This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 152 I Want To Learn, I'll Teach You

Chapter 152 Want to learn, let me teach you~
Reverse smoking is not a ruthless person, but a patient!
Both are pretty creepy.

This kind of operation, of course, Bai Anliang is not original, but he is actually learning from others.

But he didn't learn it from a Saozhu anchor, but from a future web drama.

Reverse smoking Lee Toyota.

In fact, before filter cigarettes became popular, many old smokers would feel that they were not “vigorous enough” and would pull out the filter and smoke.

At that time, most of the old smokers were still smoking dry tobacco, that is, the tobacco leaves they grew by themselves, and then stuffed into the dry tobacco rods to smoke, they would definitely choke to death.

Remove the filter, just for the sake of strength!
This way of smoking, on the one hand, can properly show the character of Wang Bao's ruthless, cold, and desperado, on the other hand, it can also be regarded as pointing out the background of his climbing from the bottom to his current position.

From the visual effect point of view, the reverse smoking is brighter, like holding a fire.

In the dark, lighting the fire from below can directly highlight the ferocious expression, the contours and lines are more prominent, more rigid, and the image is more ruthless and vicious.

This kind of light and shadow from bottom to top effectively expresses the bad guy's temperament.

It's just that, similar to this kind of "advanced" acting method, Bai Anliang's mastery is not particularly mastery.

The reason why he is so smooth in this move is purely because he has done it before.

Acting needs character design, and reality needs it even more.

When he first came to Xiangjiang to hang out, Bai Anliang led his juniors to face the troublemakers, and he used this trick to leave a deep impression on them.

The smaller the sound, the bigger the aura.

Or reverse smoking.
Of these two moves, Bai Anliang still feels that the latter move is more reliable.

The former is easy to make people think that their vocal cords are at home.

And the latter combined with the physical beating, the sourness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Art comes from life!

After smoking a cigarette, Bai Anliang looked at Ye Weixin, intending to ask him if this state is okay.

It turned out that Ye Weixin was actually distracted.
"Director Ye?"

"Ah? Oh! Ah Liang, your hand is so unique! How did you come up with it?" Ye Weixin suddenly got a little excited.

How to say~
He really wanted to change the script. He changed it severely.

Since Liang Chaowei and Liu Dehua in "Infernal Affairs" can be two male protagonists, there is no reason why "Slaying the Wolf" can't!
Fortunately, Ye Weixin quickly calmed down after the incident. After all, "Slaying the Wolf" is not "Infernal Affairs". Apart from the similarities in fate, the main selling points or cores of the two are completely different.

Zhen Zidan and Bai Anliang can't act like Liang Chaowei and Liu Dehua. How can two warriors compete with two movie kings?Everyone's style of painting is different, okay?

If Bai Anliang and Zhen Zidan had met on the rooftop, they wouldn't have been beeping so much at all.

And you want to be a good person?
Let labor and management beat you to a disability first, and then slowly become a good person!
"I didn't come up with it, I've done it before." Bai Anliang didn't say too much, "You just say it's okay."

"Fine! That's great! This character came alive right away." Of course Ye Weixin would not disagree, and immediately prepared to pull screenwriter Bai Wu and others to change the play.

And it was only at this time that Zhen Zi dawdled forward, with a complicated expression on his face.

How should I put it, the villain's aura is getting stronger and stronger
There is no doubt that it will definitely steal the show.

If it was someone else, he really might not be willing for the other party to join in this kind of scene.

But forget it for Bai Anliang, let's just treat it as a scene from the beginning.

But he didn't understand, buddy, they are all warriors, it's fine if they can't beat you, why do you sneak away?

Thinking about acting?Is this something we warriors should think about?

Then Zhen Zidan said, "You are so amazing!"

Bai Anliang smiled at him, "I want to learn, I'll teach you~"

Ah this!

At this moment, Zhen Zidan really had the feeling that he was the Huoyun evil god who was knocked to the ground by the slap of the Tathagata God, and looked up at Master Xing. It was amazing, and a little touched!


"Come on, order one too~"

Zhen Zidan took the cigarette in a daze, and imitated it, but the result was that his mouth and fingers were burned, and he grinned in pain.

Forget it, I really can’t learn this.

For Bai Anliang, he didn't really pay much attention to the operation of reverse smoking, and he didn't think that adding this scene could do anything.

In his opinion, this movie is a "street product" that can only be seen by mainland audiences through pirated CDs.

That's right, it's a pirated disc.

How many people will buy genuine CDs these days~
He doesn't even buy it himself.
When I was with the girl before, when I occasionally used the DV player to play some exciting movies to cheer up, the discs I took out were all pirated goods bought from small vendors.

