This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 173 I Know You, You Are a Gentleman!

Chapter 173 I Know You, You Are a Gentleman!

Different from the feelings and national righteous core of "Ip Man", and also different from the mixed martial arts style of the first "Slaying Wolf", the tone of the movie "Slaying Wolf 2" at the beginning of the project was very simple.

It should look good and have many elements.

The first small part of the plot is smooth and flowing, and the goal is to tell the story clearly in a few words.

Undercover police officer Wu Jing's identity was revealed, and he was escorted to a prison in Thailand. During the plan to escape from the prison, he broke through the warden's plot.

Unlike "Slaying Wolf 1", where Zhen Zidan singled out all the villains, the fighting design of "Slaying Wolf 2" is richer.

On various occasions, various genres battle.

In the interrogation room, Wu Jing and Tony Jia fought in hand-to-hand combat, a gun battle at the pier, a [-]-person melee in the prison, the killer in the hospital passed five levels and cut six generals to break the defense, Wu Jing and Tony Jia Renda broke out in the encirclement battle, and finally Wu Jing teamed up with Tony Jia The three-person decisive battle against Bai Anliang was really fought from beginning to end.

The style of the whole movie is straightforward and concise.

How to put it? One of the characteristics of this movie is that the audience may not remember the name of the character in it after watching the movie.

Can't remember the name, but can remember the character, this is the essence of this movie.

Oh yes, the big change of the movie compared to the original is to combine the two big villains into one.

That is to say, the original two characters played by Gu Tianle and Zhang Jin have become the same character in this version of "Slaying the Wolf 2".

Although it seems outrageous that a villain who needs to change his organs can still fight so well, it just makes up for a BUG.

The "Warden" played by Bai Anliang can beat Wu Jing and Tuo Nijia. It would be a bit regrettable if he died in the end because of the plot.

Simply, it was set that there was something wrong with his body, and it was for this reason that he finally died at the hands of these two people.

"When you put on makeup, make me a little paler."

"Brother Liang, can you give me an approximate range of this level?" The makeup artist of the crew was a little confused.

"It's okay, just try a few more times, but you may have to rework."

"That's okay, as long as you don't waste Liangge's time."

As for putting on sick makeup, it was Bai Anliang's own whim.

Well, try it, in case the effect is very good~
But after it is melted, the effect seems a bit strange.

Good guy. Frail and sickly beautiful boy?
Wu Jing, who was shirtless and wanted to tan himself, almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda after seeing Bai Anliang's makeup.

"Brother Liang. What's your style?"


"Uh, it looks like one punch can knock over several of them." Wu Jing said boldly.

Bai Anliang:
"Isn't it?"

"As for, you look like a scholar now, why don't you try wearing a suit? This casual outfit doesn't suit you well."

Horse riding, it's hot!

In Thailand, even though it is winter now, the temperature in broad daylight is [-] degrees. OK.

Fortunately, he still has a bit of idol baggage, otherwise he would be like Wu Jing, wandering around shirtless and wearing big pants.

But people depend on clothes, and Bai Anliang, who always dresses meticulously, can make people ignore the fact that he is too young to a certain extent.

After changing his clothes, those who didn't know really thought he was a high school student who was still in school.
Especially now that his face is a little pale and weak, it feels like he just finished writing a whole set of "Five-Year College Entrance Examination and Three-Year Simulation".

Tuo Nijia, who was attracted by the movement here, also joined in the fun and took a look, but fell silent after a glance.

Originally, Wu Jing seemed to him to have a very pale face. During this period of time, he was tanned a lot, but he also became rough.

But compared with Bai Anliang's current state, Wu Jing before was considered rough.

Everyone is practicing martial arts, so why are you acting like an idol?Still better than me?
It was hard for Tuo Nijia to imagine that Buakaw was actually overthrown in the group arena by this "high school student" in front of him.

Of course, he still has a lot in his heart.

Just because Bai Anliang played a real exhibition match with him in the group arena back then, he didn't think he was good again.

The Baiwumen murder incident spread to Thailand a long time ago.

News related to celebrities and entertainers would have been magnified a lot, not just in Thailand, it is estimated that this news is quite popular in the whole of Asia.

