This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 168 The fist stood up again to talk?

Chapter 168 The fist stood up and spoke again?
The reaction speed of the media was much faster than Bai Anliang imagined!
An entertainment star is involved in a criminal case. This kind of thing is considered explosive news in any era.

Any star who can be on the legal channel, to some extent, is "popular half the sky".

But this kind of red is what no one wants.

Although it wasn't Bai Anliang who was imprisoned, other celebrities couldn't do such a cruel job as killing people!

When many media received the news, they repeatedly confirmed it several times and couldn't believe it. Because it was too fake news.

kill?Also killed several.

In addition to the serious injuries, there are more than a dozen victims?
This is no longer an ordinary criminal case. It is a major case in any province.

Criminal suspects will be labeled as extremely dangerous. If they run away, the Ministry of Public Security will issue an A-level arrest warrant.

It's a pity that the man didn't run away, not only didn't he run away, he even called the police
A lot of media from all over the world flocked to Yangcheng.

Bai Anliang rushed over in a hurry. He only stayed in the hotel for one night, and already a bunch of media were guarding him at the Public Security Bureau.

"Boss, why don't you go?" Qin Lan looked at her boss worriedly after answering a few calls to understand the situation.

Bai Anliang waved his hand, "I will come sooner or later. I must go to find out the specific situation of the younger brother, otherwise I won't let it go."

"Didn't we see that slogan yesterday, shouldn't it be all right?"


Bai Anliang remembered that he couldn't sleep last night, so he went to the scene to have a look.

It is the "place where my junior brother kills the Quartet" on the national road.

Coincidentally, there was a sign hanging on the road: "Fare road tyrants, rewards for killing!"

What do you say. The slogan belongs to the slogan. If it was ten or twenty years ago, when the law and order was worse, it would not be a big problem.

But now there is still a little problem.

Because at the end of last year, a provincial traffic police corps issued a notice on June 6 in response to the resurgence of car banditry and road tyrant crimes in the province; Legal responsibility, the public security organs will also give a reward of 1 to 1000 yuan according to the situation.

As a result, not long after the announcement was issued, it was criticized by the official media.

I also conducted some popular science: In our country, no administrative agency has the right to make certain regulations on depriving citizens of their right to life.

So, just look at the slogan.

Not to mention that Bai Anliang and his fifth junior brother killed so many
A major case of this level would attract a lot of attention without Bai Anliang's intervention, and many media would follow up and report it.

And he got involved again. Don't mention it, the media will celebrate the New Year directly.

As for what kind of consequences such a high degree of attention will bring, Bai Anliang can't predict this, but given the background of today's era, if his junior brother really belongs to "justifiable self-defense".
The possibility of being acquitted or sentenced to a defense offense for a year or two is very high.

But that's where the problem lies. If he only killed one or two, the probability of being sentenced to self-defense would be much higher.

It's a pity that Bai Anliang still can't meet his junior brother.

The Yangcheng police rejected his current visitation application.

After all, he and his younger brother are not even family members. In a legal sense, he can be regarded as his younger brother's boss or colleague.

These days, I don't recognize the martial art anymore.

Fortunately, after 24 hours of detention, the lawyer can see him.

After meeting Bai Anliang's junior brother, the chief officer invited brought him good news. If you don't look at the number of deaths and serious injuries, his junior brother can definitely be regarded as a legitimate self-defense.

Because that group is a robber.

"Mr. Bai, according to what your junior brother said, he only slashed each of them once, and he definitely didn't do anything more than once. Moreover, it was because the other party got on the bus and was in the too narrow compartment that this kind of behavior happened. When he couldn’t even run, he didn’t make up the knife, and he didn’t chase anyone.”


Hearing this, Bai Anliang let out a long sigh of relief.

Good guy, co-authoring is the way to meet on a narrow road and the brave wins!

He said how could there be so many casualties.

Those people are just robbers, not dead men, if they kill one or two normally, such people will flee in a hurry.

Bai Anliang didn't know the actual situation, so he didn't even think about how his junior brother had a string of thirteen, and the other party didn't run away at all.

You can't run away if you co-author it!
If this is the case, the possibility of being sentenced to self-defense in the end is very high.

