This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 169 Are you a serious company?

Chapter 169 Are you a decent company?

Criminal cases are divided into three stages: the investigation stage, the examination and prosecution stage, and the trial stage.

How long the court session usually refers to the court session time of the first instance.

Normally speaking, waiting for ten days and a half months is a very common thing, but... Obviously, the pressure of public opinion has made the work efficiency in Yangcheng extremely high.

How high is it?

Hmm. No trial.

Within a week, the public security organ in Yangcheng issued a notice directly.

The decision to dismiss the case was made on the grounds that Bai Anliang's fifth junior brother's behavior was justifiable self-defense and he did not bear criminal responsibility.

That's right, one step in place, acquitted.

The lawyers hired are useless.

Bai Anliang felt lonely and stunned because he put Nabai to worry for several days, and was actively preparing for the trial, but in the end it turned out to be such a result.

Of course, this is of course a good thing.

Bai Anliang didn't want his junior brother to go to court so much, otherwise he would have to stay in court for two years.

Being acquitted is naturally the best result.
Outside the detention facility.

When the fifth junior brother was officially released accompanied by the police uncle, the boy looked at the exaggerated number of reporters and cameras outside with some confusion.

So many people picked him up to "get out of prison"?This card must be won!
Of course, he is also very clear that many of these media are aimed at his senior brother.

Seeing the fifth junior brother come out, those reporters also started to move around, as if they were going to surround him frantically for interviews.

On the contrary, the police uncle next to him made him a little nervous, for fear that these reporters would ask nonsense, and then the fifth junior brother would accidentally say something wrong, which would be like facing an enemy.

However, Fifth Junior Brother just glanced at him. These guys who originally wanted to approach him basically didn't dare to take a step forward.

Does something like murderous intent really exist?
At this moment, the reporters feel that codes absolutely exist!
Just looking at the eyes of this guy in front of him makes people shudder, and the hairs stand on end.

Fortunately, in the next second, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of this "King of Hades", diluting the vague smell of blood.

Because Bai Anliang is here.

Getting off a black car, Bai Anliang walked straight to his junior brother without even looking at the reporters.

"Big Brother!"

"Are you all right?"


"Go, go back and cross the brazier, and participate in the celebration banquet tomorrow!"

"Ah? Celebration banquet?" The fifth junior brother was a little surprised, this matter can't be such a big deal, right?
Qin Lan, who was standing next to Bai Anliang, smiled lightly, "It's a movie celebration party. The box office has exceeded [-] million a few days ago, so it happens to help you celebrate."

Fifth Junior Brother scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "I made Senior Brother worry."

"I'm not really worried. Even if you can't be acquitted, you'll have to stay in prison for a few years at most, and don't eat peanuts." Bai Anliang said casually.

Ah, it's ready~
Qin Lan looked at her boss speechlessly, she didn't know who couldn't sleep at night~
But Fifth Junior Brother actually nodded in agreement, "If you can't die, you'll earn blood!"

"Haha, if you step on a horse and die, you will earn blood. One for seven, and if you are seriously injured, it is half, and you are one for ten."

Seeing that the two senior brothers were chatting more and more outrageously, Qin Lan couldn't stand it any longer. There were reporters around here, too, and the police uncle!

Police Uncle: .
It's better to keep your voice down a little bit, can you respect my police badge?
Having said that, is Baiwumen a formal and legal company?
Oh no, it should be said to be a sect.

Bai Anliang also noticed the scrutiny from the police uncle, and he didn't continue on this dangerous topic. We can talk about some things later.

But Fifth Junior Brother was a little bit in trouble, "Senior Brother, let's talk about these reporters."

"Do you want to chat with them?" Bai Anliang asked casually.

"What's there to talk about." The fifth junior brother shook his head, but he didn't like these reporters.

"Actually, you are quite suitable to be an actor in the entertainment circle now. A kung fu actor who has killed people, this name is really big!"

"Senior brother, I don't know how to act, forget it." When the fifth junior brother said this, he shook his head without much hesitation.

Although he has been working as a dragon and tiger martial artist, his enthusiasm for the actor's profession is really not very high.

