Chapter 174
"Miss Chen?"

"It's me, are you from the crew?"

"Yes, brother asked me to pick you up, you can contact him first to confirm."

"Do you want to confirm?"

Da Pao grinned, "Southeast Asia is no better than China, the law and order is too bad, you have to be careful of the fifth child when you go out, is that what the brother said?"

Obviously, he didn't remember Bai Anliang's words completely, but fortunately, there was someone beside him to supplement.

Fifth Junior Brother nodded silently, "That's what I said, it's safest to form a habit."

"Boss Bai is really considerate in doing things!" Chen Chen nodded, with a smile on his face, then took out his mobile phone from his bag, and called Bai Anliang to confirm.

Having said that, if she hadn't said that, she might have just listened to Da Pao and left with them.

It's easier to cheat with the main one.

After getting into the car, Chen Chen remembered to look at the two "staff" who came to pick him up.

"Are you Boss Bai's younger brother? The Bai family class is still from Baiwumen?"

"Hey, Ms. Chen knows quite a lot. We are both from Baiwumen."

"Then you must be very good!" Chen said subconsciously.

Da Pao scratched his head, thinking that the girl really could talk this time, he was a little embarrassed to praise her.

My senior brother is really good looking!
Of course, Da Pao no longer pays attention to whether the girl he knows with his senior is good-looking or not.

Because there is nothing bad-looking at all.

But this time, it made him pay more attention to it, and his temperament was a bit unique.

Elegant and intellectual. Is this the word?Secretary Qin always likes to talk about working hard, but this one in front of her seems to have achieved this easily, even though she is not wearing any special dress or anything, just a plain white shirt .

"By the way, it's not convenient for Fang to ask, Mr. Zhang San from Baiwumen." There was a curious light in Chen Chen's eyes, as if he was going to secretly inquire about some gossip.

In the end, before she finished speaking, Fifth Junior Brother who was sitting in the co-pilot in a daze turned his head,
"Well, Miss Chen, I'm Zhang San, what do you need me for?"

Ah this!

It was a little embarrassing to want to inquire about someone's news, but the owner was sitting in the car.

"Sorry sorry, I'm just a little curious."

"It's okay." Fifth Junior Brother shook his head helplessly, with a slight smile on his face.

What do you say~
Since he did the "justifiable defense" thing, many people are afraid of him, but as soon as they get acquainted with each other a little bit, they start to ask him about murder
After all, it is too difficult to meet someone in China who kills people with bare hands or with weapons, and who can still dance around outside.

Rare things are more expensive.

Especially for a ruthless person like Fifth Junior Brother who has many enemies with one enemy.

Who wouldn't want to get acquainted, have a chat, and use it as bragging capital in the future~
The opening is: My friend killed someone, do you know that?Do not believe it?You search, there is news.

In this regard, the fifth junior brother has actually told many people about his "killing story", and the story is getting a bit annoying
But if it's my senior's friend, or a female friend, maybe it's a better kind of friend, fifth junior brother naturally won't show any impatient expression.

Besides, for this situation, he already had a better way to deal with it.

"Miss Chen, in fact, my senior brother is better at that kind of thing!"


Fifth Junior Brother: Senior Brother Da Pao has taught you, you must remember to protect the face of Senior Senior Brother when you are outside, brag when you need to, don't be vague.

No, after he finished speaking, Da Pao secretly gave him a thumbs up.

right!That's it!

This doesn't fascinate her~
Let the elder brother pinch with his hands.
"You two bastards, what did you tell me?!"

Bai Anliang looked at the two juniors dangerously, and glanced around, as if he wanted to find someone who could beat them to death.

Originally, I was very happy today, and I invited the beautiful acting teacher to Thailand to make up lessons. I originally thought about having dinner together at night.

The result. When Chen Chen saw him, his eyes were a little weird, and he was a bit timid.

After a little questioning, Bai Anliang naturally knew how his junior brother cheated him
I'm doing Nima a stick hammer!
He felt his temples start to throb faintly.

The Fifth Junior Brother reacted very quickly. As a Junior Brother, it is the basic ethics not to ask for credit.

"Second senior brother taught me!"

"Cannon! You're riding a horse"

The familiar Bangbang punched twice, and the crying father and mother who gave the cannon hammer.

Seeing the second senior brother being beaten, the fifth junior brother still didn't understand what was going on, but he still ran very fast.

"My junior brother is talking nonsense, don't take it seriously."


"Although I am a martial arts practitioner, I used to be forced by life. I prefer to read books, and I am a cultural person."

Looking at Bai Anliang, who was wearing a white shirt, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with a gentle face, the statement felt that there might be a misunderstanding.

He is a big star, the owner of a film and television company, how could he be violent~
Bai Anliang didn't forget to add, "There is no future in fighting and killing, otherwise I wouldn't force my juniors to read books."

"You still let them read?"

"That's right." Bai Anliang nodded, and silently added in his heart: I'm reading "Criminal Law".

Having said that, he had time to think of Da Tiantian's acting teacher before, and after contacting the other party, he found out that this "teacher" was not very old, he was 27 now, and only 28 after the new year.

However, he would not judge a person's level so superficially based on his age.

Inquired a little about the statement.

Born into an artistic family, his parents are both literary and artistic workers.

Under the influence of the family environment, Chen Shu learned dance from an early age.

The level of dancing can make her a pillar of the song and dance troupe.

Because I fell in love with acting, I gave up my iron job and went to take the Chinese opera exam.

After graduation, he entered the National Theater.

