This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 179 is a declaration of ownership

Chapter 179 is a declaration of ownership

Give it a go.

Bai Anliang disappeared immediately.

Seeing that Yiqi Juechen-like movement, regardless of whether it is Gao Yuanyuan or Li Xiaoran, they are a little speechless at this moment.

I didn't understand what was going on at first, but when this guy ran away, he understood everything.

Across the stairs, the two looked at each other up and down.
It was Gao Yuanyuan who took the initiative to speak, and asked in a puzzled tone, "Coriander, pepper?"


Li Xiaoran couldn't hold back a little, and laughed out loud, "Shall we change it?"

". Change it."

Although I really want this bowl of wontons to be slammed on Bai Anliang's head, but since everyone has already run away, food can't be wasted.

When exchanging breakfast, Li Xiaoran and Gao Yuanyuan looked at each other's flushed face, and both spat in their hearts.

They are all big girls, not little girls, who can't understand what's going on.

Bai Anliang, oh Bai Anliang. Treat yourself as the emperor? !What about flopping? !
"Bastard!" X2.

Cursing at the same time again, the two found a tacit understanding between each other.

In other words, the current situation is a little embarrassing.

Do you want to say hello and chat?

After all, we are all in the same circle, we are in the same circle, and now we are neighbors upstairs and downstairs. It seems a little bit unreasonable not to say hello at all.

In fact, if the two of them were men, they could be said to be "comrades who fought in the same trench", a complete kindred spirit.

For women, what should they be called?
Using the same toilet lever?
"That. Let's have dinner together another day." Li Xiaoran said after holding back for a long time.

Gao Yuanyuan nodded blankly, "Oh, I wish you a happy housewarming."

Then, the two looked at each other for a few seconds and remained silent.

"Forget it, come to my house and have breakfast together." Li Xiaoran shrugged helplessly.

"Why don't you come to my house, isn't your house under renovation?"

"Renovation?" Li Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, is there any?

But she responded quickly, "Ah yes, let's go to your house."

After saying this, she regretted a little. Do you have to eat this breakfast together?Do you still have to make this friend today?

As a result, after entering the door of Gao Yuanyuan's house, the first thing I saw was the somewhat dirty school uniform on the sofa.
It's not the dusty kind, that's right. It looks wrinkled and sticky as if you wiped something with it.

Li Xiaoran:
You two, you had a great time~——
The annual meeting of Baiwu Film and Television. Compared with other film and television companies, it is extraordinarily unique.

Of course, there will be no reporters or the like at the annual meeting.

It's purely an internal company activity.

Hmm. The biggest feature is that there are a lot of men.

When a whole five tables of macho men in black gathered together, no matter what Bai Anliang said on the stage, they all cheered wildly, that scene.
To be honest, where is the annual meeting of a film and television company?

This horse riding cover is the scene of a large club gathering.

This put a lot of psychological pressure on some insiders who came to join in the show.

The aura of the gang of macho men simply broke through the sky.

It was the first time for many people to see all the members of Baiwumen together~
Even the few juniors who were sent overseas by Bai Anliang rushed back, focusing on a neat and tidy one.

But it made this very festive annual meeting full of murderous intent.

"Bai is always capable. Famous is worse than meeting"

"Who is this?"

When Yu Dong appeared in front of Bai Anliang with two people, he recognized the director Chen Kexin at a glance.

Although I haven't dealt with them much, Chen Kexin is also a well-known director in Xiangjiang after all.

As for the other one, it was a bit unfamiliar.

At this time, the other party introduced himself with a smile on his face, "My humble Wu Kebo, Chairman of Cheng Tian Entertainment"

Cheng Tian?

Bai Anliang was stunned for a moment, isn't that Wang Jinghua's next family, why did he come to his company's annual meeting.

He gave Yu Dong a slightly puzzled look, because he brought the person here.
Yu Dong immediately explained, "Boss Wu and Director Chen want to talk to you about a movie. Don't you happen to have no film appointment for next year?"

"Male number one?" Bai Anliang didn't like nonsense, so he asked directly.

If the script is good and the money is in place, he certainly won't refuse.

At present, Baiwu Film and Television does not have a detailed plan for the next movie. It would be good to go out and make some other movies to make some money.

"Uh, male number two."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Anliang lost all interest.

If he isn't number one, why are you looking for him?Could it be that he has a face that is easy to bully, making people feel that he can help others carry sedan chairs?
Isn't it because Bai Anliang has played villains in the "Slaying the Wolf" series, these people think he likes to act as a supporting role?