The ambition is not here.

Bai Anliang squinted his eyes, and took a look at the kid's state. There was a sense in his heart.
Their car drives in front and the media car follows behind
The mighty fleet looks like a thief, but it's a pity that everyone's car models are not uniform, so it feels a little less that flavor.

As a result, with so many reporters following, the first place Bai Anliang took his fifth junior brother to was not a hotel but a bathing center.

I specially chose one that looks resplendent.

After killing someone, he went in again, and he had to "clean up" his junior brother well no matter what he said.

The owner of the bathing center was terrified by that movement. He almost thought that the police were coming to crack down on pornography. There were so many cars.

Fifth Junior Brother said that there really are dragons in this world!
After coming out of the bathing center, the old clothes I wore before eating and shopping in the mall were directly thrown into the brazier and burned.

This set is officially complete.

And after all this was over, Bai Anliang finally wanted to have a serious chat with his junior brother.

"Tell me about your future plans."

"Senior Brother, I'll listen to you." Obviously, Fifth Junior Brother himself didn't have a good idea.

But he also knew that after this incident, he might not be able to play soy sauce in the Bai family class like before.

But Bai Anliang didn't say the arrangement directly, but sniffed his nose and looked at his junior brother. After a few seconds, he said, "You can't wash off the bloody smell on your body."


"What does it feel like to kill someone? Is it cool?"


Seeing that his junior brother seemed to be unable to answer, Bai Anliang didn't continue to ask, but just tapped on the table lightly, "Actually, the first way I prepared for you is to become an actor and come on stage, but since you don't Whatever you want."

"Brother, how about I go to the ring?"

"Fuck! The first thing you look at when you look at people is either at the neck or at the heart." Bai Anliang raised his head and shivered violently when he was hit by the Fifth Junior Brother's hammer.

Seeing her boss "bullying" so much, Qin Lan seemed to want to "speak up for justice".

She has always handled girls' tempers very well. She can often play tricks in front of Bai Anliang's juniors, but she never does that in front of outsiders.

But this time, before the coquettish words came out, Fifth Junior Brother just subconsciously glanced at her, which made Qin Lan feel a chill down his back.

For some reason, a sentence came to her mind suddenly: Is this the murderer's eyes?
Judging from the results, the Fifth Junior Brother will indeed not be punished by law. He belongs to self-defense, and even acted bravely, because the gang of robbers wanted to molest the makeup artist on the bus at that time.

However, he is actually holding seven lives in his hands
Why didn't Bai Anliang dare to let this guy fight in some arena and take the path of professional fighting?
Isn't it because I'm afraid that this product may not be able to hold back.

The police had already released the surveillance video on the bus, and he had seen it too, but it was still the original bloody video that hadn't been coded.

He could clearly find out that his junior brother was absolutely red-eyed at that time.

Seven dead and six seriously injured.

He might not believe it when he said it, but the one who was attacked first was seriously injured, and in the last few, his fifth junior brother really got up and down with a knife.

Fortunately, he was still a little sane and didn't chase the last few who escaped, otherwise the legitimate defense would not be established.

On the contrary, it was the "lucky ones" in the front, because the fifth junior brother was still relatively rational at that time, and he was only seriously injured.

So Bai Anliang wasn't sure what was going on with this guy's mental state at all. Do you want to fight someone?Don't even think about it.

"Brother, what else is there to do? Just tell me directly."

"Two ways, first, stay by my side, be my assistant or bodyguard, you will go out with Da Pao in the future, and you will sit in the co-pilot when he drives."


Regarding this point, the fifth junior brother has no opinion, saying that he is an assistant or a bodyguard, but in fact he also understands that there will not be much work for him at all, and his senior brother just wants to tie him, a beast that has seen blood. by your side.
"Don't you want to hear the second one?"

"Uh, what is the second way?" Fifth Junior Brother asked curiously.

"Go to America."

"Going abroad?!"

"That's right, didn't Lao Liu pass away some time ago, and a sign was erected over there, you can go and find him"

Two roads, one restricted, the other completely open.

