeared in the Muay Thai Council"

"The Rivers and Lakes Resurrected"


Of course, the above are more serious titles, and there are more serious ones.

People who eat melons can always trust the imagination and ability of Xiangjiang media to create words.

As for the photo taken by Ah Shui, to be honest, Bai Anliang was a little embarrassed.

After paying Ah Shui, he even found someone to sell the photo for a lot of money.

Hmm. Much more than the money given to Ah Shui.

Xiangjiang media obviously likes a star like him who can make trouble. You know, the Cantonese version of "No. The media, they will come to the door by themselves like sharks that smell blood.

Obviously, Ah Shui's photo was really well taken and appeared in many newspapers.

Bai Anliang felt a little sorry, and asked Da Pao to wrap him another red envelope.

In the end, the little paparazzi was very moved, "Brother, there will be mountains of swords and seas of fire in the future!"

Bai Anliang:
As for his appointment with the Muay Thai Council, it was not as intense as the people who eat melons imagined.

In fact, all the smell of gunpowder is basically only the wave at the front desk.

After "confrontation" for a while, he was invited in for tea.

Really drink tea.

Then I chatted happily with Li Yutian, the chairman of the council.
Fan Xiaopang, who was always by his side, was overwhelmed by the speed at which the plot changed.

Are you here to kick the gym?
Why are you so polite when everyone comes to kick the gym?
Not only was the other party polite, but Bai Anliang didn't act too arrogant and domineering, and chatted with him with a smile.

Later, I don't know what the two of them chatted in private, but in the end, the chairman of the council, Li Yutian, sent it to Bai Anliang himself, giving him enough credit.

He's here to kick the gym?Don't you always find someone to beat him up? !

"Huh? You seem to want me to be beaten up?"

In Fan Xiaopang Xiangjiang's residence, Bai Anliang was lying on the water bed enjoying the essential oil spa. Hearing the murmurs behind him, he turned around and asked with some amusement.

"Oh, I accidentally said that right, I just hope you will be beaten up, you are so dragged all day long, you deserve a beating!" Fan Xiaopang was not afraid of him, although he kept moving his hands, he walked along Bai Anliang's back. Gently rubbing the muscle lines, but the mouth is not at all disadvantaged.

"Drag? Is it illegal to drag?"

"It's not illegal, but it really deserves a beating."

"There are many people who think like you, and many people have tried."

"The results of it?"

"I can still pull like this, that's the result~"

"Cut, you are amazing. You will be beaten sooner or later." After Fan Xiaopang finished moaning, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity, "The chairman of the council, why is he so polite to you?"

"What is the chairman of the council? He just took over the Muay Thai council this year." Bai Anliang shook his head, "Do you know what this guy used to do?"

"Uh, he can't be an actor, right?" Fan Xiaopang recalled the tall, thin, handsome middle-aged handsome guy, and made a random guess.

"Fart, he used to be one of the five tigers and ten elites in Xinyi, the backbone elite of the club. In recent years, he seems to have gone to partner with others to engage in gambling boats to make money."


To be honest, Fan Xiaopang never expected to hear such an answer.

Mixed club?

This is the first time she has met a so-called community person after she has been in Xiangjiang for so long.

Of course, this refers to the club bosses, not the kind of little Karami that can be found all over the street.

"Is it different from what you imagined?"

"It's really different, he looks like that kind of business boss."

"That's right. He also went abroad to study. He belongs to the kind of powerful person who can read and write. But in the [-]s, it was considered a golden basin to wash his hands. Now he doesn't even engage in gambling. I guess he wants to Clean it up completely."

"That." Fan Xiaopang stretched out his hand and poked Bai Anliang's back, "Society boss, aren't you afraid?"

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

"Why do you think I should be afraid?"

"That's all I'm asking, I know you're amazing"

"You press it carefully, I will let you see something more powerful later."


Let's not talk about what is "more powerful".

The chairman of the Muay Thai Council is definitely considered a highly educated, good-looking, and skilled boss who is rare in the underworld.

Nima, Bai Anliang is a bit worse than him, because he has no academic qualifications, so he has to find a university to get a good grade, get a name from a prestigious school or something.

Of course, Bai Anliang didn't pay much attention to what this person was doing before.

Mixed club?

What he is least afraid of is the gangsters.

These Karamis should be afraid of him
It's just that Bai Anliang didn't expect that his "kicking" this time would be so smooth.

The other party directly agreed to Baiwumen's request for "discussion".

Moreover, he also offered to make it bigger if he wanted to.

Find a ring, find a few reporters?This will not work!
Let's warm up in advance, play the ring in a serious manner, and then invite a bunch of Hong Kong celebrities to watch the game. Of course, tickets must be sold!
For the tickets in the front row, find some scalpers to stir fry, and get a sky-high price of tens of thousands
By the way, the weighing ceremony, pre-match talk, we all must!
The dog is still holding Bai Anliang's hand, saying nonsense like "I've been waiting for you for a long time".

Bai Anliang suspected that he wasn't joking. Maybe this person really set his sights on him and his Baiwumen when he took care of Xiangjiang Wulin.

But it was just what he wanted!
It would be great if we could go big.

Of course, the popularity of Baiwumen is not so easy to catch. After chatting with the other party for so long, it is mainly about the issue of profit sharing.

Don't care who the big guy is, when it comes to talking about money. Well~ how should I put it, it's not much different from a vegetable vendor in the vegetable market.

"My vegetables are very fresh, they just arrived this morning!", "It's really not expensive to sell you so much, I'm losing money!", "Do you want to buy it? It's fine if you don't buy it, I don't have to worry about selling this vegetable ", "Okay, okay, since you really want it, let's take a step back. One yuan and five catties, really can't be less.", "."

The above conversation, changing the terms and the amount, is almost the same as the chat between Bai Anliang and Li Yutian.

It's really impossible to say this without closing the door.

This was also the reason why Fan Xiaopang was dismissed at that time.

Bai Anliang has a good image in front of her except for his poor image, so why let her see this bargaining face~
As for the final result, Bai Anliang accounted for [-]% of the group arena advertising fees, tickets and other benefits.

This is based on the fact that the other party is responsible for funding and making connections to hold this group arena.

People have to pay for it seriously, and it's normal to take up the bulk.

And the other side promised that they would invite top muay thai masters over. Whether they want to play a friendly match is another matter.

It depends on whether Bai Anliang will play or not.

Yes, a top Muay Thai master like Buakaw, or simply Buakaw himself.

How could such a top fighter fight against Bai Anliang's junior?

Even if it was an exhibition match, Bai Anliang was the only one who could fight against him in Baiwumen, the other juniors were not qualified.

The reason why he can play is also because he is a star and has a reputation bonus.

It's so real.

As for whether to fight in person with a star muay thai fighter, Bai Anliang hadn't made up his mind yet.

In other words, he was still whetting Li Yutian's appetite.

No hurry, no hurry~——
Two chapters in one, no more chapters.

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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