This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 151 A disagreement, the self-destruct truck

Chapter 151 A disagreement, self-destruct truck

Bai Anliang weighed the weightless prop dagger, then looked at Wu Jing who was eager to try, "Are you ready?"

"All right!"

At this time, Ye Weixin had people silently adjust the angle of the camera, ready to save the tidbits.

Wu Jing is the national champion, and he is also an expert in weapons.

In the eyes of everyone, these two people should also be fighting for each other.

The result is
Bai Anliang strode close, the speed was so fast that Wu Jing didn't even have time to react, he felt that he was going to touch his face, so he quickly raised the stick and slammed it down. In a hurry, he slammed it on Bai Anliang's forehead!

Then, he stretched too much, Bai Anliang shifted his body a little bit, dodged the first hit of the iron rod, and then turned around and slashed Wu Jing's wrist with a knife.

However, it was a plastic prop after all, and Wu Jing was stabbed at the wrist. Wu Jing didn't lose the consciousness of the stick immediately, and wanted to continue to "resist".

But before he could make the second move, he was stabbed in the neck again.

"You swing the stick so high, are you dreaming?" Bai Anliang said casually after throwing the dagger to Wu Jing.

Murder will be punished!
Surprisingly Wu was dumbfounded, no. What?This is the end?

two strokes? !

"Do you want to come again?" Bai Anliang knew that this guy was not convinced, after all, he used props.

If he used a real guy, he would have no chance to be unconvinced.

As a result, Wu Jing shook his head, a little embarrassed, "This time, I will use a dagger~"

The horse rider, the bushy-eyed one, is quite cunning.

But let alone, Wu Jing learned really fast!
After exchanging weapons and fighting again, the method used by this guy is almost exactly the same as Bai Anliang's action just now.

But it's a pity that Bai Anliang didn't hit it with a stick like him, but straightened it.

Wu Jing squatted on the ground in pain, covering his ribs with his hands, and gasping for air.

"A stick is longer than a dagger. A longer stick would actually be better. It's much more useful for hitting people than rounding it up."

Forehand and backhand Teaching Bureau, Bai Anliang felt comfortable.

"Aren't you injured?" Zhen Zidan, who turned into a "confidant brother" this time, helped Wu Jing up and asked in a considerate manner.

It's just that the schadenfreude in this guy's expression really can't be hidden.

Comfortable, comfortable!

This kid lost much worse than himself!
To be honest, Zhen Zidan had never fought with Bai Anliang before, and he had thought about it before, thinking that he might be able to recover some ground from the weapon gestures.

Looking at it now, Bai Anliang is more ruthless with a weapon than with his bare hands!

Although he didn't have a good relationship with Wu Jing, Zhen Zidan also knew that this kid had practiced martial arts for many years and lost so badly, it wouldn't be much worse if he was replaced.

Immediately dismissed all thoughts of competing with Bai Anliang again.

Unless there is such a thing as drawing a gun and shooting a hot weapon, it is the real equality of all beings!Pull everyone's strength to the same level~
Wu Jing, who had regained his breath, had no choice but to be embarrassed, and directly lifted his vest up, looking at his ribs. It was blue.

"Hey, I didn't use much strength just now, otherwise your ribs must be broken." Bai Anliang said as if he was afraid of being bullied.

Wu Jing smiled wryly and shook his head, "I just didn't expect the gap to be so big."

"In modern society, what you learned is much more useful than what I learned. What you need in filming is to look good."

"A Liang's style. In fact, you can consider playing the kind of ruthless character who kills without blinking an eye. The action just now is too neat, but it is not suitable for use in a one-on-one fight scene. It ends too quickly." Ye Weixin looked at the filming Seriously after the footage came down.

Bai Anliang smiled, "I do have this plan, and the Slaying Wolf series will be developed slowly. I'm going to find a club to play guns in the past two days, and study the combination of close-range killing techniques and firearms."

"I think something is wrong!"

The more Ye Weixin thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was very good
In fact, action scenes and gunfight scenes have always been difficult to confuse.

Even if the two are fused, they usually draw their guns and shoot at each other, and after the bullets are exhausted, they will fight each other with fists.
Is there a style that combines firearm design and close-range combat in a narrow range?
Bai Anliang: Gun. Gun fighting technique?
Although he has the template of "John Wick" in his mind, he is still happy to discuss the gameplay in this aspect with others.