Bai Anliang didn't let Fifth Junior Brother make a choice right away, but let him think about it slowly, without even giving him any time limit.

In fact, these two choices are made simultaneously.

At present, this kid can only follow Bai Anliang, if he gets tired of staying by his side, he can go there anytime he wants to go to America.

Of course, if Bai Anliang thinks that he has adjusted well and won't be affected mentally, then what should he do?

After talking about the business, we have to talk about something less serious.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the previous "one-stop".

"What are you doing with the two knives in the middle? Stabbing someone's thigh? Are you so accurate in stabbing the aorta every time? Even if you don't want to name the person, you have to make the other party completely lose their ability to resist. There is another knife, your neck is completely exposed. Another person, if he comes down with a knife, you will be gone."

Fan Xiaopang:? ? ?

Looking at Bai Anliang who was sternly teaching her junior a lesson, why did she feel more and more cold?

The warm air from the air conditioner in the living room of this hotel is clearly sufficient!

But seeing the two people chatting enthusiastically, she shuddered more and more.

She just came here, because it was inconvenient to go with Bai Anliang to pick up his junior brother, so she just waited at the hotel.

But at this moment. She regretted why she came here.

No wonder Qin Lan saw her coming, and immediately ran away with a sigh of relief.
Are these two people so scary?
What the hell is Baiwumen?

The man I followed. I feel a little perverted!

Fortunately, not long after chatting, Bai Anliang asked his junior to sleep in another room.

But at this time, he was lying on the sofa and sighed helplessly.


Turning his head to look at this chick, Bai Anliang was delighted, "Why are you acting like a quail?"

"You guys were just talking about how to kill people, it's kind of scary." Fan Xiaopang said honestly.

"What do you think the purpose of practicing martial arts is?" Bai Anliang asked suddenly.

"Strengthen your body so that you won't be bullied?"

"Modern martial arts is indeed a little bit like this, but this thing was first derived on the battlefield. From the time of its birth, it was for killing people."


"Of course, it's mainly when you have a weapon in your hand that you only want to kill someone, not empty-handed." Bai Anliang explained in a very far-fetched way.


Fan Xiaopang couldn't believe it!

Snapped!She suddenly slapped her thigh, stood up and took Bai Anliang's suit jacket, and pulled out the pen from the pocket of the jacket.

"Be careful~" Bai Anliang reminded why, for fear that she would hurt himself.

"You, this thing is not a pen, is it?"

"Uh, the shape is of course a pen." Bai Anliang added another sentence in his heart, and the word "first" can also be added.

Read together: dagger.

A dagger that can even pass security checks.


"Hey! This sofa"

"I'll pay!" Fan Xiaopang interrupted without waiting for Bai Anliang to finish.

Then, she took that "pen" and easily scratched the hotel's leather sofa.

How dare you say this is a pen? !
She just said it!

Obviously Bai Anliang likes to wear the tie she gave, but the pen she gave him has never been seen as a decoration in a suit pocket.

What this bastard carries with him is not a decoration at all, but a weapon that can kill people!

"If you were on that bus, wouldn't any of those robbers survive?"

After following Bai Anliang for so long, she had heard from Da Pao that when Bai Anliang was holding a weapon, no one in the entire Baiwu Sect could beat him.

Bai Anliang:
Why did the soul torture suddenly start?he's not a murderer
"You and your junior brother are the same kind of person!" Fan Xiaopang finally defined.

"What kind of person?"

"Dangerous elements!"

In the next second, the "dangerous element" picked her up by the waist, ignored her struggle, and walked to the bathroom.

"Oh, wrong wrong."

"That's right! They are dangerous elements, and now we must quickly release our anger."


Hey, this scene is quite good, of course Bai Anliang can tell that Fan Xiaopang has started to cooperate with him in acting.

Hand movements are getting rougher
As time went by, the voice of her shouting "Help" became smaller and smaller, but the other voice became louder.

In the end, she hugged the "dangerous element" tightly, wishing to melt herself into his body.

The sense of danger, from a certain point of view, is also fatal to the attraction to the opposite sex!

(End of this chapter)

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