The promotional companies that distribute "Ip Man" abroad must have also put in effort.

Needless to say, it's very useful.

For example, in Thailand, Bai Anliang had won Buakaw in the group arena, and his reputation was not small, but it turned out that when the movie was released, the box office was really high.

This played a big role in their coming to Thailand to film.

The framing communication of some scenes was exceptionally smooth, and it didn't cost a lot of money.

Before, Bai Anliang thought that if he made such a big commotion, he had rubbed his muay thai boxing on the ground hard, and if he came to Thailand to film a movie, he would be troubled by others.

After the result came. The trouble-seeking matter has not yet appeared, but there are many people looking for his autograph.

It's a bit like an Asian superstar.

Of course, the current foundation is still too shallow, and now the flowers are blooming like a brocade, and the fire is cooking oil, and it will still hit the street in the future, whether it should be ignored or ignored.

To put it simply, the blood bar is not thick enough.

For example, if Big Brother Cheng and Li Lian are like that, even if a series of movies hit the street, their status in the industry will not be affected.

Wherever that face is placed, it is a card.

Compared with them, Bai Anliang is currently much weaker, and he still needs more works to support his reputation.
"Boss Bai, change your look. The problem is obviously with the look. Get a more mature hairstyle. This makeup artist is trying to make you look like a young girl."

It can be regarded as someone who put forward some decent opinions, and Ye Weixin is more reliable.

Bai Anliang stepped forward and hooked his neck, "Director, is your name so polite?"

It used to be called Ah Liang, but now it has directly evolved into Mr. Bai?

Ye Weixin spread his hands, but said cheerfully, "I'm afraid! That buddy sits there, I want to kneel down for you."

This dude can really talk.

That buddy is of course referring to the Fifth Junior Brother~
He has now been "promoted" to become Bai Anliang's carrying bag boy.

This time when he came to Thailand, Bai Anliang didn't let Qin Lan and Da Pao follow him, but only brought Fifth Junior Brother, a taciturn and insignificant guy.

But there is no sense of presence, just the surface.

His sense of presence should not be too strong.

Although he looked like an "assistant", no one in the entire crew dared to speak rudely to him, or to put it another way, as if he was a big star.

He directly got the same treatment as Bai Anliang, and the whole crew called him brother.

And Bai Anliang specially brought him here to relax.

When there is nothing to do, I will let a few familiar old hooligans of the crew take my juniors to experience the characteristics of Thailand.

Of course, even the shemale.

The main thing is to take care of those misplaced businesses.

There is nothing to be ashamed of in this place, because they are legal.

I couldn’t find the place before, so a few old hooligans went to the police with the exchanged Thai baht. That’s right, I went to the police to ask where the sister’s quality is good.

Doing so really opened the eyes of Fifth Junior Brother.

What was even more annoying was that the police drove them to the customs place in a police car. When they came out, the policeman was still there and asked them how their experience was. If the service was not good, they could complain to him.

"Brother! Thailand is such a good place!"

".Wherever you have money is a good place. Just go to places like Southeast Asia, don't stay for a long time."

What Bai Anliang said was also true. The crew specially hired bodyguards for this filming trip.

Bodyguards with guns.

If it is in China, the guest bodyguards are generally the dragon and tiger martial artists of the crew, that is, the brothers of the Bai family class.

But in Thailand, the fists and kicks of the Dragon and Tiger warriors are really not enough.
After Bai Anliang changed his look, the smell of a weak scholar was almost gone.

Makeup is really an amazing technique, Bai Anliang doesn't even change his expression much, but it can give people a completely different feeling.

Before, even if he had a dark face on purpose, he didn't feel much danger.

But now, even if he was smiling, it gave one a gloomy feeling.

"It seems to be a little bit over again." Several leading actors gathered together and pointed.

"Brother Liang's drooping eyelids, how do you say it's a sick tiger! Yes, that's how it feels, but the smell of a tiger is a little bit worse. Why does it feel a bit like a fox?"

Bai Anliang: Shit!
"Old Five, go and do a trick with Wu Jing, use Baguazhang."

"Okay brother."

Wu Jing:? ? ?
No, brother!He didn't think about that. Help!
I don't know why, even if he was competing with Bai Anliang, Wu Jing would not say that he dared not.

