Chapter 153 Shura Field

Sitting up in shock from a dying illness, the play bully was actually myself!
The play bully Bai Anliang actually beat his rival actor until he suffered a concussion and went to the doctor.
To be honest, this kind of "black material" will definitely appear in the future.

This doesn't mean that Zhen Zidan would tell the media that, given him eighty guts, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing, let's discuss warnings to understand?
But with so many people in a crew, a random "insider disclosure" is enough to write a small composition.

Not to mention those media who play with pens, even Bai Anliang knows how to write a dirty article about it.

It is impossible to hide the fact that the actors in the crew were injured.

Before Zhen Zidan fought with Wu Jing, Wu Jing was injured, and it was also impossible to hide it.

If Bai Anliang didn't come out later, then the "drama bully" of this movie would be Zhen Zidan.

Even after many years, it will be turned out as a black spot.

And it's the kind that can't be clarified.

As for now, Bai Anliang helped him bear everything.

Because Zhen Zidan was much more seriously injured than Wu Jing.

The hospital really found that the concussion was coming, and it was not serious. It was suggested that he be hospitalized for observation for a few days.

The crew of "Slaying the Wolf" is about to stop immediately.

Bai Anliang:
He was wrong, he really believed in the evil of this bastard.

If this story gets out and then some unscrupulous media fabricate it, he, Bai Anliang, will really become a bully.

"I've given you an important task!"

"Brother Liang, speak up if you have something to do." Wu Jing said in shock.

Bai Anliang has something to ask him?This is really a rare thing.

"Oh, you know about the China Muay Thai boxing match that has been raging a lot lately?"

"How can you not know this!" Wu Jing nodded fiercely, and then his eyes lit up, "Brother, you don't want me to play too, do you? Okay! I will definitely do my best!"

"Ah, no."

There was something wrong with the way Bai Anliang looked at Wu Jing, this kid must be crazy.

Of course, he and Li Yutian from the Muay Thai Council organized the Chinese Muay Thai match that was intensifying in Xiangjiang.

The intensity this time is much more exaggerated than the one that swept the martial arts world. There will really be a group of professional fighters coming to fight with them. Some of them are local muay thai masters in Xiangjiang, and the other part are professional fighters recruited from Thailand. .

Surprise Wu?

This kid is going to be beaten up and become a patient with Zhen Zidan.

"Actually, I can do it. I was injured during filming because of my role. I had a lot of sparring with brother Liang and junior brother Ni and the others. I have made great progress, and I can play very well now!"

Seeing Wu Jing's serious expression, Bai Anliang really couldn't do anything about him.

Cooperating with my juniors to hold hands and give him hallucinations~

"Hey, brother, what's the matter?" Bai Wu who was changing the script looked up curiously and asked.

Bai Anliang pointed at Wu Jing, "Let him wake up~"

Now Bai Wu, who was getting more and more bookish, took off his glasses with a little helplessness, and looked at Wu Jing who was eager to try.

Dude, are you looking for trouble?

Five minutes later, Wu Jing "recognized the reality" and looked at Bai Anliang honestly, "What am I going to do?"

"Zhen Zidan is stuck in the hospital and won't come out. The boxing match is about to start. If you drag him to the scene, then you will drag him to the scene."

"Ah? Why drag it there?" Although Wu Jing has a normal relationship with Zhen Zidan, dragging an injured person out of the hospital. Isn't it a bit too cruel?

"Be a cheerleader for labor and management!"

That's right, before the matter of injuring Zhen Zidan became his black material, he had a wave of "brotherhood" with him.

Even if he is injured, he has to support him and become a group of relatives and friends for him. Who can say that he has a bad relationship with Zhen Zidan?Everyone is clearly a good brother!
"Boss, Tuo Nijia's agent wants to make a move in advance"

"No, just tell him, just let Tuo Nijia attack with all his strength, and I won't hurt him."

"Uh, there's actually the second half of the sentence." Secretary Qin, who came late, said with a strange expression.

"The second half?"

"The other party is afraid that you will be hurt"

Bai Anliang:
Ah~ Tuo Nijia, you are really confident.

After watching Bai Anliang play with Zhen Zidan, he still has this kind of confidence, this guy seems to have something.
"Then let him go. I'll keep my hand anyway. By the way, is Buakaw going to fight? Let Li Yutian ask again. If it doesn't work, just find a professional player who is about the same weight as me. It doesn't matter if his reputation is lower. "

"Boss, do you really want to fight Buakaw?"

Originally, Qin Lan didn't know Buakaw, but because of her boss, she went to find out.

After understanding it, don’t worry about ghosts. The one called Buakaw is too powerful!
"The opportunity to bully the K1 championship is not always available"

"He weighed [-] kilograms when he played the game. He should be a little heavier when he is not preparing for the game. He is not much lighter than you, the boss?" Qin Lan was a little worried.

"It's more than a dozen catties lighter than me. I've lost a lot of weight in the past two years."

If Bai Anliang was two years ago, with a height of more than 1.8 meters and a weight of nearly [-] kilograms, even the peak Buakaw would be like a chicken in front of him.

At that time, there was actually a little contrast between his face and his body~ he only looked at his face like a puppy, not at his body, he looked like a Tibetan mastiff.

As for the small dog now!
"Boss, you are quite big now, what were you like before?"

Hearing her boss muttering words like "fine dog", Qin Lan asked curiously.