Just like "Ip Man", different people play the same role, and the feeling of acting is different.

Bai Anliang will not intentionally imitate others when filming. That may be more rigid than his own acting based on feeling.

Therefore, no matter whether it is to integrate the "John Wick" series into the IP of "Slaying the Wolf", or make a foreign language film to test the waters in Hollywood, Bai Anliang will make a lot of magical changes to the film.

Moreover, with his skill, it would be a pity not to change it.

Of course, if a film of the style of "John Wick" is to be made into a Mandarin film, the most troublesome thing is to go through the review process.


In the second part, 128 people were killed, but the hit rate dropped to 80.1%.This should be the fastest killing in the whole series so far. In a 122-minute movie, it takes an average of 57 seconds to kill one person.

The third part fired 307 shots, killing 85 lives, 88% hit rate, 130-minute movie length, killing one person every minute and 23 seconds on average.

No matter how you think about it, there is no way to pass the trial in China.
At least they have to be co-produced, right?
Co-productions between the Mainland and Hong Kong are not acceptable, it has to be co-productions between China and the United States.——
"Master Bai is mighty~"

"Shout twice more, I love to hear it."

Facing Fan Xiaopang's teasing, while Bai Anliang accepted everything, he also urged her to do something even more embarrassing.

On the contrary, it made Fan Xiaopang speechless, this person is really not ashamed at all~
"You don't want me to call you king in front of so many people~"

Facing Fan Xiaopang's final "counterattack", Bai Anliang chuckled, "My lord? I dare to answer you calling me master! Little pet~"

This person is so perverted, I still can't make such jokes with him in the future.

Fan Xiaopang straightened his expression quickly, as if he hadn't said anything just now.

Looking up to the alley, the filming of the fighting scene has already started, and Zhen Zidan directly broke the first stick!Wu grinned in pain.

If he saw this kind of scene in filming before, Fan Xiaopang would definitely be taken aback, at least his eyes would be wide open.

But now, after glancing at the exceptionally calm Bai Anliang, she seems to think that's it?Did you not eat?Beat him!

Wu Jing: The stick is broken!

He said that if he and Zhen Zidan switch roles, he will let the other party know what cruelty is!

But there is no way, the plot of this scene is that he has never been beaten before, and was blasted with a stick.
Fortunately, it was not the kind of one-sided battle, but a back and forth fight, and finally lost. But that's where the bad is!

Hitting back and forth, it hurts too much!

Although everyone's hands are props, not real ones, but it is obvious that the other party's props and sticks do much more damage than the broken dagger in his hand.

It really hurts to interrupt abruptly~
Especially when it was whipped on the ribs. There is still an "old injury" where Bai Anliang hit it with a stick just now~
But how should I put it, Wu Jing is very resistant.

Even though it was painful, he didn't shrink back and gasp in pain like he was beaten by Bai Anliang before.

Asking is to save face.

Asking again and again means that he only accepts that he was beaten like that by Bai Anliang, others, no!

Especially Zhen Zidan, he must not be half a head weaker in front of him.

Sometimes, a man's competitiveness is really a strange thing.


While Bai Anliang was enjoying Wu Jing's violent beating, Fan Xiaopang continued the previous topic again.

But this time she didn't try to keep her secret, but said directly, "There is still more than a year left, and I'm going to leave Huayi. You have to cover me."

"Me?" Bai Anliang pointed to his nose in surprise, a little incredulous.

Because to be honest, he doesn't think he's up to that level yet.
He is very good at fighting, and his juniors are also very good at fighting, then what?

In Xiangjiang, there are problems left over from history, and the effect of being able to fight this can be greatly magnified.

But in the mainland, if he still relies on his ability to fight for a living, it won't be long before he encounters a round of crackdowns, and he may have to go in.
However, Fan Xiaopang nodded straightforwardly, "Yes, of course it's you, otherwise who would I find as a backer? You certainly don't want me to sleep with some old man~"

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

This neon flower girl, take a look~
"Your words sound a bit like a threat."

"How did I threaten you?"