And taking into account the influence of public opinion and society, citizens' enthusiasm for self-defense must not be dampened, and the seriousness of the socialist legal system must be maintained. Bai Anliang's mouth curled into a smile, ah, steady!

"Of course, the number of people is a bit too much"

To be honest, the lawyer I found had never taken on this kind of case. The strength of Bai Anliang's junior is a bit too scary. Even if it really fits the category of self-defense, he is not sure whether he can be acquitted.

"Is there no problem within ten years?" Bai Anliang didn't embarrass the lawyer, and gave him a very generous time.

The other party laughed immediately, "The three-year limit is capped, and the probability of acquittal is also very high. By the way, he has no criminal record, right?"

"Let me think about it. Fifth Junior Brother. Well, he didn't."

Think about it again?
The lawyer was silent for two seconds, and decided to speak a little more politely to Bai Anliang.
I heard that Bai Anliang has fifty juniors.
"Everyone should leave, don't gather near the police station to affect our police comrades handling the case, I personally absolutely believe in the police investigation"

In the end, Bai Anliang went to the court, but he still couldn't see his junior brother, and he probably had to wait until the court session.

He is going to give those journalists an explanation
The main reason is that the Yangcheng police couldn't take it anymore.

This gang of media is like a shark that smells blood, just let Bai Anliang squat there, and they have a posture that they won't leave until they can't squat.

Don't doubt that the reporters these days are really powerful. The title of uncrowned king is not for nothing, and the police can't do anything about them.

In one sentence: the public has the right to know.

"Bai Anliang, may I ask how many people did your junior brother kill?"

"Regarding the case, please pay attention to the official police report. I personally cannot disclose too much and cause trouble for the police, because the information I know may not be accurate."

"May I ask how you feel about the fact that your junior brother has become a murderer?"

"First of all, I want to correct your wording. My junior brother is only a criminal suspect now, not a murderer." Bai Anliang paused, "I personally think he is just acting in self-defense."

As soon as the word "justifiable defense" came out, the reporters immediately got excited.

But it's a pity that Bai Anliang ran away after speaking, and couldn't be caught.

Of course, the reporters these days are indeed very resourceful. Within two days, they were able to find out some things that even Bai Anliang was not very clear about.
You may not believe it, but Bai Anliang now relies on these media to learn more about the case.
"Jingle Bell~Jingling Bell~"

"Boss, Mr. Yu's phone number."


"Boss Bai, how are you doing?"

"The police should have collected enough evidence, and they should consider public opinion issues. If the trial starts early, no matter whether it is good or bad, it will come to a conclusion soon."

"Well, even if the result of the trial is not good, we can still file an appeal. Sometimes public opinion is very useful."

This point, Bai Anliang is much clearer than Yu Dong.

To some extent, the case of the later generation Kunshan was influenced by public opinion.

However, too much is too late.

Now that Bai Anliang took the initiative to stand on the cusp of the storm, the heat was already scary enough.

In the past few days, no matter what happened, there was no big movement like this one.

The entire entertainment circle seemed to be suppressed and there was no movement at all.
In this situation, Bai Anliang didn't dare to add fuel to the fire, lest it would have a negative effect.

After a few words with Yu Dong, he brought a piece of good news.

"You may not believe it if you say it, but once this happened, the proportion of our films' schedule soared, and even the box office began to reverse growth. According to preliminary estimates, the total box office can be increased by at least 2000 million." Yu on the other end of the phone Dong said with a strange tone.

Bai Anliang was silent, ah, this is also okay?
"I didn't think of that."

Yu Dong also didn't know what to say, "I've been doing film distribution for a few years, and the 'propaganda' method of the film "Ip Man" is indeed quite unique. It can't be copied at all."

It's too outrageous. I can only say that the movie "Ip Man" has been lifted to a height that does not belong to it at all by the various "outside tricks" of Bai Anliang and his brothers.

Before shooting, I was very happy to have tens of millions.

Before the release, I really want to break [-] million!
After the show, huh?I feel like I can compete with "A World Without Thieves"!

