This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 149 I Feel Like I'm Already King Zhou

Chapter 149 I Feel Like I'm Already King Zhou
"Jingle Bell~Jingling Bell~"

"Hey, your phone is ringing."

"Help me pick it up."

"My hands are full of oil, how can I help you hold your phone?" Fan Xiaopang complained.

I just bought a water bed and put it at home, but before I could use it, I was discovered by Bai Anliang.

Before that, she actually didn't know that the water bed had such a purpose.
As for why she has essential oils in her home, let alone, it is her cosmetic essential oils, which are very expensive!
As a result, today I just ruined half a bottle and wiped it all on Bai Anliang's body. Then it rubbed off from his body to her own body, it was so slippery, she felt like a fish right now~
But let alone, the muscles on this "savage" seem to be more... sexy after being oiled.

Fan Xiaopang didn't know why he used the word "sexy", so it suddenly popped up in his head.

"That's right~ I'll get it. Hey, don't go, it's right here."

"I can't hold it anymore, do you really think of me as a technician?"

"No, this time I will press it for you"

Bai Anliang picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, only to find that it was actually Wu Jing calling.

He was about to hang up directly, but seeing Fan Xiaopang lying happily on the water bed waiting for "service", he suddenly had a bad idea.

While picking up the phone, he reached out to touch Fan Xiaopang's heel, and then started all the way from his heel.
"Hey, what's the matter?"

Wu Jing: "Brother Liang, did you go to the Muay Thai Council to kick the gym?! It's such a big deal. Why didn't you bring me along!"

Wu Jing's tone on the other end of the phone seemed very regretful, regretting that he had not been able to witness Bai Anliang's kick-off trip with his own eyes.

"Take you? What's the use of taking you?"

"It's good to be strong and powerful! Those who practice Muay Thai are really good at fighting, but Brother Liang, you dare to come to the gym with a girl. This courage is really scary!"

"Nowadays is a society ruled by law. It's actually the same to kill one hundred people and one. I'm not a society that throws things at me."

While talking to Wu Jing, Bai Anliang squinted his eyes and "massaged" Fan Xiaopang.

Obviously, his massage technique made this girl feel a little bit... unbearable.

Hao Xuan didn't hum.

But listening to the bastard's voice on the phone behind her, she tried her best to suppress the moan back into her throat.

It's so frustrating!

Especially. This essential oil is too silky when applied on her body. It makes her feel a little unbearable, and the feeling of enduring it is even more uncomfortable.

It's like there are ants crawling in my heart
Simply put, I'm bored~
In the end, the bastard Bai Anliang didn't know why it took so long to make a call.

Men talk to men on the phone, why do they chatter?
In fact, Wu Jing on the other end of the phone was also a little strange.

There seems to be something wrong with Bai Anliang today. Usually the two of them call on the phone, basically Bai Anliang is too lazy to chat with him.

Generally speaking, if there is anything to do, just say something, and if there is nothing to do, get out.

But today Bai Anliang seems to be extra patient
Wu Jing: There is a problem!

But obviously, Fan Xiaopang is also very human, and his ability to endure is quite remarkable.

This phone call lasted about seven or eight minutes, but Wu Jing was stunned to hear what was wrong, and the final topic ended with "we must call him when we are in the ring".

Almost at the moment Bai Anliang hung up the phone, an extremely charming voice filled the entire room.
"Bai Anliang, you bastard."

"Stop scolding, don't scold, eat something~ replenish your strength." Bai Anliang looked at Fan Xiaopang who came out of the bathroom with a smile, and showed her the bag in his hand.

After scolding Bai Anliang every day, Fan Xiaopang asked curiously while wiping his hair with a towel, "What is it?"

"Hmm puffs, the kind you sell downstairs, the kind with grout."

"Gruut? Creamy?"

"Almost, I don't like this kind of snack very much, it's too sweet."

"That one tastes good, give me one."

But just as Fan Xiaopang began to taste the small desserts happily, Bai Anliang stared at those puffs in a daze.

"What are you looking at?"

"Oh, I just think it looks a little familiar."

"Have you eaten this puff?"

"No, I just think the shape of this thing looks familiar"

"Ah? Isn't this just an ordinary puff shape." Fan Xiaopang was a little puzzled.

But she soon felt that something was wrong, Bai Anliang had never been able to spit out ivory from a dog's mouth, and he definitely wouldn't hold back any good farts this time!It is definitely the color stalk of Xiasanlu again!

A slap, firmly on his back, leaving a small handprint.

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

"What are you doing?"

Fan Xiaopang happily ate puffs, and said, "Anyway, I'm going to beat you up after you finish speaking, so I might as well beat you up first, it's the same."

ah this~
This woman really fits him very well.

Now I can predict what he will do~
The coquettish words that had already reached their lips were not uttered in the end. After all, people had already "prejudged" it, and it was estimated that it would have no effect.

Forget it, save it for next time.

However, Fan Xiaopang doesn't just have this "pungent" side.

After taking a bath and eating dessert to replenish her strength, she curled up in Bai Anliang's arms like a kitten, watching TV with him, and now she became gentle again.

"By the way, how long have you been in Xiangjiang this time?"

"I'll stay here with you."

The donkey's lips didn't match the horse's mouth, and they asked and answered, but both of them seemed to understand each other's meaning.

Completely barrier-free communication.

"Then when we are free later, should we go around Xiangjiang together and find a place to play?"


Oh, so straightforward~
It was very rare that a girlish shyness actually appeared on her face, she bit her lip lightly, and nodded slightly.