"You said you were going to sleep with an old man~" Bai Anliang rubbed his chin and said, "Why don't you find someone rich enough to take care of you, and you take care of me? Cub. Well, stop joking, the more you talk, the more perverted you will be."

Fan Xiaopang looked at him sideways, his eyes seemed to say: Do you still know that you are a pervert?

However, when she heard Bai Anliang's words, she was a little curious, "You want to have a baby at such a young age?"

"Ang~ Do you want to have a baby? We can cooperate on this project. The child born will have your surname, and the father will keep the child. I will focus on participation."

"My surname? Is your surname Fan?" Fan Xiaopang waved his hand, "I don't like children. My younger brother is four years old this year. I hate it so much."

"Your brother? What's his name? Let me guess. His name should be similar to yours. It's all overlapping characters, right?"

"You really guessed it right. Oh, where did it go? Who wants to have a baby with you? How old am I? Anyway, when my contract with Huayi expires, I plan to open a studio by myself. You come to buy shares, can you be affiliated with your company?"

"Participation? No money~" Bai Anliang spread his hands.

There is no interest in investing in shares, but it is possible to invest in shares without paying money, just "contribute".

Fan Xiaopang was in a hurry, "I'm already famous now, and letting you buy shares is to give you an advantage! I do a lot of commercials and make a lot of money."

"I really don't have any money. I used all the money to invest in projects. The film and television industry pays back very slowly~" Bai Anliang thought for a while, "Hey, you have a lot of commercial performances, so you must have made a lot of money, so you can borrow it first." Give me a sum of money, I will become a shareholder of your studio when the time comes, and when the dividends are earned, how about I return it to you?"

Fan Xiaopang was startled, how shameless is this person to say such a thing?

Empty glove white wolf?
Wrong, more than that, he doesn't want to give out the money, but he wants the shares, even if he wants to sleep, if he really does this, it means that she is posting to Bai Anliang, helping him make money and warming his bed, and the other party doesn't have to give anything .
I really get angrier the more I think about it!Angry to the gallbladder!
".I'll find a reporter tomorrow and say that you are my godfather and that I have an illegitimate child with you."

If you don't agree with each other, you will explode the truck!

Bai Anliang was overjoyed, "Godfather can be a nonsense, what about illegitimate children? Why don't you borrow a child?"

"I have a younger brother, so I'll just borrow it from him."

Fan Xiaopang gave Bai Anliang a vivid interpretation of how much damage a female celebrity can cause when she enters a state of "crazy criticism" and starts talking nonsense.

Even if Bai Anliang knew that she was just scaring people and talking nonsense, but thinking about this scene a little bit, it was more or less scary.

Cherish life and stay away from crazy critics!
"Don't take it seriously, I'm joking with you!" Seeing Bai Anliang's expression, Fan Xiaopang burst out laughing, and quickly comforted him.

Bai Anliang sighed, "You're good enough, let's talk about buying shares."

It's definitely not a loss to invest in Fan Xiaopang's studio. Well, it's not just a loss, it's a real profit.

This girl is famous for being able to make money in domestic entertainment, and she is also a desperate Sanniang type of female artist, with a frighteningly high attendance rate.

And now she is just at the stage where her career is booming. If it weren't for Huayi and Wang Jinghua's shit, where would she have the time to accompany Bai Anliang wandering around Xiangjiang, and she was appointed to work on filming.

Regardless of whether it was Wang Jinghua or Huayi, they definitely wanted to continue signing Fan Xiaopang, whose contract was about to expire, but now her parents were divorced, and no one wanted to marry her.

It's a bit like the neon specialty "God Treats a Girl", which looks like it wants to be "picked home" by Bai Anliang.

Of course, what I say now is actually just words.

Fan Xiaopang's contract still has more than a year to expire, and she has to take it slowly.

It is estimated that regardless of whether it is Huayi or Wang Jinghua, they will have to negotiate with her in various ways. Based on her current thinking, it must be the two of the two that cannot be negotiated. At least one of them will severely punish her.

In the entertainment industry, one cannot underestimate the integrity of some people.

Making black news, spreading rumors, breaking news... Obviously, in a few months, Fan Xiaopang will usher in the "darkest moment".