Bai Anliang reached out and touched her chin, "It can make you faint and then wake up and faint again."

Ah this.

That's pretty intuitive.

But, when Qin Lan blushed but after thinking about it, it didn't seem to be the case.

That kind of thing should have nothing to do with body shape, right?
My boss just lost weight, and it's not empty, isn't he still like a perpetual motion machine now?What is the difference between a perpetual motion machine and a perpetual motion machine?
Damn, she was simply teasing her!

"It just so happens that Zhen Zidan has been injured these days, so I'll practice more to gain weight. If I really lose to Buakaw, who doesn't weigh as much as me, I'll feel ashamed." Bai Anliang said to himself.

Qin Lan:? ? ?
Is it embarrassing to lose to Buakaw?seriously?
My boss really wants to win other people's fighting championship?

Bai Anliang: The same body type, he hasn't practiced for so long, it's really hard to say, but he has advantages in height and weight, and his natural physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people. If he can't win, ordinary audience may not say anything, but he himself can't make it through This level.

The only hack of the time-traveling guy, if he can't even handle Buakaw. It's really a shame.

Having said that, in the original version of the "Ip Man" series, did Zhen Zidan fight Tyson?
His physique beat Tyson, the physical gap is too big.

If it was Bai Anliang, he really wanted to try it!Those who practice martial arts, who would not want to try Tyson!

He suddenly felt that if he could still get Tyson to film, he might have to gain weight again——
"bang bang bang"

In a professional boxing gym in Xiangjiang, the dense sound of beating makes everyone's scalp tingle.

The original owner and students of this boxing gym looked at the guys practicing boxing with a little horror at this moment.
This is Baiwumen?

Are these guys really practicing martial arts?Lie ghost!

This is a Sanda gym, but even the owner of the retired Sanda athlete is a bit uncomfortable at this time to describe what the monsters in front of him are.

Especially that Bai Anliang, is he a star?
Two of the sandbags were broken.
Of course, this scene is not the most "scary", the two beauties not far from Bai Anliang are the most "scary".

Two beautiful girls!

envy, jealousy, hate.
Especially those two girls seem to be a bit tit for tat.
"Okay, okay, don't bother others to practice boxing, let you have a good look, go out."

Although the owner of the boxing gym wanted to stay still, the gorilla-like guy standing next to him was getting more and more unfriendly.

Da Pao: Why are these guys so blind?What a fuss.

After Da Pao finished the work of "clearing the field", Bai Anliang and his juniors continued to practice boxing without any changes.

But Qin Lan and Fan Xiaopang... it's about to start!

"Are you Bai Anliang's secretary? We met before~"

"Hello, Ms. Fan, let's get to know each other formally. My name is Qin Lan. I think we will be in frequent contact in the future."

Qin Lan already knew that Fan Xiaopang was going to open a studio by the end of next year, and that her boss would buy a share, so the other party would be considered half of her "self".

Of course, no woman would like a "fox spirit", especially if this vixen seduces her own man.

Hearing Qin Lan's not-so-polite tone, Fan Xiaopang twitched his lips, "Then I'll call you Sister Lan~ I'll take care of you in the future."

"Sister Bingbing, you don't need to be so polite. I just graduated from university not long ago. You are a senior. You should teach me more in the future."

"Sister Lan, are you a college student?! You're amazing, but it's a pity, education is useless in the entertainment industry~"

"Sister Bingbing, you are wrong. I am not an entertainer, but my education is useful."

"Ah? Sister Lan, aren't you making your debut? You are so beautiful, it's a pity that you can't appear under the spotlight and enjoy the flowers and applause~"

"It's a pity, I originally had this idea, but when I saw that you are working so hard, Sister Bingbing, I gave up the idea. I can't come if you are too exaggerated and worldly. Simpler."

"Hehe, Sister Lan, you are worrying too much. The entertainment industry is not that complicated. It is very important to find the right person. I just found it. It is a business matter. The water here is very deep, you may not be sure live."

"Sister Bingbing, how do you know if she hasn't been in touch? And you really think you've found the right person?"

"Hmm, of course, my own vision may not be good enough, but I believe in your vision, Sister Lan!"

"My vision? Actually, my vision is not very good, but I just admit to death, and I have a single tendon."

"Coincidentally, me too~"

"I can't see it. Sister Bingbing has debuted for a few years, she must be good at dancing. She must have chosen a lot of people."

"That's not true, I'm young and late to enlighten~"


What are these two talking about?
Da Pao just thought it was a bit strange at first, why did he always call the other party's sister?Who is the older of the two of them?
But the more I listened to it later, the more I couldn't understand it. Because they seemed to be very polite when they spoke, and they laughed while talking, but it made people feel a little thorny.

It's just two girls, how could he put so much pressure on him?
Da Pao's mind is relatively simple, and he even guessed in his heart that the two of them are hidden peerless masters?
He also watched that "Kung Fu" before~
All in all, even a simple-minded person like Da Pao relied on his beast-like instinct to silently stay away from these two women.

He felt that if he continued to listen, he might be spattered with blood.

On the way, this fellow Wu Jing came to "report" to Bai Anliang about Zhen Zidan's current situation.

As a result, he was attracted by the two beauties without a long-sightedness. He went to listen to her chatting with them for a few words, and finally walked away quickly, sweating profusely.

Nima!Shura field!

(End of this chapter)

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