Chen Kexin's reaction was quite quick. Seeing Bai Anliang frown, he immediately added, "The number one male is Li Link."

Bai Anliang:
That's not impossible to talk about.

Although everyone thinks that Bai Anliang is a dick now, it is obvious that he is not at the level of Li Lianlian.

Even he himself admits it.

If Li Lian was the number one male, it would be reasonable to ask him to be the number two male. There is no such thing as a pretentious behavior of carrying a sedan chair.

"Although Cheng Tian Entertainment has just been established, we have abundant funds"

Although he really wanted to interrupt Wu Kebo's bragging behavior, but for the sake of Li Lian's name, Bai Anliang patiently listened to him beeping for a while.

After he finished playing, Chen Kexin finally introduced the situation of the movie to Bai Anliang.

Unsurprisingly, it is the "Certificate of Fame". The plot of the story is based on the assassination case, one of the four strange cases in the late Qing Dynasty.

As for why he came to Bai Anliang?

Chen Kexin is quite honest.

Martial arts!

The tone of this movie is blue-gray, and it does not play any violent aesthetics, but strives for realism, without avoiding blood, yellow sand, and blood.

The dazzling and shocking visual display of violence makes people have an instinctive aversion to violence.

Trying to highlight the cruelty and horror of war.

So here comes the question, who is the most violent actor and crew in the industry right now?
Bai Anliang: I warn you!I sue you for slander!Don't talk nonsense, we are all law-abiding citizens in the Hyakuwu Sect.
But he looked back at his juniors
Hmm. How is that not a law-abiding citizen?
It's just a bit more murderous.

"Director Chen wants to capture the realism of the battlefield?"

"Yes, regarding this aspect, I think the team in China that is best at this is your Bai Jia Ban. Even if you don't want to play the second male lead, I would like to ask Bai Jia Ban for help with martial arts instruction."

Having said all this, Bai Anliang's answer is of course:

"I'll think about it."

It was Silly Cup who agreed on the spot.

Is "Certificate of Fame" a good movie?

of course.

But Bai Anliang is not just an actor, he will not agree to everything just because the book is good.

The salary, the number of roles, and the personality of the characters all need to be finalized.

If he remembered correctly, "Certificate of Voting" should have lost money.

Hmm. Lee Link is overpaid.

In my impression, it seems to be a salary of [-] million yuan?
It directly set a record for domestic entertainment remuneration.

If it weren't for Bai Anliang's lack of confidence to play Li Lian's role well, he really wanted to follow up: How about we kick Li Lian and let me play the male lead.

On-site production cost half.

But less than half is still a loss.
"Mr. Yu, do you also want to have a hand in this movie? Participate in the production?" After Wu Kebo and Chen Kexin left, Bai Anliang asked directly without hiding it.

Yu Dong nodded, his face flushed, "Many big companies participated in the production of this movie."

"Such a high cost."

"It is really difficult to recover the cost by relying on the domestic market, so we need to use Li Link, aiming at the international market." Yu Dong explained.

international market
Now domestic directors seem to be thinking about this thing, no wonder the investment in movies is getting higher and higher. Without the concept of the international market, the investment can't be pulled.

"Boss Bai, do you want to?"

"Forget it, I don't have any money." Bai Anliang resolutely refused, "But it depends on the overall face, it's not a problem to act."

"That would be great!"

"Can I ask for a salary of 2000 million?" Bai Anliang asked shamelessly.

He is not greedy, just take a fraction of Li Link.

Didn't you just say that Li Link asked for [-] million yuan, and finally wiped out the zeros, and only charged [-] million yuan.

He wants to erase the part~
Yu Dong:.
"That, Boss Bai, your market price hasn't reached that high yet~"

"Then how much are you going to give me?" Bai Anliang said a little annoyed.

Damn it, can't you kill someone who has taken advantage of you? !

"Ten million, I guess that's the number."

"Eighteen million, is there any play?"

Yu Dong:.
Understood, whether or not to accept this drama depends on the salary, right?
Shaking his head helplessly, Yu Dong said, "Let me help you fight for it."

It's comfortable now.

"Certificate of Fame" can only be regarded as a small episode for Bai Anliang.

It doesn't really matter whether he participates in this project or not.

If people are really willing to give him a high salary, it would be no problem to partner with the Kung Fu Emperor in the past.