This is probably also the reason why she hurriedly said "hug his thigh" to Bai Anliang.

After she made the decision to fly solo, she also expected it!
So, where in the world are there so many free lunches.

Everyone is big Tiantian?
That's impossible.

Obviously, if Bai Anliang really wants to seize Fan Xiaopang's cash cow, he can't rely on his waist alone. When talking about money and interests, don't talk about feelings. This is the basic principle.

This bitch said she was pitiful, but she actually dug a hole for Bai Anliang~
No matter how perverted his words are, all kinds of non-martial arts should be white, but if Bai Anliang really agrees, how can he sit idly by when Fan Xiaopang is completely blacked out?
Look at the essence through appearances. Bai Anliang, who "does not talk about martial arts", is actually a very humane man.

Fan Xiaopang is very sure!
This is the real "backer" she is looking for.

As for why so sure?
Hmm. Even guessing, plus a woman's magical sixth sense.

Of course, the main reason is not to give Bai Anliang a "reason" to sit idly by.

If he is really not interested in taking a stake in the studio, he will just think about making movies.
Master Bai, do you want a girlfriend?
You don't even need to open your mouth, I'll go buy a ring myself, and take the initiative to chase after it.


When Bai Anliang's expression started to look a little half-smile, Fan Xiaopang's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"What's interesting?"

"Before your contract expires, you are mine." Bai Anliang took a deep look at her, and said that he would accept all her tricks.

"I'm yours now!" Fan Xiaopang shook his spirits, smiled at him, and said with a pun.
Wu Jing was sent to the hospital by Zhen Zidan.

This is an exaggeration.

In fact, it was Ye Xuan who felt sorry for her boyfriend, dragged him to the hospital for a good examination, and then forced him to recuperate for two days.
Anyway, Wu Jing himself was quite happy, smiling like a fool.

The two really became a couple so quickly, but Bai Anliang didn't expect it.

What he didn't even expect was that Wu Jing, that bastard, hid in the hospital for a sweet time, so he wouldn't be lazy.

The filming plan changed again, Ye Weixin and Zhen Zidan took turns bombarding him with phone calls, begging him to come to the filming crew
It made people quite embarrassed, logically speaking, it was his obligation for Bai Anliang to come to the crew to film, and he received the salary and share.

But no one thought there was anything wrong.
All in all, he finally entered the filming group.

The villain in the first part of "Slaying the Wolf" is a gangster named Wang Bao.

For Bai Anliang, the difficulty of acting is not very high, at least not as difficult as Ye Wen's acting.

It's just that when he stood with Zhen Zidan, the problem came!

Is Bai Anliang, who is well-dressed, with his hair combed meticulously, and tall and straight, more like a villain, or Zhen Zidan, who wears a leather jacket and jeans and looks full of hostility at first glance, is more like a villain?
Anyway, Ye Weixin really has no way to say that Bai Anliang is like a villain against his will
He even felt that if Bai Anliang's dressing style could still be said to be a mafia boss with a relatively high standard, such as the godfather.

That Zhen Zidan was foiled by him, he looked a bit like a street gangster.
He even felt that if Bai Anliang was killed in the final plot, the audience might be disappointed~
"No, Ah Liang, you are too handsome." Ye Weixin discovered the blind spot, and that was the problem!
The difference in appearance between these two people is too big.

Logically speaking, Wu Jing also has this kind of problem, his harmless baby face is far more upright than Zhen Zidan.

Fortunately, before filming, Wu Jing had already dyed his hair yellow, and his clothes were a bit non-mainstream, so he could hardly be said to be a good person.

When it comes to death like this, Bai Anliang is both righteous and evil. It's okay to be handsome and scumbag. If he finds someone as handsome as him to play the leading role, it will be considered as a benefit to the audience.

But the Wu Yan group and the big brother Cheng can complement each other, that's because the big brother Cheng walks in a funny way, and the audience is too familiar with that face, so they don't think there is anything wrong, this person must be decent.

But Zhen Zidan is really not popular with the audience.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang only showed his face once when he was filming "Dragon Tiger Gate", and he wore a mask for the rest of the time, otherwise the scene would have collapsed.

"Is it my fault for being handsome?" Bai Anliang spread his hands, as if innocently said.