Even if you lose, it doesn't matter if you try two hands, you can still learn something real.

But Fifth Junior Brother just stared at each other, Wu Jing was terrified.

I don't know if it's really murderous, or if it's his preconceived idea.

But, although he was "taught" by the fifth junior brother, Wu Jing discovered that Bai Anliang seems to be getting more and more serious about filming
At first he thought it was his own illusion, but after careful observation, he found that it was not.

There is no need to say much about the action scenes. He is the top martial arts finger in the country, and he is well-versed in this aspect.

Mainly literature and drama.

When I was filming "Ip Man" before, I didn't see Bai Anliang study and discuss literature and drama so seriously.

Even began to focus on some tiny details.

Faced with this guy's question, Bai Anliang didn't hide it, "I acted in a wild way before, it all depends on my feelings and the direction of the director on the spot. It doesn't matter if I played a supporting role or a facial paralysis before, but I guess I will play the leading role in the future." , the audience can tolerate it in the first few plays, but it has been like this, the audience's tolerance is not so high."

Wu Jing frowned slightly, and became more serious, "Isn't it normal for us martial arts actors to be weak in literature and drama?"

"Is Li Lian's writing weak?"

"Uh..." Wu Jing didn't know what to say. He felt that he was not yet qualified to comment on Li Link, but it was obvious that the other party was also good at action scenes.

Literary opera is definitely not as good as those serious literary and opera actors.

Bai Anliang: Yes, I also thought so in my previous life. Later, I watched "Ocean Paradise" and "Certificate of Fame".
weak?Weak ass.

This kung fu emperor is a very good actor even if he doesn't make fight scenes.

In the past, Bai Anliang had more thoughts and prepared a lot of ways for himself, so he didn't put much effort into acting.

But it's different now, since the first movie in which he was the protagonist exploded like this, if he didn't take advantage of the trend and take advantage of the wind, it would be a waste of so many favorable conditions.

The box office explosion of "Ip Man", in addition to the well-designed publicity method, the most important thing is an extremely rare accidental factor.

That's killing a few people to add to the fun.
It is estimated that such conditions will no longer exist in the future.

Then Bai Anliang naturally needs to improve his "hardware conditions" in terms of actors.

He doesn't have much room for plastic surgery for his appearance, especially for his skills. The thing that can and needs to be improved the most is naturally his acting skills.

"The acting teacher I invited will come to Thailand tomorrow, do you want to take lessons with me?"

Regarding Bai Anliang's generous sharing, Wu Jing asked cleverly, "Are you male or female?"


"Ah~ I think I still have room for improvement in action scenes, let me think about this first."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

What are you implying, you little brat?

"It's just an acting teacher, don't think about it."

"No, no, how could it be. Brother Liang, I know you well, you are a gentleman!"

Saying this on the lips, Wu Jing said in his heart: As long as this woman is not over 35 years old, you can't do anything about Xiaolongnv and Yang Guo, write your own name upside down.

Not to mention that he is so familiar with Bai Anliang, now everyone knows that Bai Anliang is very romantic.

He exposed himself.

So... learn acting?

He can learn from anyone, but not from the acting teacher Bai Anliang found.

Hmm. Sensible.

Looking at Wu Jing's attitude of "sworn to death" and his "stupid" appearance, Bai Anliang thought it was a bit funny, but at the same time, he thought it was. This guy is really awesome!
"Having said that, I plan to invite Miss Xie Nan to our company's annual meeting this year."

"Huh?!" Wu Jing, who was about to run away, suddenly turned around, with a worried expression on his face.

Brother Liang, don't wow!
This girl is still young, don't.
"Would you like to come and do me a favor by that time, take someone home or something?"

"What's the point of this~"

"Didn't you break up with Ye Xuan already, why are you embarrassed?"

"Ahem. Not yet, it's just a quarrel, brother Liang, do you want me to introduce you to some music restaurants with a better environment? It's suitable for talking about things and studying. I came earlier than you , these surrounding places have already been figured out.”

"You don't need to come, just learn it at the hotel." Bai Anliang waved his hand to express that it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Wu Jing clasped his fists together, "Brother Liang is peeing! Awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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