"It's okay. This time I came here mainly for filming, but that one is not very busy. I'm not the leading actor. Let me find an interesting place to take you to play."

"Where are you going?" Fan Xiaopang asked with a smile on his face.

But when Bai Anliang finished the next sentence, the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

"Can the court on the Xiangjiang side listen in?"

". Court?"

"That's right, it's the 21st century, who still plays regular dating events?" Bai Anliang said seriously, "Coffee, parks, and movie theaters are all dating methods of the last century."

"Who's going on a court date?!" Fan Xiaopang asked anxiously.

"How wonderful, there is air conditioning, free unlimited refills of boiling water, and the plot, which is more exciting than TV dramas, and you can learn legal knowledge."


"If we are in the Mainland, if we want to watch criminal cases, we can choose the Intermediate People's Court, where we can immerse ourselves in watching blockbuster movies about police and gangsters; Everything."

"The most important thing! The most important thing about going to court is the mysterious and strange sense of ritual!"

Listening to Bai Anliang's lecture, Fan Xiaopang rolled his eyes to the sky.

But to be honest, there is really a little bit of interest
Looking at her expression, Bai Anliang knew that this unconventional collision of thoughts when he first asked for an invitation, and the drama it produced, were coming.

However, Fan Xiaopang still raised the last question, "Dating in court feels like divorce."

"In the auditorium of the court, no one can predict what kind of stories and characters will be encountered, and what kind of impact on three views will be encountered"

I believe in your evil!

Is this person really a martial artist?Not a MLM background?

It's so fooling!
But... she still likes it very much.

The two of them really got along very well, almost all the flirty words and ideas that Bai Anliang could come up with, probably only Fan Xiaopang could cooperate with them all, and even enjoyed it as much as he did.

Even if it is something that looks a little bit exciting or perverted
"Come on, little chubby fox, eat grapes~"

"You can call me Little Fox, and I'll take it as a pet name, but can you not add that fat word, I've really lost a lot of weight now!"

To be honest, Fan Xiaopang quite liked the name Little Fox.

Of course she didn't know that Bai Anliang actually called classmate Yang Mi that way.
It doesn't matter if multiple girls share a pet name, since they won't communicate about it in private anyway.

After being called a little fox, Fan Xiaopang was eager to perform and gave Bai Anliang a part, "King."

This bitch!Is it so natural to play this kind of role? !
Not to mention, she has a strong sense of substitution as Daji.

Bai Anliang: Very good, I feel like I am now King Zhou~
"Little pets need to be fat to look good. Do you have a cat?"

"My lord, I'm going to raise a puppy. Do you have a cat?"

Talking about pets, Fan Xiaopang's eyes seemed to light up, girls, who doesn't like furry pets~
"That's right, I didn't bring them here this time. By the way, shouldn't pets be neutered?" Bai Anliang narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of this.

At this moment, the little tiger who was sleeping on Qin Lan's lap in Yanjing suddenly shivered and felt a cold in his crotch.

"Uh, it feels so cruel, but I heard that sterilization has many benefits"

Bai Anliang thought for a while, "I don't really understand, why don't you call the pet hospital and ask~"

"Are you going to fight now? Your Majesty~"

At this time, the title of "big king" from time to time really made Bai Anliang a little numb.

Embarrassed and exciting!

"Just in time"

Bai Anliang really took out his mobile phone, searched for the number of the nearby pet hospital, and dialed it hands-free.

Fan Xiaopang frowned slightly curiously, why did she feel that this guy was doing tricks again?

"Hello, this is XX Pet Hospital."

"Hi, hello, I'm here for consultation. My pet has been in heat for the past two days. It's always pouting, grunting, and making some strange noises. It doesn't look right with people's eyes. This Is this normal?"

"If this is the case, it's best to take it to the hospital to have a look. How old is it?"

"How old? 23 years old."

"Ah? 23 years old?! Do you have a dog or a cat?"

"It's a fox~"

When he heard this, Fan Xiaopang didn't know what bastard Bai Anliang was doing, his eyes widened, his fists were clenched, and he stared at him, but he didn't dare to speak for fear of being overheard.

I can only mouth to him: You are going to die!

But Bai Anliang just winked at her and made a troublesome gesture.

Fan Xiaopang: I will cooperate with you big head ghost!

"A fox?! This kind of pet is relatively rare, but foxes are also canids, which should be similar to dogs, but they are still in heat at such an age. It may be due to a physical problem. To be safe, it is best to check and have them neutered. "

"That's it~" Bai Anliang nodded and raised his eyebrows at Fan Xiaopang.

"Yes sir, when do you have time to come over?"

"Ah, wait a moment, I'll ask her. Um, do you want to be sterilized?"

Fan Xiaopang:
There are quite a lot of choices in front of her~
Normally, it would be best to just hang up this broken phone for Bai Anliang, or tell him to stop joking, the effect will be the same.

But by a strange coincidence, Fan Xiaopang groaned.

It was probably a sound like "嘤嘤嘤", and said delicately, "My lord, I don't want to be sterilized."

"That's it." Bai Anliang suppressed a smile, and said to the phone, "Sorry, she doesn't want to go."

On the other end of the phone, there has been silence since "King."

After ten seconds of silence, hang up!

The moment the phone was hung up, Fan Xiaopang jumped up, jumped on the spot and threw himself on Bai Anliang, "I'll fight with you!"

"Hey, hey, you just took the initiative to cooperate."

When he said this, Fan Xiaopang couldn't hold back even more, and his face seemed to be burning.

"I'll kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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