"Of course I don't blame you for being handsome, but it's too stealthy, Miss Fan, look at the two of them standing together, who looks like a bad guy and who looks like a good guy?"

Fan Xiaopang was taken aback by the sudden question, "Ah him."

She was quite sensible, and after she finished speaking, she made an apologetic gesture to Zhen Zidan with a little embarrassment.

Zhen Zidan wouldn't bother with her about this, but she was a little depressed. What should I do?
"Is there any way to make you look a little bit worse...or more like a villain~"

Ye Weixin started to think of a way, he pulled Bai Anliang and the whole script writing team to discuss it
Now the core of the main story of Slaying the Wolf is actually brotherhood.

This is the most typical male drama, and there is almost no room for female characters to play.

Regardless of whether it is the friendship between Ma Jun, the hero who represents the police, and other policemen, or the friendship between brothers headed by Wang Bao, these are connected into a thread, forming the context of the whole story.

It can be regarded as having some discussions about human nature, so that this movie will not be so superficial.

Wu Jing, who was originally a killer, is actually Bai Anliang's younger brother in this drama, and there is another character as well.

In the final decisive battle, Wang Bao's younger brother and cronies all died, and Ma Jun's boss and colleagues also suffered heavy casualties. The two men who had almost nothing and were full of anger fought desperately when there was no way to retreat.

Of course, justice must eventually defeat evil, because it was agreed in advance that Bai Anliang's requirement for playing the anti-number one is not to lose, so Ma Jun in the play cannot beat Wang Bao.

In the end, Wang Bao was killed with a gun
"The background setting of the character Wang Bao is a Chinese fleeing from Southeast Asia to Xiangjiang, with his younger brother. This person has endured hardships. Although he is now bright and beautiful, we can also add a little earthy flavor to him."


Following the analysis of the characters, Ye Weixin felt that he still didn't have a good idea.

If it doesn't work, then you can only think of a way in terms of styling.

Give Bai Anliang some tattoos or something
It's just that at this moment, Bai Wu, one of the screenwriters in the group, suddenly thought of something, "Brother, this story is actually related to us"

Bai Anliang looked up at him, and Bai Wu immediately shut up, but he still said a little embarrassingly, "I remember you once smoked in an ice room, brother."

"Ah! You said that~ You can definitely try it."

The "encrypted conversation" between these two people was a little stunned for others to hear.

what does it mean?

You might as well speak more clearly.

Bai Anliang thought for a while, "Forget it, I don't want to wear a suit anymore, just wear a simple white shirt."

"White shirt, isn't that more expensive?" Ye Weixin was a little puzzled, still a white shirt?Just wearing that, it's like riding a horse to film an idol drama.

Shall I give you another guitar?
As soon as Bai Anliang took off his coat, he also pulled off his tie, so that he would not be so upright, and waved at the same time, "Give me a cigarette."

Ye Weixin looked strange, but he still found a cigarette for Bai Anliang.

However, from this moment on, Bai Anliang stopped talking.

He took the cigarette, tapped it on the table, and took off the filter slowly.

Immediately afterwards, under the strange eyes of everyone, he held the cigarette backwards and lit it.
A pinch of flames sprang up suddenly from the cigarette butt without the filter tip, reflecting his expressionless face at the moment, flickering on and off.

There were no too many words, and no bloody scenes. A depressive and gloomy aura spread with the curling cigarettes.

At some point, there was suddenly no sound on the set.

Many people stared blankly at Bai Anliang smoking in reverse, some even swallowed uncontrollably.

Such a thing as the aura seems to really exist.

Ye Weixin was dumbfounded. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought it was nonsense.

In fact, he is quite clear about Bai Anliang's acting skills.

It's not particularly bad, but it's definitely not that good either. It's hard not to play, and it can give some surprises when it explodes occasionally, but that's it.

But today, he suddenly began to suspect, was this guy playing himself before?
Depressed, gloomy, violent.
Ye Weixin suddenly felt that if this drama was changed again, maybe it could win an award?
The premise is that Bai Anliang maintains this level of acting skills!

He's definitely betting his career on getting him best supporting actor or something.

You can try the Golden Horse and Golden Statue!

(End of this chapter)

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