This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 178 Hunters often appear as prey

Chapter 178 Hunters often appear as prey
Bai Anliang felt that he was really a bad guy.

To think of such a thing as "kidnapping" to scare other girls. It's kind of wicked.

But what do you say~
At first he thought that he had fooled Li Xiaoran, but when he came to Li Xiaoran's home in Yanjing, he began to feel something was wrong.

So he decisively tried a wave.

"Actually, I was joking with you. The other party can't do something like kidnapping, I promise."

In the end, Li Xiaoran spoke eloquently, "I don't dare to take this kind of risk. I will live alone. If you really find me, it will be useless to call for help. Anyway, I will return to my hometown in a few days. Just to be safe, you can buy it for me." As a reassurance, just come here when you are resting at night, and I will also go to your company to exercise during the day, so I won't delay your work."

Bai Anliang: I believed in your evil.

Back home?

If he remembered correctly, Li Xiaoran himself was born and raised in Yanjing.

Which hometown does she go back to?

Up to this point, Bai Anliang finally understood.

How could I have fooled Li Xiaoran, it was obvious that the other party took the opportunity to fool him back.

The best hunters often appear as prey.

Everyone has caught him with a pouty mouth, but he is still complacent~
Glancing at Li Xiaoran, she found that her sister was humming a little song, so she went to cook
At the same time, Bai Anliang actually saw a bottle of deer whip wine hissing on the table~
Immediately took a breath.

no?real or fake?How much do you want to play?
I haven't seen you for a while, how did Li Xiaoran become so brave?Couldn't she be secretly "making up lessons"?
Bai Anliang opened the bottle of deer penis wine, and smelled it a bit. The smell was not bad.

It's not hypocritical, let's fill up a glass first.

Now that the girl's challenge has been issued, he naturally has no reason not to accept it, let him see how much Li Xiaoran has improved!
However, just when Bai Anliang started to gurgle, Li Xiaoran who came out of the kitchen to get something looked up, "Ah! Why did you open this wine?!"

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

He wiped his mouth, "What's the matter? Isn't this for me to drink?"

Li Xiaoran was a little helpless, "That's a New Year's gift for my father. You are so young and in such good health, why do you want this thing?"

Bai Anliang, who had already finished most of the glass of deer penis wine in one go, didn't know whether he should pay Li Xiaoran's father a happy new year, or whether he should make the mistake and let her call her father and let it go.
It's wrong to be wrong.

However, when he made his second suggestion, he almost didn't let Li Xiaoran dunk on his head with a pot and ladle.

You bastard think beautiful~
When you are unconscious, just shout twice to let you take advantage of it and be happy, and you still want to push your nose on your face?

Obviously, Bai Anliang's thinking is not just as simple as pushing his nose on his face.

But let alone, this deer whip wine has some effect.

It may also be a psychological effect. At this moment, Bai Anliang really feels like a fire is burning in his body.

Wouldn't the legendary drunkenness be such a virtue?

"Hey, what are you doing? I'm cooking you something to eat!"

"In this building, could there be someone more delicious than you?" Bai Anliang said greasy~
Don't say, this kind of words that usually make people feel greasy, at this moment, it's just right!

The little atmosphere came up immediately.

But, still thinking about Li Xiaoran who rarely cooks the food himself, he said in a slightly unpleasant way, "That's not necessarily the case."

"How to say?"

"Gao Yuanyuan lives downstairs."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

He said, why does this place look familiar?
When he came, it was already dark, and he came by Li Xiaoran's car, so he really didn't pay attention to the name of the community and where it was located.

There was just a faint sense of familiarity.

Now that she said that, Bai Anliang remembered that it was in the corner downstairs, where he had smoked with Zhang Yadong before.

It was an amazing encounter.

Seeing his reaction, Li Xiaoran was a little strange, "What's wrong?"

Bai Anliang told her very frankly, of course, he was talking about smoking.

"Huh? You smoke downstairs in my house? But I moved here recently"

Li Xiaoran didn't realize it at the first time, and thought it was a little funny.

"Zhang Yadong is here to find Gao Yuanyuan, hey, how did you come here later?"

Bai Anliang shrugged and spread his hands, "I'm also here to look for Gao Yuanyuan."