Although he is not very famous and has no big hits, but based on his resume, the opponent is at least a player with solid academic theory.

It was exactly what a wild person like Bai Anliang urgently needed.

He has no shortage of acting experience, he has accumulated a lot of experience in this area, and he needs someone to help him analyze and sort out with systematic acting theory.

Of course, it would be best if it was a beautiful girl.

Change to a man. It is estimated that Bai Anliang's motivation to study will decrease a lot.

It's not a question of whether you're good or bad, the allegory also said that working with a man and a woman is not tiring.

Even if the teacher himself can't attract him, how can the things the teacher teaches attract him?
"This character can actually be very deep. On the one hand, he is the head of a ruthless criminal group, but he is also an individual after all. It would be a pity if he only played his two aspects of fighting and ruthlessness."

After getting the complete script, the statement entered the working state very quickly.

The next day, he ran over to discuss with Bai Anliang with a biography of the character.

"Besides, what he wants to use is his own brother's organs. If you can act out the feeling that you are reluctant to sacrifice your own brother, but that kind of force forces him to do so."

Bai Anliang:
so difficult?

He felt a big head when he heard it a little bit.

Originally, he just wanted to learn to better substitute characters, and it didn't need to be so complicated.

But the statement clearly helped him start to expand.

It can't be said that people are doing the wrong job, after all, they are really increasing the thickness of the characters.

But even if Bai Anliang overestimated himself as much as possible, he still felt that he couldn't do it.

Want to mess with your own brother, but also want to be reluctant?Can you do it without hesitation while being reluctant?
Too fast and contradictory
"You mean, make him human, but not human?"

"It's not that simple. What you have to do is: When acting, no matter the lines or the behavior, you must do it without hesitation, but it is complicated to reveal such feelings through facial expressions and eyes."

"No, I can't do it."

This is a good quality of Bai Anliang.

He didn't want to brag in front of the girl right now, and be ashamed when he couldn't do it later.

It's right to put it up first.

Statement didn't seem to expect him to be so straightforward, so he couldn't help laughing, "Take your time, I'll teach you."

"How do you teach this?"

"Let's try a few emotions first, starting with the eyes."

As it turns out, a vegetable chicken is a vegetable chicken.

There is no theoretical basis at all, and Bai Anliang, whose acting depends entirely on feeling and improvisation, his performance at this time is much worse than on the set.

He didn't "NG" that many times when he was making a movie.

However, the statement is very patient, teaching it over and over again.
After two days of teaching, it seemed that he was still worried that Bai Anliang would be too irritable because he hadn't made any progress, and even developed an extra small class for him.

"Yoga? That thing."

"It is very helpful for mental adjustment. I will practice yoga when I am upset"

Bai Anliang found that when talking about the topic of yoga, the statement seemed more interested in talking about acting than acting, with a high-spirited expression, and then she took out an intermediate trainer certificate from the Indian Gandhi Yoga Institute.

what? !

Professional? !
Having said that, Bai Anliang has actually studied yoga. After all, the name Baiwumen is not called for nothing.

Anyway, in Bai Anliang's view, this is the main use.

But what if the statement asked if he was interested?

"Of course I'm interested!"

"Great, you are a master of contemporary martial arts, you must have some special insights!"

Yo, is there such a purpose in co-authoring?
But masters of contemporary martial arts?this title
Forget it, after looking at the statement and finding the yoga clothes from the box, Bai Anliang felt that he didn't need to talk so much about what he had.

Just learn.
"Brother Liang, let's go out to drink at night! Tuo Nijia is too arrogant. Last time I didn't pay attention and didn't drink him. You go teach him to be a man!"

"Drink? Drink a fart, I have something to do at night"

"What's the matter tonight? You don't have to go to class again, do you?"

"That's right!" Bai Anliang ruthlessly rejected Wu Jing's request to invite him to go out and have a good time together, with the expression of labor and management wanting to do something serious.

"Oh, what a pity."

Although, Wu Jing couldn't quite understand why Bai Anliang suddenly worked so hard to study acting.

Is this a bit over the top?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and he dare not ask if there is a demon.

I just heard about it. The acting teacher seemed to cancel the room that was reserved for her after a few days.

Hey, it's strange if you say it's strange, the room was canceled, but the people didn't leave.

So, where does this man live?
Bai Anliang: The room for labor and management is a suite with two bedrooms, why waste one?
He said that as an investor, he couldn't let the crew's money be spent like this, and every penny must be spent wisely.

Even the money for the room should be saved.

So. The fifth junior brother who originally lived in the second bedroom of his suite was driven to live with Da Pao, and there happened to be an empty bed in the standard room.

In the past few days, Bai Anliang's learning effect is also very remarkable.

It's just that the body is still a little thinner, a little too thin.

Otherwise, it will be a lore!

"Today. Should we learn acting?"

When Bai Anliang returned to the hotel, the statement seemed to have just taken a shower, he was wearing a bathrobe, and his hair was still wet.

Yoga clothes are actually quite strong, assuming no one vandalizes them.

Especially for some monster players with great strength, if they really want to break it, it is just a piece of fabric with better elasticity.

All in all
The statement is very regretful, what is wrong with me, I have to teach people to intersperse yoga when acting
She felt that she was a little deceived by Bai Anliang's gentle appearance at the beginning.

I think he is such a big star, even if he teaches alone, he won't do anything bad.

But... how should I put it, I did not do anything bad,
At this point, she is not a little girl, and she is not so hypocritical.

But when Bai Anliang found a bottle of essential oil for massage from somewhere, she couldn't hold back anymore.


(End of this chapter)

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