It happened to take a close look at how Li Lian, a pure martial artist, performed literary dramas, and secretly learned his skills.

If you don't give it, then pull it down.

In the first half of the company's annual meeting, there was still a taste of the Vanity Fair.

By the second half, the irrelevant people had already left, and the rest were all our own people.

At this time, I felt much more at ease.

Bai Anliang even took off his suit, and started cooking and drinking, rarely caring about his image.

In the future, it may not be so neat every year that all the juniors and juniors get together
At any time, as the career grows bigger and bigger, and the juniors are also getting busy under his arrangement, with the development of all parties, there will always be various things that hinder the pace.

So taking advantage of the fact that they can still get together neatly now, it is natural to cherish such a time.
"It's so lively~ I'm not late, am I?"

Are you late?
How could such words come out of your mouth
If Fan Xiaopang comes a little later, everyone can go out for supper to start the second round.

However, Bai Anliang suspects that this woman may have arrived long ago, so she has been waiting in the car, right?

Because 5 minutes ago, Da Tiantian had just reluctantly said goodbye to Bai Anliang, and the exam was due in two days, she had to keep fit, she didn't dare to stay up late, and went to bed early every day.
As a result, as soon as Da Tiantian left, Fan Xiaopang arrived on time.

Bai Anliang turned his head to look at the remaining employees at the annual meeting, wondering which one was Fan Xiaopang's "spy".

Someone tipped off the cliff.

Hmm. Yang Tianzhen is the most suspected one.

I heard that she was very close to Fan Xiaopang.
"It's not too late, come on, sit down." Bai Anliang greeted.

Fan Xiaopang was a little surprised, "Where am I sitting, you don't have a place here."

In the end, Bai Anliang crossed his legs and patted his thigh, which made it obvious.

His original intention was not so unrestrained. After all, there were many people at the annual meeting, but Fan Xiaopang's actions were so decisive that it was hard to imagine.

He really sat on Bai Anliang's lap.

It's very face-saving to say something.

But yeah~
Sensing the strange eyes around him, Bai Anliang was somewhat puzzled.

Why is this woman getting more and more courageous?
"Are you really sitting?"

"Uh-huh, you asked me to sit down~" Fan Xiaopang smiled lightly at him, and even deliberately twisted and rubbed against Bai Anliang's thigh. The feeling was incredible.

She has nothing to be ashamed of.

Who in the circle still doesn't know that she has followed Bai Anliang?

So what if it's under a big audience?

It's a declaration of ownership.
Of course, this was when Da Tiantian was not present.
If that little girl was really still here, Fan Xiaopang might not be able to sit down no matter what.

Because the ghost knows if Princess Fuguihua will make troubles on the spot after seeing this scene to make her unable to step down.

This is the same as messing around in the rivers and lakes. When you come out to mess around, the most fearful thing is to be stunned.

Especially the kind of stunned youth with background and strength.
But after sitting on Bai Anliang's lap, Fan Xiaopang really didn't hesitate at all.

I helped him pour wine and even fed him fruit. His actions were so natural. It seemed like it should be like this.

In the end, Bai Anliang was the first to be unable to hold back.

"I'm going to the toilet, you get up first."

Fan Xiaopang blinked at him, and leaned against his ear, "Are you in a hurry?"

"It's very urgent. If I don't go, I'm going to pee my pants."


Rolling her eyes, she can be regarded as giving Bai Anliang a break, stood up leisurely, and went to chat with some people.

"Boss is a bit exaggerated~"

Hearing Qin Lan's "kind" reminder, Bai Anliang seemed a little helpless, "Then next time you move faster, sit on my lap first, and don't give her a chance."

Qin Lan blushed, "I don't want to do this kind of thing. I want face. There are so many people here."

"Look, this is where you are inferior to her. Do you think anyone here feels ashamed of her actions just now?"

Bai Anliang walked to the toilet and gave Qin Lan a "lesson".

She recalled it a bit, um... how should I put it~ It seems that she really didn't notice any contemptuous eyes.

"A woman's characteristics are actually like water. She can be strong and stand alone, but if she is soft and puts her body down, no one will think that this is not a good advantage in this aspect. She has used it to the extreme."

"Tough? Does she have it?"

"You'll know later, why don't you learn a little bit and put down your body to help me?"


"Then don't follow me in, this is the men's room."

"Oh oh oh"

(End of this chapter)

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