"You wait"

Li Xiaoran's CPU was burned by what he said.

"Zhang Yadong is looking for Gao Yuanyuan, and you are also looking for Gao Yuanyuan. Did you two make an appointment?"


"Then who comes first?"

"Well, I'll go first~" Bai Anliang said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

It feels like winning a battle. But from a certain point of view, he really won a battle.

After all, he was the one inside the house, while Zhang Yadong could only stand outside.

The last time I met Gao Yuanyuan was when the movie premiered, right?

Hmm. I don't remember clearly, there were too many people that time.
Li Xiaoran:
She shouldn't have asked too much!
I have known for a long time that Bai Anliang is a flirtatious guy. When talking about Gao Yuanyuan, his strange reaction should end this topic.

Now it's causing trouble for myself.

All right now, cooking?Make a fart meal.

Li Xiaoran tapped Bai Anliang's chest with his fingers, and asked him "viciously", "Then do you want to stay with me now, or go to Gao Yuanyuan's?"

Bai Anliang said nothing, his actions spoke for everything.

Just drank deer penis wine, he is hot now~
Carry the person directly, the next stop is the bedroom.

However, looking at the exquisite wooden bed in the bedroom, Bai Anliang hesitated.

"This bed in your house is made of wood?"

"Leave it alone!"

Bai Anliang glanced at the bed helplessly: You are going to suffer a lot~——

A dull sound made Gao Yuanyuan, who was sitting on the bed watching the drama, almost jumped up in fright.

earthquake? !

But after taking off the earphones, she found that there was no subsequent shaking. It took a few seconds for her to realize that it seemed to be the movement upstairs.

Frowning, crazy!What time is it and there's such a big commotion?
The upstairs seems to be newly moved in, and it has been renovated before. Fortunately, she was filming outside at that time, so she was not disturbed by the decoration.

What the hell is going on now?
Such a big commotion, tear down the house? !

Although she was a little dissatisfied, Gao Yuanyuan was not prepared to come to the door to question her.

But a few minutes later, the expression on her face was that of helplessness. This movement can't stop, can it? !

The upstairs will not really be decorated there at night, will it?
OK!I will endure!I'll see when you get it.

After more than an hour, Gao Yuanyuan's expression was dull, as if she had lost her ability to think.
They even started to follow the rhythm upstairs, and subconsciously began to nod... as if they were beating the beat.

One thing to say, although she didn't know what was going on upstairs, she still had a sense of rhythm.


In the end, the expression on his face gradually turned into anger!

Give you a face!

Immediately got up and changed clothes, and then put on a mask. He rushed upstairs aggressively.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Huh? Is there someone knocking on the door?" Bai Anliang asked a little strangely.

He vaguely did hear someone knocking on the door.

But it's a pity that Li Xiaoran couldn't give him any answer, she is a little semi-conscious now.

Man, presumably awake, but with a blank mind, subconsciously opening his mouth and rolling his eyes
In this situation, Bai Anliang became a little sober.

If it goes on like this, it may mean that people will be tossed into the hospital.
And the remains of that wooden bed~
He said that this thing is not strong~
Now it's all right, it just collapsed.

Go back and buy a bed to compensate Li Xiaoran, and replace her with a strong enough one~
Hmm. Solder one for her with rebar?
Hastily patted himself on the head, Bai Anliang felt that he couldn't mess around anymore.

I don't know whether it was the effect of the deer penis wine, or he just "came crazy with wine" and became a wave of intensity.

Perhaps accidentally, the "heyday moment" was opened~
When he got dressed and came out of the bedroom to the living room, Gao Yuanyuan who was standing outside the door was already very impatient.

She vowed to kick each other's ass hard with the heel of her leather shoes!

There are all kinds of strong speeches in my mind.

"If you do this again, I will call the police!", "Renovation in the middle of the night, are you insane?", "Can you be a little civic-minded?", "."

However, when the door finally opened, she subconsciously said, "Hello, is your home under renovation?"

The voice is gentle and the tone is gentle, which makes people feel very comfortable, like a spring breeze.

Gao Yuanyuan: I really hate myself for being so worthless~
He obviously wanted to be ruthless, but when things came to an end, he still couldn't be ruthless.

However, after saying this, Gao Yuanyuan did not get a reply for a long time.