Therefore, generally speaking, Bai Anliang really has no pressure, and acting is very relaxing.

However, on the contrary, the number of NGs is much less than when I was filming "Ip Man".

Bai Anliang: Playing a supporting role is cool!Not so demanding.

Ye Weixin: Huh?This bee playing the villain is too smooth
As a director, he suddenly discovered that Bai Anliang seemed to have a natural fit for playing such a cruel and merciless villain.

To be precise, it doesn't have to be a villain, it mainly depends on the personality of the character.

When Bai Anliang played Huoyun Cthulhu in "Dragon Tiger Gate" before, he actually did a good job.

It's just that I was wearing a mask at that time, so it was difficult to see how good my acting skills were. Sometimes I even asked my younger brother who was about the same size as me to act for me.
Overall, it's blinding.

Ye Weixin has always felt that Bai Anliang is purely a martial artist similar to Zhen Zidan. Knowing how to write a screenplay is considered an extra skill point. Basically, he doesn't have much hope for his acting skills, as long as he doesn't act.

But now I find that he seems to have quite a talent for acting in certain types of roles.

In human terms, it may be: Acting in true colors!
Considering Bai Anliang's "schedule problem", Ye Weixin was very cooperative and allowed him to enjoy a wave of big-name treatment. The scenes were shot intensively.

As long as he is on the set, basically his roles are filmed.

The more I shoot, the more I feel that this guy is suitable for playing the role of "Darkness".

Hitman, gangster, thug, undercover.
And as the scenes continue to advance, soon the ultimate decisive battle between Wang Bao and Ma Jun will be ushered in.

This scene is the most quintessential and longest fighting part of the whole play.

It can be said that it is the drama eye of this drama, and the weight is naturally needless to say.

If the alley confrontation between Wu Jing and Zhen Zidan was a battle of short weapons, then this scene is a battle of bare-knuckle modern fighting.

Even though Bai Anliang and Zhen Zidan had sparred many times, the two of them still practiced tricks for a lot of time before filming this scene.

If you don't do it, you can't do it, because Zhen Zi is too ruthless, and you have to mix a lot of real fights in the shooting. If you don't do the tricks in advance, let alone get injured, if you are not careful, you will die or be disabled.

"It's not so exaggerated, is it?"

The person who asked this question was a man with dark skin and a strong figure. The first thing this person said when he came to the crew was "Sawadika".

Tonija, Thailand's No. [-] kung fu superstar, is well-known in Asia.

He is not yet 30 years old this year. In fact, he made his debut very early. In [-], he entered the Thai film and television industry to make movies. Last year, he opened up the kung fu movie market in Asia with "Boxer" and made countless people realize The charm of muay thai.

As the inheritor of ancient Muay Thai, Tony Jia has practiced Muay Thai since he was a child. He almost does not need a stand-in for filming. Shock.

It can be said that this buddy is also one of the rare kung fu actors with strong actual combat ability.

This trip is an invitation.

One is because "Slaying the Wolf 2" sent him a filming invitation, inviting him to come over and chat about this movie.

Of course, they haven't decided to accept this drama yet, let's talk~
In other words, appearing on the set is to measure Wu Jing's ability.

Who made Wu Jing the leading actor in "Slaying the Wolf 2"~
Even though the mainland market is bigger, he still needs to be convincing if he wants to have this newly promoted Thailand's No. [-] kung fu superstar as a partner.

Next, the arena battle between Baiwumen and Muay Thai!

Let's put it this way, it might not be realistic for Bai Anliang to fight Buakaw. After all, the difference in height and weight between the two is quite large. Buakaw has just become famous now, so he might not be willing to take such a risk to fight him.

But if Tuo Nijia is allowed to come on, in terms of body shape, everyone will be about the same.

Bai Anliang is taller and Tuo Ni Jia is stronger, so it's a tie.

Moreover, as the most popular kung fu star in Thailand, he came to fight Bai Anliang, which is naturally full of gimmicks.

Similarly, as a kung fu actor, Tuo Nijia is naturally very interested in this modern fighting scene between Bai Anliang and Zhen Zidan.

But when I heard that life was in danger, I didn't understand it.

How do you two want to fight so that your life is in danger? !

During the first trial shoot, Tonija couldn't take his eyes off.

Picking up the elbow to unload the gun, taking advantage of the trend to push the elbow, jumping down to smash the elbow. Fist, elbow and knee, all four limbs, Bai Anliang is actually using muay thai? !
Zhen Zidan on the opposite side of him even raised his hand in a boxing hug. After a set of combined punches, he hugged his legs without falling down and immediately entered the ground link.
It's a pity that the wrist cross did not take shape, but Zhen Zidan immediately received a triangle twist.