Now, A World Without Thieves?What dog trash, old man? "House of Flying Daggers" is ready to rank third!
Or this year's box office champion. Now it's really hard to say whether it's "Kung Fu".

First sweeping the martial arts world, and then going to the ring to fight the king of boxing and crushing a lot of muay thai masters. This is already outrageous enough, the result?After passing the peak period of the box office, an explosive news came directly on the spot.

Whose movie promotion can kill a few people to add to the fun?
Bai Anliang: Yes. Not without it.

After a few years, some more exaggerated things happened in "The Dark Knight". Someone imitated the characters in the movie and held a gun in the cinema biubiubiu
But that kind of thing is completely different from Bai Anliang's side, and it has the opposite effect on the movie's box office.

Going to the cinema to watch a movie is life-threatening, can you believe it?
And what about Bai Anliang?
After the media continued to exaggerate, the image of his junior brother has been established: this buddy is a master!Dare to pick a dozen or so, and make the other party either dead or disabled.
Some forums on the Internet have begun to nickname Fifth Junior Brother: Brother Mengjiang.

At the same time, the discussions about Baiwumen, including Bai Anliang and his juniors' fighting power, have reached a new level.

Bruce Lee?
I'm sorry, but now I don't take him out to be more or less unworthy compared to this buddy.

Now, Baiwumen just picked up a junior at random, and made such a terrifying street record.

In the arena, there is Bai Anliang who wins against Buakaw, and in the arena, there are his junior brothers who kill all directions
This kind of record is full of weight and full of blood. It is estimated that even those professional counterfeiters would not dare to mess with it.

Fighting fake martial arts, what does it have to do with their Baiwumen?
What everyone likes to discuss now is: Can Bai Anliang achieve the record of his junior brother?
"I would rather stand up to see the judge than lie down to see the forensic doctor. If it were me, the choice would be the same."

"Don't! You have so many juniors, why don't you let Da Pao go!"

Bai Anliang:
What you said, the cannon is right next to it~ It’s not good in front of him, is it?

Cannon: "Yes, brother, let me do it!"

Ah, he is quite happy~
The person who said "No" is the girl Fan Xiaopang who has also come to Yangcheng. She is very idle now anyway, and she is waiting for the contract to expire. More work is scheduled.

After hearing about Bai Anliang's affairs, he naturally wanted to "comfort" him.

But it's a pity that there is still Qin Lan here. It's more or less an eyesore.

And he is not the only one who cares about Bai Anliang recently, not to mention that almost everyone who has a good relationship with him has contacted him.

Even those who don't have a good relationship suddenly care about him.

How to say~
It's a little strange, it's not very polite to talk to Bai Anliang before, but now it's kind of unimaginable to be polite and enthusiastic.

The theater representative who drank a lot of alcohol and made nonsense in the KTV before, wished he could kneel down to Bai Anliang on the phone.

The other party didn't mention the matter of slapping him and kicking him at all.

I figured that if Bai Anliang didn't mind beating him up again, this guy could tie himself up.
Even Huo Wenxi called Bai Anliang and said: her boss wants to reconcile with Bai Anliang, and we can still cooperate and win-win together in the future.

The most outrageous thing came, the little Wang from Huayi even contacted Bai Anliang, saying congratulations on the big sale of the movie or something.

He also secretly said that Hua Yi was not the one who slandered him in the media before. Bah!Believe me!

All of this seems to be back to the way it was at the beginning.

Fist standing up and talking again?
At this moment, Bai Anliang suddenly glared at Da Pao, "How do you like the Criminal Law?"

"Half seen"

"You have also seen the matter of the fifth child, and I will not talk nonsense with you, at least remember the intentional injury and murder for me!"

"Okay brother."

Da Pao didn't dare to refute, or rather, no one in the entire Baiwumen would dare not read the "Criminal Law".

Typical examples are already in front of us, and no one wants to sit in prison.

Originally, many juniors felt that from Xiangjiang to the mainland, it was basically useless to fight and kill.

Now it seems that is not the case at all.

"Criminal Law" has now officially become the introductory mental method of Baiwumen, not to mention Bai Anliang's juniors, even those martial artists who joined the Baijiaban, now everyone has a copy.

(End of this chapter)

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