After a few seconds, she raised her head and finally found Bai Anliang looking at her with a smile.
"Why are you?!"

"Why can't it be me?"

"No. You moved here to live?" Gao Yuanyuan said in a tone of surprise and joy.

"Guess wrong, I'm just here as a guest, this is not my house, by the way, why did you come here?"

"You're still talking. I heard the constant noise upstairs, so noisy that I couldn't sleep"

After discovering that it was Bai Anliang, Gao Yuanyuan felt much more at ease. While complaining, she craned her neck and looked into the room.

It seems to want to see whose house this is.

But it's a pity that Li Xiaoran is still recovering blood in the bedroom at this time. She may have fallen asleep, and when the door is closed, she can't see anything.

"It's too loud, isn't it? The sound insulation quality upstairs and downstairs is quite poor."

Bai Anliang is also planning to buy a house recently.

If you take this aspect into consideration, you still have to buy a villa.

Normal commercial housing may indeed not be able to meet some of his needs.

"Are you alone?" Gao Yuanyuan still couldn't hold back, and asked proactively.

"No, there is another one sleeping in it, would you like to come in and have a sit?" Bai Anliang warmly invited, as if this was his home.

If he doesn't invite, maybe Gao Yuanyuan really wants to go in and have a look
But when he said that, it made people feel embarrassed to go in.

Gao Yuanyuan tilted her head and thought for a while, "Isn't it convenient. This is not your house, by the way, when are you leaving?"

"I was going to leave right away, now I will leave tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning? Where do you live?" Gao Yuanyuan asked in surprise.

While changing his shoes, Bai Anliang replied, "Is it convenient to live at your house?"

"Uh, how come?"

How to say~
It's just... weird.

It seemed that I didn't understand anything, and was taken back in a daze.

After Bai Anliang entered Gao Yuanyuan's house, she wouldn't have a chance to ask any more questions.

The excitement of deer whip wine hasn’t worn off yet! ——
the next day.

"What do you want to eat in the morning? I'll buy it for you."

Gao Yuanyuan was a little sleepy, "Just buy a bowl of wontons, by the way, no coriander or spicy, just buy two buns."

"Okay then, I'll be back later."


Li Xiaoran upstairs got up very early.

After exercising, people sleep very steadily, and when they wake up naturally, they will feel refreshed.

So does she.

At seven o'clock in the morning, I woke up and took a shower.

I was just brushing my teeth and looking at the completely collapsed bed in my bedroom, feeling speechless for a while.

What a broken bed, the carvings are very beautiful, and it will break when you touch it.

Hmm. In the future, I can ask Bai Anliang to buy another one, a bigger and stronger one.


Halfway through brushing his teeth, Li Xiaoran realized, right, where is Bai Anliang?

I ran to the second bedroom and took a look. The quilt was neat.

But just to confirm, she reached into the quilt and touched it to make sure it was cold. Only then did she realize that Bai Anliang should have left last night.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Li Xiaoran opened the door and looked strangely, "Huh?"

"How did you sleep last night?"

"It's okay. You left last night?"

"Yes, there is something to do, but it's nearby, just wake up early and ask what you want for breakfast."

"I'm not used to your thoughtfulness." Li Xiaoran scolded with a smile, her mood improved a lot, and she also felt a little hungry at the same time, "If you want something warm in the morning, buy a bowl of wontons, and buy another one." A fried dumpling, there is a breakfast shop at the gate of the community.”

"Do you want cilantro and chili?"

"Yes! Add it hard!"


ten minutes later.

Bai Anliang gave two "love breakfasts" to the two girls respectively, and felt that he was really a peerless, invincible and warm man.

At the same time, he also said goodbye to the two girls and prepared to leave.

As a result, I had barely taken two steps.
"Bai Anliang, I said I don't want coriander and chili"

"Where's my cilantro and chili? Did you forget?"

The two people who opened the door almost at the same time spoke at the same time.

Up and down, echo each other from afar.

Bai Anliang slapped himself on the forehead.

Give you a chance, you are useless!

Can this horse riding be done wrong?

When it was too late to say it, but then it was too fast, he bared and ran away.

As for the issue of chili and coriander, let her coordinate it by herself~
(End of this chapter)

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