From then on, Tuo Nijia's scalp felt numb.

Bai Anliang directly relied on the strength of his waist and abdomen to lift Zhen Zidan up, just like a bomb fell.
These two people can use elbows and absolutely don't need fists, and they use a lot of tricks, which are forbidden moves in professional arenas.

Of course, it is impossible to play professional games as coherently and entertainingly as the two of them.

Even filming can't be done.

It is also rare to meet good talents when you meet your opponent at chess.

It's just that Tuo Nijia still didn't see where the so-called life-threatening came from the fight between the two.

His filming also has such intensity.

However, when he saw Bai Anliang sweeping towards Zhen Zidan's head with a powerful and smooth Brazilian war dance, he fell silent.
If the strength of this kick is real, I'm afraid his brains will be kicked out!
Really weak?
Similarly, this kick also ended the shooting content of this segment.

Unable to connect, Zhen Zidan was kicked out directly and lay motionless on the mat.

After kicking, Bai Anliang nervously ran to check on Zhen Zidan's condition. He was also afraid!

What if he was kicked to death by the opponent.

Although the opponent blocked with both arms, he still felt as if he kicked to the end
"Take a deep breath, dizziness is normal."

"...I'm fine, thanks to the protective gear on my arm."

After slowing down for a while, Zhen Zidan got up from the mat with lingering fears in his heart.

That kick just now completely shattered all his fantasies.

Even if he used the trick, he knew in his heart that Bai Anliang was going to use that trick, and he also knew that it took him a few rounds to kick the Brazilian Dance Ball, but he still barely blocked it.

Too fast, dizzying.

Reasonably speaking, although the technique of Brazilian war dance has both ornamental and lethal effects, it is actually not so applicable, because it is not very accurate and it is easy to be predicted.

But if he didn't know in advance, this kick would definitely hit him in the head.

will die!Will definitely die!
"How's it going?"

"Maybe a slight concussion was too strong. I couldn't completely block it, and my arm still hit my head." Zhen Zi said with lingering fear.

"Go to the hospital for an examination." Bai Anliang sincerely suggested.

"Okay." Zhen Zidan originally wanted to say "It's okay, let's continue filming", but he felt that this meeting was really not the time to be brave, and his head was really a little dizzy.

Bai Anliang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Zhen Zidan was really fine.

If a horse rider really kicks someone to death, or seriously injures him, things will be troublesome.

Zhen Zidan is the same, he is so arrogant, he said that he will be able to handle it, he will be absolutely fine, and he really believed his evil.

It's a good thing he hasn't used all his strength, otherwise this guy would never be able to stand up straight and speak now.

However, after looking at the replay on the monitor screen, Bai Anliang was quite satisfied, the result was indeed very good.

It is very different from the traditional fighting style, with sharp moves and punches to the flesh.

Hey, is Tuo Nijia here?

Just as Bai Anliang remembered this, he turned his head to look for someone, when he saw Wu Jing standing with Tuo Nijia, chatting with an interpreter.

They seemed to be having a good time chatting.

In fact, the content of the chat between the two
Tuo Nijia: "In that play, the two of us beat one of him?"

Wu Jing: "Yes, yes."

Tuo Nijia: "Do you want to fight like this?"

Wu Jing: ".Really~"

Tonija: "."

How should I put it, he was a little confused.

On the one hand, they found that Bai Anliang was indeed a master. Although he didn't know exactly how high he was, the few moves he showed just now were obviously not ordinary people.

But, are Chinese people so ruthless in filming?The Brazilian war dance with strong kicks is hard to catch? !
Although he is also a martial arts practitioner, he still has to be responsible for his career. If he doesn't catch it, he may have to lie in a hospital bed for the rest of his life.

Of course, generally speaking, he wanted to take on the show.

Just because the filming partner is a master.

Cooperating with such a master to film together, the quality of the film produced will not be too bad.

If it can really open up his popularity in China, it will be very beneficial to his career development.

Of course. We still have to pay attention to a safety first.

You can't mess around like you just did.

On this point, Tuo Nijia said that it will be written in the contract at that time.

And Wu Jing's state of mind at this time is very strange.

He fights with Zhen Zi, he enters the hospital, Bai Anliang fights with Zhen Zi, and Zhen Zi enters the hospital So the question arises, who is the "drama tyrant" in this drama?
The results of the physical examination came out. I will go to the hospital for a review today. I will try my best to add another chapter tonight. I am really sorry.

 Thanks to Liu Changan for the 1230 tip, and thanks to Qiao Buyi and nike[-] for the tip

(End of this chapter)

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